Saturday, March 15, 2014

Bunned up

Couldn't end the week without Jake show off his buns again.

His petite little buns
 Well ones that's don't get pulled from every media outlet.

From the looks of it Jake's got the man bun down pat as opposed to the others that may get the occasional pat down.


  1. Fascinating reading from yesterday. Seems to me that the whole Chloe fake relationship is about Southpaw.

    This film will be financed by the Weinstein Company, big money. High stakes. Jake has been in a bearding relationship, of one kind or another, for over a year. He can't prepare and work while being distracted by that kind of nonsense so Austin has been tagged team to take up the slack. It's not like the guy has been working or anything.

  2. From HW pretty boy to drugged out street person. PR must have a plan. Same plan doesn't seem to have worked out too well for Joaquin Phoenix.

  3. There are a whole lot of pretty boys in HW right now making a whole lot more money than Jake. Plus most great actors do not have to turn to phony images to become great actors. If you have real talent you don not have to have to resort to gimmicks.

  4. If this image is indeed a plan to hide Jakes life it sure is not working to help his career which you would think would be the most important thing in in supporting a family. Jake and his team are idiots if they think their plan is working. Jake will never get good jobs with good directors.

  5. Going on ten years since Brokeback. What huge success has Jake had since then? A great director got him and Oscar nomination and a Bafta Award. He became hugely famous and loved. Tell me how the lies and new image has helped him???? Gay men like NPH and Bomer have become very famous and well liked stars. Don't see anyone loving on Jake.

  6. Don't see anyone loving on Jake.

    Certainly not here on a Jake blog and certainly not from you. The bitterness and vitriol tell me it's time to close up this blog and refocus your negative energy elsewhere.

  7. I'm enjoying the rideMarch 16, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    Why is the troll sticking around if they don't like the substance of the blog? Oh, that's right. Their charge is to bring OMG down.

    Ain't going to happen.

    It's actually kind of fun to call Jake and Austin out on their bullshit. No one else will, apparently. Anyway, bloggers are merely watching and commenting on the train wreck ahead. WME effectively alienated 99% of Jake's fandom. Only a few rabid and mindless fangurls left. But, in some ways, the fun has just started.

  8. Exhibitor Relations ‏@ERCboxoffice 58 min

    A24's ENEMY, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, got off to a solid start with $18k in one theater.

    I'm sure you'll all be happy with this good news
    Right? Yeah


  9. I'm sure you'll all be happy with this good news

    I have no problem with it, sorry to disappoint you.I do want what's best for both of these men, no matter how hard I may come down on them sometimes. I want them to remain healthy - not just physically for the sake of each other but for their children.

    I want them to be healthy mentally, spiritually and psychologically.

    I want their children to be proud of them, not just now, but in 10 years. And 20 years. And 30 years when their children see it all and learn it all. Because every decade is crucial and will influence the way those kids feel and think, not only about their dads, but about themselves and the life that they will have had.

    Obviously, Jake and Austin feel this is the only way to have that kind of fulfillment. They are doing what they feel is the only route they have.

    If I'm still alive the day they think they are ready to reveal what they have, IF they are still together, I'll be so happy, I'll liable burst that blessed day. Because I'll still be here. I'm waiting it out, ready to celebrate.

    But if either guy crashes and burns before they reach that point, the question is, will their management still be there for them?

    I have to wonder. Because all I see is Management looking out for Management.

  10. The only thing I am down on Jake for is that he takes really really bad advice from the people who supposingly are trying to help him advance his career. I do not get it.

  11. Hopefully if someone does come on this site who is connected in anyway can explain that to me. I would love to know. What is the plan or is the man in trouble?

  12. The bitterness and vitriol tell me it's time to close up this blog and refocus your negative energy elsewhere.

    lol. That's hilarious. Ye who spouts nothing but bitterness towards OMG regulars over on that WME dry erase board trying to disguise itself as the old WFT2. Sorry, we aren't closing up shop.

    Very interesting analyzation, Austin's beard. Yeah, that very well could be. Southpaw scares me.
    Not because of the movie itself, it does sound like a good story.

    But the fact that there is such a big company behind it, it scares me of what lies ahead.

    I fear for these 2 guys and what they have right now and I don't know if Jake can handle that kind of pressure. They just keep taking it further and further every day, doing things that I bet they hadn't really planned on doing.

    And the scary part about watching this all unfold is look at the favors Jake and Austin are calling on their friends. Even Busy & Michelle. You know, when you get invested in by a big $$$ company and you have called upon big favors from friends in addition to your Mgmnt/investors, you know what happens?

    You become indebted. You put yourself out there to be collected upon in the future. No matter how good of a friend you think you might have, it can come back to bite you in the a** because everyone is human. And at some point (if they haven't already), someone's going to say, "Hey, remember what I did for you? Remember that? Now I need you. I need you to behave. I need for you to do this. I need for you to shut up and stop wearing those rings. I need something from you, I'm collecting on my favor."

    And before you know it, you owe so many people so much. And then you get further and further in "debt". And you get so deep in "debt", that you're never going to get out because you've taken it too far. No going back.

    That's where Austin and Jake are. They've gotten themselves into "debt". And the more kissing on red carpets they do and the more "t & a" they say? They sink further with every one. It just shows how much they want to be embraced into the Hollywoood fold. And they obviously want it really bad.

    Even if it means losing everything they have - which is each other and their own psychological well-being. They are willing to risk that.

  13. And desperation to ignore facts like Jake moving to New York because he doesn't give a shit about Austin.


    Sell it somewhere else.

  14. I don't even think Jake moved to New York. I think they tried to make it look like he moved to NYC. I am sure he spends some time there but i do not think he lives there.

  15. Did Jake really get that part in Southpaw? I thought Eminem was going to get that part. I do not think anything is official yet. How much more people will flock to see this movie if Eminem is the star. What I mean Jake's new image will not put people in the seats. Sorry. Jake's old image would have.

  16. Maybe the plan is for Jake to become the next RDJ. Recovered heroine addict becomes a huge success. Problem is I don't think J ake really has RDJ's skills. Sorry i am really upset Jake looks like a total dirt bag in those last pics. Yeah people might not think this man could possibly be a father but who the heck would want to see his movies. Sorry does not make sense. I am not bothered by Austin kissing some girl. Total nonsense but I am bothered by the way Jake is being packaged. Horrible.

  17. This is what Jake's father meant when he said he felt bad for his son because he had given in and was headed down a scary road.

  18. I would not count on Jake being in any movie until he actually shows up and starts filming. He's been linked to too many films that fell out.

    Too funny. The troll suggests the blog be shut down when all he has to do is not come here if he does not like what is said. Then he says he comes to enjoy the comments! What an idiot.

    If the counseling rumor turns out to be true, I won't be surprised. He had a nasty bout with depression when he and Austin broke up once early in their relationship. And you could see the toll that bearding during POP took on him. Plain as day on his easily readable face. So the latest light bearding would be enough to send him over the edge. Happy people are attentive to their appearance. Unhappy people are not.

  19. Money comes and goes. Our jobs and professions, awards and recognition, and fame will come and go. Publicity and adoration, good looks, high, wonderful sex drive, athleticism, all of these things have their times, their evolutions, and their peaks. And with the exception of the sex drive, they fade away or digress. And I don't know of 80 and 90 year olds with the sex life or drive they had when in their younger years. So all of these aspects of ourselves fade with time and eventual age.

    What doesn't go? What doesn't fade? Is your mind. Is your self esteem. The words you have uttered. Your memories and your past history. These things - you carry these things with you for the rest of your life. They are the parts of ourselves that are our own. Even Alzheimer's patients still retain parts of their memories.

    And the longer Jake and Austin keep maintaining double lives, keep contradicting and denying themselves, the more damage is being done to their mental and psychological health. It seems to me that there is even some level of brainwashing that goes on where the closet is concerned. These guys are told that they'll be blacklisted. They won't be accepted. They'll destroy their careers. They'll hurt the chances and careers of their extended families who might also be in the business. They're told to stop this behavior and sit this way, don't dress like this, you're too pretty looking, we need to change the way you look.

    "You aren't right. You're not acceptable the way you are. You need to change." Yeah, don't tell me there isn't some brainwashing, psychological damage being done.

    And that is what I care about, I guess. I could care less about how famous they get or how much $$ they earn. It's what all this is doing to them.

  20. Corned beef & cabbage is cooking up a storm now! Irish soda bread has been setting overnight and hopefully it all turns out all right.

    We had some sleet and just a touch of snow overnight. Not very spring-like or St. Paddy's, but oh well.

    Is anybody else having corned beef and cabbage today or tomorrow?

  21. all you need is loveMarch 16, 2014 at 6:49 PM

    prairiegirl, Florida Tom, the real m, Methodical Muser, et al.:

    Thanks for your honesty. Your compassion. Your intelligence. I started following your blog because of One Direction, because I was given some blog names when I fell in love with a couple of boys named Harry and Louis. I know you support gay performers coming out and I only hope more embrace this truth. Maybe I am an idiot, but why can't people be who they are?

    Heterosexual men who play gay roles, don't have to "convince" the audience they are into men. So why should gay men have to convince the world they are straight. I hear about how it's all about the bottom line. I'm more likely to embrace the explanation that's it's all about homophobia.

    Maybe all actors need to self identify as pansexual and then we can get over all this gamesmanship.

  22. PG

    Don't know if I will get the boiled dinner (Corned Beef/cabbage & veg) but I did have some bangers (sausage)and mash and rashers(bacon) at our church's Irish tea after the service. And all imported from Ireland.

  23. Hi All you need is love,

    Welcome! Glad you found us.

  24. Wow, so many comments last couple of days. I was busy working and cooking up a storm, we had friends over last night. No corned beef and cabbage, I don't eat beef. Love Irish Soda Bread, but never thought to try making it before, will have to give it a whirl.

    Agree Tom, PG and All You Need is Love about the closet and acceptance.

    Regarding Enemy, I will probably check it out. Everyone has different tastes in movies. I know most people don't like movies that you can't figure out, but I don't mind them--even ones where you know even the makers had no idea what they meant--as long as there are other things to hold my interest.

    I also think people are more likely to complain than to say they like something, so the fact there have been a lot of negative comments doesn't deter me given some good reviews from reviewers I generally trust.

  25. Jake could end the charade anytime he chooses. I am not sure how Jake handles the deceit. He is so programmed and manufactured it is hard to tell. Looks like he is suffering but I believe it is all some attempt at forming his image. My God who in the hell is advising this guy.

  26. all you need is loveMarch 16, 2014 at 8:51 PM

    I enjoy your blog. Thanks!

  27. Hi All You Need is Love, I'm glad you were given OMG's name. That's awesome. And please - call me PG.

    You know, what I find hope in is in the younger generation. Our younger generation is being brought up in a whole new world and they are changing things rapidly. Sure there's a long way to go, but the great strides that have been made are something to celebrate and be happy about. Who would have ever thought so much legislation would be passed for same sex marriages by now? We have advertisers like JC Penney changing the map of the "family" to involve all kinds of families in their ads and commercials. Everywhere, something new changes and evolves.

    I don't know what the solution is for Hollywood. We've got the wrong people holding the power. I think it's going to take a group to band together. There's power and confidence in numbers when you're going against a Goliath like the Old Hollywood Guard. If only someone would say "We can do it."

    Because I think it could be done. Topple that mountain!! Somebody's got to be getting tired of the street names of hell.

  28. Give it up Tom, Jake is no longer the same cute guy in his early 20, just come out of BBM.Jake is a man now, and He looks like a man, a real man, not a steroid-pumped shaved vain man.

    And he is a top nocth actor, he does not need to look cute in order to get roles

  29. We had a great feast today. I made corned beef & cabbage, Irish mashed potatoes with cauliflower & garlic, and Irish soda bread. And everything turned out great if I say so myself, LOL!! It was awesome and we dined by Irish music. Even had a little bit of "Oh Danny Boy". lol

    I said, "Do I hear Danny Boy?" I'm the furtherest thing from Irish, but for St Patty's, I become a JoCo, Hispanic Irish person. BWAH!!!! It is so fun - all the green decorations, the Irish Rover music, the food. I love it.

    And this isn't even St Patrick's! There's a whole other day - the real day. And everyone is Irish for a day - it's a blast. Don't you just love holidays?

  30. Oh look, the voice of William Morris Endeavor in the house. Plain as day, isn't it?

  31. It's not a matter of being cute. No one expects Jake to be frozen in time, but his desire to be a bad ass is manufactured and tiresome. If it's about the art then stop with all the craftiness. Trickery and deceit is not attractive.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Thank you Plain and Simple. Could not have said it better.

  34. but I did have some bangers (sausage)and mash and rashers(bacon) at our church's Irish tea after the service. And all imported from Ireland.

    Whoa, stop. Imported from Ireland? Wow, that tops it all, Special! Cool. What does Irish tea mean? And I wonder why sausage is called a banger? Isn't that funny.

    Go home, Jack. You have your own roost - this is not yours.

    You know, I have to say that I like that little Parker Roll bun Jake has going on. I don't like the length of the hair but I like that little knot back there, that thing cracks me up. Parker roll!!!

  35. but his desire to be a bad ass is manufactured and tiresome.

    be a bad ass is manufactured and tiresome just for you who you have a stereotypical idea of what Jake should be, and instead, with your great disappointment he is not

  36. No doubt his appearance is about image. People will just be knocking each other down to get into see someone who looks like a pot head dirty street person. He is near his mid 30s. Someone might wanna get the crew together and do some brain storming.

  37. In the last picture he looks like he is zoning in on that cig butt on the ground. Is that who Jake really is. Somebody better get on on some meds if that what has become of the sweet funny guy we used to see.

  38. Tom He's doing a movie that requires a long unkempt beard, prior to this he was doing a movie that required a anorexic thinness, he is an actor, his body is his most important work tool.

  39. WME represents Jake. Therefore, that agency provides part of the answer when it comes to marketing Jake's public image. The 1D fan up there could probably confirm how ridiculous management/public relations can be when trying to bury the gay. If Jake does have children he's hiding, the people who control his image have even more cards in their hands.

  40. Scott Fisher had no beard like that. Look at all the pictures of Scott Fischer - that guy had a light beard in nearly all the pictures of him that I've seen.

    So why isn't Jake trying to get physically as much as he can into his character? He looks nothing like Scott Fischer, including the very blond hair.

  41. he is an actor, his body is his most important work tool.

    Jake has looked like shit since that Shoes video. Which means since WME started representing him. That is no accident. The guy he is playing in Everest is quite good looking. Blond, handsome, in shape. All you have to do is look at Jake in those stupid bare ass snapshots to see that he is choosing to look like a slob even when the role doesn't require it. Regarding, Nightcrawler, Jake said himself that losing 25 lbs was his idea. A metaphor for the character being "hungry." Yeah, right.

  42. Everything changed when Jake came under WME but there was something else that happened at the same time.

    Right, M&M?

  43. The change in Jake began after Reese reneged on her bearding contract. But, the real transformation occurred once WME took hold of the reins. Jake's "look" is on purpose. All part of the plan to make him more accessible to the straight, homophobic global male demographic he craves.

  44. He dresses like a damn bum. Every time I see him he looks nasty. He isn't filming everyday.

  45. From HW pretty boy to Lumber Jack to homeless man. Either poor mgt or the man needs help.

  46. The fact Jake is also gay amplifies everything WME does. They are absolutely desperate to recreate Jake into a misogynistic, sex obsessed male. Love 'em and leave 'em. Three to four women at a time. Flavor of the month. Mystery blond, brunette, red head. Any XX chromosome will do.

  47. I agree, I think Jake was perceived as having a problem with the straight male audience. But I also think some of it is wanting to be perceived as serious Actor with a capital A, someone who cares about his craft and not his looks. I suspect he thinks he got burned trying to be the leading hunk type, and has done a 180 almost as a screw you sort of thing.

  48. Yeah, I agree, Dest. I think that is part of it as well.

    I also think that Jake is trying to prove himself to the Old HW family. Like he's trying to pass the initiation to prove he's worthy as well as trustworthy to get back into the "family".

  49. Everything changed when Jake came under WME

    Not true, Jake dresses like a hipster,since he moved to NY, long before change agency, are at least three years Jake wears those green and kaky pants and those brown shoes,
    long before the new agency, and if the plan of his new agency is to make him look bad ass and manly, the best way was End of Watch, by far the most bad ass, with testosterone, manly movie Jake did, but when he did that movie he was still with the old agency. you say he looks like a bum, it just seems low key and informal to me, but when he wants to be elegant, like at the Tony Awards, is the hottest thing in the room.

  50. Hey maybe mgt will do something crazy and daring like let Jake be himself. If he has talent that should be enough. Like Diniro, Hoffman and Pacino. Just great actors. No need for image. I have no clue who those men have dated or who they married.

  51. Maybe Jake should try the Daniel Day- Lewis approach? It seems to have worked well for him, thus far.

  52. And speaking of Tony Awards , how come if the new agency, controls every his step, in order to make him the most straight as possible the most straight as possible, allows him to go to the awards ceremony, more gayer than gay pride with a male date?

    sorry I pressed too many keys on my keyboard

  53. Well, well, well............

    Isn't that just interesting.....

    The male date at the Tonys comes up out of nowhere. Something that has never been officially confirmed or verified by any website. It was only something talked about on social media and DataLounge.

    That was quite a slip there, I don't think so.

  54. officially confirmed???March 16, 2014 at 11:03 PM

    There is no need for confirmation Jake arrived with the guy, and they were sitting together

  55. There's a difference between a guest and a date, don't backtrack now, it's too late.

  56. Anonymous officially confirmed??? said...

    There is no need for confirmation Jake arrived with the guy, and they were sitting together

    Nobody else paid any attention to that little charade. Not TMZ. Not Just Jared. Not US Magazine. Not People. Not Lamey. Not Huffington Post. Not E!Online.

    Only Facebook and Twitter burned up that brushfire, a brushfire set up by Jake's people and intended solely for the viewing benefit of OMG.

    Too bad it was such a failure.

  57. Sorry but is a difference that I do not take, but the point is: he went to an awards ceremony Gayer than Christmas with another man, where everyone could see it and do all kinds of conjecture, how this fact can be explained if its new agency is on a mission on behalf of the devil, to make Jake straight in the eyes of the world?

  58. Berlinale was arranged before Jake signed his contract with WME in January 2012. What is particularly striking is that these pics are only two years apart.

    Jake Before WME February 2012

    Jake After WME March 2014

  59. Jack, stop with the fake 'accent'. I'm not arguing on that one.

    I need to look at these pics M & M put up now.

  60. Awwww, remember how excited we all were at the beginning of Berlinale?

    That first picture of Jake posted by Methodical Muser is from Berlinale. It's so hard to believe that was 2 years ago.

    The second picture is so jarringly different from the Berlinale picture.

  61. I don't know if I can sleep tonight after that contrasting image of Jake. Jarring is right.

  62. MM, No way, those photos are from Berlinale, after the music video, which you have used as an example of the point of no return for the change of Jake's look. in the video, shot before those photos he had a beard and had a beard for months before , shaving took place for the video, in Berlin he was a juror, an official occasion such as Tony Award

  63. Jake and a beard is not the problem. He had one on and off for years under CAA. Sometimes scruff, sometimes longer. He, however, never looked like a slob who has no interest in grooming rituals.

    Jake in Shoes Video January/February 2012

  64. Now the problem is no longer the beard
    Where is the problem? We have made ​​it clear that it has the same pants and shoes for years before changing agency, EOW before changing agency, the beard before changing agency
    What exactly did this terrible agency to change him?

  65. The troll is ridiculous. No one has ever cared about Jake's beard. It's the scraggily nature of his facial hair along with the fact that he looks as old as Methuselah. Lots of people here liked his long hair in Prince of Persia too. His hair looks unwashed and certainly unstyled.

    Does the man even look in a mirror any more. Oh, that's right. He's so manly now he smashes them with his bare hands.

  66. the only ridiculous here are you, who when you have no valid arguments to respond, call people "trolls"

  67. Lots of people here liked his long hair in Prince of Persia too

    you mean those horrid greasy extensions?

  68. Your response is the one that has no substance.
