Thursday, October 13, 2011

Por Favor Gone Wild

It's stuff like this that makes you love Austin.

Auto Correct just changed POR FAVOR to PORN FAVOR. I have many questions. - Aus10Link

And again his tweets make a Top Ten List a necessity.

Top Ten Possible Questions Austin might have:

10. Who sends the thank you note afterwards?9. It's share and share alike or you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours?

8. Is that polite name for those things they sell next to the videos and magazines?

7.Is it when you said heads and it comes up tails?

6.Is stunt @*@# the professional equivalent?5. Is that when your friend gets to your house and grabs your "stuff" before your mother drops by?

4. Is it when somebody lets you borrow their credit card to buy online so what you get won't end up on TMZ?3.When they can't sleep and you get a phone call for a long distance tet a tet?2. They ask if you can you get out of bed and turn the camera off this time?

And the #1 question Austin has

1. Hey Jake, can you do me a favor?


  1. Makes you wonder how often he uses "porn" in texts and emails. It must have made it to his phone's dictionary. Because no matter how many times I tried I never got "porn favor". Pod. Ppt. Portable. Never porn favor. Hmmm.

  2. hi, just want to test out if it works<3 norwegian girl

  3. hi:) i know you are my frinds so i just tell you. i have been in a marraige for elleven years today. i know i love him, i just dont know if i ever been in love with just him. i know its such a stupid question, it is, but not for me, its not! ok, the more i think, the more i find the answerwe, i think. hes my best friend. he let me discover white-wine, while i get to discover other... places on him that are not so white. i like to kiss girls...a lot! though i cant see them above their faces, maybe thats because i may not want to yet. i just dont feel right. i love men, but i dream about girls like im not used to before, an im 33.isnt that a bit too old to start?

  4. i guess i just wonder how youre rules is, between gay, bisexual and straight... or if there is no answerere.

  5. Makes you wonder how often he uses "porn" in texts and emails.....

    You know that Austin is king of pulling legs on twitter, don't you? **smh**

    Quit trying to stir something up where there is nothing.

  6. HI NG. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.

    Boy is that a difficult question to answer in a few words. I think there is a very large scale when it comes to sexuality. While I think most people fall at one end or the other (straight or gay), I think people who are bisexual, especially women, can fall anywhere on that scale. I think women more than men are socialized to look at women--e.g., straight women look at fashion magazines or other women and really look at how they are dressed, how pretty they are, etc. in a way that straight men don't do with men.

    Where you are at now could mean so many things. It could be that you're more open to new experiences now, or more comfortable with yourself and you marriage that perhaps have lead you to tap into feelings that may have always been there subconsciously. It could be that it is really just about the kissing--women in my experience kiss very differently then men.

    I don't think there is any age that is too old. I think women are far more fluid in their sexuality. Dan Savage, a well-known gay sex columnist, once wrote an answer to a letter basically saying women seem to be able to be straight one day, gay the next, then after many years back to men, etc.

  7. One other thing, my personal experience, which is just one of thousands of different ways that people can be.

    I've always been crazy about the boys, but it wasn't until I went off to college that I found myself attracted to a woman, and then I eventually fell for my girlfriend, who is my best friend and soul mate. But when I first found myself attracted to women in looking back I could see that even though I wasn't outright attracted to women when I was younger, there were a few girls in high school that I was kind of fascinated with. I also had a few dreams during high school about kissing girls, but never felt that way when awake until a few years later. Sometimes I think dreams for me personally are about the things I want but don't have and may not yet realize I want. But again everyone is different.

    I'm still a bit boy crazy though, which I get out of my system with my crushes on celebs.

  8. Hey ng!! Good to see you. Girl, I never know what you're going to have next. Hmm, don't know what to tell you. I think it's pretty courageous of you, though, to acknowledge feelings and explore your innermost thoughts.Maybe someone else here has some good advice or questions for you. I know I am hitting the hay now. I'm falling asleep in my chair, lol.

  9. Hi NG and Happy Anniversary.

    Like Destiny a spectrum of sexuality, and that people fall all along the range between heterosexuality and homosexuality, for some people it is more fluid than others. And I agree Dest I think women are more socialized to look at women.

  10. Yea for Dest. Dest, I have been working on my comment since the Mary Tyler Moore Show was on which was awhile ago. I have been nodding off in my chair and during that time, you've spoken very eloquently.

    ng, I'm glad you came here to share what's going on. You know we love seeing you. Maybe someone else will be able to contribute to Destiny's thoughts.

    I'm going to need to hit the hay now; I am just sleepy as all get out.

  11. Tanya_Chen
    Tanya Chen
    Jake Gyllenhaal is definitely sitting in front of me at The Little Owl in the west village #keepcalm
    35 minutes ago

  12. Hi NG. Happy anniversary. Don't be afraid of your feelings. People are very complicated and interesting. It is amazing how we can feel like a totally different person even in a 24 hr span. It is so cool that you are dicussing it here. Writing things down is such a great way of sorting our feelings out. You will be fine. I love that women allow themselves the freedom to explore who they are so much more than men. Be happy about that. Don't let your feelings scare you. They are all beautiful:-)

  13. Interesting comments today about sexuality. I find myself often looking at attractive women's bodies, breasts and faces. But while I look, I have never felt even the remotest lust as a result of it. When I look at men, that's a whole other story. Serious lust may ensue. Thank God I believe in monogamy. It took a long time for me to calm down over my coworker. Time and his being gay finally reprogrammed my brain. Not sure why I look at women. Comparing the competition perhaps.

  14. noCinShaffer
    ashley shaffer
    Hi, Jake Gyllenhaal!! Love, me and @nicolexcellent. (@ Mercadito Grove w/ @nicolexcellent)
    10 hours ago

  15. NG, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us all, and Tom is quite right, that in writing or talking about these things we come to a better understanding of ourselves. I will always look forward to your thoughts and musings and hope you experience all the best in life.

    I had a wonderful and innocent experience yesterday on my way home, picked up a hitch hiker while getting onto the Trans Canada Highway. Liam was on his way to Newfoundland, a refreshing 28 yr old, we talked like old friends to such an extent that I would have happily taken him all the way to his destination, just to spend more time with him. Another of life's joys, interacting with another human being who deserves some time and an exchange of experiences.

  16. New York Magazine has an interesting piece about looking for the new male stars under 25.

    Where Are the New Leos, Tobeys, and Jakes?

    Before he turned 25, Leonardo DiCaprio was an Oscar nominee who'd starred in the then-biggest movie in the world, Titanic, as well as projects like Romeo + Juliet, The Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, This Boy's Life, and Celebrity. Tobey Maguire hadn't yet played Spider-Man prior to his 25th birthday, but he had already shot movies like The Ice Storm, The Cider House Rules, Deconstructing Harry, Pleasantville, and Wonder Boys. And before Jake Gyllenhaal blew out the candles on his 25th birthday cake, he'd acted in Donnie Darko, October Sky, Jarhead, Proof, The Good Girl, and Brokeback Mountain — the latter of which would earn him an Oscar nomination.

    And something that I didn't realize that he was the last male actor under 25 to get nominated.

    In fact, Gyllenhaal's Oscar nod for the 2005 film was the last time a 25-and-under actor found himself nominated. Curious about how many young actresses have gotten nominations since then? Ten.
