Wednesday, August 6, 2014

From Start to Finish

Not many times do you get the chance to take the spark that inspired you to go on to create a film from start to finish and be involved in every single process in the life of the film.

With Stroker, Austin got a chance to do just that.

 Phil Stroker wakes up in a world of cubicles and florescent lights. His co-workers shout at him for being too slow. He can no longer connect to his wife in a meaningful way. No one treats him with any respect. One day after work, Phil walks into the water and swims home. For the first time in his life, he finds something that he is good at. And as he explores deeper and deeper into this new world, Phil may find out that the world he has been living in, for so long, is not his rightful place. 

It seems like the creative writer is speaking from experience and it's not about the water theme.

Now it's time to show it off and see the metaphor on screen. 

My film STROKER, which I wrote and directed, premieres at the HollyShorts Film Festival on August 20 at noon. I hope you like it. - AUS10


  1. I sure hope we get to see the film on line somewhere. Very exciting news.

  2. What do you say when this post's subject, during what should be a personal professional height in his career, is instead tainting his image by allowing management to slime up his twitter account?

    Not much you can say. *shrugs* I know what I will take pleasure in saying.

    And that is knowing that we really hit a hot button by mentioning August Leadville BT. And I have this feeling we're not off at all about the other namedrop.

    : )
