Monday, August 26, 2013

Message Received

Austin was tweeting and Jake was seen.  Each said something loud and clear.

Tommy loves who he loves. That's kinda beautiful. - AUS10

Both saying something different but as always - all things connect. 

We got it.  Message Received.


  1. Nice tweet from Austin. One of those rare anymore toe dips into the pool.

  2. I got the message that Alyssa looks pregnant

  3. Both Jake and Alyssa are over it. Jake has been over it from the beginning.

    And good for Austin!

  4. I guess the troll has never been in love. Has no clue what it looks like. Here's a hint. Look at the Lakers photos. Look at the Day After photos. Look at any photo of Jake and Austin when they are in the same room. You cant fake the glow. The result of hightened blood flow from attraction.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Person at 18:42, why don't you try re-posting your comment but this time, make up a name? You can't use Anonymous.

    I'm sorry but we really need to stop re-posting the Anon comments. I don't know how you can lurk on OMG and not know by now that you can't post Anonymous. Somebody's gotta put the foot down on this, may as well be me, lol. My patience wears out.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Blogger Special K said...
    Thought it was interesting that she was a friend of Rock Hudson's. There was a community within HW for those in the closet back then. Just like there is now.


    Like George Clooney and Sandra Bullock.

  8. D ‏@douchewaffled 2h

    jake gyllenhaal is a hot dad

    7:15 PM - 26 Aug 13 · Details
