Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Meerkat Manners

Just like the little meerkat, Jake pops up out of nowhere and this time

in Red Hook, Brooklyn

Jake at the Rachel Comey show and salon dinner

 (that's not Annette Bening - nope - it's Maggie)

POP! He's there.

Wonder where he will Pop next?


  1. Not to cry photoshop and run, one thing to look at is the glass "in" Jake's grasp.

    Gotta run! It's back to reality and work. JakeWorld could drive you nuts, lol.

  2. Not sure what you're trying to insinuate there PG. I've seen at least 6 photos of Jake at this fashion show last night by 6 different people (check Instagram). Surely they aren't all photoshopped.

  3. Not sure what you're trying to insinuate there PG.

    I think it's pretty clear what I'm insinuating.

    I've seen at least 6 photos of Jake at this fashion show last night by 6 different people (check Instagram). Surely they aren't all photoshopped.

    Please be so kind as to provide the links of each one. Kind of funny how not one single one of the picture postings crossed over to Twitter ?

    That being said, as has been evidenced many times on OMG, I have no issue with retractions. I'm not afraid to stick my neck out over what I believe I see.

    But I'll tell you what. With each passing hour since I commented about the photoshopping last night, it looks worse for the home team to come up with reinforcement that's going to bail out those two pictures from last night.

    Look at the sudden glut of Jake activity appearing on Facebook and Twitter this morning - the standbys of coffee in Tribeca and casual run-in's. There haven't been Facebook sightings of Jake in months and suddenly we have two this morning. Enough said.

    So yeah, I'm dying to see the Instagrams.

    Back to work. It's terrible trying to come back after a snowstorm. I feel like I'm down 0 for 2 in the count already, LOL!

  4. Whatever happened to filming that Everest movie? Is his role really small? Is he no longer in it? It just seems strange that he's been around NYC so much if he is making a film that is supposedly being filmed overseas.

  5. So here is my review of Enemy, which I just finished viewing. Creepy, weird, excruciatingly slow, dark - literally. Half the scenes are so dimly lit you can barely see Jake. I have no clue what the ending meant. I have a guess, but it's spoilerish so won't say. Did I like it? No. Absolutely not. Will it be a hit in theaters? I will be flabbergasted if it plays well. Seeing it explains why they had so much trouble getting a distributor. I would not be surprised if some asked for their money back. The only reason why I'm glad I have seen it is that I would hate to have waited for a long time to see it, and then have seen this movie.

  6. Wow, pretty scathing, m. But then I already knew I was never going to watch it.

    The mere fact that Jake gushes about how Denis let him run amuck with no directing reins during filming and the fact that they had such a hard time getting a distributor, told me the movie was a mess.

    What has started already on Twitter and what will continue through the film's release will be the same propaganda and hype that Jake's people did with Prisoners.

    And I won't believe a word of it. The shutout during award season for Prisoners proved it's not worthy of believing.

  7. There were a couple of extra pictures posted on the internet today although I would be very curious as to what time they actually hit.

    If they didn't publish until this afternoon/evening? I'm not retracting.Sorry! lol. Color me even more skeptical. Maybe if Jake took another step out into public at a current event with multiple pictures on IHJ and without misleading/photoshopped pictures released the night before, instead of hiding behind lame tweets and facebooks, that would help. Like maybe tonight. Surely there's another fashion event tonight.

    Order up!

  8. You need help. Seriously. Your mind is so twisted. How did you get to this point? We're you always, for want of a better word, delusionally paranoid? You weren't like this when you first started posting here. When did this happen to you?

  9. BWAH!! My mind is so twisted. That's awesome.

    You weren't like this when you first started posting here.

    And Jake didn't used to look like a 2nd cousin to the Duck Dynasty boys.

    And Jake didn't used to avoid being pictured with Peter Sarsgaard.

    And Jake didn't used to carry verbal bromance affairs with every director/male co star that he filmed with.

    And Jake didn't used to lie so profusely in interviews and about his filming.

    And Jake didn't used to wear black, tan and grey every day.

    Nothing has happened to me. I'm just watching and observing. I don't have anything to prove. I'm just a lil' civilian from Johnson County, Kansas commenting on what I'm seeing.

    But apparently it is the G-Hauls who feel they have everything to prove in reaction to what is observed on this blog.

    And #caring (LOL!) is hacked because I placed a tongue in cheek order.

  10. That's it.

    Keep on proving that I'm onto something.

    I know, another 24 hours is going to be needed, isn't it. #Layaway

    The truth will always come through. The light will always shine through the dark. It may take awhile, but it will.

  11. what has happened to Jake?February 6, 2014 at 9:24 PM

    You weren't like this when you first started posting here. When did this happen to you?

    All those photos look photoshopped to me. Isn't Jake supposed to be filming? Instead, they are trying to prove that Maggie and Peter are a happy couple and Jake loves hanging out at Fashion shows all of a sudden. I saw Enemy last night too. It is horrible. I mean horrible. Stay away.

  12. what has happened to Jake?February 6, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    Duck Dynasty? LOL! That's a good one.

  13. Thank you, 21:24, for being willing to speak up, no matter what the opinion.

    I'm waiting to see what else they produce. But so far, we have no picture of Jake with or even near Peter.

    And I would love to find out when those 2 new pictures surfaced on the net. The first picture that appeared last night definitely looked photoshopped.

    The ones published today on the fashion site, you have one photo of Jake w/Maggie.

    Sorry, I'm still not sold for the reasons I stated earlier. And the visitor is hacked because I'm not changing my mind yet. I have no problem retracting but I'm not retracting yet. I'm not 100% convinced.
    It will remain up in the air to me.

  14. Whatever happened to filming that Everest movie? Is his role really small? Is he no longer in it?

    Makes you wonder, doesn't it if he's going to fashion shows? And then this appeared on Twitter:

    MR. WILL WONG (@mrwillw)
    2/6/14, 10:58

    #DanielRadcliffe, #JayBaruchel and #JakeGyllenhaal expected to add tons of Starpower to @Academy_NET's #CDNScreen14 Awards 3/9 in Toronto!

    ^^ See that? He's headed back to Toronto in early March. It's getting to be the middle of February now and so you have to kind of wonder when there's going to be time to get some filming squeezed in? lol

  15. Thanks for the input on Enemies, sorry to hear it's such a mess.

  16. Looks like couple problems started in 2011

    Bet you're not too far off about that either. That was the year Maggie and Peter got pregnant again after six years. An accident or maybe not his kid perhaps.
