Thursday, January 23, 2014

Waiting for...

A triple tweet from Austy today:

Waiting - AUS10

Love this man - AUS10

Still Waiting - AUS10

Obviously Austin wanted to tell that he's back in LA.

And specifically Studio City @ 2:46pm

But what else is he telling?

He's near CBS Studios or the bus stop for it.

He's got 446 pictures on that phone. (Who wonders what the 400 he doesn't share are of?)

He's got a low battery.

And has Verizon LTE  4G for his (A little help here Apple fans ... is that a Iphone?)

And he loves him some public art.

But hey buddy anything else you're trying to say?

Just waiting for....

a bus?

a friend? (Yo Glimmer Twins!)


or Godot?  ; )


  1. is that a statue, then? Is that what you're saying? lol. That man doesn't look real.

    Several things come to my mind initially before I head off to get ready for work, just rather quickly thinking out loud.

    Who says that screenshot is from Austin's phone? You know, someone could text me a picture from their phone from any source, I could download it to my phone, and no one would know.

    When I take a picture with my phone, I don't get my provider's name on there. Nor my battery life icon. I reckon I could get the time on there if I knew how to do that with the settings. I know you can get a time/date stamp with a camera, of course. Interesting, don't you think, that Austin doesn't mind sharing his phone provider? It's just kind of odd to share that bit of information.

    How about a day stamp and not just the time? You could have snapped that picture at 2:46 pm on New Year's Day and then just waited until January 23rd to post it. Yeah?

    : )

    Anyhoo, when's the last time we had a triple tweet? Now the interesting thing will be to see if he will have more time to tweet these next 2 1/2 months? Or will he return to status quo and prairie dog-it only once every 3 or 4 weeks? Austin, you may have set a dangerous precedent, buddy.

  2. Interesting, don't you think, that Austin doesn't mind sharing his phone provider? It's just kind of odd to share that bit of information.

    No more odder than say sharing his home address.

  3. "I don't get my provider's name on there. Nor my battery life icon."

    You get all those on an iPhone

    "How about a day stamp and not just the time?"

    You only see the time on an iPhone when viewing a pic/photo.

    All run of the mill...PR hasn't taken over Apple

  4. PR does not have to take over Apple to be curious as to why Austin just posted those photos. He sometimes goes weeks without a peep. Why not some photos from Sundance? He is an actor the last time I checked. Not a quirky street photographer.

    "How about a day stamp and not just the time?"

    You only see the time on an iPhone when viewing a pic/photo.

    That misses the point. Could be why Austin used an iPhone to post those pics in the first place. I agree. That photo could have been taken anytime and then uploaded. Also, the battery life is intriguing. Why would you use your last bit of power on your iPhone to post seemingly random pics? I think besides the California positioning he also may be having some fun with the Jake all by himself on the train photo. Waiting, still waiting. Going nowhere.

  5. Could be why Austin used an iPhone to post those pics in the first place.

    LOL! If he didn't want to show the date, he could just post the actual pic!

  6. Since practically every A-lister is in Park City for the Sundance Film Festival right now, not many celebrities dined out during Polar Vortex 2.0. But Eric Cantor and Rudy Giuliani braved the onslaught of snow and frostbite to fill their bellies, and so did the Saturday Night Live cast (plus Drake)! Read it all, straight ahead.
    606 R&D: Jake Gyllenhaal and a curly-haired female companion ate whitefish salad. [Grub Street]

  7. BWAH!!!!

    Boy, there is quite a surge in backpedaling going on, isn't there? Does WME realize that the proper and effective time for all of this damage control was last weekend when that Sundance party was going on? Not 5-6-7 days later. LOL!!

    No epic fail on our part. We're only reporting what we're seeing as it happened. No, the epic fail is on WME. It's on WME. We're not the ones backpedaling and going back in time to recreate.

    We're not going out and calling on favors from journalists in NYC.

    Do they realize how ridiculous this looks for this stuff to be coming out now? It's absolutely laughable.

    And it's too late. You know what this tells me now is that the leak of Jake at the Sundance party with Maggie was done without prior approval. Heaven forbid the guys do a little Harry & Louis shoutout. Jake and Austin are so below that; I should have known. I try to give them way too much credit sometimes. Never again.

    But what this tells me now is that the Sundance party twitter account published their tweet without knowing that Jake wasn't supposed to be in Park City. That's what all of this nonsense tells me. It was published w/o prior approval.

    Maybe Jake's people need to go to that account and have them issue a retraction - that they "made it up" that Jake was there. Or they could tell them to delete or "archive" that tweet, a la peach kelli pop.

    This is so awesome. Just hilarious.

  8. What are you talking about?January 24, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    this damage control was last weekend when that Sundance party was going on? Not 5-6-7 days later. LOL!!

    Sunday brunch in Brooklyn: trying not to stare at Jake Gyllenhaal eating whitefish salad whilst looking like a lumberjack one table over.
    19 Jan

  9. I understand what Prairie Girl is getting at. There's always sightings of Jake in NY on twitter. That's nothing new. But, these elaborate articles of him cooking for Maggie's girls or photos suddenly popping up in the last few days of him from last week are pretty obvious. Grub Street is used a lot by Jake's people to place him somewhere to provide cover. Even at CAA. Note how they mention Park City too. They wanted to separate Jake from that city so they included it in the description.

    The fact that Austin was not exactly pushing his Sundance attendance tells me he was aware of the Jake sighting in Park City and probably wasn't sure how much to play it up. Otherwise, as someone said, why didn't he post photos on his Twitter or FB account? Instead of the stupid statue sitting at a deserted bus stop.

  10. Uhmm to me, it seems clear that, once again, clear and real facts , have disproved the "Sundance theory" that PG has painstakingly developed, ergo # epicfail

  11. same writing, same pointsJanuary 24, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    "Nowhere Man" and "seems clear" are PG.

    Don't know why you do that, PG.

  12. preach good, bad scratchingJanuary 24, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    "Nowhere Man" and "seems clear" are PG.

    A lot of hypocrisy from who accuse Jake, Maggie, WME, and anyone close to Jake to be liars

  13. Hold there. Those comments aren't from PG. I can tell. So you might want to get off your soap box before you slip and fall.

  14. Bzzzzzz! Wrong-o.

    I was at work and not on lunch break during both those comments I'm being said are mine. I only made one comment so far today and it's got my stud muffin avatar on it. Sorry, person,but other people are wise to this little debacle in the making.


  15. No, Prairie Girl is not me. Stop trying to distract from the obvious distancing of Jake from Park City. I can remember on several occasions how Grubb Street contradicted actual photo sightings of Jake. One recent time had Jake eating out in SF last summer when there were real time pictures of him at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood. These stunts are getting way old. It's almost unbelievable people get paid for this.

  16. Oh come on, face reality, Jake has never been to Suncence, was with Jay-Z, all over NY, perhaps he is in London now, he did not give a damn crap about Sundence or Austin, and Austin was even less interested than Jake, probably because he was with his young sexy big boobs hot girlfriend

    bad memory
    One recent time had Jake eating out in SF last summer When there were real-time pictures of him at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood *

    This is a lie, dinner in SF was the night before.

  17. This is a lie, dinner in SF was the night before.

    Au contraire. Notice how old "bad memory" just calls out the previous poster, yet provides no facts to back up their visceral retort. A typical maneuver of a troll.

    How about I supply the proof?

    Seen at The Abbey a gay bar on Mother’s Day in Burbank May 12, 2013

    Kevin Taft
    48 minutes ago near Burbank, CA via mobile

    So did anyone else spot Jake Gyllenhaal at the Abbey last night? Scruffy, wearing a hat. Positive it was him and he caught me and smiled as I did the double-take and recognized him.

    At lunch in Los Angeles on May 13, 2013
    Los Angeles

    Jake Gyllenhaal leaving the Chateau Marmont at night in his Black Audi Q7. May 14, 2013

    Chateau Marmont, West Hollywood

    Conflicting post of Jake eating at Locanda in SF on May 14th (last night)

    Just Can't Quit This Burrata
    The very dreamy ~Jake Gyllenhaal~ dined at Locanda last night. He enjoyed the Jewish-style artichokes, the bucatini all’amatriciana, the burrata cuscini with crawfish, and the bavette steak. My spy said he also toasted with a glass of Pievalta Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi.
    Jake Gyllenhaal at Locanda on May 14, 2013

    Locanda in San Francisco

  18. Oh come on, face reality, Jake has never been to Suncence,

    I'm assuming you met Sundance. And, Jake has attended Sundance before, several times. In fact, he was just there last year with his mommie and that mystery baby of his:

    Jake Gyllenhaal was spotted out at the Sundance Film Festival this week, shaking hands and literally kissing babies.

    But instead of promoting his own filmmaking, Gyllenhaal came to support his mom, Naomi Foner Gyllenhaal and her directorial debut, "Very Good Girls."

    Starring Dakota Fanning, Lizzie Olsen, and Boyd Holbrook, the gang premiered the flick Tuesday in Park City, Utah, and headed to Main Street's NK lounge, a pop-up space from New York nightlife architect Nur Khan.

    Gyllenhaal, who commuted from the Georgia set of his new film "Prisoners," donned dark threads and denim for the fete and raved about his mom's work, according to one partygoer.

    The 32-year-old mulled over the flick with the likes of Francesca Eastwood -- this year's Miss Golden Globe and still main squeeze of photographer Tyler Shields as far as we know -- along with Fanning.

    But back to the family affair: Not only was Gyllenhaal's godmother, Jamie Lee Curtis, in attendance, the actor also spent a "large portion" of the evening cradling and playing with a baby that was rolling with the group.

  19. of course I meant Sundance 2014 it seems to me unnecessary to point out that

  20. ok sorry the gay bar was May 12, I had not seen sorry again

  21. Methodical Muser said...

    I'm assuming you met Sundance.

    I'm assuming you meant "meant" ;)))))))

  22. I have to say I love you guys. It's amazing the information you have at your fingertips. These troublemakers are annoying. They lash out and call people liars, trying to bluff their way through on any given topic. Yet, as you say they either make stuff up or they name call with nothing to back up their charges.

    Sometimes, I'm sure it's just plain ignorance and/or stupidity, but I bet much of their swagger is designed to fool others into thinking you're wrong. I mean usually when you call someone a liar, you've made sure to get your facts straight. Thanks for reminding onlookers what a charade their bravata really is.

  23. of course I meant Sundance 2014 it seems to me unnecessary to point out that

    Actually, I think it was vital to point that out, given that clarity is important when trying to ascertain if we are talking about the same subject. I know you love to play loose with the facts or just make them up as you go, but I wanted to make sure there was no doubt we were talking about the same event.

  24. I'm assuming you meant "meant" ;)))))))

    That's correct.

  25. oh please 7:15 PM I was right, CM, was the evening after the dinner in SF, you're the only uninformed who do not check the facts

  26. oh please 7:15 PM I was right, CM, was the evening after the dinner in SF, you're the only uninformed who do not check the facts

    I think it's pretty clear that the Chateau Marmont sighting of Jake was the evening of May 14 and the Locanda sighting in SF was the evening of May 14 also. It's pretty clear if you read the info behind the links that there is a huge discrepancy. You've just proved my point again. Facts and evidence mean absolutely nothing to you.

  27. From IHJ:

    Leaving The Chateau Marmont In LA - 5.14.13

    Jake Gyllenhaal leaving the Chateau Marmont in his Black Audi Q7. 5.14.13

  28. Read the article again. It states:

    Jake Gyllenhaal at Locanda on May 14, 2013

    Even on May 13 Jake was seen in LA and Burbank. NOT San Francisco.

  29. Okay. I can read and it's pretty clear that the links that were posted indicated that Jake was in LA May 12, 13 and 14. The article about the Italian restaurant in SF stated that Jake was seen there on May 14. Regardless, of whether it was the 13th or 14th, Jake obviously was not in SF.

  30. What I'm interested in is Jake being at that gay bar on Mother's Day.
    Also, I believe Jake was seen in LA throughout the rest of the month. And, wasn't he with his "niece" (i.e. daughter) at the end of the month at the Ritz?

  31. More information about the BBM opera including a video talking about the making of the opera with some of the musical score. And picture of Opera Jack and Ennis.


  32. Good Memory, time to hit the road. Get the heck out of Dodge.

    You are not going to have the floor anymore. That's it. Sayonara. Adios.

    No more obstinate lying. No more profanity.

    You not monopolize or take over this blog. It ain't happening.

    As long as it takes, we will guard OMG.

  33. They're heeeere...

    Here's Johnny!!

    ET phone home.....

    lol. Boy, so I go to Facebook to take a look back at Kevin Taft's Facebook page and it appears to me that the Jake at the Abbey post has been removed.

    His posts go from May 6 to the 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, and two posts on the 12th, one of which was to honor his mother and the other to honor his sister's birthday. No more Jake at the Abbey.

    So has Kevin Taft joined the Hall of Flames a la Peach Kelli Pop and @underdaBRIdge18 (Tortuga) ???

    Looks like it to me.

  34. What the hell? Yet another controversial sighting of Jake taken down??? Gone forever? Good thing we save these things now. Guys, you have to printscreen this stuff now because it's like salt poured onto a slug the way his stuff gets eaten alive.

    Thank you, ha ha for bringing up the SF incident. Bringing that up has exposed the deletion of Kevin Taft's Abbey post.

  35. How do PR get these people to scrub their tweets and posts? Money?

  36. Boy, somebody is just all red in the face and throwing themselves on the floor, aren't they?

    Hard to believe someone can actually get paid for sitting on a blog nearly 24/7 putting up all kinds of childish and anal nonsense. Just think, part of Jake and Austin's wages are going towards paying for that kind of activity.

    Every month or bi-weekly. Cha Ching! They pay their management and in turn, Mgmnt pays an outside source to provide their needed service.

    This is part of why movie ticket prices go up. These kinds of business services cost money.

    What a black hole those two guys are sinking money into.

  37. And maybe it's through union dues or just the public relations or manager's fees. I'm not going to try to pretend I know the business breakdown but this kind of protection isn't free. If these guys need protection, they're going to have to pay for it. Nothing comes free.

  38. You know, Google searches can help out in these kinds of areas, it's amazing sometimes.

    ; )
