Sunday, November 13, 2011

Out Spotlight

Today's Out Spotlight is an academic, an advocate and pioneer. This past January she became the first openly transgender person to serve as a trial judge in the United States. Today's Out Spotlight is Victoria Kolakowski.

Victoria Kolakowski was born August 29, 1961, in Queens, New York to Martin and June Kolakowski. Her father worked his entire career in cardboard manufacturing plants, rising from a machine operator to union shop steward to a plant manager. Her mother was a payroll clerk who had a brief but successful career while a teenager as a pop singer. Her younger brother, Thomas, is an accountant.

A graduate of Stuyvesant High School in New York, Kolakowski was the first person in her family to graduate from college. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Natural Sciences from New College of Florida in Sarasota, FL; then went onto receive a Master of Sciences in Biomedical Engineering from Tulane University and a Master of Sciences in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Orleans, LA. She received a joint Juris Doctor (law) degree and Master of Public Administration (with an emphasis on budget and finance) from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA.

After graduating from Louisiana State University law school, the Louisiana State Bar Association cited Kolakowski's gender transformation as reason for prohibiting her from taking the bar exam. The Louisiana Supreme Court sided with Kolakowski, when she appealed the decision allowing her to take the bar exam.

"When I started as an attorney over two decades ago, I encountered a lot of discomfort, subtle and sometimes invidious discrimination," Kolakowski said in a speech at her confirmation ceremony. "I never gave up. I never forget the words Primo Levi said: 'If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, then what am I? And if not now, when?' "

Kolakowski began her transitioned from male to female in the 1980s and underwent gender reassignment surgery in 1991.

In 1990, she moved to Berkeley, California beginning a career that includes serving on the Oakland Budget Advisory Committee and as an administrative law judge for the California Public Utilities Commission.

She also quickly got involved in community and professional leadership activities throughout the Bay Area. She serves on the Oakland Budget Advisory Committee and is co-chair of the board of directors of the Transgender Law Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating discrimination against the transgender community.

She also went on to earned another degree, this time a Master's of Divinity from Berkeley's Pacific School of Religion and served as a chaplain at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. She is an ordained minister in the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches.

She serves on the California Council of Churches and is a volunteer clergy member at the New Spirit Community Church.

In 1994, the East Bay Lesbian/Gay Democratic Club named her Woman of the Year. In 1995, she received the Outstanding Woman of Berkeley Award.

In 2010, having served as a lawyer for twenty one years, and an administrative law judge for four, Kolakowski campaigned for a judgeship on the Superior Court of Alameda County, California. She won by 10,000 votes with 51% of the vote to her opponent's 48% on November 2, 2010.

Her victory was significant, not only for the transgender community, but also for women, who occupy a small percentage of judgeships. She received Equality California’s Equality and Justice Award.

She was sworn in this past January.

Kolakowski met her wife Cynthia Laird, the editor of The Bay Area Reporter, in 1994. They were married on February 12, 2004 on the first day of the San Francisco same-sex marriages. Their marriage was invalidated by the California Supreme Court. They were subsequently (re-)married on June 16, 2008, the first day of legal same-sex marriages, at Oakland City Hall with Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums officiating and Rep. Barbara Lee as their witness. This time the California Supreme Court has upheld their marriage as well as the other 18,000 couples who married during 2008.

They live in Oakland with their Pembroke Welsh Corgi Nicky (CH Faerie Glen Snickerdoodle) and cats Puff and Espresso.

"Throughout my career, once my colleagues found out that I am transgender, there was always a curiosity for a day or two and then I just became Vicky."

"I have been very fortunate to have a successful career as a public servant, and I feel an obligation to serve my community as a role model as well.”


  1. ASOS_Kevin Kevin Fegans
    Jake Gyllenhaal on the subway looking better than ever. I heart NYC.
    15 minutes ago

  2. ThisisYardSale
    Erin B
    My sister @belleslettres is eating dinner next to Jake Gyllenhall. #sojealous
    6 minutes ago

  3. I don't even know if the Chiefs won today. Guess I better search the net and find out.

    I need to tell you guys something that I witnessed yesterday that was just really bad. I was driving on I-35 and headed back home when about 1/4 or so mile up ahead this car suddenly veered off the highway. I thought it was in the midst of making a U-turn in the highway, but it didn't. It shot straight across the grassy median and then across the other side (2 lanes) of traffic, and then off into the ditch where it flipped over, I thought two times and landed on its roof. It was like I thought was dreaming. It was horrible. And someone pulled off immediately on the side of the road and I pulled off at the next ramp which came up very quickly. I called 911 and while I was on the phone, an ambulance drove by and headed for the accident.

    There were no other cars affected and my best guess is that the driver must have had a heart attack, a seizure or something like that. He/She couldn't have fallen asleep because they would've woken up eventually, especially after bumping over the other lanes of highway. I don't know for sure and I can't find out anything on the internet yet about the one vehicle accident.

    I just have an awful feeling that the driver may not have survived or who knows, may have been dead before the car came to a stop. It's just unreal to witness something like that - one minute a car is driving along and the next, it's driving out of control and you don't realize how fast 70 mph is until a car is out of control. And it flips over like that, like a little Matchbox car? It's just horrifying and it'll give you nightmares. You just keep seeing that scene in your head over & over; I still can't get it from repeating in my mind.

    I wonder who the person was, who they were going to go see but didn't make it there. One single life. You know, we hear all the time about 30+ fatalities in this storm or 1000 lives lost in that tragedy or 50 lives lost to a bacteria. And it sounds bad but yet we don't feel truly impacted by it. We don't feel it deep inside.

    You witness something like this car wreck and it's just devastating to see the strong possibility of someone dying or dead in the blink of an eye right in front of you. Snap! just like that. It just messed me up for the rest of the day yesterday. I don't know how trauma room doctors and paramedics deal with what they see every day. No idea how.

  4. So there was that awfully tragic scene and the day before, I had a beautiful scene while walking after work out at my old park. It was pre-dusk and I startled two very young deer. They were just yards from me - I saw them plain as day. And they stopped, looked back at me and I didn't say a word but kept on walking and they just kept watching me. So I keep going and then not 5 minutes later, I happen upon this absolutely ugly black possum!! He was eating under a tree and you know, possums have got to be one of the ugliest animals God has put on this earth. I'm not quite sure what purpose they serve, LOL - but they are just hideous looking. I had to U-turn it around because those things can be mean, I think. So I go back and those 2 little deer are still there and they just watch me again. They are beautiful and that is the closest I have ever been to a deer that wasn't on the hood of my car. I cannot believe they just stood there so close to me.

    I felt like I was Jack Twist in my story and they were Little Bit. lol

    Just beautiful, though. Deer are really exquisite creatures when they're far enough away to not cause you harm.

  5. infamousbrian30
    Brian O
    @sbellelauren met jake gyllenhall earlier tonight at a restaurant in brooklyn
    18 minutes ago

  6. Oh PG I feel so awful for you having to witness something like that. I can imagine you were shaking afterword. I drive on the freeway to work everyday and at least several times a week there is a fender bender. But once in a while you can tell that it was a bad one and likely someone died. But usually its already happened by the time I drive by. To actually see it happen would be so scary.

    Anyone watching Homeland? Damian Lewis is such a good actor. I think jake is missing the boat by not doing some television. There are some really good shows out there. Not a lot, but a few very good ones come along every year. TV gives the opportunity for real character development.

  7. LizDunkers
    Liz Dunkerley
    saw my first manhatten star - Jake Gyllenhaal - swearing away on his phone, hot!x
    4 hours ago via web

  8. Dear Ted:
    Is Toothy Tile's baby still a secret or do more people know about it? Does the world know about it? Will Toothy announce that he has a baby or keep it secret until the child is 18?
    —withold name please

    Dear Dirty Little Secret:
    Why so mysterious, retracted reader? Whatever—T.T. isn't telling anyone about his bundle of joy anytime soon, trust me. And who says he will after the kiddo is 18 either? I surely didn't.

  9. That is indeed scary PG. Like M and M I've seen the aftermath of some bad accidents, but never seen them happen right in front of me.

  10. kmaverick
    Kristin Maverick
    Jake Gyllenhaal spotting-literally I stared- in TriBeCa. #swoon
    11 minutes ago

  11. Go2therapyDavid David Bernstein

    J. Gyllenhaal is at Bubby's. 3 pancakes for a 5 star actor??
    2 hours ago

    Bacon and eggs for a real HAM
    2 hours ago

    Big twitter update! Jake G. just spilled his drink! I've heard of Gyllenhaal, but Schadenfreude?
    2 hours ago

    I've heard of Gyllenhaal, but 'spill it all?'
    1 hour ago

  12. The Keystone XL pipeline has been stopped by the White House. This is huge. PROTESTING WORKS!
    2 hours ago

  13. Thats very refreshing news from Ted. No one should have their hopes up. You just will be dissappointed.

    Sorry you had to see that PG.

  14. That's because there is no child
