Thursday, October 2, 2014


A little Throwback this Thursday

Nightcrawler is not Jake's first look at the dark side.

Many may not consider Donnie Darko in the same category as Nightcrawler, but Jake shines in portraying the dark and trouble teenager, and the outstanding reviews of his return to this type of character in Nightcrawler take us back to his first turn.

Not only a cult classic, Darko is one of the iconic roles that is synonymous with Jake.

 Jake clearly captured what it appears to those around him as a schizophrenic experience with auditory and visual day night hallucinations.

 All the while garnering compassion and empathy as the movies anti-hero.
 So convincing and organic, Jake disappears in the role, and the audience doesn't see the actor only the character.  The same is being said of his performance in Nightcrawler.

Not only is it TBT it was Oct 2 that Donnie received his message through a dream.


  1. Jake Gyllenhaal, in rehearsals for Broadway’s “Constellations,” was running a little late to the Words of War benefit to raise money for mental health care for veterans, but took center stage once he arrived at Tribeca 360.

    Gyllenhaal read a poem written by vet Derrick Brown, “You Will Be Destroyed in Your Own Way,” and was the first to raise his hand to donate $5,000 during the auction for the Headstrong Project, which helps those suffering from PTSD.

  2. Donnie Darko will probably always be one of my favorite films.

  3. Yep Jake is turning up the PR. He wants an Oscar nom bad.
