Thursday, August 8, 2013

Missed 'em by that much

.... or is that just by whisker?

The buzz is still going about Jake almost running into Reese in the parking lot after her hair 'do appointment and that gets the wheels of inspiration  working.

If there's so much buzz about Jake missing Reese,  what would happen if  he started missing all the ladies linked to him?

Walking past Jenny Lewis at a Ke$ha concert in Calabasas 

Two cars behind Kiki at a White Castle in Cherry Hill NJ.

Barely missing Jen Aniston at a Camo pants launch party at Kitson.

Missing Natalie by minutes at organic kale cooking class in Brooklyn

Walking out as Rashida was walking for a Mod Squad marathon at the Arclight.

He and Minka in different beer lines on a Friday Night at Fenway Park

Missing Katie Holmes at a Martha Stewart Scrapbooking workshop

Checking out while Emily D was walking at a Jockey Outlet Store in Paramus.

and  Taylor at a creative writing workshop at the Univ of Rhode Island extension school.


  1. We are pretty sure the boys used a surrogate, at least once. Jake was seen carrying an early photo believed to be a sonogram. And we know they swirled the juice the first time too. Beyond that is just speculation. I think anything goes if you want kids so anything is possible. I am sure they could find a surrogate willing to bear more than one child given their financial resources if they wanted them to have shared DNA.

  2. If you remember, they used an egg donor and a different surrogate to carry their baby. They had really thought through what they wanted to do. And they could have used the same egg donor for all their children.

    Since they were using an IVF process (eggs fertilized in the lab) they could have had all the eggs fertilized and then frozen and then use different surrogates over the years. There is also a chance for multiples with IVF since they need to implant several eggs to ensure success.

    I don't think they were thinking about the plan for having children based on splitting up. I think they were planning on having a family together. When you love someone you love the things about them, want to have a children with them and see those things about them in your children. Wouldn't Austin want to see one of his children with Jake's blue eyes and dimples, and Jake want a little one with Austin's curls and adorable smile?

  3. I often wonder about that photo of Jake looking at the sonogram. It totally convinced me that Jake and Austin were having a child. That hasn't changed. What I think about is how and why the photo was taken. Was it really just some pap who got lucky and got the pic or was it a planned photo op. Those times were different for Jake but sometimes I think he had already learned how to use a photo to make a statement. I remember seeing a picture of Jake, Kristin Dunst and Chris that sure looked like a photo op. I am just not sure what the photos of the early years meant. I now believe all photos serve a purpose and don't happen by accident.

  4. If you remember, they used an egg donor and a different surrogate to carry their baby. They had really thought through what they wanted to do. And they could have used the same egg donor for all their children.

    ^^ OK Special, Is this a Proven FACT?

  5. I don't think even Ted had that detailed information. So unless Special was the surrogate I think her statement is just wishful thinking.

  6. What kind of father is this? in drugs or stinking drunk at bestAugust 9, 2013 at 11:20 AM

  7. We're supposed to think Austin is in NYC at the Bowery while Jake is in LA? Convenient.

    Austin looks hot in that photo. Well, naturally.

    Newsflash 11:20am... Parents do go out and have a good time and drink sometimes. Shocking, but true. I'm a parent, I know ;) No one has called CPS on me yet.

    You don't cease to exist as your own person when you become a parent. You don't suddenly stop having friends, or having a fun time.

  8. #tbt = means "throwback Thursday" meaning the picture is old.

    #tbt "Refers to ‘Throwback Thursday,’ the weekly Twitter tradition where users post photos from a ‘while’ ago on their timelines."

  9. Parents have responsibilities, should not hanging out with members of rock bands drunk or high, otherwise they are bad parents ... or they are not parents at all

  10. "If you remember, they used an egg donor and a different surrogate to carry their baby. They had really thought through what they wanted to do. And they could have used the same egg donor for all their children.

    Since they were using an IVF process (eggs fertilized in the lab) they could have had all the eggs fertilized and then frozen and then use different surrogates over the years. There is also a chance for multiples with IVF since they need to implant several eggs to ensure success."

    Yep - surrogates are rarely the egg donors unless it is really an inside job. There are many reasons for this. You can use Google to find out why if you care. An egg donor is more likely to be a friend. A surrogate is more likely to be hired / paid, like through an agency.

    Also, egg harvesting is a pain in the ass. If they went into surrogacy knowing they might want multiple kids, I would guess they'd have harvested and fertilized several eggs from the same donor all at once and frozen the fertilized embryos with the swirled sperm (assuming they actually swirled their sperm), so the paternity for all the children would be random. It's not a given that Jake and Austin would have tested for paternity, either. Though it might be obvious as the child gets older (or from blood type at the get-go) I wouldn't just assume that they even want to know.

    What if (swirling the sperm) was just Ted-speak for dramatic effect? What if he had that detail wrong? Because there is a more controlled way that Jake and Austin's child / children would be genetically related to both of them. Jake and Austin both have sisters, presumably their full siblings. Full siblings share exactly 50% of their DNA with each other. Say Austin's sister donated the eggs and Jake donated the sperm, the child would therefore share 50% of its DNA with Jake and 25% of its DNA with Austin.

  11. That picture of Austin is from 2008 Kismet. The tag in the tweet was TBT - Throw Back Thursday.

  12. I don't think Ted made that for dramatic effect, and I have heard other gay couples say they have done that at least for their first child.

  13. Parents have responsibilities, should not hanging out with members of rock bands drunk or high, otherwise they are bad parents ... or they are not parents at all

    It must be #jf = "judgemental friday"

    Oh boy. My Dad was in a rock band and I'm pretty sure he was high plenty. I'm also pretty sure he's one of the best Dads in the world.

  14. Musicians should never, ever have children. Parents should have to take pee tests to ensure they don't drink alcohol or smoke pot.

  15. Go home Jack. We can see your through your monkey business.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Here's the deets from Ted way back in 2007

    March 16, 2007

    Stork Stirrings

    Turns out T2, so blab our mutual amigos, plans on swirling up his love juice, right alongside his boyfriend's procreating protein, ya know, putting it in some kinda beaker or toaster, or something, and mixing it around with a donor's eggs, then putting the results into yet another donor to carry the resulting embryo.

    The plan is, Boyfriend Tile will then, legally (and far, far away from pokin' press types like yours truly) be listed as papa—when, in fact, our beloved Tooth just may be the correct daddio.

    Oh, the lengths scaredy-cat cats will go to in order to cover up their preferred meowing ways. So damn silly. Why the hell can't the dudes be more like roarin' hons such as Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels, spouses and partners who are proud of whom they purr 'n' poke at?

  18. no wonder Ted got fired

  19. @friendly advice thanks for letting me know you're a friggin stalker. For the record I have never lived in NYC nor have I stated so, but I spend a fair amount of time there. I won't be stating why because you've just brought to my attention that you are taking careful notes on everything I post. F-ing scary.

  20. Why the hell can't the dudes be more like roarin' hons such as Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels, spouses and partners who are proud of whom they purr 'n' poke at?

    And we all know how THAT turned out. :-(

  21. Baby you're the only fucking scary stalker. Constantly spying on Instagram / ​​twitter accounts of that poor Alyssa girl, and even of her ex-boyfriend! taking note of every her move, even what kind of shoes she wears and if they are the same ones she wore in MV with Jake! As a "parent" You have a lot of time in your hands!

    darling is not diffcult to take note of your "fairy tales", they are obvious as an elephant in a china shop!

  22. Trying to intimidate the new commenters because you know all too well it doesn't work on the old ones? Clever, but not clever enough.

    You can save your breath. I realize you're on the clock and all, but even so, your time is better spent elsewhere. Don't you have Page Six interns to wine and dine or something?

  23. Lainey mini blind todayAugust 9, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    How about a quick one – an award-winning actor was super proud during pride and is seriously considering coming out but was advised against it for now so as not to overshadow the movie. So what if the movie mounts a serious run at being a contender?

  24. Friendly advice - The tone of your message suggests you are incredibly upset with Kismet yet your grammar is exquisite. You do not make spelling mistakes or use abbreviations, either. Most people will lose their ability to write coherently when they are as upset as you seem to be regardless or their level of education. However, your words flow beautifully. Even though I am incredibly offended by the way you are acting towards Kismet, I want to read more of what you write because you write so well. Clearly, you must be somebody who writes and reads so much that it comes natural to them. A teacher maybe? Or a movie writer? Or perhaps you're a thespian just like Jake. Whatever it is, I bet you write for a living.

    So let me tell you something. Nobody here is stalking your son or being malicious to him. On the contrary, we admire him (and his family!) and want to see him do well. Lately things have taken a turn for the worse and he seems lost. I understand that there is a lot of money to be made and a lot more to be lost but is it really worth it? He doesn't need a "girlfriend", especially when she is getting much more out of it than he is. He has already lost a part in a movie and frankly, nobody believes the "relationship". So what is he getting from this? This is getting worse than his courtship with Taylor Swift, and that's saying something.

    Look, I understand that you do not want to make Reese mad, or Hugh Jackman for that matter. And I am not saying that Jake needs to start prancing like a queen. He doesn't need to come out if he doesn't want to. People are not stupid, we know 99.99% of actors are gay. We know about Tom and John and Kevin, we knew about NPH the moment he stepped into a suit, and we knew about Jodie before she even knew herself! We go along with their shenanigans because these actors were in movies which have become part of our most cherished moments. So who cares if they are gay. It is when celebrities insult our intelligence that we rebel against them -gay or straight!

    If you love your son and want the best for him, let him get rid of this girl. He commands enough attention on his own.

  25. "Intimidate" is not my mission on this earth!

    but you're so outrageously obvious and naive, in your claim cunning, That I could not resist!

    but go ahead honey, I do not want to be the one who stops the gallop of your imagination and rain on your parade
    Only, next time try to be a little more subtle,that "my father was in a rock band" was the straw that broke the camel's!
    Come on lady, I know you can do much better than that!;)

  26. You think I'm Naomi?!
    You guys are too funny!
    I thought I had seen it all, but this takes the cake!:)
    You always surprise me!

    Would be great if she really did a thing like that!
    very protective obsessive / paranoid, as only a true Jewish mother knows how to be

  27. Friendly Advice, I apologize if I offended you. I will not dwell on your identity because you have a right to privacy regardless of who you are.

    If you are happy to accept my apolgy, I would love to hear about your opinion on Jake, and maybe also Alyssa. What brings you to this blog? Do you think we are crazy (said with the most utmost respect)? Are you a fan of his and/or Alyssa? Do you have grounds to believe they are for real? What do you thino of the G's?


    I mean all my questions. I love to hear opinions from all angles.

  28. I know that people want to talk about alot of things here. But I do want to reiterate what OMG's focus is: Jake and Austin. And yes this is a pro JIG space. While we can talk about Jake and what is currently happening, OMG will not be the place to talk about the minutiae of a model and the fake relationship that is being sold at the moment.

    I know we can find a balance in all of this, but if I feel that the discussion becomes dominated about her and the relationship, changes will be made to make sure that OMG does not become a platform for JIS and place to promote their bearding relationships

  29. I guess, you guessAugust 9, 2013 at 3:53 PM

    The guesses on the Lainey FB group for the coming out blind are Joaquin Pheonix, Joseph Gordon Levitt (he hasn't won an AA of GG though) and Matt Damon coming out as bi (I think no way, he has political aspirations).

    Joaquin or JGL coming out would be a big deal - the biggest coming out of a man yet IMO.

    One can hope whoever it is listens to their heart and not their agent.

  30. SuckAPuck You have no need to apologize to me. Indeed, I should thank you for your appreciation on my writing really undeserved.
    I'm afraid we have, strongly contrasting opinions on Alyssa Jake Austin and company.
    But, ultimately, I do not claim to have the truth in my pocket, it would be wiser for all, abandon these tones from final holders of absolute truth
    I think we can believe in what we want,only that it would be fair not to become liars and mean just to assert our "truth" over the other "truth"
    believe it or not, I was not upset with Kismet, I was, more than anything else, amused by her imaginative approach to the issues under discussion, and I wanted to tease her a little
    simple as that :)

  31. it's not the gay, but the daddy status that unnerves someAugust 9, 2013 at 4:41 PM

    believe it or not, I was not upset with Kismet, I was, more than anything else, amused by her imaginative approach to the issues under discussion, and I wanted to tease her a little
    simple as that :)

    Yeah, right. Sounds to me that you hang around here to disrupt the flow of conversation. Most folks don't hang around a blog that they disagree with, unless they don't like what is being said and want to derail the discussion. Yet here you sit. Ridiculing and making fun of posters, particularly when children are mentioned. You are the one who is transparent.

  32. 'friendly advice' is our Italian friend, also known as the Minka Kelly troll.

    The best way to deal with trolls is to starve them.

  33. the self-appointed gatekeeper is comeAugust 9, 2013 at 5:02 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Naomi, Jake himself, Linka troll LOL

    maybe I'm that Snowden guy

    here's how I spend my time here in Russia

    or maybe I'm Alyssa! nah I wish!

  35. LOL. Gotta give Special credit for pics. That first one of Reese with her eyes narrowed...

  36. Well said, 1641. And as PSA said, starve the troll. They know they have no place here but they just can't resist. Let them talk to themselves.

    And when @mtrcyclboy sent out his lil' tweet, despite the #tbt hashtag, I'm sure it wasn't going to break any of those guys' hearts if people misinterpreted to the conclusion that Austin was in NYC. I think that was the intent of that tweet.

    I could tell right away that was an old picture of Austin - it doesn't look like him now. What a bunch of nimrods those guys are. Lame, lame, lame. Sorry guys!!! Steeeerike One! Bwah!!

  37. Maybe he;s talking to Austin:


  38. at the 3:15 mark Jake is talking with someone it seems.

  39. Thank you for the tip, Director! Will check it out!

    I have to say after looking at the latest pictures of Jake, I am about to retract my opinion that those subway pics were not Jake. I honestly did not see how that body was Jake's but after seeing him wear these baggy blue jeans and loose T shirts, I am thinking otherwise. Yup, I may have to retract, not positive but may have to.....;D

    Want to see a pretty, greatly, hacked off.....uh,.......mighty peeved.....


  40. LOL. I meant to put "Peeved Jake".

    There's some real classics in that set of pics. Bwah!

    I think you could hold a contest to figure out what was the problem at the desk.

  41. I always get a kick out of people who call us obsessive, yet they follow our every word obsessively. And they respond so quickly, you know they are sitting here 24/7. They can repeat items mentioned years or months ago to the minute detail, yet they claim to have no interest in us. Glad to see you stepping in Special. Tricksters lie in wait trying to take control.

  42. Ha, that video's something. Look at that hood up on his head and it's the middle of August. Good grief, lol.
