Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jaking around

Another full day for Jake with taping the Katie Couric show this morning, with the rest of the cast of Prisoners, then lunching together and his Inside the Actor's Studio debut, and a special evening for Academy members, it was more Jake than you could shake a stick at today.

So helping everyone catch up:

Here's Katie:

Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

Then Warner Bros threw the cast a lunch in their honor.

And then Jake had his turn on Inside the Actor's Studio 

 There were some adorable pictures of Jake as a baby and growing up. It was nice to see him speak about his craft and his approach to work and how the roles came to be.  It is amazing to think he audition for Brokeback while he was in London doing This is Our Youth. It tells you how long the pre-production process can be.

It was clear how moved he was when talking about BBM and what the movie meant to him.  And when it came to speaking about Heath it still emotional, speaking of his friend and co-star and how it wasn't just a loss of what was but also of what could have been for Heath's career.

But there was no time for Jake to rest and watch the show.  He and the cast hosted a screening and Q &A for members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences.
Jake you should have ditched the suit and gone for the leathers like Viola and Maria.

With the movie's premiere Friday it doesn't mean the Jake stops.

It was announced, Jake, Hugh and Denis will be at the Apple Store in London this coming Monday evening and Jake will round out Queen Latifah's premiere week with his sit down and chat on Friday.

Take No Prisoners Tour

Friday Sept 20th  - The Queen Latifah Show - check local listings for times and channels

Monday Sept 23rd - Appearing at the Apple Store - London


  1. Here's my question about the Austin picture.

    Why is Austin the only one wearing baseball hat?

    Could it be that it made it easier to photoshop his head in on top of someone else's body?

    Hair is a bitch to photoshop especially in a photo like that - use a cap and Voila! a smooth edge to the layer. So much easier.

    It makes the NC tweet look more and more likely. Why post a picture on Thursday of something that happened Sunday night?

    The age difference is weird, and funny that the show she is on is debuting on Tuesday on ABC.

  2. Special, that picture is so photoshopped, it isn't even funny.

    That fact right there provides not one single sturdy slab of foundation for the story his people are trying to peddle.

    What a joke.

  3. Wow - Prisoners is getting exciting! Love the interviews with Hugh and Jake, more than just swoonworthy.

  4. It is amazing to think he audition for Brokeback while he was in London doing This is Our Youth. It tells you how long the pre-production process can be.

    Actually he said he was in London filming Proof, flew back to New York to meet with and audition for Ang Lee.

  5. Sorry that's right, Not Youth, it was Proof. My bad. It was too early and no coffee in my system.

  6. I didn't realize that Roger Deakins was the DP. Can't wait to see.

  7. I think it is Austin.. It looks like he is blowing the end of the gun which makes it seem pretty improbable it is Photoshopped. I do find it odd that E would run a story on Austin.. His only fame on E is that he is Grey Goose. We will see if he keeps up the charade for an extended period of time. If he is at homebase and this girl is working in in LA then it would be convenient for him. I really think he is auditioning for a larger TV role.

  8. I wondered that too Tom. But I would think floating a story that no one is really interested in would make you look worse, because if you can't generate excitement with the fans .....

  9. I think it might have be a quick cover for Jake taking the risky chance of being together during the promotion of Prisoners.

  10. That so-called group pic is so photoshopped when it comes to Austin. Look at the neck and shoulders. It doesn't even align correctly. Then there's the lack of proportion between body and head. That is pretty sloppy digital imagery. I mean really sloppy. My six year old could do a better job. That tells me it was a slap 'n dash job. Last minute in response to something PR didn't like.

  11. I was disappointed in Jake saying (on The Actors Studio) that tits and ass are his favorite thing. Gay or straight it's sophmoric and demeaning to both women and to himself. The film looks great, I'd like to see it but more than that I'd like to see him grow up more and cut the apron strings once and for all. There's having a close family and then there is enmeshment.

  12. To be fair I did think his comments on acting and the process of creating films on The Actors Studio and his childhood were well presented. It was touching hearing him speak of Heath Ledger too.

    I just thought the dumb line about T and A was stupid and unnecessary.

  13. Whose T and A is the question? ;D

    Haven't thought about Jaustin for more than a year... Nice to see the blog still going strong. Good job! I might just go see Prisoner for old time's sake.

  14. ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h
    The tweet seems harmless enough, no positive ID, no picture, no further details. Still, the tweet is reposted online w/speculation.

    alyssa james. ‏@alyssalynn__ 11h
    @GoosesTile I said "LOOKS LIKE" not that it actually was. Obviously that would make no sense.

  15. Not necessarily so fast there, 18:43, as if I don't know who it is. You just couldn't wait, could you? Couldn't wait until some of us civilian working folk could get home.

    Why don't you post the rest of what that chick told @goosestile, 18:43?

  16. I'm going to be the one to bring that to everyone here, 18:43. I think you need to go back to that hole you roost at, which btw you abandoned when you were called back on deck on Wed the 18th in order to help put out the huge blaze started by that very tweet.

  17. Let's start at the beginning because this whole incident is all kinds of interesting.

    First came these tweets from moi:

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 13h

    2 days ago RT @alyssalynn__: A guy that looked like jake gyllenhaal ate at bluewater today and I came home and jake was on the TV ������

    5:16 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h

    Two days ago, that Bluewater tweet happened. It published late in the evening, following Jake's guest stint on The Daily Show

    5:19 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h

    It's the location of the Bluewater restaurant which is interesting - Wrightsville Beach NC, former stomping grounds of our one & only, GG
    5:26 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h

    The tweet seems harmless enough, no positive ID, no picture, no further details. Still, the tweet is reposted online w/speculation.
    5:45 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h

    What followed was comical. Early the following morning, this picture was then published. …
    5:49 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h

    The picture's purpose clearly to establish there was no Bluewater lunch or dinner prior to Daily Show taping.
    5:51 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h

    Taping for The Daily Show begins at 5:45-6:00 pm with guests needing to report an hr prior to that time.

    1 Favorite
    Jon Stewart

    5:59 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    SIDENOTE: Yes, that is Jon Stewart's The Daily Show which Favorited this tweet. YESSSSS!

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 12h

    Bluewater restaurant in Wrightsville Begins serving lunch at 11:00 am. Direct flight time between ILM and NYC - 1 hr 45 min.
    6:03 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    This was soon met with a reply from the poster herself who was clearly quite upset:

    alyssa james. ‏@alyssalynn__ 11h

    @GoosesTile I said "LOOKS LIKE" not that it actually was. Obviously that would make no sense.
    6:34 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    alyssa james. ‏@alyssalynn__ 11h

    @GoosesTile posting 7 tweets about my one tweet and researching into my tweet when all I said was pretty much someone was sexy.. #kys
    6:35 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    @goosestile's response?

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 11h

    @alyssalynn__ Kill myself? Wow that's quite a heavy-handed reaction to my RT and speculation, don't you think?
    7:16 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

    ToothyTile&GGoose ‏@GoosesTile 10h

    That was quite interesting. What our visitor didn't even know was I wasn't even close to finishing the whole story. As stated before? TBC
    7:24 AM - 20 Sep 13 · Details

  18. That's not really helping your case PG.

  19. Yes, #kys is an acronym for "kill yo self". Nice, huh? Pretty darn strong reaction. Strong and nasty. Anyway, I replied and then blocked her ass.

    Now here's the interesting part. This needed to be brought here because we're not going to hide something like this. And yeah, we could shrug and blush and say "Oh wow, guess we were wrong and guess that wasn't Jake."

    But you know what? I'm not going to say that because there's still all kinds of crazy.

    #1, notice she says I said "LOOKS LIKE" not that it actually was. Obviously that would make no sense. She thinks that would make no sense because if she saw Jake on her TV that night, there's no sane way he would have been in Wrightsville Beach at lunchtime, right? Who wouldn't think that? Not only that, but for Jake Gyllenhaal to be in Wrightsville Beach anyway is all kinds of nuts because what connection does he have to that small community? Yeah well, little does she know. She also doesn't know that Jake was seen there not too long ago.

    And darnit, I'm having trouble finding that tweet we had of him in Wrightsville Beach. I will find it by hook or by crook but I just can't right now.

    And I know she's the tweet originator. And she says "not that it actually was" and she says "when all I said was pretty much someone was sexy". But she also said "obviously that would make no sense". Oh yeah. It would.

    Anyway, regardless. I don't have a problem of saying it's a miss. But the point is, I'm still left staring at how many big reactions ever since the posting of that tweet on OMG. You could do a timeline from the moment that tweet was posted the previous night until the post of that IHJ picture.

    And I do not see how Jake's beard is close to the same in that Lucky Duck photo as it is in pictures taken the very next day. Secondly, you had the Just Jared post focusing on Jake's takeout and firmly stating that it was his lunch on Tuesday the 17th.

    This was followed by Austin tweeting that night of the 18th that he was attending Maroon 5's concert where? In Austin TX.

    Final blow? Last night the 19th, sudden bearding by Austin.

    If his bearding was about Ray Donovan, I would think his bearding would have started while the show was running. But to do it now? Why? So he can come back next season? What makes next season any riskier than this season? Why beard for next season but not his first guest stint? Just kind of interesting.

    So without a doubt, the North Carolina tweet is up in the air. But at the same time, why allllll that reaction. That's an awful lot of reaction to a posted tweet which meant nothing other than a sexy guy.

  20. I could care less what you think, 19:48. I'm not retracting on any of what I said.

    And here's my final word. Where did you go over next door all day on the 18th? Where did you go on that day the NC discussion was going on? You totally disappeared. No one came over to OMG to dispute our discussion and call us loons but for one lone whimper that morning, nothing more to be heard from the rest of the day. And no one was even next door LOL'ing their heads off on the 18th like I'm sure you were today.

    Why was that?

    Where'd you go?

    You know where you went? All hands were called on deck, that's where you went. This has happened before when Jake has gotten caught. Next door mysteriously becomes a tomb. This is because the chief resident has been called to duty to help patch and tape in some form or another.

    The silence was deafening that day, yet said a million words.

    And now I've got to go out.

  21. Oh no, I'm quite serious. You were called to the conference table; everyone was.

    You blew it when you didn't confidently come attack us that day on the 18th. If that wasn't Jake and you all had a rock solid case, you should have been all over us that day pointing out the insanity of such a theory. Even if you had stayed away, you should have been in the usual roost, at least doing the usual spoofing.

  22. Emilie Scarbro✨ ‏@emiliescarbro

    Oh yeah I met jake gyllenhaal this weekend.

    8:08 AM - 7 Jul 13

    She had indicated on several tweets that she was traveling in North Carolina, through Wilmington and Federal Point.

  23. i love to read your`re comments pg, and i respect Your knowledlege when it comes to jake and austin. if it wasn`t for you, i would have to search the web a lot to find information. i hope you will not take this too bad, but i think there are a lot of posters here that have followed jaustin since the start of OMG. and even if we dont post every day, we are still interested, in some degree. after all, it has been some years, and ups and Downs, after about six years or more, for those of us who came her from WFT. the patience gets lost, but come haunting us again, damn gohsts they are, jake and austin;) i just Guess that there are more than me that`s lurking here often but seldom post, even though we were a part of WFT. i left this coummunity for a while, but some People never have. all respect to them! we have all discussed jake and austin ups and Downs, just that from time to time, it feels good to just be a lurker, doesn`t mean we are not here. hug

  24. Aw, that's nice, ng. I really appreciate that. It's just kinda good to know once in awhile that you're around and you do that.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your timing was wonderful.

  25. And thank you, M&M!! What a rock solid source. I can't say enough. Between you and Special, you both are incredible and bail me out time after time again when I can't find stuff in my absolutely overstuffed email. BWAH!

  26. i have been around for a very long time pg. not just lately. and i did say something positive about you, but no, i didn`t expect you to see it. and yes, i respect you, like i said. you are very clever! i meant that.

  27. i went to a market today, to find a Nice vace, eh...we ended up With something we needed(some wineglasses....and a black dildo,some earrings, polka and, well so
    mething about a polka and a ponnykalf:), so let`s sill pretend, he;)

  28. my son. and that is why we have to have a meetng four times this year instead of two. hopless!though he can if he wants to. just he won`t. i know i am going to be sooo strict from now on!

  29. sorry, couldnt resist. but Meetings about Our son is true though. he is about to change a bit back to himself now though, we will know, because watch him.
