Thursday, January 9, 2014

In the time of B.C.

 Just something to think about.

All of this happened BEFORE Cassanova and the first "official" picture of Jake and Austin together.

Before Casanova- try before TDAT - Jake and Austin at Club Lotus in New York just weeks after casting for TDAT.

 (And it only took what 6-7 years? for this picture to pop up?)

Of course TDAT
 By each others side on

 and off screen

And don't forget their cooking experiments Austin gushed about in an interview. (Two whole chickens and radishes)

Then that smile that is only for one fella (Nov 2005)

Then Cassanova happened

Just a reminder that there can be a lot of things going on you might not see but doesn't mean they aren't happening.


  1. From the new US Weekly (print edition), more PR planted details about the bearding break up including adding more months and a broken heart:

    Jake and Alyssa Split
    It’s a wrap for Jake Gyllenhaal and model Alyssa Miller. The seven-month affair petered out after the two argued about where to spend Thanksgiving, says an insider. Distance was also a factor. “He was rarely in the same city as her,” Notes another source of Gyllenhaal, 33, who filmed Nightcrawler in LA this fall while Miller, 24, shot in the Bahamas and Sweden. The actor – whose exes include Reese Witherspoon and Taylor Swift – is brokenhearted, says the insider: “He was more into it than she was.”

  2. LOLLLL! Got to love those tabloids because they're good for a laugh.

    Your post about BBM was really well-written M&M, and I agree completely with your take on it.

    PG, the really short hair on Matt Bomer is probably left over from filming The Normal Heart last November. He had to drop a lot of weight too, he's playing someone who dies of AIDS. Not crazy about the hair, but it's just a relief to see him still looking good after going through that weight loss.

  3. That article makes me wanna puke. It is actually embarrassing and disgusting. Guess Jake needs the money. I still do not know how he lives with himself.

  4. Happy Birthday sugar pants.

  5. “He was more into it than she was.”

    How do they get by with changing the narrative from one day to the next?

  6. What is Cassannova? What does that refer to?

  7. Heath's movie was the first time Jake and Austin were official papped together.

    And it was obvious they went to the premiere together.

  8. What is the point of posting some dm's from a month ago? (re the birthday message)

  9. Thanks M&M for the wonderful answer to my question about BBM. I guess I always looked at there was always something there that drew them to each other to hold on and keep trying despite all the complications. I never really saw it as doomed.

  10. Dear Methodical Muser...

    I think Annie Proulx thought of Jack and Ennis as star-crossed lovers from the beginning, comparable to the epic romances of couples like Romeo and Juliet, Heathcliff and Catherine or Tristan and Iseult. Therefore for her, Jack and Ennis' love story was bound to end in tragedy as they not only faced the severe prejudices of a closed-minded, violent and conservative society, but their own inability to figure out how to make a life together work. Their love was not only ill-fated, but forbidden as well.

    I think Ang Lee’s cinematic genius was to make the non-heteronormative themes of Brokeback Mountain into universal ones. Powerfully, showing how these two lonely men’s love was doomed to perish within the homophobia of an oppressive straight world. The destined calamity maximized even further by the rural underpinnings of stoic repression and hyper masculinity. We all have free will, but there were so many forces working against Jack and Ennis, including their inability to talk to one another, that the ability to build a life together seemed irreversibly doomed from the start.

    Thank you so very much for your take on Brokeback Mountain and Jack and Ennis' doomed life together. So much has been written on this wonderful movie that featured the tag line "Love is a Force of Nature".

    With astounding performances from all those involved, actors, film makers and musicians, this film was a force of nature in and of itself which brought showed the potential of Heath and Jake in particular. The loss of Heath Ledger was it's own particular tragedy.

    Jake has done so much since this one movie nearly ten years ago, but I don't believe he will be able to eclipse his singular performance of Jack Twist alongside his Ennis Del Mar ever!

  11. For me, Brokeback Mountain is a masterpiece, devoid of pretensions, and infused with true heartache and humanity. From the eternal promise of youth to the life twisting regrets of old age. A true testament to why love is always worth fighting for, even when there is every reason to do the sensible thing and take the road more traveled.
