Friday, August 30, 2013

Paint it BlJack

The tee says Black

But it's  all Jack

How does that happen? ; ) 

Happy Austin Friday

Enjoy Big Guy- you Snow Leopard you.


  1. What the heck is going on with Jake's sneaker sole in this pic? Shopped?

  2. And why is he wearing two different shoes...

  3. Cinefilm News ‏@CinefilmNews 5m

    Telluride: World's First Screening of 'Prisoners' Leaves Audience Stunned: Denis Villeneuve's character-intens...

  4. Nah, don't put up an adfly link, not for a Hollywood Reporter article. There's got to be one out there that isn't an adfly.

    That's great to hear about Prisoners. I would like to see Jake involved with a winner again and while I myself don't like the subject matter, I'm sure alot of people will go see it with great early buzz and simply because of the cast.

    I don't know what's going on in that particular picture, it is sort of strange. But I don't know if those pictures look altered. Other ones in the same group look okay. I think Jake probably did do a few photo ops to buy him some time this weekend.

    I woke up at my normal time this am, how irritating. And I thought it was a weekday but it's not, it's the weekend! What a great feeling, huh?

  5. Oh that Tshirt of Austin's is a shoutout if I ever saw one. Wonder what it's for, anyway? Probably saw it and was one of those 'gotta have it' kind of deals.

  6. Thanks WOW

    Great news for Jake and Prisoners. It sounds intense but can't wait to see.

    From Deadline:

    Hyperbole at film festivals is to be expected BUT even with direct competition from Brad Pitt and the Coen Brothers, the reaction to the first public screening Friday night anywhere of director Denis Villenueve’s thrilling and penetrating drama, Prisoners at the 40th Telluride Film Festival was completely unexpected and significant. This was a “surprise” screening (although I predicted it) and filled the 650 seat Herzog Theatre.

    he applause was strong and early critical praise is over the moon. Pundits will have to add this Alcon production being released by Warner Bros on September 20th to the list of strong Oscar contenders this year. That is, if audiences and academy members can handle the intensity of this superbly directed and produced film that features career best performances, for sure, from Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman (okay, I liked Les Miz too a lot), plus a brilliant supporting cast including Melissa Leo going for another supporting win, Terence Howard, the great Viola Davis, Maria Bello and Paul Dano who goes through the ringer for his art. You can easily compare this gem to critically acclaimed pictures like Zodiac, Seven, Mystic River and any number of films in the genre.

    Read the rest here:
    Telluride: Surprise ‘Prisoners’ Rocks The Fest And Becomes Instant Oscar Contender

  7. You know what kind of kills me besides the fact that Jake puts himself at risk with this unsafe habit of listening to music while walking city streets particularly ones as traffic filled as NYC's, but knowing what we all do about electronic gadgets, I'm curious now about what he's always pictured with as his music source. I love me my electronic gadgets.

    That isn't an iPod classic he's listening to, I know that much. The iPod classic is wider in body and thicker probably because of its memory capacity. The iPod classic has incredible battery life; I know because I own one. And his little musical device is too big to be a regular MP3 player, isn't Jake an Apple person anyway? I don't see him as a Toshiba person, lol. That looks to me like it's an iPhone. It could be an iTouch but because he's just strolling around, not exercising, I don't know why you would carry an ITouch in addition to your phone. You wouldn't.

    Anyway, my point is we all know how certain applications just eat up your battery life, right? If I tried to use my phone for Pandora, that's just stupid unless I am going to be able to plug it in because that Pandora is going to chew up my battery life and I need my battery life for calling and texting. Texting also eats up your juice.

    It just puzzles me that he chooses to suck up his battery juice by constantly listening to music for simply walking around when he's going to need that same gadget for calling and texting. That's why I think these are short scripted photo ops. I can't see him spending an extended amount of time running errands and being stranded w/o the charger cord. He's just wasting battery power.

    That's how it seems to me anyway. I'm all about the phone battery power lol.

    Am I right or am I right?

  8. Important Safety Moment

    And this oral habit of walking around with objects in his mouth is liable to bite back at him one of these days, pun intended. You don't teach your children to run around or play with pens or eating utensils in their mouths, why? Because if you trip, you run the risk of the spoon or fork jamming down your throat from the impact when you hit the ground. That's a no brainer.

    This habit of the earbuds or mic in the mouth with that cord flapping around while you're going in and out of moving doors or opening and closing subway doors, not to mention possibly catching on door handles or any protruding object in a building, is putting yourself at risk for an accident every time you do it. Even if it's getting caught in something and merely pulling or loosening a tooth, why would you risk that?

    A trip or fall can happen in an instant. In 1 second, your life can change forever. My little buddy at work just recently lost her father in law to an accident fall. He was trimming hedges at a house and tripped in some mulch. The impact of his jaw hitting the ground caused his jawbone to break and the bone severed key arteries in his neck plus also the broken bone jammed up into his brain. He was unconscious immediately and soon had to be taken off life support. Poof, that was it.

    I know it's a happy Saturday morning but I have to say this just once. I don't like seeing Jake doing this unsafe stuff. That walking around w/ the pudding cup spoon in his mouth was all kinds of unsafe and he knew that. It's not worth that split second risk. Let's all think about what we're doing when we're motoring around. We want him around for a long time. We all want each other to be around a long time.

    : )

  9. And maybe he's not doing it in stores or while getting onto a train. I don't see that part so that would be a good thing if he is observant of those circumstances and I could be needlessly jumping to a conclusion.

    Boy it's too early for such seriousness, eh? I just worry sometimes. I shall move along now! Lol.

  10. More great reviews from Variety!

    The wages of sin, guilt, vengeance and redemption weigh heavy on the characters of “Prisoners,” a spellbinding, sensationally effective thriller with a complex moral center that marks a grand-slam English-lingo debut for the gifted Quebecois director Denis Villeneuve. Powered by an unusually rich, twisty script by Aaron Guzikowski (“Contraband”) and career-best performances from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal, this tale of two Pennsylvania families searching for their kidnapped daughters sustains an almost unbearable tension for two-and-a-half hours of screen time, satisfying as both a high-end genre exercise and a searing adult drama of the sort Hollywood almost never makes anymore. Fully deserving of mention in the same breath as “Seven,” “Mystic River” and “In the Bedroom,” this Sept. 20 Warners release may prove too intense for some viewers, but should ride strong reviews and word of mouth to above-average R-rated returns. It immediately enters the ring as an awards-season heavyweight.


    Det. Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) is spending his Thanksgiving alone, flirting with the waitress in a lonely Chinese diner, when he first responds to the case. In the best film-noir manner, rain is sheeting down, and the camera of the great d.p. Roger Deakins (who has shot the film in wintry blues and blacks with an expressionist edge) pushes in slowly from behind. Loki, we are told, has never failed to solve a case, though this is at odds with the man’s solemn demeanor, his haunted gaze and the elaborate tattoos jutting out from his collar suggesting reserves of private rage. Compare this to the eager-beaver murder sleuth Gyllenhaal played in David Fincher’s “Zodiac” and the full breadth of his impressive range immediately comes into focus.

    Read the rest of it here:

  11. Some people walk around with earbuds in to keep people from approaching or talking to them, so not everyone who does it is actually listening to anything. Seems like I read somewhere that celebrities often do that.

    Also, sometimes I stick in the earbuds for my phone in when I'm walking around if I'm expecting a call because I find it hard to stop and fumble around for them on the street when a call comes in. Don't know if anyone else does that though, I'm pretty slow and a bit of klutz.

  12. Glad to see so many good reviews for the new movie, and I'd forgotten about some of the other people in the movie that I really like, like Paul Dano. I may have to go see this one after all, despite the subject matter.

  13. Some people walk around with earbuds in to keep people from approaching or talking to them, so not everyone who does it is actually listening to anything.

    That is very true. It can also be used to stem people off, no doubt about it.

    I'm not coming down hard. I'm not trying to do a "lookit here" crit; don't let this be misconstrued. Actually, my concern was more about the cord flapping and knowing that he uses subway trains or could be going into stores which could have revolving doors. That was my voiced concern actually, not the noise factor.

    And maybe he tucks the cord away before entering these types of areas; that would be a safe and good action.

    I like the term "opportunity" rather than "problem" or "issue". These are just opportunities for us to take the safe route. I don't think it's ever a bad thing to bring up these opportunities so we all can benefit and think about how we might be in the same situation or perform the same action.

    It's a good thing - really. I know the one thing I am trying to stop myself from doing is looking at my phone if I'm walking. I was developing a really bad habit of doing that and talk about not keeping your eye on your path. Very bad!! Guilty as charged but I'm trying now to stop whenever tempted to do it.

  14. The initial reviews on Prisoners are excellent.

    It's great to see both of the guys involved with successful or greatly anticipated projects.

  15. Director Denis Villeneuve and actor Jake Gyllenhaal are on the precipice of having a tremendous fall film festival season. Arriving in just a few short day is their first collaboration, “Enemy,” a terrific psychological doppelganger thriller that will premiere next week in Toronto. But first up, the pair (along with co-lead Hugh Jackman) unleashed their first collaboration, “Prisoners,” on Telluride last night as one of the “surprise” screenings of the festival. And if this dark, intense and engrossing drama is any indication of what’s to come, it bodes very well for future collaborations.

    While Jackman is more than genuine as the father driven to the ends of his frayed tether to find his daughter — and a few particular scenes with his son are heartbreakingly emotional — it’s Gyllenhaal as the in-his-world, indefatigable detective that takes over as the heart of movie in the end with an impassioned but controlled tenacity that never asks to be applauded as heroic.

  16. PrairieGirl your safety posts are so funny, I am the same way!!

    I see death traps everywhere!

  17. So glad to see that the movie is getting good reviews. Still a bit early in the process, but it sounds very promising.
