Monday, January 6, 2014

Jake - Kate? And a movie that leaves them wondering

While people are still talking about seeing Enemy yesterday, (Some are still trying to figure it out, others talking about getting scared, almost all  giving it great reviews) here were going to give a quick look at yesterday's Q&A.

Jake is back, back with those cheeks, those dimples (hiding under that beard) and a great big grin. No more spindly arms and legs, all those pancakes helped Jake find his way back to that broad strong frame.

Check out those shoulders

And something else you can't miss is that head of thick long hair.

Or one of the two chains he was wearing yesterday.

Jake sat down with Denis to talk about the movie and working together as actor and director.  And in between the mutual admiration society thing going on between, them there were some other interesting quotes that came from the talk.

"How is the relationship with Denis going to affect your future film choices?"

 "What I realized with Denis is it's about defining really what you're capable of to someone. A lot of times I want to be something or play something I can't do. And what I learned with Denis is that he always wanted me to be closer to myself. And that's what I really do from here on out."

"There's nobody who's showed me what I am as an actor more than Denis, good and bad." - Jake on learning from his director

"Jake and Sarah, do you have any advice for actors starting out in the film industry?" 
 Jake:  "Don't do it."  
Sarah:"I would say discipline," 
Jake then follows up with a serious answer to the question:
"It does take a good amount of intelligence to be an actor. And it also takes a good deal of kindness, and that you don't judge people." -
 Jake did make an interesting comparison between him and Denis

"He's like John Woo and I'm like Katharine Hepburn.
Why does am image of Jake doing a Katherine Hepburn impersonation with that distinct delivery,  calling Austin "you old poop" spring to mind? 

Wonder what kind of tree Jake's Katherine would be?  And does happen in Enemy that has left such an impression on the audience?


  1. Great summary, clever and thoughtful. While I don't embrace the mission of this blog I don't judge it either. But despite my lack of interest / belief in Austin with Jake I find your posts to be so interesting it keeps me coming back.

    Jake seems a little less babbly lately making his interviews more enjoyable for sure. And he looks healthy. It's good to see him happier with his career. He's not going to get filthy rich off the films he has been choosing but at the end of the day he will be a more satisfied artist.

    I thought this interview was rather telling. Many people who have worked with or known jake have hinted at his dark side. And now he tells us he is acting closer to himself. I have always wondered if Donnie Darko and Holden were roles that were closer to the real Jake, too.

  2. ɐuuɐıɹq
    A pic of me and jake Gyllenhaal

    How lucky of ɐuuɐıɹq to meet "Jake" in the Dominican Republic LOL :))))

  3. Jake was in New York.
    Austin was in Texas with Chloe.

    OMG blog lies and fiction are beyond pathetic.

  4. Here are a few more interesting comments from Jake that came out of the Q&A on Sunday

    "It was a joy to work with [a TTC streetcar]" - Jake talks about his transit experience while shooting Enemy

    "You can use your conscious and unconscious at the same time." - Jake on his acting process

    "He'd indulged me to the point of insanity. It was like an actor's dream. A narcissist's dream." - Jake on his relationship with Denis on Enemy

    And talking about about darkness:

    "Denis Villeneuve has an intense, almost philosophical interest in the nature of evil." - Cameron quotes A.O. Scott from the NY Times.

    "I think what Denis is not afraid of is that we all have within us is the darkness... He's not afraid to mine that." - Jake on Denis' interest in evil and dark subject matter.

    "I'm a pretty dark dude, and I was like, whoa, someone finds beauty in that too." - Jake on his first conversation with Denis.

  5. OMG blog lies and fiction are beyond pathetic.

    This will be addressed.

    See, we were waiting for you. And you did not disappoint.

  6. I do think that Jake has tapped that dark side of himself before, especially in Donnie Darko. And in a way respects that darkness in terms of performer and performance.

    It still floors me how young he was, and as also young in terms of his career, and the performance he gave in Darko.

  7. Sometimes I think younger actors give more natural performances. Not sure why, but it's almost as if they become more self-conscious and more wrapped up in technique. As good as I think Jake has been in films like Prisoners and Source Code, there is just something special about not only BBM but DD and even Bubble Boy.

  8. Cosmopolitan magazine (February 2014 issue) has a new interview with Alyssa and she brings “my boyfriend” Jake to the conversation:

    Q: Chillaxing Trick
    A: “Tea! My boyfriend (that would be Jake Gyllenhaal!) just bought me a tea infuser because he knows how much I like it. Right now, I’m into coconut tea”


  9. that shoot happened Oct 21-22.

    the contract is bviously over, she is just milking it.

  10. Jake with beard at Enemy premiere party @ TIFF


  11. Ah Alyssa. Remember when she kept flaunting her "relationship" with Jake? The farm, the message on the mirror, the baseball cap, the doctor's appointment!...? And for what? 20K followers! I guess Victoria's Secret has not called yet because there she is again. I should imagine that this will go on till at least March/April so as to promote The Enemy in Europe. I mean why not? She poses no problem for Jake -very low key (Naomi has always been careful to pick wholesome women for her son) and knows how to pose for "candid" pictures. And what the -, she is completely unknown in Europe so I am sure she is game for another 500 followers.

  12. OMG blog lies and fiction are beyond pathetic.

    First of all, I would like to warn any interested party who might want to look at @underdaBRidge's twitter account now - do not visit her account. I have an extremely strong reason to believe her twitter account has been infected and I would highly advise anyone not to go there.

    After having no problem whatsoever early this morning between 0500 and 0600 visiting her account, I visited again between 18:15 and 1900 this evening and during this time, my exellent anti-virus software alerted me to 5 threats. It captured them, quarantined them and they have been removed from my computer, a laptop which I just recently purchased. It's brand spanking new.

    I had my email open. Pandora. My Twitter account. @underdaBRidge's Twitter account. And a Google page open. That's it.

    And it was while I was in the middle of C/P tweets of hers that I received the threat notification.

    Now imagine that. Actually, I don't have to imagine. All I have to do is remember who around these parts knows how to attach viruses and has done this very thing on this blog over the years. Proven fact.

    I'm serious as sin, folks. Don't go to her account.

  13. Now fortunately, I had already done most of my research this morning between 05-0600.

    First, we're going to look at @underdaBridge's twitter account and look at 3 interesting aspects.

    1. She is very familiar with celebrities and celebrity culture.

    ɐuuɐıɹq ‏@underdaBRIdge18 26 Dec
    Matthew McConaughey ��
    1:42 AM - 26 Dec 13 • Details

    ɐuuɐıɹq ‏@underdaBRIdge18 19 Dec
    Julia Roberts. I love you
    3:29 PM - 19 Dec 13 • Details

    ɐuuɐıɹq ‏@underdaBRIdge18 12 Dec
    Channing Tatum for President
    3:12 PM - 12 Dec 13 • Details

    The Lonely BiscuitsVerified account ‏@Lonely_Biscuits
    Today is the day. Playin @thestonepony inside so don't worry about the rain! Come to @surfmercado across the street at 5:30 to hang!!
    8:22 AM - 1 Aug 13

    Oh, and look at who she tweeted about on September 22 of last year. Right around the release date of Prisoners:

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    9/22/13, 19:06
    Jake Gyllenhaal. Yes. Just yes

  14. not really possibleJanuary 7, 2014 at 9:17 PM

    you can't get a virus from just viewing twitter.

  15. 2. She has a strong penchant for tweeting about experiences and events in real time.

    ɐuuɐıɹq ‏@underdaBRIdge18 25 Dec
    SANTA CAME!!!! ������������
    7:22 AM - 25 Dec 13 • Details

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    9/12/13, 17:21
    my mom just sent me and my brother this email...

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    8/18/13, 19:40
    I just ordered sushi for delivery ������

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    8/11/13, 22:32
    We just saw a green shooting star!!!

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    8/11/13, 22:08
    meteor shower tonight!!

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    8/9/13, 23:28
    "where can I go that sells surf board wax at 12:30 am?!"

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    8/1/13, 23:47
    Great show boys�� #lonelybiscuits @Lonely_Biscuits @pitterPaterini

    Just a couple of notes. I put up the Santa tweet because note that she tweeted not at 1600 on Christmas Day, not at 1200. She tweeted first thing in the morning. Same with the meteor shower.

    I noticed that she often tweeted from her phone and she often used the word "just". And she wasn't kidding when she said "just".

    She also uploaded photos in real time - not days after the event.

    She's also big on vines.

  16. She didn't just meet Jake in DR it was a look alike . Jakr was in NY

  17. 3. Her tweets are consistently concise and of an observational nature. As a sidenote, @underdaBRidge did not appear mean-spirited, she was family oriented, nor were her tweets vile in language or sarcastic.

    ɐuuɐıɹq ‏@underdaBRIdge18 5 Dec
    I hate how gymrats make fun of overweight people at the gym. Like they're trying to get in shape, you should be supporting their weight loss
    3:58 PM - 5 Dec 13 • Details

    ɐuuɐıɹq ‏@underdaBRIdge18 28 Nov
    Thankful that I'm alive and healthy. There are people fighting the battle of their lives. Say a prayer tonight for those fighting cancer ��
    4:46 PM - 28 Nov 13 • Details

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    9/8/13, 18:15
    my parents act like they're 5

    ɐuuɐıɹq (@underdaBRIdge18)
    8/29/13, 10:37
    my mom just had the 'don't turn into Miley Cyrus' talk with me

    The vine video of her parents was cute; her parents were playing around the barbeque with each other, running around.

    She tweeted alot about her brother and her parents, in addition to, of course, alot of her friends.

    I think you have to take into account what appears to be the personal nature of someone (as much as you can tell, anyway) by what and who they tweet about, in addition to the tone of how they speak.

  18. I'm going to tweet underthebridgeJanuary 7, 2014 at 10:10 PM

    Huh? What the hell does that have to do with yet another tweeter claiming to see a celebrity that turns out to be a lookalike. There were no other tweets of him there but plenty of NY tweets.

  19. Excellent points, PG. Which is why it is highly improbable, implausible, unlikely that @underdaBRIdge18 would wait three days, return to her twitter account and post a pic of a guy who looks absolutely nothing like Jake Gyllenhaal and say, “A pic of me and jake Gyllenhaal

    First off, contrary to her style of tweeting, the random comment and photo are not done in real time. Why not post the pic on December 30th to go with her original tweet? If she was just kidding, it would be even more likely that the photo would have gone up the same day. Why would anyone be providing a punch line, three days after the joke? The answer would be, “You wouldn’t.”

    Moreover, she made the observation around 4 a.m., Dominican Republic time. Not exactly, an hour of the day when you decide to get on your phone and tweet out that some random guy looks like Jake Gyllenhaal. “Ha, ha. Just kidding.” Particularly, when the only resemblance to Jake was the brown hair and approximate age. The more likely scenario is the one that was mentioned originally on December 30th. Jake was probably checking into the hotel and she just happened to bump into him, and consistent with her tweeting activities, she shared the experience online immediately. No one else saw Jake because it was 4 in the morning.
