Saturday, September 21, 2013

In the middle of Prisoners an Enemy pops up

While press wagon rolls on and over the pond,  it is not Prisoner's that they are talking up.

The old adage is strike while the iron is hot, so with Denis and Jake in the press so much, why not give a sneak peek of their other project, Enemy.

Jake stars as a troubled and increasingly paranoid teacher who believes he's found his exact doppelganger in a bit part in a movie, and starts to try and figure out who exactly this person is. And that's just how the movie begins.    Indie Wire called it "fascinating and spellbindingly disturbing. A riveting examination of intimacy (and the lack thereof), identity, duality and the nether regions of our unconscious desires.

Jake hasn't done a movie this dark and complex since Donnie Darko. After TIFF, the response to the movie created a three -way bidding war between distributors. Enemy is slated to open in the U.S. next year.

 Take No Prisoners Tour

Sept 23 - Monday - Jake, Hugh and Denis at The Apple Store - London


  1. I see I'm not the only one up at an odd hour, especially for me. What is up with Nikke Finke? She must have a real grudge against Jake. Talking about Prisoners she says Jake can't open an envelope, putting the success of the film on Hugh. No wonder PR has pulled out all the stops for Enemy. Bearding campaign will proceed in high gear for now. Could those two look more miserable in the latest bearding photo op?

  2. They look neither miserable nor non-miserable rather they look like two people walking in New York City.

  3. Promotional Bearding, Inc.September 22, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    The beard and Jake look miserable and all kinds of awkward. Jake is holding her hand so tightly, I thought he was going to break it for a second there. Sure there are some pics with them smiling going around on some fashion magazine, but he's an actor and she's a model. Illusion is what both of them do for a living. I'm sure PR is reacting to the criticism about earlier pics where they looked like a dead man and woman walking.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The reason they're both smiling is because they hear the sound of $$$$ hitting their bank accounts. They're smiling because just like 5 yr olds, they both think they're pulling a big one over someone, in this case these two's paying public.

    Smugness can make people look the way Jake and his fake girlfriend look in those pictures. And Jake has definitely reached that point, along with his husband in crime, Austin Nichols.


  6. Oh my gosh - it looks great. A thriller. I love the poster too.

  7. Jake wasn't even holding beard's hand until he spotted the pap

    Animated gif

  8. New OK magazine, more bearding PR plants:

    Jake & Alyssa: Is he thinking family?

    Jake Gyllenhaal is smitten with his Sports Illustrated swimsuit model girlfriend, Alyssa Miller, 24, whom he’s been seen with all over New York this summer. The couple was inseparable at a Toronto party on Sept.9, cuddling and exchanging whispers; Jake was even spotted lovingly wiping crumbs off her lips!
    “Alyssa had both arms wrapped around his shoulders, with Jake’s hand on her leg [at the party],” says the source
    When OK! asked Jake, 32, about starting his own family, he replied, “That’s a loaded question. I have a family that I love deeply already, and I have children [sister Maggie’s kids] in that family that I care about with everything that I have.” Awww!

  9. @LMAO that is Gif is so funny!

    They just telepathically both reached their hands out for a little hand-holding at the exact same moment... wow they must really be in love to be able to read each others' minds like that!

    Or alternatively... Jake spotted the pap and said "that's our cue!"

    Yes, I think that's it.

  10. Brennan @ 09/22/2013 at 9:55 am

    Get a load of Jake’s lumberjack look. This guy is so busy trying to convince everyone he is a tough guy and straight, that is “marketable”, it really is hilarious. Now, he’s going the “I’ll date the skin revealing model route” while being crude about the ladies to “prove” he is a real man. A guy’s guy. Jake really is lost isn’t he? He spouts out phrases like “tits and ass” to convince the world he really views women as nothing more than sex objects. Think about it. What big agency or reps want their client to be seen as a person who disrespects over half of the population. The answer is only those PR grunts who want their gay clients to be PERCEIVED as straight. It’s a common public relations technique. Jake must be straight if he refers to women with this kind of vulgar, dehumanizing language. Truly pathetic.

    Just Jared thread

  11. What Jake doesn't get is, straight men don't talk like this about women in the kind of setting that he was in that evening. That was a formal, dignified setting with influenced acting students in the audience. Jake dressed formally, did he not? Mr. Lipton? Formal. Jake's mother was even in the audience and (we're being told) his own 'girlfriend' was as well. I have my serious doubts on that one.

    And look at how he answers that question. Let's look again at previous answers by other actors and then let's see how Jake's answer compares because I think this is worth another re-post.

    What turns you on?

    Russell CROWE: A well-constructed sentence will give me chills.

    Sean PENN: Quiet

    Johnny DEPP: Breathing [What turns you off? Not Breathing.] LOL! That's funny!

    Stephen Spielberg: A good story

    Al Pacino: Everything

    Hugh Laurie: Eye Contact

    Hugh Jackman: Food

    John Cusak: Energy

    Mickey O'Rourke: Pretty Girls

    Ray Fiennes: Shakespeare

    Kevin Spacey: Watching my dogs play

    Robin Williams: My wife's laugh

    Jake Gyllenhaal: Tits and Ass

    See, that answer of Jake's? That is said when guys are amongst each other, when they're having beers and grunting & all that, away from the ladies. Straight men don't speak of their girlfriends and wives in this manner in mixed company. They wouldn't dare - they're going to catch it when they get home or back in the car. Not only that, they'll probably get nothin' that night.

    That kind of answer? It can also be said during sex. Those are different circumstances.

    But straight guys are not going to use this line to try to catch a gal. A girl isn't going to even open the door to that.

    Jake has not a single clue. And it was a real slap at the ladies in the audience.

  12. I should say those words can be used during sex, not necessarily that mentality, lol.

    Anyway, that's the last I'll say about that subject. Totally ridiculous.

    Well, I look forward to seeing more of Jake being pushed into what he clearly is uncomfortable doing and terrible at carrying out in a convincing fashion.

    Good thing he has his ever-endorsing maternal parent right there at his side to hold his hand throughout the campaign.

    I'm right there with Tom - Naomi Foner is just as much an enabler, an encourager as well as mastermind behind Jake's latest venture. She's a prime reason why he is just so messed up in his head because had she accepted him the way he was, encouraged him to be himself, proud of him just the way he was, he wouldn't be acting like he was so ashamed. I feel so sorry for him because it looks to me that not even Austin can save him from her grip.

    I bet there's a real story there.

    Hey, everyone enjoy their football today. Did you know the Chief-os are 3-0???? I didn't either until Friday, lol.

  13. I am so sick of hearing about how much Jake loves his sister's kids. Almost every single interview. Damn I wonder if the interviewers and show are told they have to ask this. It is weird. Unless he and his PR team think
    it is a way to keep people wondering why Jake at 33 who said so many times he wanted kids from wondering why he doesn't have them. Might also have something to do with him wanting to be seen as a womanizer and not a family man.. just something to keep those nasty Gay rumors away.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think it is a way to fight off the I want a family so bad comments he made so many times. I am sure his team has come up with that one. I def agree PG Jake's Mom has more say than any PR company.

  16. You nailed it Tom. Granted, young men get married at an older age these days. But there are usually serious girlfriends at regular intervals. Not just when movie promo starts and who are noted beards to boot. Women show up in his life every couple of years and 3 weeks being seen in large groups does not even count, really. As for the tits and ass- he did not even get that right. The point of the question is more specific. So the reply should have been tits or ass. Or legs or eyes or smile or laugh.

  17. Jake was a beautiful guy. He was so beautiful w/o a doubt on the outside, but he shone also because he was beautiful on the inside, untarnished yet by that whole corrupted HW system. It just showed in his eyes and the width and sparkle in his smile.

    He seems so broken right now. And I'm broken, too. We all are in various ways. He and Austin are explaining to themselves that they have to do this - they have no choice.

    But you know what? He should ask himself what if he does get what he wants - which is that Oscar trophy on the family mantle. He gets more movie offers and say, another BAFTA nom & win, more accolades, and just as importantly, more guy slaps on the back and lots of "Jake's my man, he's a badass, my kind of guy" from all the straight men of the nation and world. It will all be based on this false persona that he willingly put on for years. It will be based on a lie.

    Well, I hope then that he never plans on coming out because what will happen on that day when he & Austin come out decades from now and then those same men will see how they were lied to. How will that Oscar statue look then?

    You know, you wish you could tell him he was fine the way he was. That's why he was so loved back when he first gained popularity. He was a shining star, capable of unlimited, wonderful things.

    And yeah, it's great to see him reaching down to show what sounds to be some great acting chops. I hope it's all worth it to him in the end, having that Oscar nom and maybe Oscar statue by the route he's taking to get them. Because he could end up losing quite a lot as a byproduct of WME, his & Austin's plan to get what they want.

  18. And I've got to correct something that may come across wrong. I think in this day, Jake is going to gain more sincere acceptance from all people, men and women, if he just tries to be the person he is instead of a burly, burping Bob. Men will like him if he is just himself - at least the kind of men that you want in your corner, not those who like you because they think you're this person that you're really not. I think this is an archaic way of thinking that he's not going to be accepted by the masses just because he likes men. Who is feeding him this line of thinking? Not only feeding, but fertilizing, mowing, pruning and landscaping.

    As I said before somewhere else; he should be told by his mother and Mgmt that he is a Firework and to let it rip across the sky. In his original form.

    Thank you, Katy Perry. Some of the most wonderful lyrics ever.

  19. ITA with everything everyone has said so far on this thread.

  20. Jake's mom convinced him that he had to make a decision if he wanted to have a long term career as an actor he had to pay by the rules. She knows that out Gay men will be made outcasts by the studios. That is a reality. Mom sure knows that and Jake has bought it hook and ladder. Sad thing is is that they are right if he comes out he has no chance of a successful career :-(

    I agree if Prisoners does well and the enemy doesn't it will look bad for Jake. He really needs good reviews for The Enemy. The movie will not make a lot of money but he needs to nail it.

  21. Prisoners is def gonna win the top spot this weekend. It made over 7 million on Friday and is expected to gross over 20m this weekend. Movie is getting some mixed reviews but mostly positive and some excellent. Jake and Melissa Leo are said to shine. There is some debate whether Jackman and Jake should be considered co leads. That won't happen though. Jake will go supporting. see what the pundits say about awards in a couple weeks.

  22. Prisoners is #1 in box office now, but they really had no competition to speak of this week. It will be interesting to see what happens next week.

  23. Just Jared and Daily Mail posted those totally not staged paparazzi pictures of the couple and half the coments are about Jake being gay. Most effective beard ever.

    The T&A comment offended me. Who told Jake straight men say such things in public?

    In addition, I was browsing through and found pictures of Austin with Jake & Kirsten as far back as 2003. Like most people I always believed that J&K were for real, and he came to grips with his sexuality whilst dating her. I believed that any pain he inflicted on Kirsten was unintentional. What a disappointment to see that what I thought to be malicious rumors were in fact true; Austin was already there and Jake used Kirsten.

    This is the last straw for me.

  24. Have to say that I am impressed with the trailer for ENEMY.

    I wonder if Jake got an earful from anyone regarding his offensive T and A comment on Inside the Actors Studio. There was no reaction shot of Lipton during that self-sabotaging comment. I imagine he too was disappointed. I sure was caught off guard by it. It was a very good hour with Jake up until then~I felt that one single comment crapped all over the previous hour.

  25. Lately, Jake keeps running from the gay and being a father every chance he gets. He can't very well denigrate children and parenthood because of his precious nieces and godchild, but evidently women can be verbally assaulted all in the name of the masquerade that has become Jake's life. He figures Maggie and Mommie Dearest on in on the Big Lie, so what's a grossly disrespectful comment about women in the grand scheme of things. The public will just have to get over it, he thinks. The bottom line is that Jake is pandering to the 18-30 year old male demographic so he figures the trade off is worth it. Being called a male chauvinist in exchange for movie studio support and audience acceptance is evidently worth it to him.

    After all, Jake has recruited and hired lots of people to cover up his tracks, to make excuses, to attack those bloggers who refuse to play the game, but the plain truth is he will never be able to hide himself 24/7. That's why there are constant "mistakes" that even WME can't erase. One's like the following Facebook sighting:

  26. Dave Arena
    5 hours ago via mobile

    My wife is going nuts about some Jake Gyllenhaal who's at the playground with her and my daughters right now. She says he is great with kids. I'm great with kids, what you mean is he has a 6 pack and is a famous movie star who happens to be by some kids at a playground (for whatever reason, does he even have kids???). Anyone without kids can be great with kids. — with Victoria Parker-Arena.

    Victoria Parker-Arena

    It's Maggie's kid her and her husband live by us

    Elizabeth Webb-Gadowski
    It's not cheating if its with someone famous, right?!? Lol
    5 hours ago via mobile

    Dave Arena
    This might actually be the closest anyone's got to crossing a one time pass of their list
    5 hours ago via mobile

    Elizabeth Webb-Gadowski
    Slip him a roofy, I'll be there in 6-8 hrs
    4 hours ago via mobile

    Dave Arena
    Ha 6 hours, if you can get here in 6 hours by car you deserve him
    4 hours ago via mobile

    Elizabeth Webb-Gadowski You've never seen me drive especially when I'm on a mission! Lol
    4 hours ago via mobile

    Irina Sarnetskaya
    Why IS he at a children's park if he doesn't have kids?
    4 hours ago

    Victoria Parker-Arena
    Irina his sister Maggie G and Brother in law Peter live here in the neighborhood with their kids so its his niece.
    4 hours ago via mobile

    Victoria Parker-Arena
    Good uncle!
    4 hours ago via mobile

    Elizabeth Webb-Gadowski
    And the South Park "Uncle Fucker" song just popped into my head! Oh, geez... I really need to get out!
    4 hours ago via mobile

    Carmen Jones Victoria
    Parker-Arena I completely give you permission to use me as your alias and do what you gotta do.
    4 hours ago

    Daniele Arena
    Kamath Monty has a crush on Maggie! You may have a house guest soon!
    4 hours ago via mobile

    Victoria Parker-Arena
    She looks very very plain walking around but she is super nice, her and her hubby were at our school when he was in Green Lantern. He and the key makeup artist came in and spoke. She was in Mush's restaurant once when he was working reading what looked like a script. Her kiddos are super cute though.
    3 hours ago via mobile

    Tanya Cornett Yes but will they give you smoky sexy eyes and a charming boy next door smile......Sigh
    2 hours ago

    Victoria Parker-Arena
    He was quite nice to look at. I must say......
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Dave Arena
    I am not nice to look at I must say. I know my strengths and weaknesses
    2 hours ago

    Victoria Parker-Arena
    Your cute Arena I'll keep you, but hey we agreed free pass if their on the list. You get Brit Brit!!!!
    2 hours ago via mobile

    Dave Arena
    Yep my list is Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan and Amanda Bynes. See the pattern?
    about an hour ago via mobile

    Victoria Parker-Arena
    Cray Cray
    about an hour ago via mobile

  27. This Facebook sighting was from August 30, 2013 [The start of the Labor Day Holiday weekend].

    The big problem Jake has, however, is that even though Archer's wife tried to justify the sighting of Jake with kids at a playground in New York, immediately reminding him that they must be Maggie's children, Jake made it very clear (crystal clear in fact) on The David Letterman show on September 3, when he was asked if he had spent time with his nieces over the holiday weekend that, "No" because they were over in London.

    Letterman: "But, you didn't get to spend time with them [his nieces] this holiday?"

    Jake: "Ah, no. Because they were actually in London. Ah, my nieces and my sister and my brother-in-law were all in London. While my sister worked...."

    Maggie's twitter also confirms that she was in London.

    Maggie Gyllenhaal ‏@mgyllenhaal 31 Aug

    Finished 6 wild weeks on #TheHonourableWoman. Magic. Feel like a spacecraft re-entering our solar system. Home 4 a min. Then right back in.
    1:10 PM - 31 Aug 13

    Maggie Gyllenhaal ‏@mgyllenhaal

    Amazing crew + cast. Mind Blowing. Don't really want to go. I'll be back 2 finish in a few weeks. I'll be thinking of u guys all the time.
    1:17 PM - 31 Aug 13

  28. immediately reminding him that they must be Maggie's children,

    I meant to write, Maggie's "kid" because notice, once again, how similar this sighting is to the one at the end of May in LA where Jake was seen with only one "niece" at the Ritz Carlton.

  29. Jake seemed to have a pretty big memory lapse on Letterman, didn't he? I'll never forget when I was watching Letterman in real time and as soon as he professed that Maggie and her family had been in London over the weekend, I knew that blew it for this Friday sighting. It cooked his goose.

    The thing that is kind of strange is how quick this guy's wife was to jump in the post and say the kid was Maggie's. Then she proceeded to spill addititional details about seeing the family in the neighborhood whereas her husband seems clueless.

    So what was Jake doing at the park "around kids" if Ramona and Gloria were with their folks in London still, on that Friday.

    Just yet another sighting to add to our accumulating list

  30. Good stuff PG and M and M. That is going to get some folks stirred up :-)

  31. Toothy and Goose 4everSeptember 22, 2013 at 8:58 PM

    I always thought Jake had the one child from 2007. Those boyfriend and surrogacy rumors along with Ted's Baby Tile Blind Item were not made up. I'm beginning to believe though that Jake and Austin do have more kids. This is now two sightings with a little girl and Jake. No way was Jake babysitting Maggie's kid in Los Angeles back in late May, and now we have proof right out of Jake's mouth that both nieces were in London. Okay, I'm on board. There are multiple Baby Tiles.

  32. Great work.

    There are too many coincidences when it comes to being seen with kids to say it's always nieces. Management seems to react two ways when it happens, they over compensate with photos, tweets etc, while at the same time they cover their eyes and close their eyes and say if I don't see it or hear about it that doesn't exist and we don't have to acknowledge it.

  33. To above, why? This could have been THE Baby Tile, age 5. A girl, easily and conveniently conflated with Ramona when necessary.

  34. Jake seemed to have a pretty big memory lapse on Letterman, didn't he? I'll never forget when I was watching Letterman in real time and as soon as he professed that Maggie and her family had been in London over the weekend, I knew that blew it for this Friday sighting. It cooked his goose.

    The thing that is kind of strange is how quick this guy's wife was to jump in the post and say the kid was Maggie's. Then she proceeded to spill addititional details about seeing the family in the neighborhood whereas her husband seems clueless.

    So what was Jake doing at the park "around kids" if Ramona and Gloria were with their folks in London still, on that Friday.

    Just yet another sighting to add to our accumulating list

    An accumulating list with no pictures and no evidence!

    Still believeing any random tweet, post that says Jake was with some mystical child, and picking apart any "random" tweet, post about Jake and model, his whereabouts, where he lives etc.

    It's all about cherry picking what one likes and want! Right?

    I need to see a picture of Jake and the child, then and only then will I think about believeing such a fantasy.

  35. Toothy and Goose 4everSeptember 22, 2013 at 9:41 PM

    The reason why I don't think it was BT1 is because the rumor at the time was that the newborn was a boy. Later there was the baby carriage in Paris, which had a blue star. Also BT1 will be 6 years old in a few weeks. That "niece" in LA was much younger than six by the way the older woman talked about her. Jake is too nervous to go out with a six year old. Too unpredictable. They say things that you can't control, for instance. And, secondly Ramona is going to be 7 so certainly old enough for the public to recognize who Jake was with. There are plenty of photos of Maggie's first born so she would be recognized immediately. Then Jake was seen with a baby carriage in January 2012 in Park Slope and a poster on another film blog site came right out and said that Jake and Austin had a new daughter. So those are my reasons for thinking that Jake and Austin have multiple children together.

  36. Right, Toothy and Goose4ever. Yeah, I remember that baby carriage having blue in it - I'll have to go back and look at those pictures again. All I remember is something about 'blue', lol.

    This isn't about "fantasy". This is about studying and accumulating all that we have seen, putting dates together and keeping an open mind. Big difference.

  37. Still believeing any random tweet,

    There is a lot more evidence that just a random tweet and you know it. Remember, this blog has been accumulating clues and evidence since 2007. I've followed from the beginning. There have been lots and lots of tweets that point to several children. And many other sightings of Jake with children that can't be explained. I was convinced when I saw the Paris video from 2008, which was actually discussed on Waiting for Toothy a few years back. The Audi Q7 then put a fork in it for me. No swinging bachelor needed that huge SUV. And, then we found out Jake had two of them. Or, should I say Austin had one and Jake the other. There is a lot more substantiation, but I think I'll stop here.

  38. I was convinced when I saw the Paris video from 2008, which was actually discussed on Waiting for Toothy a few years back.

    Huge tip of the hat to the great sleuths of WFT2 that night. I will never forget that time - it was so much fun and really was one of the big original breaks of strong evidence. A most momentous evening, daddy Jake. Salute!

  39. I need to see a picture of Jake and the child

    Oh, we've most likely had several.

    There was the picture of Jake with a child at the movie ticket booth in Canada. Standing next to them is the pretty blonde lady who was most likely the guys' nanny at the time.

    There was the picture of a small blond toddler in the crew picture of Prince of Persia. Someone explain that one once again to me.

    There was a small boy in a picture that Austin tweeted taken place near a ship that was docked in North Carolina during OTH filming days. I believe that is Jake who is standing with his back to the camera, who is looking upon that little boy.

  40. Hard to believe that Jake uses his nieces in his schemes and lies. Pretty sad. Constantly talking about them gives him cover. No uncle talks about his nieces that much.

  41. I have a really hard time believing that Jake has a kid or baby. Anything is possible with enough will and enough dough, I guess. It's not the impossibility that holds me back.

    If Jake is hiding a kid... his career will be finished if that information sees the light of day. Jake has on several occasions gone on the record saying he does not have kids and is not a parent and no one held a gun to his head to say such things. Even though it seems gay celebs are forgiven for past lies about their sexuality when they come out, no parent would forgive another parent for lying about having their own child especially because the only possible reason for doing so is his financially-lucrative career. If this comes out, Jake is finished.

    Honestly, that's the main reason why don't think he has a kid.
