Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Talking about One's Enemy

While Jake is working in Italy there is still a movie to promote and earlier this year Jake went up to Toronto to sit down with well known Canadian talk show host George Stroumboulopoulos to talk about Enemy

Here are some of the clips:

A theme that both Jake and Denis have touched on is the intimacy of film making

and struggling with intimacy

Jake went on to talk about working with people who inspire him

And George ask Jake about his Electric Company connection

In addition to Jake's Vanity Fair interview  he sat down with the CBC's Q guest host Brent Bambury to talk about Enemy.  Denis earlier last fall said in an interview with Q that the movie really "gets into his leading man's real mind -- calling it a a documentary about the subconscious of Jake Gyllenhaal --- something the actor identifies with to a certain extent."

Jake call it more collective -"In a way, it's really about the exploration of all of our unconscious."   But which is it subconscious or unconscious there Jakey?


  1. I just missed out on another box lunch, I'm so sad!!! The can of Hy Vee brand chicken noodle soup had already been mostly consumed. No telling what I missed out on!! You never know what's inside one of those box lunches - some kind of special treat like a cookie!!!
    > I

    Box lunches are fun. They're cool !!!

    Back to work as it is just nuts around here today.

    Oh, and I would be surprised if Jake is still in Italy.

  2. Why you keep made up lies who can be easily disproved?
    it would be better just read the articles

  3. fiction by any other nameMarch 6, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    No one's making up lies. Except maybe Jake Gyllenhaal, Austin Nichols, Alyssa Miller, mommie, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, WME, Denis Villeneuve, etc.

  4. Austin displaying that wedding band on his left hand in that recent picture was no lie. He wears that ring for a reason as does Jake. Anyone can say what they want but those two have had those rings for a long time.

  5. another super macho movie enjoyMarch 6, 2014 at 6:54 PM

    Urban Brain Film ‏@UrbanBrainFilm 26 min

    Jake Gyllenhaal Is Antoine Fuqua's Southpaw Fuqua will direct Gyllenhaal in a boxing drama from "Sons of Anarchy...

  6. Well, well, well....

    You know something's up when....

    1) Austin's Twitter EKG spikes like a heart attack for the last several days

    2) Maggie's Twitter/Facebook Search has been bogged down the last couple days by a robot story about her and Peter going to be at some event together in Cancun. And the robot tweet/FB story was in Spanish no less, you could never find it in English.

    And then today, it was all about the release of the official Frank movie trailer.

    3) Then you have Peter and his Twitter search (which is always deader than a doornail anyway) being totally bogged down the last several days with the Cancun story and then today; it is dominated with a robot tweet about him returning to Off Broadway in January 2015.

    4) And of course the one for whom all these bells toll, Mr. Jakey - his Twitter/FB search is bogged down today with news about the new hired director for Southpaw.

    3 of these actors have released news just rotating on a rotisserie wheel like you wouldn't believe and Mr. Austin has more girl action going on with his Twitter than you can shake a stick at.

    ^^^^ When you see all these planets coming into alignment like that, they're forming an eclipse to hide something.

    And you know what they're probably hiding? They're trying to hide that Maggie is back in the UK.

    And if Maggie is back in the UK? Then I bet Austin is back in the UK. And Jake probably be joining soon if not already and my bet is on the latter.

  7. Yep, Maggie is in England, alright. And, I didn't even need a telescope to reveal the closeted wonders of the universe:

    The Handbook ‏@thehandbooknews

    Today: Maggie Gyllenhaal and Michael Fassbender attend the press screening of their new film Frank. Releases 9th May.

    3:45 AM - 4 Mar 2014

  8. And, where is Mr. Fassbender, pray tell? You guessed it. Jolly old England. Pip, pip cheerio and all that rot.

    k & Fairy

    Michael Fassbender just walked past the shop! We had matching ginger beards

    Fiona Rassell Wow! He is in sunny St Mags! So cool where we live & work x
    15 hours ago

    Georgia Gray He is supposed to be the guy I got out partying with according to that survey on buzzfeed. He must be cool! X

    14 hours ago

    Victoria Harris the Oscars in Hollywood on Sunday and now in St Mags on Thursday...he's going up in the world

  9. Inviting anyone who wishes to join in the synchronization of anticipation for NYC sightings of Maggie or further pictures from Italy of Jake. Wouldn't surprise me.

    This prospect of Southpaw brings up something interesting to me. This seems to be a bright prospect of a film for Mr. Jake.

    And so it seems to me that as Jake progresses to a more high profile film, the stakes are going to get a little higher. And I don't think he's going to be able to keep getting away with the lackadaisical bearding jobs that he's been doing lately.

    Which brings me to the idea that maybe there could be something to that Matchmaker Busy Phillips/Michelle Willliams/Jake-could-be Matilda's-new-Stepfather story that went viral at the beginning of this week.

    Michelle Williams & Jake Gyllenhaal Destined To Fall In Love? Only If Busybody Busy Philipps Has Her Way!

    Are Michelle Williams & Jake Gyllenhaal a match made in heaven?

    Well, if Busy Philipps' mind is your idea of heaven, then YES!

    According to sources super close to the situation - though likely not close to The Situation if you catch our drift - Busy is trying like the dickens to get the Brokeback Mountain co-stars to date each either!!

    We know Jake has had a slew of super seXXXy short term relationships - including one that reportedly involved deflowering a country music starlet - but could Michelle be the one for him?

    More importantly, could he be a good stepfather to her and Heath Ledger's daughter Matilda?

    Well, the source confessed:

    “Busy’s been trying to match-make them for a good year now and got her hopes up when she saw how Jake really became a shoulder to cry on for Michelle at their friend Philip Seymour Hoffman‘s funeral… But despite her efforts, she still hasn’t gotten them to go out on a date yet.”

    Aww! This might just be a rumor, but that's actually really sweet!

    OMG! Could you imagine if it actually happened? We wonder if they'd name their first kid Heath?!

    Oh yes, forgot about this story as well

  10. I think Michelle has bearded before. And if Jake really needs to prove that he's in the fold, perhaps he would be willing to form a power couple with her.

    The sticky part would be though that he would need to be seen with Matilda as well and hard to tell if Jake would do that.

    No doubt in my mind that all 3 of these actors were willing participants in this story. This story was not an accident.

    I don't think there is a limit to what Jake and Austin's friends, peers, (and family) will go to help these 2 guys out.

  11. I really enjoyed Jake's comments in the interview you posted. I can relate to his statements about working for creative joy and not monetary reasons. I thought everything he said had a strong ring of authenticity to it. Thanks for posting it Special!

  12. dontthinksheplaysthatgameMarch 7, 2014 at 2:30 AM

    I think Michelle has bearded before. And if Jake really needs to prove that he's in the fold, perhaps he would be willing to form a power couple with her.

    With whom? And why would she need to?

  13. Jake. Is Matilda's Godfather

  14. For Jake or Michele do do something like this it would have to be for a really big project in line. This match would be a huge attention getter and could get a lot of people in the seats. But it would be a sensitive one to deal with.

  15. I agree. I am not saying it's in the works. But if it is, I could see it happening because of the potential.

    Well, now we know where the paid visitor disappeared off to last night. EOnline has a pic that appeared late last night trying to place Maggie in NYC. Nice try.

    We have a little mole in our midst.
    ; )

  16. try to read better when you made up ​​your "theory"March 7, 2014 at 7:16 AM

    “Dating the ex of his late close friend Heath“? What a natural-sounding quote.

    Also, RadarOnline repeatedly spells Philipps’ name incorrectly throughout its piece, which makes us even more skeptical that the blog has any real information about the star’s personal life.

    So, Gossip Cop checked in with a source close to Philipps, who tells us the webloid’s matchmaker report is totally “made up” and “not true.”

  17. Tom and PG maybe onto something. Jake suddenly showing up at Philip Seymour Hoffman's funeral on February 7 was odd and so was the way Michelle kept leaning on Jake as if she was about to fall to pieces and he was her Rock of Gilbrator. Maybe if there were only one or two photos from that day, the pairing would not have been suspicious. But, 120 photos on 5 pages were quickly posted over on IHJ.

    Instead of a moment of private grief, the flood of pics made Jake and Michelle's attendance look like a couply photo op, perhaps setting the stage for something in the future.

    If Jake is trying to line up a bigger studio project, he would need a more gossip worthy beard. Michelle also is going to be doing Cabaret on Broadway, opening on April 24. So she could use some extra coverage as well.

    That whole Jason Segel hook up seemed all kinds of fake to me. And, what a coincidence that Segel is a longtime friend of Jake's.

    She's supposedly still dating Dennis Yellin since June of last year. He's an artist from Brooklyn. One might wonder why he wasn't at the funeral with Michelle, providing "comfort".

  18. don't hold your breathMarch 7, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    Jake Gyllenhaal dines out with mystery blonde in Rome #Showbiz #News

    of course it is very odd Jake has occurred "all of a sudden" at PSH's funeral, no matter they Knew each others for years and Jake Had Been chosen by Philipp just the week before his death, as the lead of His second film as director

  19. Setting up something for laterMarch 7, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    of course it is very odd Jake has occurred "all of a sudden" at PSH's funeral, no matter they Knew each others for years and Jake Had Been chosen by Philipp just the week before his death, as the lead of His second film as director

    I don't think that explains Jake "comforting" Michelle. Nor, the 120 pictures on I Heart Jake. It's a good point too about why Michelle didn't show up with her artist boyfriend. Just like with the slow build for Reese. WME could be setting something up and they aren't probably many actresses who want to get involved with that crazy family.

  20. Setting up something for laterMarch 7, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    I didn't finish my thought:

    Just like with the slow build up for Reese, maybe something will come of this Brokeback pairing later. Kind of like a placeholder, if Jake needs something more high profile to get himself a bigger, more big studio role.

  21. Setting up something for laterMarch 7, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    My brain isn't working too well this morning:

    WME could be setting something up and there are probably not many actresses who would want to get involved with that crazy family.

  22. Jake's people could be floating the rumor out there to see how the public reacts to the idea of him "dating" Michelle. They may not be planning on it yet, but it's another potential beard for him, if he needs one in a hurry. Kind of like a last resort kind of thing.

  23. This reconstruction is beyond ridiculous, Jake and Michelle have been friends for years, it's cleart Jake Michelle and Busy are very close, and there is any ulterior motive, if not comfort a dear friend who is suffering from another loss

  24. if Jake had wanted floating the rumor,which I strongly doubt,he just would say to Busy not to deny it on Gossip Cop

  25. Oh, please. Gossip Cop is irrelevant. Jake is known for liking to have his cake and to eat it too. WME gets the story out there. And, then they deny the rumor on a Talent Agency supported website based out of New York City that "professes" to patrol the celebrity gossip industry by debunking fake/untrue rumors. This site is in the back pockets of company's like WME and CAA.

    I agree with the person who pointed out the 120 photographs. The funeral coupling was a staged event. That's why there were so many snapshots. Many people will never even see the Gossip Cop "reveal" anyway. That story was rolled out for a reason.
