Saturday, October 4, 2014

Now Arriving

What's shooting at an airport without an arrival or departure scene.

Catch Jake filming just that.

Don't know Oogum Boogum doesn't have the same cache at Gooberballs.

And if Jake didn't have enough to do at the moment with filming and rehearsing for the play, he is also promoting Nightcrawler.

Jake will be filming the Queen Latifah Show  in LA next Monday, October 13 along with his Nightcrawler co-star and football great Terry Bradshaw.

So it looks like Jake will be having an airport arrival moment in real life.... the hugs will happen away from the cameras.


  1. prairiegirl said...

    It's chili weather. You know what I put in my chili?

    I take a more Texas position on my chili (No beans) most of the time. Occasionally I will put in kidney or pinto bean.

    I put in ground beef, onions, garlic, chili powder, cumin, tomato sauce, tomato paste, chopped tomatoes, sometimes Rotel tomatoes with chilies, too.

    I do my spices by taste, and I sometimes put in either a little chocolate or sometimes a prune to give not necessarily a sweet taste, but a little depth/smoothness.

    I thicken mine with some masa (if I have some) mixed with a little water or pulse some tortilla chips and throw the crumbs into it to thicken it up.

  2. How old is this information. Keep moving and find somewhere else to sell it.

  3. "Rachel McAdams was spotted visiting Jake Gyllenhaal on the New York set of Demolition in late September."

    That's not new. New is yesterday or today. And there is no real date - just an non-specific mention of late September.

  4. Just another friend or some PR crap again and again and again.......
    F ing joke anybody who still thinks Jake is str8 or will ever have a female mate is clueless......

  5. Actually Tom, almost no one thinks Jake is gay by now, not even on ONTD, read the comments below, maybe he is or....not

  6. Taylor Lautner and Harry StylesOctober 5, 2014 at 7:53 PM

    Jake dating Taylor told everyone he's gay.

  7. Harry Styles is hardly gay, Tomilson maybe, Styles is a horny womanizer

  8. Harry Styles is hardly gay, Tomilson maybe, Styles is a horny womanizer

    Bwahahahahaha. Your powers of observation are about as well-honed as your spelling capability. First off, it's "Tomlinson". And, you'll be happy to know that Harry fully agrees with your assessment about his gorgeous boyfriend.

  9. MM is better for you don't challenge me or we both know how it will end, not good for you as usual, I'm not clueless like your nice friends here, I know "your boys" better than you, and the "larry" ship has sailed a long time ago, now everyone has figured out who harry really is and what he likes, and is not louis

  10. There is no Larry ship. Only Harry and Louis who somehow accidentally got 5 matching "couples" tattoos since 2012. Two as recently as January and March of this year. They must have the worse luck when it comes to picking out distinctive body art.

  11. What. A. Laugh.

    It's so stupid, it's not even funny.

    You know what it is? It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for the homophobic representation of Jake's people on here today. Because no one is going to buy what has been uttered on this thread.

    People believing Jake is straight? Ha!

    Louis and Harry not being for real? Harry being a womanizer? Double Ha.

    good lord. I can't even. This is embarrassing. Really.

  12. And Harry's most recent tattoo is an anatomically correct heart that includes the initials "LT" as part of the design, and Louis followed that up with an arrow.

  13. oh the matching tatoos, I was waiting for this, the only remaining argument, since harry has practically moved to LA without Louis, or any other member of the band for that matter, he is the Justin Timberlake of the band and he knows it very well , finished the tour, goodbye one direction, louis and all that useless ballast to his solo career,by the way, how is Rob Kardashian? Harry knows how to choose friends, doesn't he? Smart guy

  14. Thanks Larry Stylinson. Some great links.

  15. oh the matching tatoos, I was waiting for this, the only remaining argument,

    Wow, feeling a little ignored, Mgmnt Troll? We've been a little too quiet? You're obviously here out of boredom but you're quickly wearing out your welcome.

    We know why you're here. You all have had a weekend off. You can tell, you know.

    Jake not being seen anywhere. He's either hiding on the outskirts of NYC or he's out of town totally. And you all are messing up by not having him be seen this weekend. Don't think we're not watching.

    You all screwed up. Again.

    You better go get your boy and make him hit the pavement.

    Oh, and go get that co-beard of his, Rachel McAdams while you're at it. I can't wait.

    This'll be fun. You know a few of us are just waiting.

  16. oh the matching tatoos

    I notice you still haven't addressed the matching tattoos.

    Louis' been in LA on many occasions when Harry has been there. So has Liam. So has Zayn. If you haven't figured it out yet, 1D is working to severe their ties with Modest Management. The Azoffs are important friends for the entire group. Harry is merely the charming frontman for the deal. Just like he is for the group. Simple really

  17. give it up, do you remember what Harry whispered softly to the ear of louis the day of the final of x factor? no? let me help you, Harry: can you imagine how much pussy we can get?That’s right. Louis Tomlinson. His "boyfriend" LMAO.

  18. Thanks Larry Stylinson. Some great links.

    My pleasure. I'm online because 1D's final concert on the WWA Tour is tonight in Miami.

  19. Hey idiot. Harry did not whisper in Louis' ear. Please get your "facts" straight. He whispered in Matt Cardle's ear. And, he didn't use the pronoun "we". Harry whispered, "Imagine how much P*ssy you're gonna get." Do you not know a PR stunt when you see one? Simon Cowell's fingerprints all over that one. The words made Matt Cardle look straight. Not Harry or Louis.


  20. LOLLLLLLLLL. See what happens when the troll has to deal with facts and informed posters.

    Let's see, the troll is still ignoring the matching tattoos. The posted gifs of Harry and Louis touching and holding hands. And, the Azoff connection with 1D.

  21. Our OneD fan is cracking me up. I like that M&M has someone else who is very informed about them to hook arms with. Your input is much appreciated.

    I have no doubt about the validity of Larry even though I don't follow them heavily. I don't have to, though. Anyone trying to sell Harry or Louis as straight is just going to make me shake my head. Unbelievable.

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  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Hey, "hello louis." You are the one who is dumb as rocks. Anyone reading this thread can see instantly how you are avoiding the question about the matching tattoos, et al. You also got the "facts" wrong about Matt Cardle and ignored that. And, you don't know crap about Los Angeles and the Azoff family.

    Louis has a lovely voice. The only strangled cat sound I hear is your scream of frustration that you have to deal with people who are well-informed. We all know that Modest Management's strategy beginning in 2012 was to promote homophobia in the fandom. And to shut people down about Harry and Louis' love for one another. A love neither boy has been shy about showing the world. They may have to still be closeted for now, but they are planning a future together. Something I have to say I don't see Jake and Austin trying to do at all.

  25. there is nothing to say about tattoos

    That's because you can't explain them away. But, I would love to see you try anyway. All. five. of them.
