Monday, September 26, 2011

Good to the last drop

Jake's New York minute has turned into more of a moment, as he was seen grabbing coffee with his trusty Mac book again this morning.

So what's he up to hitting the Java trail.

Is he on the hunt for the "best cup of coffee in the world"?
Think he could do outfit.

Tracking down the elusive and retired Juan Valdez?Campaigning for the title of #1 Celebrity Coffee Drinker?

Of is he like the rest of us and trying to find free Wi-Fi because he doesn't have it in his place in the Village?

Don't think he's the only one provokes questions today.

TOP GUN lost auditions. Props to Saturday Night Live. And Bill Hader scares me with his talent ---------> AUS10

Which makes you wonder. Which Bill Hader's impressions he liked more?

Senstive 70's TV icon Alan Alda? Or
Harvey Firestein amazed that the producers don't have a clue about their script:

"I say, 'Ice Man's on my tail, he's coming hard.' I literally said that to a bathroom attendant last night."

And ya gotta wonder how many times "someone" has used "Goose, take me to bed or lose me forever" on him.


  1. Hey, I think maybe Ted C painted his toenails. Not necessarily a bad thing, but yellow? LOL

    theawfultruth Ted Casablanca
    Why don't more guys do this?
    1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

  2. Cargo Plane etc. etc.September 26, 2011 at 8:23 PM

    That Top Gun skit was hilarious. Almost all my favorite lines. Alec Baldwin as Al Pacino was a riot. :)

  3. Isn't this interesting. There seem to be people on the West Coast AND the East Coast claiming right now to be standing next to Jake, buying shoes next to Jake, seeing Jake....

    Who's lying?

  4. @natalieyseult Natalie Yseult
    Omg jake gyllenhaal I love you and how we made a 5 second eye contact.
    1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    @ChadDCreative Chad Davis Creative
    Just had my first NY Celebrity sighting. Saw Jake Gyllenhaal twice in an hour.
    1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

    @HazelnutPhoto JordanaHazel
    Just bought running shoes next to Jake Gyllenhaal.
    2 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

  5. I didn't quite do my homework!! The shoe buyer is in NYC right now.

    LOL - jumping the shark!

  6. tallsnowy One Tree Hill fan
    hey @SophiaBush and @AUS10NICHOLS .....i dont know if you would talk about this, but y'all still go out?
    1 hour ago

  7. wendijerich Wendi Jerich
    I miss @AUS10NICHOLS tweets
    9 minutes ago

  8. chachacosta Meg Otto
    @jimmyfallon can you bring jake gyllenhaal back on the show for another song & dance?
    19 minutes ago

  9. Well, you all know I have to agree with Tom when it comes to what Jake and Austin are doing if there is a BT.

    Honestly, there are some days when I think what they are doing is worse than the stars who marry a beard and raise children with their beard. The parents may not have a sexual relationship, but they do have a marriage, and presumably like and spend time together with the kids, and the kids probably have no idea that their parents go outside the marriage for relationships. The kids get to go out and do normal things and be seen with their parents.

  10. Sharks need you TODAY! Ask Gov. Brown to "please save sharks by signing AB 376." Call 916-445-2841
    30 minutes ago

  11. The only reason that I am happy that I was a fan of Jake and then Austin is that I made some life long friends. I am not proud of anything that they stand for today.

  12. @DrunkEgoJose Cuervo

    Oh btw, I saw Jake Gyllenhaal in TriBeCa today brunching wit some other cute white dude

    25 Sep via Twitter for iPhone

  13. "Goose, take me to bed or lose me forever" - I totally forgot about that line. You bet its been used more than once.

  14. Oh, man I had not seen that SNL clip yet. The Harvey Fierstein part was hilarious.

  15. I am not excited at all about having to pack another suitcase, this time for business. Same time zone so that helps but I know I will be putting in long days as dinners will follow the work day next 3 days. Back on Friday and then my work partner heads for Paris so my turn for double duty for 2 weeks. Funny that we both planned trips to Paris this year.

  16. Well, you all know I have to agree with Tom when it comes to what Jake and Austin are doing if there is a BT.

    Again - This seems to be an insinuation that some of us who do believe Jake & Austin are married and with children are in total approval of their situation at the present time. There seems to be this line drawn between two sides with a few of us standing alone on an island knitting booties and waving the pom poms while everyone else points fingers and shakes their heads.

    I'm not going to fault anyone for not believe in BT, especially say a year ago, but by now, the evidence is insurmountable. Everyone should be able to express their opinion and I'm glad we can do it civilly here as opposed to elsewhere.

    But I will say this. It would be nice if the very few of us who do believe, including the blog administrator who actually owns this blog, could express this belief and carry a conversation about it without the conversation always steering towards how wrong it is, the guys are monsters and the lowest of life. And we can't even talk about it freely on Special's blog. We have to resort to doing it over the phone and over emails. That's what it has become, unfortunately.

    And every time this very critical opinion is expressed, what is that supposed to say about someone like myself who does believe? That I'm nuts? That I'm a lowlife as well for trying to be happy about them? That I'm horrible and have no morals?

    Because that's exactly what it says to me.

    So be it. I guess I will wave the pom poms because I do believe Jake is still a good, sweet guy and Austin is as well, albeit a bit more settled and composed, lol. I'm still rooting for them - still supporting them because I'm hoping for the best outcome and that they have a plan in place. I don't want to be one of those awful, harsh critics that you see in the Comments on Just Jared. I want to be there for them at that time when they do come out.

  17. Hey, happy travels, m! And I'm there for you in the next two weeks. I think we all know what it is like when a compadre goes on the big V. It's harrowing!!! Gets lots of rest and eat well to gear up for those next two weeks.

    We're getting ready to have our Big Week here and I'll be working late all week. There'll be huge amounts of stress and people are tired already from having worked this past weekend. LOL - and we haven't even had our 4th quarter. But after this, maybe 4th quarter will be a piece of cake compared to what we've been through the past month and a half.

  18. Pg I absolutely support and respect what you feel. I am in no way putting you or SK down. I never thought those things you said. Never. We certainly don't have this conversation on the blog all the time. Occassionally it comes up like it did yesterday. No one should feel bad. Once in a while you have to let out some frustrations because as I have been told Jake is not doing what I wanted him to:-)

  19. The story about the Playboy actor coming out yesterday is what started the conversation. When you see good things like that happen it just makes you ask yourself questions about J and A. It has nothing to do with other posters or what others think.

  20. I think at this point though, I keep having to remind myself that nothing is going to happen in the immediate future. The CW is certainly not going to allow it. That was something Austin had to have known before he signed up for this final 1/2 season.

  21. Ditto everything Tom said, especially this:

    The story about the Playboy actor coming out yesterday is what started the conversation. When you see good things like that happen it just makes you ask yourself questions about J and A. It has nothing to do with other posters or what others think.

    I don't get why expressing my feelings on this topic, which I rarely do anymore, is considered an attack on others who post here.

  22. ♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫September 27, 2011 at 12:20 PM

    It seems as though if you are not singing along with a certain choir, then you are on the other side of the line that someone proverbially drew in the sand. Always knew this was the case, but now we have it for all to see.

  23. I don't get why expressing my feelings on this topic, which I rarely do anymore, is considered an attack on others who post here.

    I'm not saying it's a personal attack at all. You guys are very respectful about it. I do tend to be pretty sensitive.

    But I'm trying to figure out what that makes those of us who do believe? Because I think it is a well known fact here and another blog that a select few posters on here have expressed our belief that Jake & Austin are married and have more than one child. We also take a lot of heat on that other blog for believing what we do.

    So if someone such as myself believes and also extends support, what does that make me if the opinion is expressed that these 2 guys are horrible and what they're doing is inhumane?

    What does that say about me?

    That's my question.

  24. It seems as though if you are not singing along with a certain choir, then you are on the other side of the line that someone proverbially drew in the sand. Always knew this was the case, but now we have it for all to see.

    Oh, stuff your music notes.

    That is not at all what I'm saying. Read my comments again.

  25. Do you realize the guts it takes for someone such as myself, Special or M&M to speak up as we do on this subject?

    Hell, we're the total totem pole of ridicule.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. ♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫September 27, 2011 at 12:30 PM

    Oh, stuff your music notes.

    Too funny and delicously ironic! Express an opinion and you get told to "stuff" it. Confirmation of exactly what I said above.

  28. ♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫September 27, 2011 at 12:32 PM

    *deliciously (in before spelling queen comes along)

  29. What does that say about me?

    It says you don't respect other people's opinions. It also says that you feel your opinion, and those like your opinions are the only correct opinions.

    Others see things differently. There is no "right" or "wrong" opinion in this scenario.

  30. So if someone such as myself believes and also extends support, what does that make me if the opinion is expressed that these 2 guys are horrible and what they're doing is inhumane?

    You are not personally enabling anything they do, so why the guilt trip?

  31. Off to email and talk on the phone.

    Thank you!

  32. What a day for the construction guys to put in a new door and the building inspector to show up.

    Everyone has been able to express their opinion here at OMG. They always have and always will, unless is it offensive, threatening,bullying, or inappropriate.
    In a community it is about give and take, speaking and listening. You don't have to agree, but with what others are saying but respect that they have the right to be heard.

    No one should be reluctant to post. I have never said you have to agree with me, but you have to respect my right to say what I think.

    That is what
    I am giving people here and hope people will reciprocate.

    Trolls skip along.

  33. What it says about you PG is that you're a more forgiving person, and that is a good trait to have.

  34. There is no party line here at OMG, despite all the times people have suggest and argued that there is.

    There never has been and there will never be.

  35. While we're on the topic of kids, I'll just get my two cents worth out there and then drop it.

    I just don't think it is very likely that there is more than one BT, and I certainly don't think they're going for number 4. For one thing, having children using a surrogate is difficult, it can often take a long time for it to work. It would mean they are turning around and starting all over with a surrogate immediately upon the birth of a child.

    For another, most people I know who have more than one child try to space them out every two or three years. Since we're talking about planned children here, not a straight couple where a kid might accidentally arrive sooner than planned for, I just don't think it is very likely they would be having a child a year.

    Finally, while I think it is possible to hide a child, maybe even 2, I don't think it is possible to hide a whole brood.

  36. I find it hard to imagine that two people who are together for their career and their career only and then have children to complete the image are better than two people who love each other have a commitment/marriage and want to have a family from that love and commitment.

    And I am not just talking about just the bearded couples in Hollywood, but even the straight couples who hook up and have families for their images.

    At some point in their lives those children will realized that they were not created out of love, but a business plan.

    Is that any better?

    Jake and Austin wanted to have a family together, and they did, and bucked the prevailing practice of HW.

    No one wants to see them remain in closet, everyone should be able to be open about who they love and choose to share their life with. And I think they are on the way of doing that but in their own time.

    It is not for others to assign an arbitrary amount of time for that to happen. Even Sean said it was about doing it at the right time for him and his partner and their family.

    And to say that will remain and never will is making assumptions, and not giving them the chance.

  37. Comparing one unethical thing to another doesn't change the fact that both are unethical. Denying your kid's existence ("I don't have any children") and hiding them away is still unethical, or whatever you want to call it. No need for rose colored glasses 24/7.

  38. I think they have more than one child for several reasons. Here is my Top 10 List:

    1) Jake loves children and has mentioned his desire to be a father since he was a young man in his early twenties.
    2) In the summer of 2006, Jake was interviewed and asked about how many children he wanted. Without pause (like someone who had already begun the planning stages) he said 2 or 4. This was during the time Jake and Austin were planning for BT1.
    3) Regardless of who fathered the first child, the other one would want to experience biological fatherhood as well. Only natural. It is speculated that the first child was Austin’s. No way would Jake miss out on having his own biological child too.
    4) Ted mentioned in the summer of 2008 that Jake was interviewing for another “personal” assistant (another nanny perhaps?) and that his requirement was that it must be a female. He goes onto to refer to 2 calendars and pluralizes the term: “babe cakes”. Then he talked about “multiple choice”. On January 8, 2009 he wrote an Awful Truth statement about Toothy that referred to a manger, instead of manager: PIGS IN BLANKETS FOR TOOTHY? COMING OUT DAY. Note he didn’t say Pig (singular) in a Blanket (singular). Clues suggest the second birth were twins. Thirty percent of all surrogate births end in multiple babies.
    5) Someone wrote a “Dear Ted” letter on August 29, 2008 asking if there was another BT on the way? Is it Ben Affleck?. Ted’s answer again focuses on the plural (babes) and the number 2 (two-timing) so many brunet directions, alas, it's the wrong two-timing type.
    6) Then in January, 2010 Ted writes a BUNDLE OF JOY (implication: another baby on the way) “DEAR TED” letter (and states when someone asks if there’s another BT on the way that FAMILY TILE is constantly expanding in many ways He uses the present tense “is”- Is expanding in many ways. Active Tense.
    7) By September, 2010, Ted has confirmed that BT is human on 3 separate occasions. The inference is that there have been 3 BT births).
    8) Jake purchases an Audi Q7 in June, 2010 that seats 7 passengers. Also, the 2010 model has 4 seats of Latch anchors for installing child-safety seats.
    9) In August 2010, Austin posts a twitpic of an infant’s t-shirt for someone 0-3 months.
    10) In July 2010, Ted posts the following sentence in reference to a question about Toothy possibly coming out: Maybe by the time his offspring reach college age. Note that offspring is used as a plural noun because the verb complement of “reach” is singular.
    There are a lot more clues to suggest that Jake and Austin have more than one child, but just like his hints about Toothy and Goose being soul mates (in love) and a married couple (hubby terminology), he has consistently written about multiple Tiles from 2008-present.

  39. Compared to many Hollywood players, Jake is a decent, kind and community-oriented individual. For that matter, so is Austin. Love can be complicated. BIG LOVE even more so. Particularly, if you are pressured to stay in the closet by your employer who has the ability to end your career with the stroke of a pen. Condemnation is an easy emotion. They will come out in their own time. I shall be there to cheer them on when they do.

  40. But other than Ted, what REAL evidence do you have? As Destiny said, hiding a brood is difficult.

  41. Oh I agree most days Special that what other HW couples have done in HW is just as bad, but on some days I find myself thinking it is not quite as bad just because I think it is far less likely for a kid to catch on to what is going on. Look at Carey Grant's daughter, who in a recent interview insisted that her dad was straight, even though there are a lot of stories out there to the contrary.

    In contrast, a kid that is hidden is going to know from day one that they are being treated differently, and when a parent doesn't do the normal things with a kid, the kid is going to think they are to blame somehow. A kid is less likely to think they are to blame for their parent's screwed up idea of a marriage.

    Another reason why I think there is only one kid is that I think that if they did have one, it was planned while they were still thinking about coming out or planning on living in a glass closet. I think that all changed, and that diving deep into the closet would prevent them from having additional children.

    Personally I think Ted doesn't have a clue what is going on in Toothy TIle's life, and I think his answers are deliberately ambiguous to cover all the bases. While I get what you're saying M and M, I just don't have as much faith in his answers as others do.

  42. Great list M&M.

    I can see how both not only would want to have a child that is biologically theirs, but when you love someone that much, you would want to have the other's child just as much. You can only imagine how Jake would want a little version of Austin and Austin a little Jake.

    Another thing I would add is that both Jake and Austin have close relationships with their sisters, and how important they are to them. I can see how they would want their own children to have siblings and have such a bond as well.

    Jake is a natural nurturer, even Anne talked about how Jake nurturing is, it's hard to imagine someone who is that nurturing would not want children to love and care for.

  43. I don't think it's a matter of faith in Ted's answers. I'm an agnostic by temperament and training. It's the consistency of the message.

    Also, Ted has no reason to drop hints that Jake and Austin are continuing to expand their family, yet he continues to do so. Hiding a brood is no more difficult than hiding one child if you have the apparatus in place for the purpose of doing so. Ted indicates that professionals have taken care of the details of Family Tile a long time ago.

  44. Since Brothers (post birth of BT1) Jake has been involved in several activities/charity work related to children. Another sign of his changing priorities.

  45. I would like to say can you give us a chance to put together a list? It can't be done on a moment's list although I am most impressed by M&M's Top Ten. That's what those big Word Docs will do though, LOL!!! What a research tool that is.

    There are no pictures that positively identify BT. We have pictures where we believe BT is in them. There are many other clues but it takes time to assemble.

  46. I think you guys have talked about his friendship with Busy Phillips as another clue there is at least one Baby Tile. I agree that it's strange for a hot single man to hang around a young mother so much unless he has kid(s) too. Also, someone here was making the argument not so long ago that even Reeke was part of the distraction for raising a family. And that might explain why Ted was so angry with her when she dumped Jake a few years back. If there was a long term plan to have more children (hidden by the showmance) that would have put Jake and Austin in a bind and raised Ted's hackles, I would think.

  47. I agree Ted has no reason to drop hints, but he also has no reason to just not answer the question. Why would someone who has no problem talking about Toothy having an adventure in an alley have a problem saying he has more than one child?

    I agree about the charities, another reason why I lean towards there being a BT. It's just that I'm more at 90% than 100%, which is why I sometimes say "if".

  48. Love can be complicated. BIG LOVE even more so. Particularly, if you are pressured to stay in the closet by your employer who has the ability to end your career with the stroke of a pen.

    I agree that love between partners is complicated, and I agree that certain employers would not hire Jake if he was completely out, and he certainly couldn't have done a movie like POP even if he was in a glass closet.

    But I think having children changes things. And I think Jake could still have a good career if he went the glass closet route or was out.

    I think Jake thinks he can have it all if he stays deep in the closet. But when someone lives in the closet, someone ultimately gets hurt--and in this case the ones who will be hurt are any children.

  49. Also, someone here was making the argument not so long ago that even Reeke was part of the distraction for raising a family.

    That would be me. Not only that, but it probably helps to explain the absurd ramping up of Sophin in 2010. Remember, the Two Twits Tweeting Roadshow last year. Another huge distraction.

  50. I think Jake can be in a glass closet too and may even be inching in that direction. Remember, when he talked about doing more comedies and producing last year. Even Austin has talked about directing and cinemotography. I think the guys are making plans to live a more open life.

  51. Another thing is Jake's shift in causes, if you have noticed since 2007 he become more involved in charities that support children.

    Even Austin when he was interviewed at a Global Green event a year before the faux thing with Sophia and The Gulf he was talking about doing something and talked about how things have changed and it was more important in just the last few years.

    And what single 30 something yr old guy does Sesame Street, Shalome Sesame, and Electric Company?

    Jake tries to blend in when he's out in public, but in SF, he engaged in playing peek-a-boo with a little boy in the coffee line.

    Remember the time that Austin was at the farmers market with Busy, and the blogger talked about how interested austin was in her twins, and how he seemed concerned when one was fussy? Single guys with no kids are oblivious to that kind of stuff.

    And just one more, back when Austin was doing press for JFC, he spoke to Samantha Harris on E! He was his flirty self, and what did he say? I love pregnant women. That was the same summer they were expecting BT1.

  52. I think Jake thinks he can have it all if he stays deep in the closet. But when someone lives in the closet, someone ultimately gets hurt--and in this case the ones who will be hurt are any children.

    Agreed. And, I think Jake and Austin understand this too. It's hard for me to visualize a Jake Gyllenhaal who will not publicly acknowledge his children. As Anne Hathaway expressed last year, Jake was the most "nurturing" person she ever met. I believe he is someone who is hyperfocused on providing a socially, emotionally and physically well-adjusted life for the children I think that he and Austin have. Jake knows living in the closet will not allow that to happen. That's why I think it's a matter of when, rather than never.

  53. Well, so far he hasn't acknowledged any children, and yet that proud Uncle has acknowledged Ramona many many times.

    For those of you with siblings or close cousins, think about your own childhood. Weren't there times when you or someone else in your family felt hurt because you felt someone else was getting more attention? Hurt that you thought someone was getting to do something you weren't doing, or that someone else's parent was participating in something yours wasn't? And I think kids often feel that way even at times when it's not even necessarily true.

    So how much worse is that feeling when it is true? That's what it always boils down to for me when it comes to J&A hiding a child/children.

  54. ...having children using a surrogate is difficult, it can often take a long time for it to work. It would mean they are turning around and starting all over with a surrogate immediately upon the birth of a child.

    There is a considerable amount of time between Baby Tile births. They don't come one right after the other, if my speculation is correct:

    2007 October BT1
    2009 January BT2 & 3 (twins)
    2010 August BT4

  55. ...or that someone else's parent was participating in something yours [child] wasn't? And I think kids often feel that way even at times when it's not even necessarily true. So how much worse is that feeling when it is true? That's what it always boils down to for me when it comes to J&A hiding a child/children.

    Don't disagree. Well said. That's why I can't imagine Jake and Austin raising their children in the closet. Doesn't matter how much Jake or Austin try to explain to them that it would be for the best, they will feel second best in comparison to others.

  56. There was also the case of those 2 small boxes of candy in Jake's hand as he was leaving the doctor's office. I don't remember when that was but I can't believe the candy was for Jake.

    There was also the case of the multiple yogurts in Jake's bag in the infamous yogurt pictures with Reese. Deacon, Ava, and Reese were already eating theirs - so who were those all for?

  57. And Actually made an excellent point about Busy Phillips.

    Jake never used to hang around her. He hung around with Chris the chef.

    But like so many new young parents whose inner circle of friends change when they begin raising a family, Jake's seems to have changed as well.

    What does he have in common with Busy? They both have children very close in age.

    I think that day that Jake was in so much hot water after the Barstow incident, since Austin was in North Carolina hard at work getting ready to direct, I can see him needing someone to talk to face to face. And so he went to Busy and they had a night out. Jake needed to vent and he needed someone to talk to.

  58. There have also been two very interesting tweets sent to Austin; one from a former JFC co-star and another from Matthew K Frost around the time of their kids' births.
