Friday, September 6, 2013

Silver Pen and Selfies

Prisoners had its official premiere this evening at TIFF and Jake even smiled.

 But his day started much much earlier today with rounds of interviews and chats, and it's not over yet, Prisoners will have an official press conference tomorrow.

Jake came prepared for the red carpet and the TIFF fans, bringing his own pen.

Stopping for selfies

and what is this?   A great big grin
 Nice Jakey very nice.

Jake was looking quite sharp in his gray on gray ensemble

Speaking of gray on gray

Happy Austin Friday!


  1. Gray on Gray. Bwah! That one deserves a blue ribbon, Special.

    Jake's suit is very sharp. It's a shame that Austin was probably made to stay away from Toronto. Even though he had a movie himself premiering and could have been networking and schmoozing too. I'm sure Mr Paranoia Hugh J and the movie backers didn't want any risk of anything being seen. I really would not be surprised if Austin had to stay away.

    Well, this is it. Make no mistakes this time. The waiting is over.... LOL!! My iPad alarm will go off in oh, about 3 hrs to be exact. Wish me luck! I get a little nervous when I am going somewhere new. And hope that the bears don't get me.

  2. Why would Hugh Jackman care if Austin Nichols was at TIFF. After all, he, too, had a movie premiering there tonight.

  3. 18 minutes from the time I posted, on a night when things are deader than a door nail. What're you watching for, anyway, 01:20?

  4. Gosh never seen Jake smile so much and interact with the fans. I like the the suit and shirt but the tie makes the outfit a little too dull. Not sure what color tie would have really topped off the outfit.

  5. Saw on that Prisoners is being called a great surprise.

  6. 18 minutes from the time I posted, on a night when things are deader than a door nail.

    Deader than a door nail? Wow. Well that tells me all I need to know. Yeah, see, apparently Jake had this great big movie premiere for a great big movie where he has been great big reviews. Maybe you hadn't heard about that?

  7. I am sure PG was talking about the blog. We all know last night was a big event for Jake.

  8. Hugh Jackman ‏@RealHughJackman 22h

    Not only a great actor but a great mate. #prisoners #jake #amazingtalent

    he looks like a really nice person,not at all paranoid to me

  9. It's great to see Jake smiling again, and to read all the great reviews of his work in Prisoners. It's sounds like he and Denis collaborated well together on both movies.

  10. Looking at pictures of Hugh and Jake - they just look like they don't click as friends. Both very cordial as workmates but not as friends off the set.

  11. This waiter says he has never run into this problem before. he is a waiter a great place to eat in Toronto and to make ends meet he does a little gay escort work. Not much, and only for the clientele who can afford to pay him a lot of money. He meets them at his job where he waits tables and if the person is interested in him, they leave him his fee as a tip to the bill. He then meets them that night. Well, this week, he had two A list mostly movie actors who he has been with before show up at the same time to his restaurant and they both gave him huge tips. It was the first time he had ever been asked by two people at the same time and he didn't want to make either one mad but he took the A+ list mostly movie actor because is a better customer and will tip again at the end of the night while the A list mostly movie actor can be rude, doesn't always shower and never tips again. This was last night so I don't know if he is seeing the cheapskate A lister tonight or not.

  12. Well sorry. Try but fail.

    Jake is not A+ and he is a solely a movie actor not a mostly one so neither would apply to him.

  13. He did do off-Broadway though.

  14. I can make up BI's too!September 7, 2013 at 4:32 PM

    Another fake CDAN BI based on "entys" looking at pics from TIFF

  15. CDAN is the usual liar, however, can not be Jake and Hugh because yesterday they had dinner together

    Kristin Saddy ‏@georgehoepez
    Casually at the same restaurant at Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal #TIFF13

  16. Enty Lawyer usually gets his blinds from some decent sources. Whether its Jake and Hugh or not, they are the #1 guess for who it was based on the comments. No one buys that they are straight.

    There were some pictures of The Parkland TIFF attendees and it did not look like Austin was there. Home with the kids I guess. Also, I think he must have a minor part int he film. Mixed reviews so far.

  17. Enty Lawyer Gets His blinds usually from viewing photos and invent scenarios without even checking the plausibility, CDAN has been caught in a lie numerous times and no one is buying his blinds anymore, and everything he says now is taken with a huge grain of salt

  18. TIFF 2013: Temperature-controlled beds to beard trimmers, stars make unusual requests


  19. Jake looks good in the gray suit, but I don't like the facial hair at this stage of growth and I really don't like the slicked-back hair.
