Thursday, February 13, 2014

A little off the top

Better late than never- sorry for the delay- #snowhibernationproblems

 In screencaps from trailer - it's a very hirsute Mr. Jake

Which confirms how much manscaping is going on

And not just for in front of the camera.

Olympics for ALL Moment:
Released by The Fair Games Project, this video, titled "Russia Declares Discrimination Newest Olympic Sport," is part of a campaign to raise one million dollars by the closing of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics in order to support LGBT Russian activists.


  1. Ahh, the old "are they aren't they dating" routine.

    No cliched pr move to old or to lame for this team.

  2. Jake's up to his old tricks, I see. Very predictable. The old on-again; off again fauxmance. I have to wonder how he lives with himself. Probably, not very well because anyone with two eyes can see that he looks fifty years old. Peter and Maggie look pretty bad too.

    Every day, Jake shows he has no respect for his fans since he seems to view them as nothing more than cash cows to service his lavish lifestyle.

  3. Every day, Jake shows he has no respect for his fans since he seems to view them as nothing more than cash cows to service his lavish lifestyle.

    Which lavish lifestyle are you talking about? The one where he wears different designer clothes every day and travels around with a manservant in a limo?

    What an odd comment.

  4. True to form, new movie coming out. Float the Jake is straight concept to entice straight male viewers. They will be walking out of Enemy faster than their legs can carry them. Horrid movie. Even odder that IHJ had pictures of Jake at those events but no sign of the beard anywhere. That picture Jared used is ancient. How much does anyone want to bet that there was a check in that envelope. Payment for bearding services previoulsy rendered.
