Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Turns the investigating table this time.

 A little way back to the first of Austin two appearances on CSI. 

 His first guest spot was on the original CSI in Sounds of Silence as Adam Walkey in 2001.

And then he was back on CSI Miami in 2006 as Patrick Wilder.

Wonder if Caruso taught him the sunglasses thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Did not mean anything offensive by the term "fan fiction" in fact as I recall some regular posters even write fan fiction - am I mistaken? It was an honest question. I guess the answer is "no" though nobody directly said that. My participation here is admittedly sporadic and I know I've missed a lot of discussion over the years.

    I can honestly say I see no actual evidence - real or circumstantial - from any of the discussion I have gone back and read that there is more than one child, or that there is a serious ongoing marriage between Jake and Austin. If the evidence is there, I just don't see it. This would not be the first time I don't see something that is there, and that's exactly why I felt I had to ask - is this somewhat fan fiction, or are you dead serious and I am missing something? I try to keep an open mind about things, and I honestly don't have any agenda.

    And I don't harbor any delusions that I would be missed by you if I quit posting here, PrarieGirl.

  3. There are some people on OMG who believe Jake and Austin have only one child, some feel they have more than one, and some think they are together and but don't have any.

    We can all exist in the same space, it can be all good in the OMG hood.

    Now, why I think they have more than one child. I think that both of them wanted to fathers and think both of them wanted the opportunity to father a child. After hearing that there was swirl of both of them for Baby Tile, there is little doubt that after they knew who biologically fathered, the other would be for their next child.

    Also they weren't only children, they had a sibling, and I think they would want the same for their child too.

    Jake had said in interviews way back at the age of twenty he want many kids I think no less than three. I can them saying if they want three, the need to have four to keep it even.

    I could get into all the Ted clues etc, but if you wanted to boiled down to the basics- for me this is where I start from.

  4. I'm going to add that I do think there are several children, as well. If you've followed the Jake and Austin story here long enough, and read many of the in-depth, very clever sleuthing done here at OMG, there are lots of circumstantial and smoking gun hard evidence compiled over the years. People can choose to ignore the clues, but there have been so many assembled and presented here, including the most recent "niece" sighting in Los Angeles at the end of May that the evidence points in the direction of Jake and Austin being fathers several times over. Never mind the sudden appearance of two Audi Q7 vehicles in May 2010. That actually was the final clue that sealed the deal for me.

    An argument also has been made here that Jake and Austin got married in June 2008, because there was a window of opportunity due to the ban on same sex marriage being ruled unconstitutional by a California judge, and right before Jake took off for England to film PoP. I thought it was an interesting theory, but then when I read the interview where Jake said, "he was speaking as a married man" I'm on board with that theory now too. It probably explains why he never married Reese because given his bearding and career ambitions that is what most gay men have done in Hollywood. In fact, he said the statement right after Reeke was finished so I can see Jake rebelling and floating out a provocative aside, to just be ornery.

    For me, the term fan fiction has a dismissive undertone to it. Maybe that's why Prairie Girl was touchy, but I'll let her speak for herself. I'm a twenty something member of the 1D fandom and I have seen how Modest! Management deals with the Larry rumors. Including ridiculing those who believe that Harry and Louis are boyfriends. Accusing us of being looney fangirls who write kinky sexcapades of fanfiction. So I know I'm sensitive to anyone who tries to shut people down because of what they see with their own two eyes. Jake and Austin have been more clever, but I think there are still together, raising a family. That's all I have to say, but that's what I think. Whether they will own up and come out, I have no idea. Frankly, I'm rooting for Harry and Louis to be trailblazers in that arena.

    By the way Methodical Muser, I love you avatar. Nice to know you support the boys too! :-)

  5. ^I love your avatar.

  6. Thank you, Special, for your personal thoughts. It adds a lot to the discussion because with these things it is not hard evidence that answers the questions - the hard evidence is completely hidden or eliminated if it surfaces, of course (with a few exceptions). So there is a lot of speculation and connecting dots. I realize that and am not requiring baby pictures, you know? ;) I do think there is a kid. I take Ted at his word for the most part. I cant think of any of his other blinds that have not been correct. Because I take Ted at his word when it comes to Toothy, I know his relationship with Austin is on/off and not super smooth, which is typical of any Hollywood relationship, but with them you have to add the stress of the closet on top of it too. Two closets. Plus hiding kid(s). And occasional bearding. It's almost unfathomable.

  7. Ted has given many clues that there is more than one child. There was that "Pigs in a Blanket" blind in 2009 and when someone wrote in asking if there was a second Baby Tile he used the phrase 'FAMILY TILE is “CONSTANTLY” EXPANDING IN MANY WAYS'. He's given other clues, but those come to mind.

  8. You are sharp, Larry Shipper. And I say that because you have retained what has been brought forth on here. And because you follow Louis & Harry, you know allll about the deception that is put over on the fans. I don't really follow Larry too closely but I am made very aware of the similarities between them and Jaustin through other fans, M&M being one of them. I'm made aware whether I want to hear it or not!!!

    BWAHAHAHH!!!!! snicker. She'll kill me for that one. lol. You & her would get along famously and have a ton to talk about. I like them - and I agree - hopefully they're going to be a trailblazer together. It's kind of sounding that way, isn't it?

    I think some take great consolation and encouragement through Larry because it sounds to me like Louis and Harry at least try to buck the system. They throw out signs of fighting back and pushing the envelope when they can. Jake & Austin don't do that. They've pretty much done nothing for the past several years except roll over again & again. And again. lol. Ah, to be a follower of a pair of old dinosaurs.

  9. An argument also has been made here that Jake and Austin got married in June 2008, because there was a window of opportunity due to the ban on same sex marriage being ruled unconstitutional by a California judge,

    Confidential marriages exist in California so it's certainly possible.

  10. BWAHAHAHH!!!!! snicker. She'll kill me for that one. lol. You & her would get along famously and have a ton to talk about. I like them - and I agree - hopefully they're going to be a trailblazer together. It's kind of sounding that way, isn't it?

    Rumor is that Louis will dump that fake girlfriend of his before the end of the year. That's the first step. But, I do believe these boys are very much in love and devoted to one another.

  11. You never know, though. They've surprised a few times. They could surprise again somewhere down the road.

    I always hope.

  12. Rumor is that Louis will dump that fake girlfriend of his before the end of the year. That's the first step.

    A ha! Blind Gossip. I saw that one. That would be so exciting to read as a Larry fan. There are some rumors of promising times ahead. I cross my fingers because I think it would be great.

    The signs of children for Jake & Austin have been many. I believe somebody has assembled roughly about 60 clues actually, and they have been put together in a document. It really is astounding when you realize how many there have been.

    And yeah, there have been a few pictures where a few of us have strong feelings that we've actually seen BT. Of course, it cannot be confirmed 100% but you look at the circumstances and behaviors surrounding the situation and I can certainly see the likelihood and/or high probability.

  13. speaking of blind gossipAugust 7, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    [Hollywood Street King] It’s no secret that this 41-year-old national morning talk show host is a former NFL player, but what you may not know is his beard lives in the Bel Air home he bought — while our blind item is secretly shacking up with with his ‘Celebrity Fitness Club’ BFF [Dr. Ian Smith] in a New York City condo.

    Sources say our blind item’s ‘Hollywood Exes’ beard is no stranger to his bromance lifestyle. Know why? Because she’s doing nothing different from when she shared ex-hubby Eddie Murphy with Johnny Gill. Don’t believe me.. Just ask our mystery man’s ex-wife, Jean Muggli.

    You may recall Muggli spilled the beans during their divorce, back in 2006 — telling how he cheated with another man, while they were married.

    Almost all the guesses are Michael Strahan

  14. By the way Methodical Muser, I love you avatar. Nice to know your support the boys too! :-)

    Why thank you. Yes, I'm excited for Harry and Louis too. They are great young men who would be tremendous role models for so many people. Plus, their kind of love should never be caged up or bound. It should be shared with the world to remind us all what's worth fighting for.

    Looks like you have a good grasp of Baby Tile clues over the years too. There is no doubt that Larry believers have keen eyes and ears. You know when you're being lied to and understand the strategies applied to keep the love that dare not speak its name from becoming mainstream.

  15. I don't really follow Larry too closely but I am made very aware of the similarities between them and Jaustin through other fans, M&M being one of them. I'm made aware whether I want to hear it or not!!!
    BWAHAHAHH!!!!! snicker. She'll kill me for that one. lol.

    I'm just trying to keep you informed regarding current events and remind you that dreams still can come true.

    Jake and Austin are a couple of old fogies in comparison.
