Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ride Alike or Along?

So was this Austin's inspiration for his wild River Ride?

Or has he just found a bike buddy from Portlandia for TwoWheel Tuesdays?

One thing: Austin- just don't go tribal, your ears are too cute the way they are.

With less than 3 weeks left for OTH in NC. It's a Raleigh bike moment as shout out to the NC coast and the one of Austin's favorite NC airports.

Go Ride!


  1. Does anyone realize that Jake could come out without revealing any other personal matters. Whether it be a relationship or family matters. Thats a reality as it is for anyone else who is in the closet.

  2. Can anyone reveal any major issues that coming out has created for themselves or their familes for NPH, Clay Aiken, or ricky Martin. Sorry but Jake is not anymore famous than any of those celebs.

  3. That guy on the bike is a real hoot.

    Tom, you are so right. I think more actors will come out post Quinto. Of those who have either come out on their own or been outed, the public reaction has all been favorable. Quinto is part of a major franchise and the reaction was all good. An example for others to follow and learn from.

    FYI, if this shows up twice its cause blogger is acting up and I had to rewrite it.

  4. If SK wants to delete them she has the right. It is her blog.

    Tom, that is not right to put censorship on Special's shoulders. We all have to take responsibility for what we type on the blog, not her.

    Special wasn't even initially involved in this - it was my suggestion.

    And you are totally missing my original point. Don't use this as an excuse to vent. Look at what I said in my original request.

  5. Someone here posted that Jake is making 'baby-steps' in the coming out process. Sorry, no evidence of that. He is still holding that closet door firmly shut. That's his business, but it is not 'baby steps'.

  6. Don't use this as an excuse to vent.

    That didn't come out right. What I meant was don't use it as a means to disguise the real motive behind doing it. It is what it is.

  7. I don't see anything wrong in what Tom posted. The unpalatable part was probably: "Police say the victim was tied to a lamppost, brutally beaten and set on fire, possibly because he was openly gay."

    Sure, it's not pleasant, but that is what is so horrendous - the way he died, and it should be known. I will post such information here if I want.

  8. Reading over the comments,no one said that Tom should modify or sanitize his post, they just asked if he could add a disclaimer at the beginning to alert people that there is explicit violence.

    It is the same as NSFW material.

    It is important for people to know what is happening and that we have a long way to go, just let people know if there is something explicit about the story.

  9. He is still holding that closet door firmly shut.

    I would mostly agree with that. Frustrating as hell, isn't it? Take that level times 10 and that's how it is for him & Austin and any other celeb who is in the closet.

    Look at Leo.

    Look at Ryan Reynolds.

    Look at Clooney.

    Frustrating, isn't it, to watch what we may perceive as someone "getting away" with something? It looks like they're getting off scott free, getting to have their cake and eat it too. Right?

    I don't think that's exactly what's happening, though. Jake and Austin are paying a huge price right now. They're in a trap that is going to be hell to fully extricate from.

    I can't imagine what it's like to constantly be looking over my shoulder. Calling on colleagues, family & friends to constantly be helping me out, acting as decoys. Racking up frequent flier miles, red eye flights, nanny salaries & probably health benefits, are just some of the sacrifices/costs they are incurring over this thus-far 5 year plan.

    And look at the physical toll it has taken on Jake. This has taken a tremendous toll on Jake, physically. He looks 7 or so years older than he should because he's taken the brunt of the whole ordeal and he is likely much more sensitive than Austin.

    You don't always have to draw blood to get a gauge of punishment. These 2 guys are paying a big price.

  10. I will post such information here if I want.

    That sounds like a threat of some sort, 12:01.

    This is totally ridiculous. People are intentionally twisting my original comment around and making it all about Jake coming out and censorship.

    Nothing could be further away from my original statement.

    That should be the last time this needs to be said.

  11. They could easily end all of their supposed suffering by coming out. That's their choice, so no sympathy there. What price would they pay if they came out? Loss of money probably. Is that the motivation to stay closeted?

  12. That sounds like a threat of some sort, 12:01.

    Please go and see Maggie G's new movie Hysteria.

  13. Jersey Tom said...
    I think the realities of the hate for Gay men in the world should be posted in full detail and I will continue to post them.

    ^ Was this a 'threat'(!) also, or are you just selective in who you try to shut down with empty accusations?

  14. They could easily end all of their supposed suffering by coming out. That's their choice, so no sympathy there.

    They're not asking for your sympathy. They're not asking for our opinions. They're not asking for our approval. They're not asking for nor do they want diddly from us.

  15. mkbkrthebkmkr Mike Baker
    Jake Gyllenhaal on the train.
    2 minutes ago

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. While I agree it is important for people to know about the violence that is committed against people just for being gay, I see no reason why there shouldn't be a disclaimer, especially on a board like this where everyone is well aware of what goes on.

    Everyone is different, and reacts to stories like that differently. My girlfriend is very squeamish about things like this too, and I never tell her the details of stories like what happened to that poor man in Scotland. It's enough to know that someone died brutally, without the details if they don't want them.

  18. Tom, there are days when I really get tired of the "it's a journey" talk too, at least when it comes to rich, established, powerful people. They have money and status, and I find it hard to believe that someone like say, Hugh Jackman, would never work again if he came out. Of course the lies he and others are so tangled up in probably make it almost impossible to undo.

    And don't even get me started on Anderson Cooper.

    I also have no patience with younger people who beard and lie. Older stars, well, things were a lot different even ten years back when they started.

    I also still have a HUGE problem with Jake and Austin doing it if there really are children involved. I totally agree that they are not such big stars that there is anything to worry about for them other than a possible loss of income. The money Jake has made just from POP alone would be enough for most people to live very comfortably the rest of their lives.

    I have a lot of hope that things will change in the next five years. Maybe it is foolish of me, but I think the tides are starting to shift on the margins. We have Quinto.

    We have people like Matt Bomer who lives his life pretty openly, and who I think will completely come out in the near future (after all, we're talking about someone who arrived at his movie premiere with his partner, and wore purple shoelaces with his dress shoes). Yes I agree it is not enough anymore to not say it, but conversely people like that are not doing the damage that those who beard and lie do. He advocates for gay rights whenever he gets a chance--AIDS charities, GLSEN, gay marriage.

    At this stage in HW I don't blame actors who are not established for not coming out. However, I do expect the younger ones to not beard and otherwise push themselves as straight.

    I think we have to go through a stage of having character actors, etc. come out first, and of others living in glass closets to show that leading men can be successful without a woman on their arm. I think all of this is setting the grounds for more progress, and and that eventually we'll have a leading actor who is completely out.

  19. That video is hysterical.

  20. Stephanie DeJohn
    @stephaniedejohn Stephanie DeJohn
    Today I joked around with Jake Gyllenhaal. I am getting too close to one degree of separation with Kevin Bacon for my own good.
    1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

  21. Waaaay off topic, and totally cool: Sean Lennon and Rufus Wainwright covering Madonna's It's a Material World at tOccupy Wall Street.

    Sean and Rufus

  22. Oh my dog, you should've seen my Inbox. LOLLLLLL!!! Geez! It was awful.

    Well, I guess it's some form of job security, huh? And aren't emails a pain? They just kept uploading and uploading and that stupid message that tells you your mailbox is over its limit. I must have had at least 10-12 of those. It was ridiculous. There it is picking on you for having an overloaded mailbox but it doesn't help matters by sending you oodles of emails, too just to tell you that you're overmaxed. I kept muttering at my computer because it is really, really irritating.

    Other than that, it was great to see my big buddy again. We have a good time, a lot of laughs. It's always fun to see everyone after a whole week off. Then the honeymoon wears off and it's just back to the ol' grindstone. **sigh**.

    Back to life, back to reality...

  23. Oh my gosh, Dest, that was just awesome!!! Loved it!! LOL, America at its best.

    And wow, I've not seen Sean Lennon forever - has he grown.

    Rufus looked so cute!! LOL - because of the way he was dressed and the way they were standing there, he reminded me of some little street urchin in a Charles Dicken Christmas tale or something, standing over a fire in a barrel, rubbing his hands over the flames to keep warm. All he needed was those gloves that you see with the fingers cut off.

    LOLLLLLL!!! Penny for the baby, suh! Penny for the baby. LOL. Awww, he looked really cute. Enjoyed the hug, too that he shared with Sean.

    That was great. However did you find that? Kudos to them for joining the Occupy.

  24. Love today's song - Roll Me Away by Bob Seger. ITunes doesn't have it yet but they do have a couple of his Live albums. I'm just thankful for that; it has taken foreverrrrr for them to get any Bob Seger.

  25. could you be any LESS aware of world events?October 25, 2011 at 9:11 PM

    That was great. However did you find that? Kudos to them for joining the Occupy.

    Unlike you, Destiny actually reads news online.

  26. Unlike you, Destiny actually reads news online.

    Yeah, I'm sure this was on the home page of USA Today.com or cnn.com.

    Wall Street Journal?

    See this? Bet you wish you could take a big bite, don't you? Dream on.

  27. @hilarywashere Hilary Rainey
    the fact that Jake Gyllenhaal was at Soul Cycle tonight and Michael went and I didn't and Michael saw him nakes and I didn't ruins my day.
    2 hours ago via Twitter for Mac

  28. ^^ lol. I saw that one.

    "nakes". LOLLLL! I like that.

  29. Destiny, your comment at 14:29 was really well said. And I agree.

    I myself can't believe I've been on here following the guys' journey for over 3 years now. Say what?

    Well, I too am in the back seat, whining "Are we there yet?????" just like everyone else.

    I hope they're beginning to whine as well themselves.

  30. Great video from OWS. I have been watching the Occupy movement grow over the last few weeks and have been down to OccupyBoston several times.

    Thanks for the share Dest.

  31. Jake was seen at a Mexican restaurant. Which is an odd choice since he hates cilantro, and Mexican isn't he favorite choice of cuisine. Makes you wonder if he was with someone who loves Mexican food. Hmmm who likes Mexican food, and who has Jake made Mexican food for?

    "I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Rosa Mexicano.. My life is complete. Where is @corieberling when I need her" Oct 25, 6:17pm-@sarahborrero

  32. That was exactly what I thought of when I saw him tweeted at Rosa Mexicano. Mexican = Austin. You never know....

  33. Gee LESS, the laugh's on you because I found the Rufus and Sean video on Towleroad, not a news site.

    Yeah PG, I haven't seen or heard anything about Sean Lennon in ages. And love that they're covering Madonna. I know, I know, it's just that it's an appropriate song, but still.

    Still haven't made it down there to check out Occupy Wall Street, really need to do it before the weather gets crappy.

  34. Not only that Special, but if you look at the Rosa Mexicano menu, the diverse selections actually look pretty darn appetitizing. That alone may mean Austin is nearby. The guacamole looks incredible. ;-)

  35. We hit 80 degrees today but I believe the bottom's supposed to fall out tomorrow and we're going to see some low temps for awhile. Bummer!!!

    You know, Sophia Bush just doesn't know how to have an idea of her own, does she? She's always copying Austin. Now he doesn't even have #TwoWheelTuesday to himself. She's got to do this:

    SophiaBush Sophia Bush
    I've been so busy directing all day that I ALMOST forgot to post the #TuesdayTune to my blog. But heeeeere it is! xoxo say.ly/SGFU2S
    1 hour ago

    And you see what she did? I've been so busy directing all day I ALMOST forgot

    Smells like...

    Such a busy day I forgot that @FiveTheMovie had it's premiere. How was it? Isn't @ginnygoodwin great? And @mrskutcher is a great director!
    10 Oct

    Soapy, why don't you take a day, sit by a tree and try to come up with something of your own for once?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. And before I hit the hay, I have to say it.....

    Baby Flynn Alert!!!! He's on Just Jared in the cutest little pajama sleeper. I just want to touch his little hands. Man, he is just adorable.

    And the sleeper actually even fits. His little feet aren't all curled in like you see on so many other little babies because the sleeper is too little.

    And calm down, M&M, you know that little baby Flynn will soon be a toddler and I won't be conducting Baby Flynn Alerts! I don't know how you can resist this little celeb baby though. He really is just too cute for words.

  38. PG I saw Flynn too and he has to be the cutest baby ever.

    As for Jake and Austin, I think things may change after OTH does their finale. Jake is no longer bearding, lives a pretty quiet life hanging around with married couples like himself. Even Austin is rarely seen in couple mode anymore, except in character. The public has a short memory. If they lay low for a while, they can come out in a year or so and the earlier lies will not seem as offensive.

    We had a couple more people laid off at work. Kind of a surprise as I thought we were starting to turn the corner. I guess you can never relax anymore.

  39. Adrian_Laino
    Adrian Laino
    7 billion people in this world and for 15 seconds Jake Gyllenhaal acknowledges me. #awesome
    24 minutes ago

  40. Rosa Mexicano does have really good Mexican food. And cilantro really doesn't get used that much in Mexican food. I really don't like cilantro all that much, and yet Mexican food is just about my favorite, especially tacos and guacamole.

    Plus I suspect you guys not being foodies don't remember, but PG you, me, my girlfriend, Tom, and Wicked ate at one in Washington D.C. after the Equality rally a couple of years ago!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Please put a warning before you post about your Sophia rantings. I don't want to read that crap <3
