Thursday, July 10, 2014

Fibble Wiggle Wobble

Southpaw is continuing to create the story of (The Great White) Billy Hope  by recreating a downtown Pittsburgh location into Madison Square Garden.

But behind the scenes there was some story telling too.   US Magazine was reporting that Jake, Rachel, director Antoine Fuqua and the cast and crew finished up shooting in Indiana PA with letting loose and getting a little wobbly.
The costars let loose at Brenda & Ken of Wolfies Pub with about 60 others following a private dinner at Donatellos Restaurant.

"The owner of Donatellos bought them all a round of shots when they first walked in the door to get the party started. Rachel and Jake, along with the director and crew, were on the dance floor and mixing it up," the source tells Us.

McAdams, 35, sipped on a Grey Goose martini and later switched to a Maker's Mark on the rocks during the fun night out. Gyllenhaal, for his part, stuck to Guinness -- that is, when he wasn't doing Trey Songz's Wobble Dance! "He wasn't bad at all," the source notes.

Also curious is the last line of the story:

McAdams is currently dating boyfriend Patrick Sambrook. As Us exclusively revealed, Gyllenhaal got back together with ex-girlfriend Alyssa Miller in February after a brief split.

Weren't they just trying to sell Jake and Rachel dating? At the beginning of their own article?

But there is more fiction than fact to this story.

 Southpaw finished up filming in Indiana, PA before the film's 4th of July break.

 While it is good press for the movie, it is also timely to run this story due to the recent announcement of Rachel's ex Ryan Gosling is about to become a father with girlfriend Eva Mendes who is 7 months pregnant. Rachel is not going to be seen sitting at home upset that she wasn't the Mother Goose for Ryan's goslings, she wants to be seen to have moved on, on, on, on.  And it's not bad for Jake either because it sounds like he was around in Pittsburgh this whole time ( The Vineyard?  What??? What Vineyard trip?)

And about Jake's Wobble, there was this comment left on Just Jared that covered that and the date issue too.

They were with other people from the movie at Donatello’s. Then Fabio, the owner of Donatello’s brought them to Wolfie’s. There’s even a picture of Jake standing around at Wolfie’s in his hoodie and baggy gym shorts. Not dancing. They had a wrap party for the extras who worked at the location in Indiana, PA. The movie crew and cast has moved to Pittsburgh as of June 30th. . So all this happened before the 4th of July.

I think the movie people wants to hype Jake & Rachel as a couple and make it look like something is going on, but this is old news if you are from Pittsburgh and follow the movie shooting. They are doing this because they don’t want Rachel to look bad now that Ryan is having a baby with Eva.

But as for  Jake drinking Guinness, and doing the Wobble. Jakey - we know you have the moves, we've seen your moves in Jarhead.

Then again - maybe you  just prefer doing The Wiggle and having your Grey Goose in  private.


  1. Ryan Gosling never struck me as gay, and I don't recall reading any gossip about him that way. Plus with Ted saying he's straight, I think he and Eva are the real deal.

  2. While it is good press for the movie, it is also timely to run this story due to the recent announcement of Rachel's ex Ryan Gosling is about to become a father with girlfriend Eva Mendes who is 7 months pregnant. Rachel is not going to be seen sitting at home upset that she wasn't the Mother Goose for Ryan's goslings

    It's a curious thing isn't it? She dated Gosling for a couple of years 10 years ago, has had several long term relationships since then, one with Michael Sheen of almost 3 years, yet they can't let go of the couple from The Notebook. That movie wasn't even all that great in the first place.

  3. It's not necessarily Ryan himself for me. What's made me believe he is, is his relationships. He's had a history of dating his co-stars and I never have bought this Eva Mendes relaysh. Seems, just like JakeyPoo, Mama Gosling has made her share of appearances around this guy. Who has he dated? Ladies of the Beard Runway:

    Olivia Wilde
    Rachel McAdams (who has lesbian rumors)
    Blake Lively
    OH and get a load of this - ding ding ding ding!! Another winner - Sandra Bullock

    Oh my dog. Look at that.

    Olivia Wilde? A beard
    Blake Lively? Beard
    Sandra Bullock? Beard and I am pretty convinced lesbian as well

    Then there was this interesting little drop on DataLounge:

    They are NOT a couple. I just got done saying this on another board. I was at Disneyland that night. My friends and I were a boat behind them on Pirates. There was no snuggling going on. When Eva got off the boat her arms were folded and Ryan didn't even touch her. This ish is staged. A girl I worked with on an indie project said Eva Mendes is a lesbian.,10813575">Oh reeeeeeally?

  4. It's not necessarily Ryan himself for me. What's made me believe he is, is his relationships. He's had a history of dating his co-stars and I never have bought this Eva Mendes relaysh. Seems, just like JakeyPoo, Mama Gosling has made her share of appearances around this guy. Who has he dated? Ladies of the Beard Runway:

    Olivia Wilde
    Rachel McAdams (who has lesbian rumors)
    Blake Lively
    OH and get a load of this - ding ding ding ding!! Another winner - Sandra Bullock

    Oh my dog. Look at that.

    Olivia Wilde? A beard
    Blake Lively? Beard
    Sandra Bullock? Beard and I am pretty convinced lesbian as well

    Then there was this interesting little drop on DataLounge:

    They are NOT a couple. I just got done saying this on another board. I was at Disneyland that night. My friends and I were a boat behind them on Pirates. There was no snuggling going on. When Eva got off the boat her arms were folded and Ryan didn't even touch her. This ish is staged. A girl I worked with on an indie project said Eva Mendes is a lesbian.,10813575">Oh reeeeeeally?

  5. Oh and look what happens when you look at other notches on Rachel McAdams' dating history which includes Josh Lucas. Who did Josh Lucas date?

    Salma Hayek.

    See, it's the merry go round of beards and mismatched celebs. Mismatched because they're hooking up with someone where that relationship is destined to go nowhere.

    Funny, Josh Lucas was in a marriage that lasted only 2 years. That's certainly unfortunate.

    Once you've watched how it works for Jake, Austin, Bradley Cooper, et al, you begin to recognize certain cycles, patterns and red flag pairings.

  6. "Hey Jake - do you know Mike?"

    Not only that, but does he know Alyssa Burns? LOL! Who wrote that thing?!
