Saturday, January 25, 2014

Big Head Nodd

 Jake said that his head's so big they had to custom make his hat.
Kinda looks like Austin could give him a run in that department.
 (But then again that's a Texas thing.)

One thing for sure is that they also have a place to hang their hats.


  1. I tell you what, I see these award shows through different eyes today than I did 10 years ago.

    All I could do as I watched Beyonce and JayZ was roll my eyes, lol

  2. That's incredible, isn't it? That Jared Leto is there tonight as a member of the musical recording industry and in several weeks, he'll be at the Oscars as a nominee.

    You have to have an iron stomach to be able to look through Jake's search this past weekend, let alone tonight.

    Little girls all across the world will be tweeting 100x all kinds of outrageousness tonight.

    No wonder Jake is in hiding today. Hopefully his little girls are too young to be fans of ol' Tay. Wouldn't that be funny.

  3. You guys, just an incredible moment during the Grammys when Same Love was sung and I guess those people were really getting married for real! I thought it was just part of the performance.

    There are some incredible tweets going on right now with #SameLove trending along with #gayrights and #equalrights. Just incredible and so uplifting and positive.

  4. I guess it wasn't exactly sung, but rapped, lol.

  5. I completely agree about Jay Z and Beyonce. What a bunch of phonies. The Macklemore and Ryan Lewis performance, however, was both touching and uplifting. Equality and love. What could be more true? What could be more real? A love song for all of us:

    I Can’t Change
