Saturday, October 1, 2011

Measuring Stick

The debate continues on Jake's height.

Let's see if he can really measure up to be called Jake Walkingtall, or not.

And while not scientific, can you think of any better way?


  1. I don't know about Kiki and the drugs, but I think everything Rehab has said about the movie biz in relation to Jake is accurate.

    Who knows if Jake was having trouble getting work because he wasn't closeted enough. For sure he was having problems because first he asked for too much money, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jake wasn't turning down roles he felt wasn't deserving of his status as an Oscar nominee, or because they didn't give him enough screen time. I think it is likely he finally took Rendition because his not working was starting to look bad.

    Who knows, maybe it's not so much the not playing the bearding game as it was getting caught having sex with a man, and the talk that he liked public sex that was hurting him because of fears of a scandal.

    I think Jake is a really good actor, but I think he has limited range, and I think he doesn't have what it takes to carry a film that way a Clooney or Pitt can. He just doesn't have that "star" quality, for lack of a better word. He does better in smaller films where the story is a bigger part of the film.

  2. If Jake's own people were doing things he didn't approve of it would have gotten back to him one way or another. If that was happening, and he chose to stick with his people, well, what can I say?

  3. Sorry for all the posts, just catching up on everything.

    Cute pictures of Anderson and Ben, it's been awhile since there've been any of them together.

    That link that is presumably to the biking sighting says the page doesn't exist.

    FYI, people in NYC do take their bikes on the train, plus it would be a short ride across one of the bridges from Brooklyn to downtown NYC.

  4. Time for my Texas Longhorns to whoop up on the Cyclones. Hook Em Horns.
    1 hour ago

  5. FYI, people in NYC do take their bikes on the train, plus it would be a short ride across one of the bridges from Brooklyn to downtown NYC.

    Good to hear from someone who actually lives in NYC!

  6. I'm just trying to see all the signs in Jake's life that I have seen and read about where he has exhibited such total vanity, greed and self-absorption.

    Destiny, you're painting Jake to be such a greedy, self-serving person and I'm sorry, but I have not seen that at all.

    If I saw this in him, I would not be here still supporting him.

  7. But why would you take a bike in the rain?? When there is one of the most reliable transportation systems in the world and one that he has been using all week.

  8. For sure he was having problems because first he asked for too much money

    What movie did Jake ask for too much money? And, how much was he holding out for? I remember around the summer of 2006, the movie he was holding out for was the Lance Armstrong biopic, which had no big financial backing and it in fact is still lingering in preproduction limbo. I don't think there is even a script yet.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Jake wasn't turning down roles he felt wasn't deserving of his status as an Oscar nominee, or because they didn't give him enough screen time.

    I would be surprised about that and the reason why is because Jake has consistently been about choosing scripts/stories that have something to say; directors who can teach him the craft and expand his technique; and he is also about who he works with because he admires their work. It's all about learning for Jake. Throughout his career, pre-Brokeback and post-Brokeback those have been his top three criteria for selecting projects. Prince of Persia was the one exception. He said he wanted to do this role because he was tired of taking himself so seriously; he always wanted to do a role where he could play the hero; and he wanted his friends and "the kids in his life" to go see it. I'm sure the money was a factor, but I don't know many actors who would turn down millions when it's offered to them. Heath Ledger actually made more in a supporting role as the Joker than Jake did in PoP and I don't think anyone would call Heath greedy or ego driven.

    Who knows, maybe it's not so much the not playing the bearding game as it was getting caught having sex with a man, and the talk that he liked public sex that was hurting him because of fears of a scandal.

    Jake is a choir boy next to the scandalous behaviors of most of Hollywood's leading men. Ted has said so himself. Having sex in the fifth gear in a parking is high school stuff, in comparison.

    I think Jake is a really good actor, but I think he has limited range....

    I agree. Most actors aren't that versatile. Frankly, Jake can't even compare to Heath in his range and depth, but he has a way of tugging at your heart, incredible sincerity, and great timing and instinct, which a lot of actors working in Hollywood lack.

  9. FYI, people in NYC do take their bikes on the train, plus it would be a short ride across one of the bridges from Brooklyn to downtown NYC.

    I know I wasn't saying it wasn't possibly true. In fact, it just provided another opportunity for a new page in the Avatar folder.

    But what is funny is that in alllllllll the times Jake has been in NYC in the last two years or so, all he's mostly been mentioned to be on is the train. I don't recall reading about him riding his bike.

    So it just seems funny that the day after a tweet of him in an SUV, not even a green-friendly hybrid mind you, he's suddenly tweeted on a bike in the rain.

    Just finding it very odd and rather coincidental.

  10. FYI, people in NYC do take their bikes on the train....

    We are not talking about people in general. We are talking about Jake today. Afterall, he's been in NY for awhile now and no bike...even with good weather. Plus it was raining today. The kind of day you would definitely take the train.

  11. Awww, I like that last picture. Also like the Casanova premiere pic. The guys look like college kids in that one.

  12. We are not talking about people in general. We are talking about Jake today.

    ^ Sheesh. Do you think Jake is too precious to ride a bike or get wet? As Destiny said, people take their bikes on the train also. PS there are at least two tweets saying the same thing about seeing Jake with a bike. And please don't go there with that "fake" crap.

  13. There was a lot of rumors Jake was holding out for monety after his success in Jarhead and Brokeback. He also thought he may have had a shot at the Oscar for Brokeback. If true it may have hurt his career for a while. I think he is back on track and his next few films will be important. I think Jake is a good actor but I don't think he will be a Leo, Depp, Clooney or Pitt. That doesn't mean he won't have a long and successful career though. But only if he doesn't come out and he very well knows it.

  14. If Jake's own people were doing things he didn't approve of it would have gotten back to him one way or another. If that was happening, and he chose to stick with his people, well, what can I say?

    I would stand by Jake on this one, all the way.

    Not everyone is strong every day of their life, in every situation, every year of their life.

    Some of us have certain people in our lives that we frequently give in to. Are greatly influenced by. Maybe even are afraid to say no to.

    I don't know what happened between Jake and his people. Don't know what happens between Jake and his family, particularly in his childhood. But I have seen some insight, read some things online that lend to the idea that Jake is a people pleaser, probably has had a hard time saying no to certain pressures and people. Not every one of us is born tremendously strong and I am always going to sympathize with someone else who struggles because I've been there myself. Not everyone is born a leader either. Not everyone is born A-list or a CEO. But we all have a very valuable place in this world, we all have equal worth and we may be weak at certain times, but strong at others.

    I'm not going to badger him over a decision that he made when he was 25 years old. That's still pretty young and was still before the coming out of the celebrities that we see today. Things have changed tremendously just in the past two years but they were still very archaic in 2006.

    I'm encouraged to see him showing signs of exerting himself in an assertive manner. He's still not bearded since Tay. I am encouraged by that.

    And yes, while he has made poor choices and done some "jerk" things, well I've done plenty myself in my life. Reeke is long over. Swyll is over. I just don't see any reason to keep piling on the guy.

  15. Austin must be enjoying the Texas - Iowa St. game. The Longhorns are winning 34-0.

  16. Sheesh. Do you think Jake is too precious to ride a bike or get wet? As Destiny said, people take their bikes on the train also. PS there are at least two tweets saying the same thing about seeing Jake with a bike. And please don't go there with that "fake" crap.

    One person said it was probably a fake tweet.

    I never said it was fake (I had some fun with it, though but then that's just me, lol). Most posters did not insinuate that it was fake.

    In fact, I said this at 20:37:

    Just finding it very odd and rather coincidental.

    Big deal he's on a bike at Alice in Chains Restaurant. Doesn't bother me any. In fact, I love it.

    You know why?

    Because that would mean he is reacting to this:

    artfulgourmet Kristen Hess
    OMG just saw Jake Gyllenhaal drive by in an SUV in TriBeCa. Love this town!
    30 Sep

    So if we all are going to hang our hat on Jake riding his bike to Alice in Chains, then we all need to hang our hat on him driving an SUV in Tribeca and ask why did he need to drive an SUV around the city?

  17. That doesn't mean he won't have a long and successful career though. But only if he doesn't come out and he very well knows it.

    Sounds like some people want Jake to stay in the closet so they can continue to bash him. Dicaprio is a closet case so is Clooney. Who knows about Pitt. I'm rooting for Jake to come out myself. Would be sweet.

  18. That link that is presumably to the biking sighting says the page doesn't exist.

    The SUV sighting link works fine for me. Here's the post:

    @xSteveEdgexSteve Vanica
    jake gyllenhaal sighting at Angelica Kitchen. Dude rode here on his bike in the rain.
    6 hours agovia Twitter for Android

  19. I'm afraid I can't be too rah-rah over those L-Horns. As a Jayhawk rooter, I cannot profess excitement over another Big 12 team who is leaving for other pastures.

    Nyah, jk. That's a winker. Just for tonight, I'll say Hook 'em, Horns!

    Just tonight.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Good mooooorning! Well, the Chiefs must be playing at home today since everywhere there are people in red and they have the Chiefs flags flapping from their cars.

    **sigh**. What are we now, 0-3 or 0-2? Something like that. It's going to be a loooooong year.

    That's all right. Got the Dunkin Donuts iced coffee - that makes everything A-OK.

  22. And so every time one wants to click on the Comment box, there's Austin in his multi-shaded, blue striped socks that are stuck like halfway up his calf. I mean, what is up with those socks? They're just such a work-out fashion crime.

    LOL!! Big black shorts with the #32 on the leg, crimson red stripe down the side. Grey shirt. Black, blue, grey, red. Nothing matches, there's no theme.

    And he obviously could care less!! LOLLL. You gotta just love that about the guy.

    Of course, then you had the PR-sanctioned biking pictures and the two guys were outfitted to the 9's. I guess yoga requires loose-fitting & free-flowing clothing whereas biking requires skin-tight stuff for bucking that wind.

  23. JointBrooklyn Brooklyn Decker
    The biggest story this morning was about Jake Gyllenhaal going to a bath house. In other really surprising news,...
    38 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

  24. MlleKiddie Mademoiselle Kiddie
    Happy bday next week to #Libra celebri-tots: Ramona (5, Maggie Gyllenhaal); Billy Ray (8, Tim Burton); Harper&Finley (3, Lisa Marie Presley)
    7 hours ago

  25. Jake Gyllenhaal had hoped for a nice, relaxing steam when he turned up at the 10th Street baths last week -- but arrived to find the place packed with power players in robes. Organizers of Elit by Stoli’s male-only gathering had taken over the place, with white towel-wearing guests including Nobu’s Richie Notar, venture capitalist Adam Dell, Niche Media founder Jason Binn, David Rabin and Lance Broumand. We’re told they, ahem, “let it all hang out.”

  26. Covering for Anon @ 09:14

    Didn't Jake mention he rode around NY on his bike in an interview with Ben Lyons (think it was in Texas after the train tour with Mumford and sons)?

    October 2, 2011 9:14 AM

    I probably missed that but I have no reason to doubt. Jake loves to bike and if he has his own place somewhere in NYC then I wouldn't doubt he could have a bike hanging from a nail in the wall, a la Jerry Seinfeld. That would make sense.

    I'm not doubting the tweet. Actually, that one guy who called him Dude sounded absolutely real.

    What I was poking fun at was Jake reacting once again. Not only that, we haven't had a mention of Jake riding his bike this entire stay in NYC. Just the day before, he was tweeted driving an SUV.

    Ah well, the guy is just multi-transportational. Is that a word? lol He does it all. He push-bikes, motorbikes, skateboards, drives, surfs; whatever it takes to get where he needs to go. I tell you what, inline skates would get him around even quicker.

    I'm still LOL'ing the steam bath. I think Jake was just needing to see some naked male skin, myself.

  27. I have never heard the word push bike. In fact, I had to Google Image it.

    Can someone explain a push bike? Is it like an old fashioned bike where you have to push backwards on your pedals to get it to stop? See, I stopped riding bikes when they went to the brakes on the handles. I didn't like that.

    Why do they call it a push bike? How do you "push" it? Don't you "ride" it? lol. I've just never heard anyone call a bike a push bike around here, anyway. M&M, real m, is that a California thing? Never know about you West Coasters.

  28. Jake was at Sting's 60th Birthday last night at Beacon Theater in NYC.

    A host of stars including LADY GAGA, BILLY JOEL, STEVIE WONDER and BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN took to the stage in New York on Saturday night (01Oct11) to honour STING on the eve of his 60th birthday.

    The Police star reached the milestone on Sunday (02Oct11) and he celebrated with a lavish birthday concert in the Big Apple in aid of local charity the Robin Hood Foundation.

    The gig at New York City's Beacon Theater included performances from Joel and Wonder, as well as actor Robert Downey, Jr., and Mary J. Blige, while Sting appeared on stage with Gaga to duet on King of Pain, and he also sang The Police's hit Can't Stand Losing You with Springsteen.

    The highlight of the night came at the end of the show when all the artists gathered onstage with Sting to perform Every Breath You Take.

    Famous faces in the audience included Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Darren Aronofsky and Melanie Griffith, while Sting and his wife Trudie Styler also invited 32 members of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, who have all completed missions in Afghanistan.

    The evening raised more than £2.5 million for charity.

    Sting's 60th Birthday Concert

  29. Some days I remember that anything can happen in New York. Just when you really need to be woken up, New York obliges in one form or another. But she’s a fickle mistress – your wakeup call could range from the unpleasant (taxi driver locking the doors and refusing to go the “wilds” of Brooklyn at 2am despite the fact you are alone, drunk and in possession of a mangled umbrella entirely incapable of shielding you from the unpredicted deluge of dirty rain), odd (that guy with a cat on his head who incidentally has now migrated up Broadway all the way to SoHo) or the swoon-inducing: Jake Gyllenhaal quietly eating breakfast in my regular cafe. Those of you who know me will realise that this event is like some kind of personal milestone for me – he is one of the few people I would actually care to meet, the others being David Lynch and Hans Blix. Yes, Hans Blix. And possibly Mark Kermode.

    Anyway, after a meeting on Thursday morning, I decided that I needed the type of reliably strong coffee which only this particular cafe* can supply. There was a lineup out the door and so my colleagues abandoned me to my fate. I hope they regret this now, because as I stood in line I saw a vaguely-familiar looking guy sitting by the window. When I realized it was Jake Gyllenhaal I immediately started looking anywhere but at him, as there was a kind of rising estrogen temperature in the room, a lot of giggling and trying to move up in the line to get a better view (which, apart from being mortifyingly embarrassing, is very annoying when you actually REALLY NEED YOUR COFFEE RIGHT NOW, GYLLENHAAL OR NOT).

    As I looked back, expressionless, Jake looked right at me, in the eyes. I was very careful not to let any kind of expression cross my face (“Be careful,” warned my friend later. “First he’ll take your soul… then your apartment”). I probably should have smiled like a normal human, not stared coldly like Patrick Bateman. I glanced away and then looked back. Our eyes met again and we stared for 3 seconds. This sounds like the beginning of a romantic comedy, but in reality, it was almost a careful negotiation, like he was daring me to move suddenly and unleash chaos. I have the terrible feeling that my attempts to radiate coolness yet approachability, kind of “Hey, I really admire your political activism and your intelligent role choices and don’t worry I’m not going to throw myself at you from across the room,” unfortunately telepathically communicated “Dude, you’ve obviously been sitting there with your Macbook for like 3 hours now. Your coffee is cold. I’m wearing killer heels and just want to sit down” instead.

    So as usual my tactics backfired, and whether he was being polite or quite possibly becoming increasingly terrified of the estrogen meter reaching critical levels, poor Jake started packing up his Macbook and his iPod and carried his dishes over to the counter. At this point it briefly crossed my mind that this might very well be my only chance ever to strike up a conversation with him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Besides, since he was in possession of a pair of (very attractive) glasses, it’s quite possible that he hadn’t actually seen me at all, and had merely been staring into space trying to decide whether he wanted the rest of his croissant or not.

    Regardless, thank you New York for reminding me that strange things can happen. And Jake Gyllenhaal if you read this, please know you never have to give up your seat for me – oh and thanks for supporting Greenpeace. We appreciate it.

  30. Why do they call it a push bike? How do you "push" it? Don't you "ride" it? lol. I've just never heard anyone call a bike a push bike around here, anyway. M&M, real m, is that a California thing? Never know about you West Coasters.

    More across the pond that West Coast, PG:

    -----List of British words not widely used in the United States---

    pushbike (informal) bicycle (pre-dates modern safety bicycle q.v. velocipede)

  31. Don't think Jake did POP for the fun of it. First there were months of getting in shape for the role, then a very long shoot, partly in Morocco where it was miserably hot.

    He did it for the money and for the chance to become a big star ala Depp.

  32. A little perspectiveOctober 2, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    Of course Jake is also motivated by fame and money. Don't think anyone denies that. Every other actor wants the same. Fame and money, however, is not the only reason he works. Plus, I have to agree with those who are saying he has been involved in many projects that hardly paid anything at all. Including this End of Watch film.
