Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fifty Shades....

of Grey....


So Jamie Dornan is the leading name for the replacement for Christian Grey in the movie version of the talked about book.

You know he kind of looks like somebody...

Who starred with Kirsten

Who's got the Grey thing down

And this too.

 Just sayin'


  1. Thanks again everyone for the birthday wishes.

    Loved reading all the latest 1D intrigue and gossip.

    Saw Prisoners, it's pretty intense. Everyone is good in it, especially Jake. His role is definitely a lot smaller than Jackman's. Not sure either performance and/or the movie is going to grab any attention come awards season, as good as it is.

  2. I like the way you think, Special K. But the role of Christian would require a closet deeper than one Austin currently owns, no?

  3. Who says you have to play it straight? Some people like their Grey Goose with a (Jack) twist? ;)

  4. ^^:)

    Great post - Austin in pirate gear would shiver anyone's timbers.

  5. Good pics of Austin, but I don't see him for this role. For some reason I feel it needs to be a man with dark hair. I can't remember how they described the man in the book, but that is what comes to my mind

  6. I believe the character of Christian Grey is supposed to have "unruly" dark copper-colored hair in the book.
