Monday, August 12, 2013

6th Sense

Hard to believe it was today that OMG got ready got set and went forth or sixth as the case may be.
 "Jake seriously, I don't think that's what they had in mind 
when they said beard."
Overheard in Chilmark 

I was told when we started that OMG wouldn't last a year and now 6 years and 2188 posts ( with 314 Out Spotlights) later we are still here and still talking about our favorite pair. Who knew?

And during that time we've kept talking about two fellas who found each other and the rest is history.

We have talked, discussed, sometimes argued, theorized, discovered, uncovered, and shared.  Yeah, sometimes we get lost in the flotsam and jetsam of the shenanigans but then you remember the reason that this all began.

People have come and gone,  some came back,  new people joined in, and some have hung in all this time. A big thanks to everyone who has come and come back and hung in there.

  And along the way a community was formed. 

Over the years, there have been new jobs, new homes, layoffs, loves and losses, hellos and good-byes. And there have been new friendships, and trips, and get-togethers, and emails, and text message, online chats, and phone calls that close the gap of the thousands of miles we are spread over.  And yeah, there have been challenges, crisis, and sometimes failure but more often success and friends who are there to help and to share. 

Those are the important things.  Those are the things to remember.

But no worries one day Godot will come,  and we will still have plenty to talk about.

Just like the day OMG started, we're here and we're staying. 

Thanks to everyone for making OMG's 6th Birthday happen. Couldn't have done it without all of you.

Happy Birthday OMG!


  1. **applause! applause**

    Just like the day OMG started, we're here and we're staying.

    Hear, hear!!!! Happy Birthday, OMG!!!

    Well done, Special. Well done. Love the pictures. Love your words.

    The only thing I'm left with twirly coat picture??!!!! Waah!!

  2. Goodness. I never would have guessed that much time has passed. It's been wonderful and I cant tell you how much I enjoy the friendships that I made here. Much thanks are owed to Special for finding the energy to post every single day! To make us laugh and to keep us glued together. I plan to be here forever. Even when Jake comes out, we can follow and comment on his newly open life with Austin and the family.

  3. As the real m said... it's hard to imagine that much time has passed. It's been a wild ride and will continue to be, no doubt in my mind anyhow.

    So many good friends here with varying opinions on so many things to do with Jake and Austin, as well as on life, coming out, freedom etc.

    I've always loved coming here and will continue to do so. Special has created a wonderful place to gather and have at it. Thanks to the many players, past, present and future who will add to this great ensemble. In time we will witness more of the truth and be here for the revelation.

    Congratulations to OMG and to all those who have contributed to this steadfast and outstanding blog.

  4. Happy anniversary OMG. Love this place. Lots of ups and downs but still a lot of fun. Good people. Looking forward to getting together again. Thanks SK.

  5. Congratulations and thank you for six years of daily posts Special. It really is a great community here at OMG, through thick and thin, good and bad.

  6. Are those supposed to be six geese a-laying? LOLLLLL!

    What a wonderful milestone for you, Special. Extraordinary posts for so many years, including the always informative "Out Spotlights." Regardless of our opinions and perspectives, we somehow know why we still are here and that is to celebrate the love of these two guys who continue to fascinate and frustrate.

    Through it all, Special's class and patience have never wavered nor has her commitment to the free flow of ideas, setting an example for us all and helping us retain that sense of community and camaraderie for so many years. I agree that forever sounds about right when it comes to continuing our journey into the future. I look forward to sharing thoughts with everyone and always look forward to Special's unique posts that provide us with a framework for discussion every single day.

  7. I bet Jake is in England. When there are a lot of distractions, Jake likes to slip off to somewhere else.

  8. Even when I go months without posting, I am always checking in and reading your witty posts and Out Spotlights. Thanks, SpecialK!

  9. IHJ has Jake visiting a medical center today so dont know how he could be in England. That would be a good 12 to 14 hr flight, non stop.

  10. Happy 6th Birthday to OMG!

  11. "IHJ has Jake visiting a medical center today so dont know how he could be in England. That would be a good 12 to 14 hr flight, non stop."

    It was yesterday, although I highly doubt Jake would fly to England when there are other places in the USA he could go and fly under the radar. It's Mid August, promo for Prisoners begins soon and not to mention Jake's other film committments.

  12. Happy birthday OMG.

    Jake will be soon very busy with Prisoners and Enemy. Afterwards he can get rid of the beard and live his life in peace.

    Glad to see Jake walk Atticus; however, where is Boo Radley? Funny how we were talking about Atticus a few days ago. What a coincidence!

    I Spy, Jake will be in London in a month, will not he? Since he lost the ITW part he has no other reason to go to London.

    Admittedly, I have become disenchanted with Jake lately. I hate his shenanigans and I do not even feel like watching his movies. All I can see is the face of a liar. I will probably wait for his movies to come out on Blu-Ray, I have in no rush to watch them.

    Despite of everything I love coming back to OMG. Special has such a good eye for everything, and the Spotligh posts are incredidly inspiring. I appreciate the effort moderating the posts, too. I can only imagine the hours you must spent deleting ---.

  13. Happy anniversary! I am glad you are still doing the Out Spotlight.

  14. Who cares what you think?August 13, 2013 at 6:14 PM

    "Admittedly, I have become disenchanted with Jake lately. I hate his shenanigans and I do not even feel like watching his movies. All I can see is the face of a liar. I will probably wait for his movies to come out on Blu-Ray, I have in no rush to watch them."

    However will Jake go on in his career now?

  15. The same way he has been the last couple of years. With a smaller and smaller fan base. At least until he comes out and is honest with people.

  16. Austin posts his address on social media?

  17. The same way he has been the last couple of years. With a smaller and smaller fan base.

    The small and and getting smaller fan base you're talking about is right here. Are you aware of this small peice of info? The vast majority of fans or (non-fans/but simply movie goers) could care less about the rumors or his personal life, although he plays the same Publicity stunts that "ALL" HW celebs do, good or bad, like it or not.

  18. Once again Special, thank you for your picture selection and for your fine talents as a host and moderator.

    Happy 6th Birthday to all friends here at OhMyGodot !

  19. If the number of fans who care less is so small per publicity, she would not be here following every word we say 24/7.
