Saturday, August 27, 2011

Getting Someone's Goat

While NYC is stuck with no subway service, many are waiting winds, water and Jake to meet them in the library.

Hey what about Austin? He knows that chips won't last long in a crisis (you need candy and drinks) and he survived the day... after tomorrow too, and never lost a curl to bad weather. (or those hats) And of course the importance of good wipe down.

But Jake is has plenty to do this weekend supporting the Edible Schoolyard which is benefiting from Chez Panisse's 40th anniversary celebration.

Not only are there parties and dinners celebrating and raising money for ESY, today many restaurants and coffee shops are donating part of their sales to the foundation as well. Bar Agricole, Bar Jules, Contigo, Delfina, and Zuni -- along with coffee companies Blue Bottle and Four Barrel -- will donate a percentage of the day's profits to the Hunters Point school garden and cooking program serving some 250 mostly low-income children of color from elementary age through to high school.

Of course we've seen Jake having fun gardening and cooking with the kids from Hunters Point. Jake's no stranger to the Bay Area dining scene and has been seen at Delfina before and having coffee at BlueBottle, Cafe Gratitude, and of course Chez Panisse, and then was Jake just seen at Four Barrel coffee and Zuni cafe on July 29th.

jonlbauer I'm pretty sure I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Four Barrel
3 hours ago

fourbarrel Four Barrel Coffee
@jonlbauer yup, not only is he an amazing actor, he's also a genuinely nice and engaging guy.

CelebSightings RIGHT NOW in San Francisco: Jake Gyllenhaal early dinner @ Zuni Cafe +1 (not a movie star) girl (Fri 8:09PM)

@christopherhoo OMG great night with our favorite girls at Zuni and a bonus of bumping into Jake Gyllenhaal! HOT!

Think that maybe part of the reason that Jake went from Four Barrel and Zuni in less than an hour, could be that he was stopping by and talking about the Eating for Education campaign, and thanking them for participating?Because that kind of sounds like something an ambassador would do, doesn't it. And isn't Jake ESY's ambassador?Alice and the foundation made a great choice of naming Jake as an ambassador. He loves to cook, loves food, supports local farmers and growers, eats healthy, and loves kids. And he knows how good food, healthy choices can make a difference.Tonight there will be some schmoozing, and enjoying some great food, while everyone will be supporting a great cause, and who knows maybe Jake will milk one of the goats grazing at the museum.


  1. Jake's not the only one. Austin's getting raw too.

    dawnmcfresh@SophiaBush @AUS10NICHOLS Just heard you are getting catering from Triangle Raw Foodist on OTH this week. You are so lucky! It's amazing!!!
    1 hour ago

  2. Jersey Tom said...

    I remember when he got that reward M and M. It was very special to hear him say those words. I wonder what you and my other friends will think in ten years from now if nothing has changed.
    August 27, 2011 2:53 PM

    I will be disappointed and sadden if Jake continues to choose the closeted path. He ultimately, however, will have to live with the consequences of whatever action he takes. Still, somehow,I don't think he's much interested in telling his children that it's okay to live a lie and correspondingly reinforce the notion that he is ashamed of who he is, and who he loves. That would be like the politician who raises his children to be honest, but is on the take because, "everyone else is doing it." That kind of "fitting in with your culture" is still wrong, no matter how you may rationalize it or how many peers and power brokers tell you it's the safest way to go.

    The Jake in that video is still there. I'm sure of it. Maybe not the 25 year-old naive and idealistic young man, but a new 30 year-old, husband and father. Stronger, wiser and with a lot more confidence in his ability to say, "No."

  3. iKantEven
    why is my 44 year old sister "dancing" to @katyperry's "Last Friday Night"? she's like "yahhh this is my jam!" girl, have a seat.
    32 minutes ago

    discussing Will & Jada's breakup w/ Isa. she says they'll be getting a divorce bc everyone in Hollywood knows they're gay and can't hide it.
    27 minutes ago

    also, she says she feels bad for Jake Gyllenhaal because he is so scared to come out since it could potentially ruin his career. :(
    26 minutes ago

    I couldn't imagine living a lie. especially being in the spotlight all the time. it's gotta be so hard to pretend to be someone you're not.
    26 minutes ago

    @iKantEven I wish jake would just come out with our relationship already.
    19 minutes ago

    @iseawhales @iKantEven You guys, Jake is the one supposedly closeted actor whom I can't see as gay. What are the leads on him tbh?
    18 minutes ago

    @dorkian @iseawhales my sister in law is a movie producer in Hollywood and is a lesbian. she knows him.

    @dorkian @iseawhales so far i know for a fact that Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jake G. and John Travolta are gay.
    14 minutes ago

  4. sorry i havent been writing lately. just so much going on in my head, i need another world;) a perfect world... though we all know that dont excist. just got of the phone with my brother`s girlfriend. she told me she was ready to overdose anytime soon. full with cancer 33 years old, she cried and is afraid. i feel helpless.she wants to be done with life before it tears her apart. what can i say ?

  5. (((NG))) I am so sorry about your friend. A painful reminder that everyone should live life to the fullest as you just never know. And your friend is so young. :(

  6. Oh((NG)) thinking of you and your family right now. That is so hard.

    What do you say? It is so so hard. I guess for me, it is not about the amount of time, but what you do with the time.

    It's not just about bucket lists of things, but spending time with the people you care about and love, and who love and care about you.

    No doubt she is so scared and overwhelmed. It's just letting her know that there are people who love her and want to help her and support her, and that you want her to have peace and comfort and feel loved. And she may not want to take on treatment,
    but you can let her know that those around her want to help give her the best quality and comfort of life while she here with you.

    (((NG))) Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. thanks destiny:) she tries to be cheerful...but feels too much guilt. she feels guilty of throwing my brothers life away because of her when there is no way out anymore. i told her it would be an easy way if we all could choose the feelings we have. we just cant. and if we could choose, what kind of persons would we bee?

  8. thanks to you too special:) she has quit medications. it wont help her anymore. she just dream of a holiday withere in time:) she and my brother. the last journey, she says... to maldivene:)hope they get there:)

  9. (((((((NG))))))))

    My prayers for you and for finding the strength and courage it takes to be the best possible friend for your brother's girlfriend.

    Was just conncecting with Tom on the phone and catching up on a few things. It's so good to be able to connect in that way and try and shoulder each other trials and tribulations.

    My prayers go out to everyone in this community and otherwise who are dealing with either adversity, sadness, poor health, or just plain lousy weather!

    Still trying to catch up with my OMG blog reading ... and just had to jump in.

    Hugs to all.

  10. I just had to pass this along while it's fresh in my mind... As Tom and I just spoke, remarking on the Hurricane coming up the Eastern Seaboard, the Tornado Warnings, and Austin being stuck in Wilmy... we decided that yummy Austin is just "a wetdream in a wetsuit".

    I know, I know, we're both really bad, but seeing today's post and going over the pics of Jake and Austin from TDAT, at least we're on topic. And if things are not exactly the way we want them to be with these two being more 'out and proud', at least we've seen the love, and we know of their special connection and have our beliefs.

    Better days and nights ahead I pray. And for now I'll just satisfy myself with the image of a half-dressed Austin in a wetsuit!

  11. NG it is remarkable what someone's will and spirit can do, so many people have been able to have last holiday, or birthday, or trip.

    Here's hoping they get that trip together.

  12. Seaweed, Austin in his wet suit, all zipped up, in profile, is a good good thing too.

    Wonder if Austin tried to convince them that J.D needed to go with Sam for the phone call, so J.D. could help Sam out of those wet clothes?

  13. And if things are not exactly the way we want them to be with these two being more 'out and proud', at least we've seen the love, and we know of their special connection and have our beliefs.

    Well said Seaweed.

  14. OH MY !

    That should give Tom a bit of a pause for thought as well. Stay safe all you East-Coasters...

    I just remembered there was a guy from Nova Scotia who worked on TDAT that I was going to try and track down somehow. Now wouldn't that be a nice little exclusive conversation?

    Might have to enlist another sleuth if I get on the right track.

  15. Hope all of you on the east are holding up OK. I've switched to CNN a couple times to see what is happening and I think its silly to see all these reporters standing in the wind and rain. But I guess that's what they have to do. Speaking of CNN, I also saw on ONTD that Anderson Cooper may talk about his relationship on his new show. He said in an interview that as a reporter he thinks that knowing about his personal life distracts viewers. But in his new role he will not be a reporter, so maybe he will discuss his personal life. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

  16. Hey, Leo D and Tobey McGuire on Just Jared this morning. You can barely see Tobey standing next to Leo on his balcony, Leo looking very young in the two pictures and with a real bedhead going as he stands there stretching in a ribbed white sleeveless undershirt. He looks very Titanic-ish in that pic, very beautiful. Sexy, sexy picture! I guess they're filming a picture together over in Australia. I cannot stand Leo's bearding deal going on right now but if there's any tiny consolation, at least he will or is allowed to be pictured with Lukas and Tobey.

    Very special rare edition of Wake Up With Al! this morning. I think it's kind of dumb too, m to see some of these guys standing out in pelting sand and rain. I think Erik Fisher is the smartest though because he just plain goes inside. I saw some idiot from the Weather Channel standing out in the street as he said "WHOA! Look at that limb flying down the street - it just smashed into the back of that car!" stupid are you? I like the footage but not at the expense of that guy possibly getting hurt. I was happy to see these people starting to wear safety glasses at least while they were reporting which is a new precaution but something that should have been done in the past. All of this flying debris, sand, etc. and for gosh sakes, protect your eyes.

  17. And gee whiz, maybe I need to get on here and whine, cry & pitch a fit more often, huh? LOLLLLL !! Where've you guys been???

    I just wanted to clarify something in that I am not at all upset with the guys. I applaud and embrace Jake as he minds his own business. He looks happy, he looks relaxed and I'm ecstatic for him. I believe he's actively taking care of his family and that's why we don't see him anymore. That is how it should be.

    Austin, I don't know what he's doing and frankly, I don't trust him anymore? But I certainly am not harboring any upset for anything other than about the fact that he & Sophia are still lying to their fans because they won't come clean. I don't care if they're "not saying anything". Just because you're not saying anything or doing flagrant photo ops doesn't mean that takes care of the issue. The fact that you're not coming clean and you allow a very young girl like ConstanceOTH to in essence make a fool out of herself by continuing to act as though they are still a romantic couple, it's just as bad in my own opinion. It's still lying. I don't like to see anyone being made a fool of, to be left out of a secret that everyone else is in on but they don't know. That's not nice and actually it's rather unconscionable.

    But Austin is a different breed when it comes to that kind of stuff. Which is why I say I don't trust him anymore.

  18. But I still love Austin and still love Jake. Hey, and who am I to whine & cry when I have been on here for the past 3 years and have certainly said a lot of crude and judgmental things. That doesn't deserve anything, does it? So I call myself out on my own bad behavior.

    When I say I just see red tail lights, it's kind of a good thing because I think the guys are still actively establishing their family life. I cannot imagine they're going to hide those kids much longer.

    I'm still waiting it out. But they don't give us much anymore and I don't see Austin tweeting hardly at all once the show is over if he doesn't even give up the account. So when that happens, we will lose something there.

    And with OMG being down to an even smaller daily hardcore of 4, I was just saying that people, don't expect to come here on a daily basis anymore and have a lot to read. It's hard to talk to yourself and it's hard to talk about two guys when you don't have a whole lot to go on.

    Special does an excellent job and I think those of us who are actively here on a pretty daily basis are hanging in there pretty well. But a blog is a two-way street and it has been extremely frustrating lately. Special continues to have the high traffic but why people won't talk especially right now when the guys have been actively doing some stuff, is just beyond me.

    I hope I don't hack anyone off; you know me, I'm not always the most delicate. All I know is how to express myself which is just kind of frank and honest. I think frank & honest are the same words, but oh well.

    I have to go, I've got to go in to work. Boy, I'll sure appreciate my weekends a lot more in the future, I know that.

  19. All is well at home. I am happy most of the hurricane did pass through the Philly area during the night. I am also happy I slept through most of it.

    Lots of flooding and down trees in the area. Lots of people without power at the Jersey shore. Thank God Snooky did evacuate:-)

    I am sure things are rocking in The New England area this morning.

    I still can't belive we had an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week.

  20. The winds are picking up here and we have the rain, but haven't gotten the full brunt yet, but it's close. Keeping a couple windows open as long as I can just for air.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Those tweets about Jake being gay and how Glitter Town is well aware of his closeted existence, is provocative, but certainly not surprising. The power brokers in Hollywood love Jake's situation and exploit it to the max to keep him fearful of losing his career. Just like a mob goon or an amoral political operative, I'm sure the folks who control the purse strings threaten Austin's future as well.

    Still, I think Jake's recent ability to conquer his fear of heights on Man vs. Wild is almost like a metaphor for what he has been struggling with for years. By traversing across a 150 foot deep ravine on a single rope, Jake learned two important lessons. Overthinking is not a good thing because the practice invariably immobilizes and overwhelms the ability to progress beyond a solidified entrenchment. And secondly, sometimes, to get from Point A to Point B, you simply need to go for it.

  23. I agree M& M with the great Men vs. Wild metaphor you made.

    I think Jake has used the backlash from the Taylor to stand up to the pressure to beard and say hey it didn't work. And with the success of Source Code, that didn't have him pushing any relationship either, puts him in a stronger position as well.

  24. I can't believe you guys on the E coast had an earthquake and hurricane in one week either. That is terrible! The pictures of the winds, the waves coming in and all the flooding are incredible. Can you imagine if it had been a Category 3 like it was when it left the Bahamas? But it still looks dangerous with all of the flooded streets and down trees.

    I hope Maggie & Peter's place survived all right.

    That was a good metaphor on the rope climbing there, M&M. I think Special is right too in that Jake can now point to Source Code and say "look - no help."
