Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kidding around

More pictures of Jake having fun with the kids from San Francisco Boys and Girls Club.
Did I just make a pizza or a yarmulke?

Align Center He definitely has an energy that kids are drawn to.And he just shines when he's around kids, is it that kids around?
Looks like Jake had a blastand the kids did too.
And in case you missed it here's Jake's interview on ENews!

And a couple screencaps of Jake like a "old married man" at wedding.
Stay safe Mr. Nichols! Bug out or hunker down, Irene's a comin'.


  1. Love the pics of Jake with those kids. He is having a blast and you can see how they are all smiles too. What a sexy goofball, he is.

  2. Now, we know why Jake chose Zuni's for his dinner on his Friday in San Francisco, last month.

    Food Justice Movement

  3. I love these pictures of Jake. He just glows with happiness and fun.

    And even the ENews interview of Jake, you can see that relaxed Jake that looks like he's just enjoying everything. Like the pressure has been lifted off of him.

  4. pedrojdro Pedro Jay Sepulveda
    RT @MarieDugo: but why is no #hurricane #irene coverage addressing the biggest question: WILL JAKE GYLLENHAAL COME AND SAVE #NYC?!
    28 minutes ago

  5. Reading is FundamentalAugust 25, 2011 at 6:44 PM

    And what did Jake have at Zuni?

    Their roasted chicken.

    Do you ever read what you link? Didn't think so.

    Sadly, neither friend would ask the waitstaff what Jake was eating.).

  6. Still no traffic over in your neighborhood there, Fundamental?

    tsk, tsk

    So you glide right over all of these great pictures of Jake. Look at all of them. There's 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14 and one video.

    FOURTEEN PICTURES AND ONE VIDEO of an extremely, naturally happy Jake (something any Jake-Fan Watches for, isn't it???).

    And yet what do you do, oh ye of small, tiny mind?

    You nitpic.

    No, what you maybe need to be doing instead of taking cheap potshots is to be taking some big-time notes. Because THIS is how a good blog looks. THIS is a blog produced with class. With talent. With daily new posts. With HITS. With more information on Jake and Austin than you could hardly keep up with or maintain.

    THIS is how it's done, hon.

    Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.

    Elizabeth Bowen

  7. **smh***

    You know, this kills me. Haven't we all been waiting for Jake to stop bearding (at least for awhile he has been, anyway)? Haven't a lot of people been waiting for him to do an indie film? Haven't we all hoped for his people to stop floating his name around with any blond on stilettos for dread that she was the next beard? Haven't we all been waiting for Jake to look honestly happy? Not that Photo-Op induced grin over a cup of coffee, but that dimpled, ear to ear smile of joy that you see in those Edible pictures with the kids?

    Well, there he is, folks. That's him. What a lot of us have been waiting for. He's right there.

  8. Manners are FundamentalAugust 25, 2011 at 8:15 PM

    Puhleeeeeeze! When you consider all the research, creativity and design work that goes into this DAILY blog (obviously, a labor of love for which I am eternally grateful), who cares if Special read something too fast. We all can read for ourselves and figure out there was an oversight.

    Most people would have been gracious enough to ignore it, but small-minded people just can't resist. You're probably the same gotcha freak who pointed out the earthquake "rumble" statement the other day and then someone posted about the Geological Society calling it exactly that. Where were you then?

  9. It looks like OTH is making plans anticipation of evacuating.

    Tyler Hilton
    Love getting THIS memo

    Austin, Go West Young Man!

  10. Yeah you're right. Special does a smashing job here. Why should we care about facts on this blog. Psh facts.

  11. Hey I read it too fast. I never have claim to be perfect or like Jake describes the pizza, with the kids in SF, basically perfect, far from it.

  12. I agree with the above comments from PG and Manners. Alot of work goes into this blog. Frankly, it's nice to know that Special is a little bit fallible every now and then because she pretty much gets it right most times.

    Hard to say what Jake ate that night. The Roasted Chicken is made for two and takes over an hour to prepare. I think "Mr. In The Moment" would not of had the patience to wait that long for some sustenance. Never mind once word gets out that he was there, people might start to gather. Supposedly, he had a cup of coffee from a local business about an hour before so I can't imagine him being that hungry anyway.

  13. There is stuff going on out there, folks, that points to the Jake that a lot of us fell in love with years ago. But it takes research. It takes searching.

    You are not, I repeat you are not going to find it in the mindless photo ops nor in his interviews during Reeke because a lot of those nonsense quotes were not him. I was beginning to think the old Jake was gone or had been a configuration of my imagination.

    It takes an accumulation of study and digging, a veritable archive, if you will, that when all compiled, points towards an extraordinary young man who is a bit of a survivor, someone who took a plunge and went after someone and some things he dearly wanted.

    Perhaps what has someone like ol' Fundamentals up there all bunched up is that Jake isn't any longer looking like that young unattached stud that he used to.

    He's gotten that domesticated look, hasn't he? Kinda looking like that soccer dad down the street? He's not looking like he's trying to catch someone anymore, is he?

  14. Kinda looking like that soccer dad down the street?

    The very hot soccer dad down the street.

    Or as Austin would say Cholula hot!

  15. Psh facts

    Psh yourself. It's the truth that hurts some people, I guess.

    Hey, so I had quit the ol' Netflix account because they were raising their prices and I wasn't using it anyway.

    So now they send me an email that says Come Home to Netflix, please come back! lol.

    Don't you just love it. I remember when they issued their statement about price hiking and boy, they were trending on twitter all day with upset people. They must have lost quite a few folks.

  16. Kind of like when I cancelled a store credit card because I didn't use it so when I called them to cancel it, he asked "May we ask why you are quitting?" and I said Well, for one thing you never send coupons to me. And so he offers to send some discount coupons. And I said, Well, now it's too stinkin' late! Why offer now just because I'm stopping my card?

    Too little, too late.

    I tell you, these are very tough times right now. Stores and restaurants are hammering it out to see who survives. And it's only going to help survival if they practice very good customer service.

  17. The very hot soccer dad down the street.

    Welllllll....when he gets his hair back would be a great step back towards that stellar period in time.

    LOLLLLL!!!! Aw, he's still beautiful. He has a beautiful smile and a beautiful voice. And he seems genuinely nice and loves kids. And he seems to treat Austin like gold so bright stars on that aspect. He's a smart man.

    It just would be......extra nice if there was his very nice head of hair again.

  18. Here's a follow up to the Edible Schoolyard project in NYC that Jake was at the groundbreaking last Sept.

    Edible School New York Update

  19. Shutting down production tomorrow. Can't wait to dance with this large woman called Irene.
    17 minutes ago

  20. Boy, that Anna Kendrick is tiny, isn't she? Oops! Sorry! lol. I know, that adjective has such negative memories, doesn't it? lol

    She seems really young, too. I like the wedding reception footage. And m, I noticed too how serious Jake was in this interview with Ben Lyons, but I bet it was because that other man was standing there.

    Was that other guy the director or something? But I think both guys were on their best behavior because he was standing there. Kind of like when the teacher or parent is around, ahem, your model behavior kicks in.

  21. LOL - reminds me of this friend. She is one of the loudest, snarkiest, wildest people ever. She's hilarious but man, she can be uncouth.

    She used to work at an athletic store awhile back and it was funny to hear her answer the phone in this very calm, polite, quiet tone: "Hello, name-of-store, this is so-and-so, how can I help you?"

    LOLLLLLL!!! Aw, give me a break. That is so not you!!! I know better.

    What a crack up. Fun then to ask over the phone, "Is that your professional voice?" to which you would then get a "Shut up!"

  22. There is no lift in the step today because it is Friday, **HUGE SIGH**. Not when you already know you have to work Saturday and Sunday.

    **hangs head**. Crimentley's. My weekend is ruined!!!!!!!

    No joy in Dino-ville.

  23. blettany Brittany Johnson
    I've been waiting for the Joe Namath biopic starring Jake Gyllenhaal for four years now. Let's get this show on the road.
    3 hours ago

  24. Special probably saw this about Jake and the chicken.

    * Jake Gyllenhaal tucked into Zuni Cafe’s famous chicken in San Francisco. [Tablehopper]Source

  25. Two articles related to the Edible Schoolyards from City Farmer News

    Alice Waters: Edible Education - a short film
    The Mother of the Locavore Gastronomic Curriculum

    And here's another article about Jake and the kids from Hunters Point Boys & Girls Club

    Jake Gyllenhaal Teaches Inner-City Kids about Sustainable Farming and Health Eating

  26. I tell you what.

    We'll just see how this Will Smith/Jada Pinkett deal works out.

    But I already have a feeling and I can tell you right now I'm probably never watching another Will Smith movie again.

  27. LOL - maybe I should say Fresh Prince episode. I've only watched one movie of his and it was the first Men in Black. I liked that movie, it was good.

    Let's just say I won't be spending another dime on any of his products.
