Monday, September 30, 2013

Time Served

 It's been a week since the Gyllenblitz for Prisoners end, and you might be having a little withdrawal.

 There's always some Jake around.

So if you want to see what James Lipton and Jake chatted about that didn't make the final cut, Bravo's got you covered.

And if the thought of Jake in Dude, Where's My Car? isn't enough for you check out the other outtakes at


  1. Jake's ability to carry a film and to bring in an audience will be known probably within the next year.

  2. Next time someone asked why a gay actor and his beard would rely on social media photos (the recent perfect pics posted to twitter and facebook of the Gyllenhaal clan with beard at a coffee shop come to mind) to tell a fauxmance story instead of just calling the paps, show them this.
