Monday, November 11, 2013

Switched back

Sunday was  a busy day for Jake.

In the afternoon he was a  Q&A for Prisoners with members of SAG and then he grabbed a seat courtside to see the Lakers play the Timberwolves and saw the Lakers get spanked.

For those keeping score the biggest switch of the night is Jake is back to his black on black LA hat. Sorry NY hat, you've been denied.

Jake was looking good chillin' casual and bronzer free.

And it looks like he is back to eating again, with his face looking less gaunt and more like the Jake we all know.

 Today was Veterans Day and in the UK and the Canada Remembrance Day, honoring those who have served and those who lost their lives defending their country.  One of those who served in the US were members of the Navajo Nation, a native American nation in the US.  The Navajo created a group called the Navajo Code Breakers who served in the US Marine Corp and broke many of codes used by the Axis powers in World War II.


  1. Good to see that jake is gaining weight again. It was painful to look at him while he was so gaunt.

    Seeing these Lakers photos makes it so obvious the phenominal sexual chemistry he has in with Austin. They way they looked at each other was night and day versus the amicable postures in these pictures.

    I happened to see this on Deadline Hollywood. " Fox has landed Everest, a 10-part event series from Alcon Entertainment, Everest — which is being pitched as renewable limited series that can have follow-up cycles — is described as a suspenseful, action-packed drama that revolves around a group of hikers on an expedition to conquer Mount Everest. Secrets are revealed and the truth about their motives are uncovered as the group struggles to survive on the world’s highest peak. ". I am not sure what the proposed timing is for the TV series, but I cant imagine that the market can bear multiple Everest stories.

  2. That is interesting about the Everest TV series, m. Sounds like an arctic Survivor.

    lol. This is kind of funny. I just noticed, Special, that you have an HTML cheat sheet way up there at the top. Just like my cheat sheet that M&M gave me to use for hyperlinks. And you had it all along right there. lol. Oops!!!

    Now they're second nature. I used to struggle with those things. : (

  3. How come I have to log on every single doggone time I come onto OMG? What's up with that, Blogger? Gosh, they irritate me. How come it can't remember me anymore.

  4. That is weird PG. Is your settings on your computer? Did you recently update your browser software?

    That's funny about the cheat sheet I've even forgotten when I put it up there.

    Hey you find new things every day!

  5. Nope, I haven't changed anything. Now if I stay on the page, I don't have to log in. But every day, if I make a comment, I have to log in. Very irritating.

    That's been my biggest beef with the IOS7 update. I've had log in issues with my IPad ever since and I'd love to hurl the thing into the farthest ocean because of it; I don't even want to get started on that rant. grrrrrrrr.

    Yeah, I happened to look over on my screen and I said, "Hey, what's that?" click. And there was the same little template that ol' M&M gave me. LOLLLL!!! It's excellent. You can't go wrong with that.

    ; )

  6. PG, I've found the sign in to be inconsistent. I dont have to do it every time, but I do have to do it more often than before ios7. I think there were a lot of bugs this time, but it does get better with the fix updates.

    Oddly enough In Thin Air was on TV tonight. The orginal Everest movie. It was almost over by the time I noticed it so did not watch.

  7. Wow, Just Jared says that Zac Efron had a fall at his home and broke his jaw. And that his mouth has been wired shut and had a gash requiring stitches.

    That is a bad fall. The post says he slipped on a puddle of water at the entrance to his house. Eye on path, Zac, eye on path.

    I wonder if that's the real reason. Boy, having your mouth wired is serious stuff.
