Thursday, September 11, 2014

The lone goodbye

Austin posted this today on his twitter

Saying goodbye - AUS10

It was a poignant tweet on a poignant day, but what does it all mean?

Who is he saying good bye to? 

And why did he choose to share it?

And why today?

We remember those who lost their lives this day, thirteen days ago, those innocent victims, those first responders who gave their lives to help other, and all the heroes who emerged out of tragedy.  And we honor those survivors, responders, and citizens who are forever are changed from this day.  We will never forget what happened while we look ahead into the future.


  1. Sorry about Rotten Lil JIngles PG. I always enjoyed hearing your stories about him, good and bad.

  2. Long live "rotten little jingles" in your memory. I always enjoyed your stories of his rotten little exploits, PG !

  3. Meanwhile Maxwell Jack is driving me crazy. This dog is a 12 week old terror.

  4. What kind of dog is Maxwell Jack, Tom?

  5. At 12 weeks I bet he's more like a puffy lil' fluff ball.

  6. Max is a 4 lb black hair ball with 3 white paws and 1 black.. It looks like he has a MJ white glove on.

  7. Thanks everyone, and to those who extended their sorrows via email. Jingles was something else, wasn't he? I'll never forget the time I came home and he had gotten up on the dining room table and tore into stuff. And then that time he peed on one of the legs of the spare bedroom bed post. Right in front of me!! Oh that dog - he stained his mama's brand new carpet that was supposed to be resistant to pet stains. And his crying and howling for no reason whatsoever. I think M & M heard him many a time in the background during a phone call, lol.

    Tom, your little pup is THE cutest little thing. I want to hold him and kiss him up. Little Max. What a cutie. He must be such entertainment.

  8. Max is def entertaining. Especially when he is going out to do his business and picks up his leg and goes on the end table on the way out. Dad was not happy about that.

  9. Ah, the pain and joy of a puppy. Personally I always get a grown cat, not a kitten, when I get a new one, because they are such a handful when they are babies. But they sure are adorable when they are young, including yours Tom.

  10. Ah, the pain and joy of a puppy. Personally I always get a grown cat, not a kitten, when I get a new one, because they are such a handful when they are babies. But they sure are adorable when they are young, including yours Tom.

  11. Especially when he is going out to do his business and picks up his leg and goes on the end table on the way out. Dad was not happy about that.

    lol. I hereby christen thee.....

  12. Loved Rotten Little Jingles. Although I have to admit, I loved PG going crazy, when he did his dastardly deeds, even more. :-)

  13. Maxwell Jack is adorable, Tom. I hear that breed is tiny, but pretty darn playful so he'll definitely keep you on your toes. Will he be enrolled in Puppy Kindergarten or are you socializing him yourself?
