Thursday, October 23, 2014

Merry Goes Round

No doubt Jake loves the musical Carousel

We love seeing him film on a carousel  if bring such sweet smiles as he has here.

 Jake was on Coney Island and back to filming Demolition.

It's a now a race to finish filming and promote Nightcrawler

MediaCrawler Tour:

Oct 24  Good Morning America  ABC  8:30 am EDT

Oct 29 The Ellen Degeneres Show,  check local listings for time and channel

Oct 30: Conan  TBS,  11:00pm


  1. I don't think I've seen any pictures for a long time that I have found myself endeared by Jake than these of him holding that little girl. I have nothing but love for them.

    I do have to wonder if Jake has fathered all girls.

  2. I thought I'd posted last night, but I guess I did something wrong. I was just going to comment on the discussion about Jake's older movie career.

    Regardless of the quality of movies like POP, LAOD and Brothers and whether people liked them, I do think they hurt his career for awhile because he was seen as not being able to carry a movie because they did so poorly at the box office. Add the bearding, and I can see why he's bitter.

    On the other hand, it's not professional to slam projects you worked on, and indeed some people are not going to forget it. Plus he was the one who tried to go for that A star status when he was so clearly not cut out for that.

    I don't thinks he's probably referring to the older, independent films like BBM and DD. Those are more in keeping with what he is doing now, i.e., independent, non-commercial films (the fact that BBM was such a huge hit was never expected).

  3. Hey PG, I've been watching that show you mentioned with Michael Pena, Gracepoint. It's a remake of a British series, and I think it's really good. Love the two leads, especially Anna Gunn, who was in Deadwood.

  4. I love Jake's expressions in these pictures. You can tell he really connects with kids, and was having fun. He is really confident in the way he handles them as well.

    He looks good, healthy and happy.

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing Jake's interviews, though I was disappointed in the entertainment weekly interview. Same old, same old that's already been used in most interviews. Is it just me or does the marketing campaign for Nightcrawler seem light. I dont sense a whole lot of buzz or excitement. Maybe I missed it all while out of the country.

    Cute, the carousel pictures. France loves carousels. We saw one or more in almost every town we visited.

  6. Hey PG, I've been watching that show you mentioned with Michael Pena, Gracepoint.

    Thanks, Destiny, I didn't know the name of the show. It just came on because I had left the TV on that channel from the game the previous night.

    (the fact that BBM was such a huge hit was never expected).

    You know though, I bet Jake would never do that movie if it was offered now.

  7. Maybe it's not exactly fair to say that now because that movie changed everything for him. Part of the reason his career changed was probably because he was going to come out.

    And knowing how the old HW guard is, I bet they were not offering him good roles because of that. It is so obvious now, so so obvious - that those who will play the HW game get the role choices or the TV show host gigs. The ones who play the game get the protection. That's what Jake is getting now. Protection.

  8. There was just a spotlight with Jake as person of the week on ABC World News. Those on the west coast still can catch it. Good piece, and it's nice to see Jake in interviews.
