Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pop goes The 4th

Austin's Tommy gives (or is that gets) the Pop today courtesy Ray Donovan.

Tommy schedules a meeting for Ray in a preview for Sunday's new episode of #RayDonovan: -- AUS10

Hope everyone here in the U.S. had a great Independence Day!

How about those fireworks!

 Boston Strong


  1. Morning my friends,
    Watching the gorgeous Austin again, right now, on Ray Donovan. I love every second of this new show...been waiting for it too long.
    All the actors are fantastic! Back soon to read and read. Missing everyone here.

  2. Liev was just on Live with Kelly & Michael and they just showed the new clip with Liev and Austin.

  3. I know its totally off topic, but I am totally fascinated by the whole Henry & Kaley showmance. It's just unbelievable to me that so much effort still gets put into these things. I wonder if it has as much to do with the foreign market as anything, where more and more movies make the big money.

    I really hate that movies anymore are driven by what they think will sell elsewhere, more and more the American audience seems like an afterthought.

  4. Hey Tom, I for one never eat cheese on my turkey or veggie burgers (don't eat beef). I really don't like the way "meat" and cheese taste together.

  5. the whole Henry & Kaley showmance

    Wishful thinking

  6. I know its totally off topic, but I am totally fascinated by the whole Henry & Kaley showmance. It's just unbelievable to me that so much effort still gets put into these things. I wonder if it has as much to do with the foreign market as anything, where more and more movies make the big money.

    I think that's a great question, Destiny. Austin tweeted an article a while back about the future of independent films and in the article it mentioned how the money grosses for films has shifted from American markets to foreign markets.

    21 Feb 12
    Film Lovers. Check out this great speech by Graham Taylor about the future of movies.--------> The money is in the foreign markets?

    Is this bearding about American audiences? Is it about old Hollywood and their controlling, ancient attitudes? Is it about the money of the foreign movie audiences? Great idea for speculation.

    Regarding these fake relationships, I think online active people are definitely more savvy than they used to be. All you have to do is look at the comment sections, particularly on the Just Jared post about Henry and his new companion. They're riddled with winks and questioning of the validity of their relationship.

    People have been catching onto Jake and his history ever since the Taylor Swift debacle. The increasing track record of drive-through fauxmances with mystery gals, students, and now models are really attracting a lot of higher scrutiny.
