Saturday, January 4, 2014

Go Tell about the Mountain

Jake is getting his mountain man on.

Popping up in NYC the last two days, Jake has been out dining with friends and family and looking every inch of a globe trekker at the moment

First with Chris

Then with Maggie
With the weather in NYC the last few days and Jake wearing those warm wooly sweaters and that massive amount of thick hair he has Jake will have no problem being ready for shooting Iceland.

But before he goes, it is off Toronto on Sunday for his chat with Denis about Enemy.

We'd say stay warm Jake but you've go that covered.


  1. Another high profile example of the complicity of the media in keeping people in the closet. Even when that person's hypocrisy is off the charts:

    GOP Congressman Aaron Schock Has His Glass Closet Shattered

    Republican congressman Aaron Schock — who represents Illinois' 18th congressional district — is known for one thing: being pretty and probably-almost-certainly gay. Schock is anti-gay on the record and he's frequently affirmed his straightness, but he may be feeling a gust of air this morning thanks to a sledgehammer wielded by journalist Itay Hod.

    Congressman Aaron Schock Is Washington's Not-Gay Gay Icon Party Machine!

    Everyone in Washington wants constant sex with Congressman Aaron Schock, 29, because his shirt is usually either off or purply-pink, with a neon teal … Read…
    Congressman Aaron Schock on Gay Marriage: Ummmm

    Republican Rep. Aaron Schock (who is not gay, but definitely has gay fans) from Illinois was recently asked why he doesn't support same-sex… Read…

    UPDATE: An earlier version of this post identified Itay Hod as a member of CBS News. A CBS News spokesperson says that Hod, who lists himself as a "reporter, writer and producer" at CBS on his Linkedin is "not a CBS News employee." Though a clip reel posted to what appears to be Hod's YouTube account in 2011 shows him appearing on CBS, the spokesperson says Hod is not a current freelance contractor of CBS and never pitched the outing of Schock to anyone at the network. In an email to Gawker, Hod confirmed that he left CBS News two years ago and never pitched a story relating to Schock to CBS or any other news network.

    Early yesterday, Hod — who is also gay — posted a long note on Facebook wondering why no journalist has ever outed Schock, who he claims has been caught by a journalist in the shower with his male roommate as well as in gay bars by TMZ. "Doesn't the media have an OBLIGATION to expose hypocrisy?" he asks:

    here's a hypothetical: what if you know a certain GOP congressman, let's just say from Illinois, is gay... and you know this because one of your friends, a journalist for a reputable network, told you in no uncertain terms that he caught that GOP congressman and his male roommate in the shower... together. now they could have been good friends just trying to conserve water. but there's more. what if this congressman has also been caught by tmz cameras trolling gay bars. now what if you know that this very same guy, the darling of the gop, has also voted against repeal of don't ask don't tell, opposed the repeal of doma, is against gay marriage; and for the federal marriage amendment, which would add language to the us constitution banning gay marriage and would likely strike down every gay rights law and ordinance in the country?

    Are we still not allowed to out him?

    Hod goes on to defend outing the "certain GOP congressman" before posting a link to "The 7 gayest Aaron Schock Instagram posts of 2013" juuuuust to make sure we're all on the same page.

    This might end up being a shitty weekend for Schock, or maybe it will be a freeing one. Maybe he'll even finally cop to being queer — as long as he's getting a 0% score from the Human Rights Campaign it's not like any of his fellow bigots in the GOP will care anyway.

    And, hey, there is light at the end of the tunnel for the Illinois congressman who represents the city's capital of Springfield: in June he can get married.

    UPDATE: It appears that after this story broke Schock moved his Instagram account to private. As Business Insider's Josh Barro pointed out yesterday, of the 71 people Schock follows on Instagram, one is queer diver/twink Tom Daley.

    Below is Hod's full note, in the event he deletes it:

    people always say, no one has the right to out anyone. that coming out is a private matter. i disagree. as you can imagine, not a very popular opinion. but bear with me.

  2. article, con't:

    here's a hypothetical: what if you know a certain GOP congressman, let's just say from Illinois, is gay... and you know this because one of your friends, a journalist for a reputable network, told you in no uncertain terms that he caught that GOP congressman and his male roommate in the shower... together. now they could have been good friends just trying to conserve water. but there's more. what if this congressman has also been caught by tmz cameras trolling gay bars. now what if you know that this very same guy, the darling of the gop, has also voted against repeal of don't ask don't tell, opposed the repeal of doma, is against gay marriage; and for the federal marriage amendment, which would add language to the us constitution banning gay marriage and would likely strike down every gay rights law and ordinance in the country?

    Are we still not allowed to out him?

    let me ask another question... doesn't the media have an OBLIGATION to expose his hypocrisy? if he had done something so hypocritical and he wasn't gay, wouldn't we demand journalists do their job? but they can't... because we won't let them. you're not allowed to out ANYONE, we tell them.

    we've created a situation where even though news organizations know this guy is gay, they can't report it because he hasn't said so on twitter.

    if we keep saying that being gay is genetic; ergo, it's no different than having blue eyes or blonde hair... than why are not allowed to mention it? why do we need anyone's consent to talk about their sexuality? are we not allowed to say someone has blue eyes until they post a fb message telling us they are in fact blue?

    we've been so effective at convincing everyone that outing people is a crime against humanity, that we've made it impossible for any network or news organization to talk about this "hypothetical" gay republican congressman and his hypocritical vote against gay rights. they won't touch it for fear of retribution from GLAAD or HRC. (in fact when my friend's network interviewed said hypothetical republican, he talked about wanting to find a nice woman to marry... and the network aired it... knowing it was a lie...

    so, forgive me if I don't subscribe to the notion that you're not allowed to out anyone... in fact in some cases, i'd celebrate it. but I'm crazy that way.

  3. wow.

    W/o a doubt now I know who Aaron Schock is. I was oblivious before.

    Isn't that all kinds of interesting. This guy is all kinds of attractive and hot, too. Too bad the knowledge of what he's been up to in his congressional duties has now tainted the beauty of his looks.

    This kind of behavior is beyond comprehension.

  4. And it's been reported online that Aaron Schock locked his Instagram account shortly after this article was released.

    I would equate that kind of action to say, doing photo ops with a girl who isn't your girlfriend, trying to act like you're gf and bf, but then not allowing interviewers to ask anything about said gf when it comes time to speak to the press and talk show hosts to promote a movie.

    I think it could be called Duck and Hide?

  5. I would equate that kind of action to say, doing photo ops with a girl who isn't your girlfriend, trying to act like you're gf and bf, but then not allowing interviewers to ask anything about said gf...

    You mean like this video log example, PG?:

    Sara Dinkin (@SaraDinkin)
    1/5/14, 1:01

    Meet my friend Britney @chloebennet4 anybody looking for an impersonator? ������ Impersonator or Imposter

  6. lol. M&M!!! Isn't that more appropriate for a Disney or Nickelodeon blog? Bwah!!

    That is beyond embarrassing. Is there a word stronger than embarrassing? lol!

    I think Chloe should be sitting on Austin's knee, don't you? That would be more appropriate, I think. ;D

  7. Yeah, it's hard to believe that Austin graduated from USC.

  8. Oops!... I Did It AgainJanuary 5, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    What happened to Austin's hair? He looks like he's all forehead. Oh my gosh. Look what the closet has done to him too.

    He looks like Chloe's dad, by the way.

  9. John R Kennedy ‏@GlobalJRK 4m

    Today's red carpet in T.O. with Jake Gyllenhaal has been scrapped due to "travel delays caused by inclement weather."
    10:16 AM - 5 Jan 14

  10. Oops!... I Did It AgainJanuary 5, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    I also like the way, Austin has his legs crossed. Very prim and proper.

  11. Yeah, it's hard to believe Austin graduated from USC.

    True. Although Jake makes it pretty obvious that he only attended Columbia for two years as a legacy recruit because his actions are beyond stupid.

  12. Look what the closet has done to him too.

    He looks like Chloe's dad, by the way.

    I agree that the kind of public lifestyle Austin and Jake are exhibiting can cause the kind of inner conflictions which can be reflected in physical appearance.

    For myself, the time has long passed to feel sorry for these 2 guys and lament "Aw, look what the closet has caused" for them.

    Because notice how Austin has been looking so hot. Until it comes time for him to beard with Bennet. Now he's totally mirroring Jake. The slicked back hair and grunge look. All of a sudden, dapper Austin disappears.

    And it seems to me, maybe these 2 are trying to garner sympathy about what the closet has "done" to them. We're supposed to be feeling bad and thinking they're being "forced" into doing this in order to get roles.

    No, I'm sorry, but that's not the way it works. Because Jake & Austin just came off a luxurious, romantic New Year's getaway to Tortuga Bay resort. They're living a secret life behind all of these shenanigans.

    A congressman like Aaron Schock gets to vote against the repeal of Defense of Marriage Act yet gets to enjoy protection and also all the perks that come with being a Congressman? And Jake and Austin get to enjoy all the perks of submitting to the Old Guard of Hollywood and partaking in sham bearding while at the same time having taken advantage of the passing of same-sex marriage and getting hitched themselves to each other and starting a large family? And then release a public statement about being single and without kids?

    Unbelievable. So in that regard, no; no sympathy from my camp at what the closet has "done" to them.

    lol. Although if Bennet & Austin keep up with more acts from their little dog & pony show, please allow me to to feel an exorbitant amount of rolling on the floor amusement.

  13. Waiting for Toothy messJanuary 5, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    If anyone had doubts that Waiting for Toothy has become nothing more than a site that exists to discredit OMG and push out Jake and Austin propaganda, go look at their posts today. This blog is nothing like the old days. I mean absolutely nothing like the old days. WFT now exists only to put down the moderator of this blog and to ridicule posters here. They can't go so far as to portray Jake as straight (although they would love to) given the name and original purpose of the blog, but they are there to shoot down the family man and husband rumors. The next best thing.

  14. And Jake and Austin get to enjoy all the perks of submitting to the Old Guard of Hollywood and partaking in sham bearding while at the same time having taken advantage of the passing of same-sex marriage and getting hitched themselves to each other and starting a large family? And then release a public statement about being single and without kids?

    Exactly, PG. Just like that Congressman, Jake and Austin...grown adult men with kids, well into their thirties, continue to take money from the public under false pretenses. How is that any different from the politician who justifies their closeted behavior by saying that they can't come out and expect to be elected. Same hypocrisy. Same duplicity. Same excuses for not doing the right thing.

  15. I'm not disagreeing with what your saying, but you can't just point at Austin & Jake. There's a whole entertainment industry, with tons of examples, doing the same thing as they are.

  16. I have no problem with Hippocrates being outed. No problem whatsoever.

  17. There's a whole entertainment industry, with tons of examples, doing the same thing as they are.

    But this isn't a Hugh Jackman blog. This isn't a Tom Daley/Dustin Black blog.

    It's a Jake and Austin blog.

  18. One second about the travel issues, it is not just the inclement weather, but new FAA regulations regarding pilot rest periods that started today that have cause massive delays as well. New York and Boston were both hard hit this morning.

    Also it ungodly cold up in the north central US and central Canada today. They might also not want people standing out in sub-zero temperatures. The Green Bay/49ers game is supposed to be 1F or -17C air temp at kickoff.

  19. FlynnKerrBloom
    • 2 hours ago

    I find it suspicious that his camp hasn't come out with a statement. Makes me think they are preparing for a big announcement where he claims to be a "Gay American."

    I am also against outing people. But I saw a comment on twitter that brought up a good point. The person said (more or less...), "if this man is going to be all up in my sexuality, voting and making laws that keep me from marrying, serving in the military freely, etc. Then I get to be all up in his sexuality."


    • 3 hours ago

    I don't think I agree with this outing - UNLESS he has specifically said that homosexuality is an abomination or something like that. Otherwise, I don't necessarily see it as being hypocritical. Dumb? Yes - hypocritical? no. Maybe he just has a "separate but equal" mentality - in which case, outing him will only hurt the gay cause, as the right wing will latch on to him even more as an example of how gays "should" be.

    Anyways, I'm not a huge fan of outing - Gossiping about it? yes. - outright outing? no. Maybe I'm a hypocrite, too -lol

    ~formerly known as luscious_t


    • 3 hours ago

    The media has no integrity, just its agenda, which determines which news stories it will report.

    Leave the guy alone. Schock is to vote according to his constituents' wishes, not his orientation, whatever it may be.

    DListed's A Reporter Outs GOP Congressman Aaron Schock In A Not So Blind Item on Facebook

  20. I don't deny your point @1:17PM But, as has been point out already, this is a Jake and Austin blog so I’m concentrating on their particular brand of nonsense.

    Don't get me wrong, I cut them slack for many years, but now there is no excuse for them continuing to go out of their way, time and time again, to try and fool the public. Using social media to promote themselves as being straight at every opportunity.

    And, why is this important? Well, maybe because the natural implication of such a PR strategy is that there is something wrong with being gay. Times have changed tremendously in just the last two years. Why not just live quietly if these guys are not ready to come out. Work and then go back home until your next project. Do charity events, or make other positive contributions that keep your name out there without constantly pushing the heteronormative myth? Never mind the whole, “The public are idiots and I can do whatever I want to gain their support,” insinuation.

  21. Sure it's cold and there's snow and all that.

    But looks like that didn't stop Jake from going out to eat. Everyone knew this storm was coming. I've been watching its prediction on The Weather Channel since at least Friday morning. Seems to me that Jake could have been proactive and left for Toronto a little earlier than the morning of. If you were to believe that Brick Wall Photo of Jake with one of his former Mystery Gal's which appeared on Tumblr on Friday, then hey! It looks like the snow hadn't even hit yet and well, Jake could've been free to catch a flight then, beat Hercules out. But now he misses a red carpet and can now just fly in at the last minute. Like he's developed a very noticeable habit of doing lately.

    I'm jus' sayin'. ;D

  22. A profile in cowardiceJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    Leave the guy alone. Schock is to vote according to his constituents' wishes, not his orientation, whatever it may be.

    That's the most ridiculous argument I think I've heard in a long time. Sort of like Strom Thurmond who had a child by a black woman, yet continued to be one of the most virulent anti-civil rights, racist politicians in the nation. Lying does matter. Presenting yourself as someone you're not is wrong. Otherwise, why don't we all lie about our backgrounds on resumes, in job interviews, to the people we date? There is such a thing as ethics for a reason. A politician is not just there to represent his constituents interests. He or she is there to uphold the Constitution, to be an example of an upstanding citizen. To be a leader and demonstrate courage. Not just cater to the lowest common denominator.

    By the way, Aaron Schock could have still represented his district and come out. There's a reason why he didn't choose that path though and I'm sure you can figure out why.

  23. Just wondering if anyone here has heard of the Aaron Rodgers gay rumors of he and his live in personal assistant who (supposedly) broke up and not living together anymore. Have you heard about this Florida Tom and what's your take on it?

    I've always had thoughts about Rodgers most of the times I've seen him in interviews but it was always a passing thought.

    I found out about the rumors when a reporter was talking about homophobia in the NFL and Minn. kicker Chris Klowie "don't know if the name is spelled right" got fired for speaking up for gay rights. The story then lead into The Aaron Rodgers interview about the rumors. I knew nothing about it. But, usually when there is smoke, there was or is a fire. And, the story is interesting.

  24. ^^^

    "Supposedly got fired" for speaking up on gay rights...

  25. Was my post about the A. Rodgers taken down because it's not good to speculation about a rumor?

    Why was it removed?

    Was it something I said?

  26. Sorry about that wondering.

    Somehow it got caught in the spam filter. It is now published.

  27. Aron Rogers QB of the Green Bay Packers denied he was gay this week because of rumors circulating that he had been in a LTR with his male trainer.

  28. Here's Chris Kluwe's story about what transpired with the Minnesota Vikings:

    Actions having Consequences

  29. I really had not heard these rumors before but I heard his denial and it sounded pretty believable but respectable. Wow somebody like that coming out in the NFL would be amazing. got to say though any high pro athlete has a team and a ton of sponsors he has to be loyal to. Coming out could cost a fortune.

  30. I can see Rogers lying if it were true.

  31. But now he misses a red carpet and can now just fly in at the last minute.

    It's just a red carpet. What's the big deal? Not like he blew off the actual event.

  32. Just believe what I tell you toJanuary 5, 2014 at 3:27 PM

    If Red Carpet's are no big deal, why have them at all? Jake does not like uncontrolled situations with interviewers or fans ever since he burrowed himself deep in that closet of his. That's why his vehicle often rolls up to many events at the very last minute and then he gets out and runs inside. Jake and his people like to tell people what to think, but they don't want any talk back or scrutiny of any kind.

  33. It's just a red carpet. What's the big deal? Not like he blew off the actual event.

    Awfully defensive over an unimportant red carpet, aren't you, then?

    This Aaron Schock story is only going to get bigger and bigger. I can tell by watching Twitter. This is why Jake will probably never be on social media. I'm seeing celebrities like Rachel Maddow, Debra Messing and Roseanne Barr being tweeted at over this story.

    And Aaron Schock himself has a Twitter account and while he hasn't been active on it very recently, that's not stopping people from tweeting at him, asking him about his voting record regarding LGBT issues.

    I think Hod's boldness will prompt similar actions in the future.

    And I do believe that this is why Jake rushes into events at the last minute. It's why he had an "iron gate" bodyguard at the stage door of his play. It's why he almost always has ear buds or a phone in his ears on public transit. He doesn't want confrontation. He doesn't want a shouted out question about Austin or a baby Tile.

    You never know what's going to be asked at a public gathering where there isn't moderator control. You're all kinds of vulnerable. And he's scared of that.

  34. I'm sure Jake always gets questions in advance to...for approval. That way he can prepare an answer and still look like he's not hiding something.

  35. Crafty Jake said...
    I'm sure Jake always gets questions in advance to...for approval. That way he can prepare an answer and still look like he's not hiding something.

    T & A ring a bell? That was all kinds of prepared in advance and the likely author of the rehearsed answer sitting in the audience of the Inside the Actors Studio.

  36. The Best of Jimmy Fallon Late Night Special I wonder if we will see Jake and the Banana Boys on it.

  37. Jake popped up dancing in one of Jimmy's musical montages.

  38. This Aaron Rodgers story really has intrigued me more today as I looked into it. Sure seems like these guys had an interesting relationship. The ex bf is sure putting things out there that make him seem like he is trying to get a point across. I am sure he will get paid and it will blow over even if he says he won't take the money. Of course Rodgers will lie. Way too much pressure and too much to lose.
