Monday, December 23, 2013

Time's running out....

Alrighty Austin times a ticking do you have all your shopping done?

Doubtful. But down that beer and get to work man.   Stumped for that kale and kombucha boy who stole your heart?  OMG's here to help.

If the LA boy is still trying to sell the Boy from New York City thing.  How about just parading it around on his loops around the city this this wine tote.
And it's brrrr cold in New York in the winter and while the black puffy coat is all fine well and good, how about mixing it up with a shiny blue one that will make his eyes pop.
But in Gotham any guy with Superhero dreams can't get away with puffy jacket. Because they know it's all about the cape.  And here Jake can design his own Super Hero one.

Who says that Christmas can't handle even more style.  Make a subtle reminder those scruffy boots need a little spit and polish

But tell him don't worry shiny shoes won't dim his hipster image, if he is wearing this black wool shirt.  It's even got the elbow patches.

Jake has always said that everything has a place, so Austin don't fight it, just him roll with it and give his something that will set his neat nick heart a flutter.

How about paper weight to keep those "temporary" stack of papers on the desk in order and out of the wrong hands.
Not saying a word about who's is his and his in these two. ; )

Jake's not only neat but he is a self confessed hypochondriac.  How about killing too birds with one stone with this Spongemaster that keeps your sponges from getting germy.
Now while he's keeping his sponges nice and clean perhaps something that keeps that Swede who reads book about salt squeaky clean too.

 Now the eyes have it when it comes to Jake.   He depends on his contacts and his sunglasses.  So what happens when you combined the two?  You get a wayfarer shaped contact lens holder.
And if Jake needs a new pair of sun specs then why not some reclaimed from old wine barrels?  Talk about Rose color glasses.

For the boy who loves it all soft and cozy this has Jake written all over it. It's a grandpa sweater with a shawl collar and it's cashmere to boot.

Now for those warm and fuzzies on the inside how about the Seven Chakras Flags and charms

And for the dreamer who has dabbled doing both of these when not acting

For the wanna be Rock- n- Roll star there's a coloring book
And for those big culinary dreams

The home gastronemy set.  (This ain't no easy-bake oven people)

 Don't think that's the only thing from the kitchen for Jake:

He loves cookbooks so what about Cooking without Borders
And while Damn Yankees looks like a long shot, and he's more Joe Boyd now, he still can sing along and let his Joe Hardy out with this bat shaped rolling pin.

And what about cooking with technology with this spoon that you can use to sweep through the recipes on the ipad and saving it from dirty fingers.

Now if Jake's made all that stuff it you're going to have people over to eat it, so you need some cool dishes

After all that a fella needs his tea

and friend who is loyal and who likes Longhorn Orange.

Then again Jake can practice if his new buddy spills the deets by practicing  with this game appropriately titled Awkward Situations.


  1. Merry Christmas Eve to all OMGers, lurkers and visitors. Hope everyone is enjoying the peace and inner joy of this holiday season, no matter how or what you observe.

    Hope the boys aren't up too late putting together wrapping and making a Walgreens run for AA batteries!!

    LOL! And watch out for those hard clamshell plastic encasings the toys come in. That stuff is a safety hazard!

    And it'll take forever just to open one toy. First you have to open the plastic clamshell. Then you have to undo every single plastic twist tie that they strap the toy to the cardboard with. Oh my dog, it takes forever all morning just to open the toys. lol

    Love that bat rolling pin, Special! lol. That was a hoot. And of course, the cashmere grandpa sweater.

  2. Very clever post, Special. Merry Christmas everyone. One more year and the story is the same. Jake and Austin both being photographed in their expected holiday locations. Whew! Good thing. People might think they were together or something. *grin*

  3. Fabulous gift guide. You have a knack for this! Love it all.
