Thursday, November 13, 2014

Trading Places

Jake with a fan:

Jake as a fan:

Can that dimple get any deeper?

Talk about Trading Places.

Actually yes - talk about Trading Places with Chris Rock and Jake taking on Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd.   But maybe have Jake as Billy Ray Valentine and Chris be Louis Winthorpe III

With  Jamie Lee Curtis  back as Orphelia?


  1. DM Quote Funny of the Day:

    I will do my very best to come!! I want to. Sometimes I have to work. But I will try so so so hard!!!!! For you.
    --- Austin Nichols

    "Sometimes I have to work."

    That was a good one, Austin.

  2. When does Austin work anymore? He doesn't. He flies all over the place and eats ice cream, goes to dog tea parties, dives off of cliffs at swimming holes, vacations overseas, eats out all the time, and pretty much acts like he's following his "girlfriend" all over the country, watching her career, endorsing her career, hanging around her career instead of working on his own.

    You don't work anymore, Austin. Face it.

    This is what's so ironic, right? Remember Ted once said that Grey Goose told Toothy that they could have it all - a career and their family.

    And look who has forfeited their career so that they can tend the family while Jake does all the working now in his nose plier pursuit of the Oscar statuette - Grey Goose.

    Clearly, it is a mutual decision between the two men and I reckon Austin is reaping rewards from being a full time family caretaker.

    But wow. He's totally given up his whole career and willing to be portrayed as an actor who no longer is actively pursuing roles.

  3. I say some of that a little tongue in cheek. I imagine what Austin has done is taken a few file photos when up in Chicago and they have them in a handy dandy little file to draw out when they need to place Austin in Chicago with Ms. Bodily Function Humor.

  4. Ah c'mon, PG. Austie does do those 15 minute shorts every two years. ;-)

  5. Remember Ted once said that Grey Goose told Toothy that they could have it all - a career and their family.

    And look who has forfeited their career so that they can tend the family while Jake does all the working now in his nose plier pursuit of the Oscar statuette - Grey Goose.

    Clearly, it is a mutual decision between the two men and I reckon Austin is reaping rewards from being a full time family caretaker.

    LMAO What? lol

    You are the only one on this earths who believes this. Well maybe 1 or 2 other PG tag-a-longs.

    Pulling your hair out still searching for those 6 children I see.

    Keep looking, your getting colder...

  6. Now that the kids are older, someone has to do daddy duty more regularly. And Jakes career does have more potential. This reminds me a bit of Lukas Haas and Leo. Despite all the models he dates, wherever Leo is, Lukas always seems to be somewhere in the background. Not working, but enjoying quite the lavish lifestyle. At least Austin is low key and seems happy to take the back up role.

  7. Funny how the troll is the one who insists on 6 children. I know I normally refer to 5.

    Yet the troll insists on 6.

    Okay, so it's 6.

    And we missed another birthday.


    We're really slipping these days. :-)

  8. I've noticed that too, PG. Looks like the troll is agreeing with that WFT2 commenter from February 2011.

    I know from a very good source that Jake Gyllenhaal has four children with a fifth on its way. He and Austin couldn't be happier. They'll wait a few years when their careers slow down to come out. Rumor has it, Jake wants half a dozen kids. He's obsessed with kids like that. :)

    February 17, 2011 4:52 pm

  9. Rumor has it, Jake wants half a dozen kids

    Damn, Jake was cracked, wasn't he? lol. Well, with 6 you get eggroll, I guess.

    Okay, 6 being the magic number.

    And a clue towards that 6th one being born to Jake and Austin would be that baby who was "rolling" with the group at that...what was it, was it at the Sundance Festival?

  10. By the way, great comment up there, m.

    And I'm not ragging on Austin so much as just pointing out that he is not working. I love that he is the caregiver - it's no easy job either.

    I admire him more than if he were a busy actor. 6 kids? I cannot even imagine. That takes a Superman to watch a brood like that.

  11. That Sundance Film Festival appearance by Jake was on January 22, 2013 when he flew to Utah for 24 hours.

    Prior to that, Jake and Austin were photographed together in New York back in November 2012, which is a pattern of theirs right after they've had another visit from the stork.

    But back to the family affair: Not only was Gyllenhaal's godmother, Jamie Lee Curtis, in attendance, the actor also spent a "large portion" of the evening cradling and playing with a baby that was rolling with the group.

  12. Plus the fact is that Jake did not work as much as he does now before OTH was canceled.
