Thursday, October 10, 2013

Prof or Pitch?

Jake plays a professor in Canada in the upcoming Enemy

but why did he look more like a professor when he did press for Prisoners in England?

Or is it more late night pitchman for the big thing

which could be either a Slinky


A Pyramid Penny Stock scheme

The New Herbal Viagra/Male Enhancement

or Apple's (and OMG created) IPitch (in sleep mode)


  1. BWAHHHH! That's a great post, Special. That herbal enhancement picture was perfect. Bah!! lol.

    And the sleep mode. LOL!

    That was classic.

    I bet we all had some college prof's whom these pics remind us of.

  2. Lol, I'm still laughing.

    I will say that those studio chairs do absolutely nothing for one's dapper appearance. They're terrible for posture and obviously lend poor lumbar support as evidenced by Jake's appearance. The right chair arm of his particular chair even seems to be caving inward, that's how poorly crafted they are.

  3. IPitch was pretty darn clever too. Jake is quite the expressive one, isn't he?

  4. Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Hollywood's elite.

    Welcome to our tasteful and appropriate post. No, I am not a blogger. Yes, I wrote the post myself. How flattering that you thought I had copied it from a professional gossip site. We should send out change-of-address cards because I’m moving to cloud nine. Careful me, it's flu season but nothing's more contagious than mistrust. I am paraphrasing quotes from the book, mixed with my personal experiences around Little J.

    Prairiegirl is so grateful because she likes to see the best in people. I like to see the truth. I've known Little J for a long time, since Before Marc Jacobs went into rehab. But that's a lie. But I have met him before, enough times to have an opinion. And you know, somebody told me, there's this thing called Oh My Godot where you can post all of this information online. Save some trees.

    Walking down the Hollywood path, you risk finding hell instead of happily ever after but if, at the end, you find the person you've become is not the person you want to be, you can always turn around and try again.

    And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.

    You know you love me.

    XOXO -Gossip Girl.

  5. Well gosh, xo, we thought it was professional because it read just like Gossip Girl's site! lol. Of course, some of us had never heard of that site until yesterday, now we know.

    These are friendly parts around here - as long as one isn't calling us names or keeps the blinds pulled over their eyes. And you are clearly neither so Welcome!!!

    Glad to have you whenever you want to drop in.

    I gotta tell ya, Queen N cracks me up. ; )

  6. Hi Gossip Girl

    And yup you've found the right place.

  7. Thanks Gossip Girl, I enjoyed reading your posts.

  8. i <3 gossip girl

  9. but if, at the end, you find the person you've become is not the person you want to be, you can always turn around and try again.

    You bet. And that just isn't the HW path, it's all the roads in this world.

    I guess that's why us regulars are still here and why there are so many lurkers out there who still check in. It's a gripping kind of story that just doesn't let go.

    I found this old TMZ post on the boys, from that Friday night Borders outing. Since it's Friday nite, let's revisit.

    Kind of a trip down memory lane, if you will. Check these out. Whatever media part was posted originally is now gone but the post itself is still there:

    Jake and Austin Book It

    Spunky Jake Gyllenhaal and hunky Austin Nichols spent their Friday night cruising a Hollywood bookstore. Way to paint the town red, fellas!

    The boys browsed Borders, checking out the tabloids (Did you know I'm dating Reese Witherspoon?) before heading over to the sports rack. Men like sports.

    A couple of purchases later, the literate pair were on their way. Just another case of guys bonding over books in Hollywood.

    Very interesting, Hal. I didn't know Austin lives in Brentwood. I thought he lived in Santa Monica--at least he did a few years ago. Wow. The plot continues to thicken. Reese also lives in Brentwood.

    By the way, did you hear about their misadventures a few weeks ago? It's the reason for the recent spate of bearding on both sides, supposedly.
    2261 days ago

    Hot Chick
    Tammy , you are full of crap. There were no misadventures a few weeks ago. If so you would have posted about it then, not now. The Reese and Jake pictures have your ilk spinning. Pathetic. But you do have one thing correct, Austin still lives in Santa Monica and Hal, there is no Goshen St. in Brentwood, the street goes through several L.A cities.
    2260 days ago


  10. cont.

    el polacko
    jakey sure lands all the hot dudes, doesn't he ?

    Isn't it great when you've found a boyfriend you can be low-key with on a Friday night?

    Then hit up clubs & restaurants for an energetic Saturday night?

    They sure make cute boyfriends!
    Wow. Looks like they're on their way to buy a softback copy of 'Brokeback Mountain'. lol

    "I wish I could quit you." What's happening with America's OTHER gay couple, Lance (A.) and Matthew (M.)? I've never heard of this Austin Nichols guy. Kind of looks like Shane Sweet from 'Married... With Children', all grown up.
    2349 days ago

    Who's Austin Nichols? He's an actor who was in the "Day After Tomorrow" with Jake. That's where they met. He's currently playing the title role in HBO's new series "John from Cincinnati" which is scheduled to premiere in June. "John" is another David Milch ("Deadwood", "NYPD Blue") creation.
    2349 days ago

    Two hunky guys who are serious about their careers, who are intelligent, who like to read and who obviously value their friendhsip with one another enough to weather the rumors (true or not). I find it very sexy!!
    2349 days ago

    Keep the photos of Jake and Austin coming!! These two are HOT!!
    2348 days ago

    Hot guys reading and using their brains to actually think? I'm liking it. And if they're hot for each other, all the better. They're a lot more genuine looking in the pictures I've seen of them than this made-up romance ofJake and Reese. Jake and Austin ("Jakestin?") 4-ever. Keep the photos coming, boys.
    2347 days ago

    The friendship is pretty easy to figure out. Austin is a bit more intellectual than Jake, having graduated in creative writing from UCLA while Jake dropped out of Columbia. They are the same age. Jake, on the other hand, is the more successful actor. So Austin probably looks up to him in that while Jake appreciates having a friend who is brainier than he is. I do suspect that Jake probably dominates the relationship simply because of his overall greater success and probably likes to feel that he is a kind of wiser, older brother to Austin.
    2347 days ago

  11. cont II

    Go Jake, we all love Austin!!!
    2347 days ago

    Bob Ashworth

    Ah, what a cute couple. They were all over each other recently at an NBA game. They look so happy and in love. Fellows, just live your lives to the fullest. Be who you are, and love each other.
    2349 days ago


    Jake + Austin = Hollywood's hottest couple
    2349 days ago


    I'm happy for jake.....he should COME OUT
    2349 days ago

    Sean Bresnahan

    I'm sure they were meeting up with their girlfriends later! HaHaHa.

    Actually Jake is pretty cool. He was excellent in "Zodiac". And he gets double points for hanging at my favorite Borders. (And a grudging triple points for having such a cute "friend").
    2349 days ago


    I agree, best-looking and coolest couple in Hollywood. Jake is a lucky man.
    2349 days ago


    I think there's something about Jake that makes him very sexy. Throw in the good-looking bf and he's irresistible. Muy Caliente!
    2349 days ago


    O.k... this makes me feel SOOOOOO much better--I thought I was THE ONLY one in the entire world who thought he was gay!!!!!!!! I mean come on, all of that partially-naked exercising with Matthew and Lance (two MAJOR undercover bed-buddies). It's all good though. Ask anyone who has any connection in Hollywood, bisexual encounters are RAMPANT! You go Jake! We all know your little (not so) secret! :) wink, wink!
    2349 days ago

    amanda huggenkiss

    I love Jakey too and I don't care if he's gay, straight or bi. Sadly he'll never be mine, so it makes no difference to me. I'll content myself with enjoying his movies and drooling over his pics.If he is with Austin, I hope they're very happy together, they make a very hot couple.
    2349 days ago


    Keep the photos of Jake and Austin coming!! These two are HOT!!
    2348 days ago


    Jake and Austin do NOT live together. Jake lives in a house in the Hollywood Hills on Nichols Canyon Road that he bought with Dunst (who has since moved out) while Austin lives in an apartment on Goshen Street in Brentwood.
    2265 days ago

    Sean Bresnahan

    I'm sure they were meeting up with their girlfriends later! HaHaHa.

    Actually Jake is pretty cool. He was excellent in "Zodiac". And he gets double points for hanging at my favorite Borders. (And a grudging triple points for having such a cute "friend").
    2349 days ago
