Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Put a Bird On It

Now that OTH's wrapped Austin will back out to looking for new projects. And now with directing under his belt and a triple threat with:

And dancing
Look out.

A fan of themes for his projects....(ex.TwoWheel Tuesday, Run Your Ass Off) maybe he should use a theme for pursuing his next job.

One suggestion courtesy of Portlandia:

Then again that might Jake's personal matra both home and away.

Two Wheel Tuesday for a crew.


  1. Next global exploration. ISRAEL. Very excited to float in the Dead Sea.
    14 minutes ago

  2. Oh boy, here we go again. It's another boat trip!

    Where is my little Tugboat avatar?

    Austin, just stop it. You know what story you need to read to the little ones?

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

  3. Better get that cameraphone revved up, get a new memory card.

    Loofah the lower forearm and trim the nail on your thumb to prepare for that twitpic of said body parts.

  4. Boy, what on earth are people so worked up about?

    Jake hasn't been pic'd since when? The guy is still in hiding enjoying his holiday! And Austin? Well, Austin has pic'd himself in L.A.

    So why all the worry? Why all the trolling? Why all the Anon comments from whom I assume is a complete newbie to OMG and does not know the rule.

    NO ANON comments. Please put a name on it. If you use Anonymous, it is going to get deleted.

    I repeat. It will be deleted. I could get on here, wish my dear Mom a Happy Birthday, use Anonymous as my name and Special is going to delete it.

    End of story.

  5. It's funny how OMG regulars refuse to address posters who disagree with them by their screen names, substituting insulting terms for them instead and then have the nerve to call those people trolls.


    Twilight zone, look at my comment earlier this morning and you will see I politely addressed you as Twilight Zone.

    I love how people are always whining and crying about how OMG'ers treat bloggers who come on to the blog and how awful they are treated if they "dare to disagree".

    Boo hoo. Number one, it's one thing to come on here and civilly express that you're sorry but you just don't see how the guys are together, there are any babies, etc.

    How many times does Dest say she doesn't know if the guys are together? That she only believes there's maybe but 1 baby tile? All the time. But you don't see her being called a troll, do you?

    But then you get others who come on here to express the same, except it's done very snarkily.

    Big Difference, Twilight Zone.

    You want to see total rudeness and namecalling, you might want to check out the other neighborhood blog which has been taken over by trolls. OMG is but a spec on the map of rudeness compared to that one.

    Or maybe you inhabit that one and know firsthand already.

  6. Dear Ted:
    I have to ask about the stars in Hollywood who are in the closet. Are most of them keeping their sexuality private from everyone, including their family and friends as well or are family members aware?

    Dear In the Know:
    Everyone is different, but most of our big time Vicers at least (like Toothy Tile, for one) are out to those closest to them. A lot of ‘em only stay in the closet for H'wood Biz—ya know, because they're worried if their careers would end if they said they're actually into dudes.

  7. Some fun pictures you put up on the post today, Special.

    LOL, you know that biking pic always cracks me up. Look at Jake. He's just totally oblivious at that moment. Austin is the man in charge when it comes to those 2. It's amazing to me the change in body language and facial muscles/expressions when you see Jake & Austin together.

    Austin, who I will refer to as OTH-era Austin, has been Mr. Nice, Mr. Sweetness, Mr. Friendly. Pap Jake is stern. Frowning. A Backpack-laden man on a narrow path of getting from Point A to Point B. Don't disturb him. He's Mr. Serious now.

    But when you see these two guys together, Austin becomes Mr. Glower. Mr. Get Out of My Way. Mr. Watch Out. And Jake? Jake has given the reins up to Austin. He doesn't have to worry. Doesn't have to be stressed and in total command.

    You look at that picture of Maggie's Men and you know that is Austin sitting in the crook of Jake's straining arm. There is no doubt in my mind that is who has the blue dot over his face.

    These two guys are Salt & Pepper. Together for how many years? Nine? Their body language shows how long they've been together. I would give anything to see them in an interview together and see how they interact.

    But we didn't even get to see that with any TDAT promo, did we? They were already banned from one another.

  8. Well, back to work. **sigh**

    Why did Ted do that letter? What is new about that? Is there anything new about that question?

  9. False.

    No, true. I didn't say all OMG regulars, and I didn't say they do it all the time.

    You want to see total rudeness and namecalling, you might want to check out the other neighborhood blog which has been taken over by trolls.

    Or I could stay here and see people calling other people cockroaches. But all of that is irrelevant. If people want to engage in name calling and the owner of the blog wants to allow that, that's fine. I'm just here because this blog and the wacky theories it comes up with are entertaining. It's fun watching people try to explain how Jake could possibly successfully hide 5 children, and why the world's media would sit on their hands for 5 years without mentioning them.

    So why all the worry? Why all the trolling? Why all the Anon comments from whom I assume is a complete newbie to OMG and does not know the rule.

    Those posts were from me. Blogger was acting weird and only posting the first couple of sentences of my posts and was posting them as anonymous even though I inputted my screen name. And I don't think anyone is worried at the idea of Jake and Austin spending time on opposite sides of the US. Well, actually there probably are a few people on OMG who hate the idea, but they'll probably just try and spin it as being lies. I mean, it's not like Austin is going to fly off to another continent or anything...

    Next global exploration. ISRAEL. Very excited to float in the Dead Sea.

    Son of a...

  10. I wonder if Jake will be joining Ausitn on his travels to Israel.

    Will they take the children?
    You know it being the holiday season and all.

    They must travel somewhere together for the holidays. LOL

    Just a thought.

  11. You mean how Austin was with Jake at Manka?

    Jake sharing a cabin with only one bed on a family holiday with a "friend" as he said on Letterman.

    Or how Jake and company had the management have to hurry them out of the hot tub in the treehouse stay in Northern Cali?

    Or maybe that trip to Leadville?

  12. I'm just here because this blog and the wacky theories it comes up with are entertaining.

    And you wonder why you get called a troll?

  13. Ted didn't make up Baby Tile. Being a father was never part of the original Toothy Tile blind vice as Ted introduced the saga in March, 2005. From the beginning, this vice was all about the adorable, romantic side of Toothy who really preferred his same sex boyfriend to his former annoyingly perfect girlfriend. That's right, the core of what attracted people to Toothy was him being in love with his man-amigo (later to be identified as Austin Nichols):

    It was late in the afternoon; everybody had cleared out. Save Tile and his man-amigo, who extended his hands flat on the marble table (yes, that's a hint) until they were intertwined with Tile's. Massive smiles then appeared on both daring dudes.

    Too sweet! And such a departure for this debauched department, doncha think?

    Later, in August 2005, the story became about Toothy liking public sex. Baby Tile was only introduced in January 2007 after Toothy was becoming superdomesticated. Which became the next, natural progression of the Toothy saga.

  14. We each have roughly about 15 hrs a day to spend, at least 9 of which are spent commuting & working our jobs.

    Let's see, minus a shower and eating, that leaves about 4 hrs of actual free time a day.

    And you would rather spend about 1 or 1 1/2 of those 4 hrs today snickering and trolling on a blog where several of the posters share an opinion that you find wacky.


  15. TheRosieBenn
    Rosie Benn
    @AUS10NICHOLS You are one of the reasons that inspire me to be a director. Being deaf's not gonna stand in my way! Hell no! Thank you :)
    1 hour ago

  16. Yes, and it seems like half of them are, which is why I rarely eat them. Same with pears.

  17. And you wonder why you get called a troll?

    No, I know why adults resort to name calling when their feelings are hurt. I just think it's silly.

    Ted didn't make up Baby Tile.

    Yes he did. The child is a fiction, and Ted is the original source of that fiction. Hence the complete yawning chasm of evidence supporting the existence of even one baby tile and the continued silence of every media outlet on the planet (bar Ted).

    We each have roughly about 15 hrs a day to spend, at least 9 of which are spent commuting & working our jobs.

    Let's see, minus a shower and eating, that leaves about 4 hrs of actual free time a day.

    And you would rather spend about 1 or 1 1/2 of those 4 hrs today snickering and trolling on a blog where several of the posters share an opinion that you find wacky.


    Thanks to some previous good fortune and wise investments by my parents I am able to spend less than 4 hours a day doing a job I love with zero commuting time, and I spend less than an hour a week on this blog on average (how long do you think it takes to read a blog post and a handful of comments a day?). And that average only includes the times I actually read this blog. If you included the months that have gone by when I haven't so much as glanced at this place the average would fall to minutes a week. According to your own words you only have 4 hours of free time a day, and you spend at least a quarter and sometimes over a third of that time on a blog complaining about the life decisions of strangers?


    Well, as time goes by and it becomes more and more obvious that there are no baby tiles I imagine you'll have a little more time in your life to live your life rather than living the lives of others.

  18. Ted didn't make up Baby Tile.

    Yes he did. The child is a fiction, and Ted is the original source of that fiction. Hence the complete yawning chasm of evidence supporting the existence of even one baby tile and the continued silence of every media outlet on the planet (bar Ted).

    Wrong. If you lurk over here night and day, which seems to be part of your psychological obsession with OMG, you would know there are hundreds of clues leading to Jake being a father. And, if you think the idea that no media outlet has picked up on the story is the reason why there must not be any children, then you do not understand how the Hollywood closet works. Open secrets is part of the game. Institutional cover up is what it's called. Watch the documentary "Outrage" and you will see how the media handles scandal and gay politicians. No one will say a word. It's part of the code.

    Ted would have no reason to make up Baby Tile because his Blind Item was already over the top popular by the end of 2006. If you actually think Jake is nearly 31, loves children the way he does, and is gay, but has not taken advantage of the modern day advances in surrogancy services, then you are the one not dealing with reality.

  19. Ted wasn't the only person with a story about Jake having a baby. Jonathan Jaxson also ran a story about Jake having a baby back in Sept 2007.

  20. I don't believe Ted makes things up. Is it possible someone fed him bad information, yes. But for me
    there have been enough "off" things to support the existence of BT, beginning with the nanny and the stroller in Paris with Reese, and Ava touching the baby, and the baby footprint on Jake's sweatshirt. It's been enough to get me to think there is an 80-90% chance BT exists.

    However, I do agree that it is not very likely that there is more than one, and I think it would be very difficult to hide more than one child.

  21. Its cockaroaches Jason. :-)

    I'm sorry, Tom. I read your post too fast. :-)

    I see the naysayers are still obsessed with this little site. Hmmmm. Wonder what they are so upset about? Probably angry that Jake would lie to them all these years. Get use to it, people. Jake's a liar. So is Austin. Obviously, so is Maggie if you remember that whole Taylor Swift US Weekly photoshop shoot. A woman willing to pimp out her own little girl is capable of anything.

    I love Jake, but his family thinks they get to play by a whole different set of rules from everyone else. Like politicians, like football coaches at Ivy League colleges. Like high profile celebrities and athletes in general. And, there's a whole PR machine and public relations matrix to cover their asses, if a mistake is made. Now, there's the on the cheap ability to exploit social media like Twitter and Facebook that gives these types free reign to spin their fairy tales.

  22. I think there is more than one baby tile for the same reason people think there is one baby tile. Ted has absolutely no reason to continue to talk about more than one baby. Yet, he continues to do so, beginning in the summer of 2008 when he talked about multiples. Now, he's talking about Jake having diaper duty. The first Baby Tile, as I said is four years old. If Jake's doing diaper duty, he has younger children. No way would those two guys only have one child.

  23. I don't know how many have watch the video yet, but I think it's so funny. I think Jake is a total fan of Put a Bird on It.

    Do you think it could work for Austin to say that about putting him on a show or movie?

    I had to go on a hunt in the back pictures of Jake in that Disco Duck shirt. But it was too much fun not too include.

  24. Ted wasn't the only person with a story about Jake having a baby. Jonathan Jaxson also ran a story about Jake having a baby back in Sept 2007.

    Yes, I remember that over 4 years ago Jonathan Jaxson virtually photocopied a few of Ted's blind items, screwed up some of the dates, posted two pictures of the same guy claiming they were two different people who might be Jake's boyfriend, got called out on it all and promptly dropped the whole thing because he claimed he was being pressured by lawyers rather than because people posting on his site were pointing out all of his mistakes.

    So that's one person, in over four years.

    If you lurk over here night and day, which seems to be part of your psychological obsession with OMG...

    I think I posted here a few days ago and then forgot about this place until yesterday, so your psychological analysis skills are lacking.

    ...you would know there are hundreds of clues leading to Jake being a father.

    Hundreds? I bet you couldn't post fifty. I'll make it easy; how about you just post the top twenty? And how many of those clues come from a Ted? Because any investigator knows that heavily relying on a single source is dangerous.

    And, if you think the idea that no media outlet has picked up on the story is the reason why there must not be any children, then you do not understand how the Hollywood closet works.

    Over in England there are journalists working for one of the highest selling daily newspapers in the UK dropped notes into the bag of one of J K Rowling's children...while the child was IN SCHOOL. In another case, the editorial team of the biggest selling newspaper in the UK hacked the telephone of a murdered schoolgirl to get stories BEFORE the police had even established that the missing girl was dead. These are papers that have not hesitated to print stories about actors, politicians or anyone in the public eye being gay when they've known they could get away with it. If you believe for even a split second that Jake Gyllenhaal could be raising ONE child with his secret husband, let alone FIVE, without any of these papers mentioning it then there are no words for the depth of your naivete.

    And how does Michael K over on Dlisted fit into this code of silence about closeted cases when he constantly makes posts about Jake being gay but says not one word about a husband or children.

    And don't forget about the complete lack of candid pics or pap pics of Jake and Austin with any of these children. And the lack of tweeters spotting Jake or Austin with their children. Or Jake being seen all over New York whilst he has five kids waiting for him to return. Or the idea that his mother can't publicly acknowledge the existence of five grandchildren and his sister can't ever be seen with any of her five nieces/nephews. And add to that the sheer insanity of a 31 year old closeted actor deciding to have FIVE children with his closeted husband (who is also an actor) in the less than five years.

    This story is ridiculous. There is no husband and there are no children, and that's only going to become more apparent over time.

  25. There is no husband and there are no children, and that's only going to become more apparent over time.


  26. The troll is here day and night obsessed with OMG and Ted. The gay is staring the troll in the face but he is blind.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. I think I posted here a few days ago and then forgot about this place until yesterday, so your psychological analysis skills are lacking.

    Keep spinning. You write 5 paragraph responses and you view OMG as an afterthought? No need to keep shoveling. You already buried yourself.

  30. Honey, I'm home!!!!

    Well you guys, I was supposed to work on my chapter during my lunch hour but instead I ended up spending 50 min. of my daily 4 hours of free! time taking position behind the moat of OMG.

    I have readers who wouldn't be very happy about that, you know?????? Who wants to loan me back 50 minutes?


    I'll be lucky to get Jack & Ennis' New Year's Eve date published before New Year's Eve.

  31. This story is ridiculous. There is no husband and there are no children, and that's only going to become more apparent over time.

    Let me see. I'll bet you were one of those suckers that were signing up for the gift registry for Reese and Jake's impending wedding. You probably argued that time will tell then too, right?

  32. Well, looks like another troll has joined the ranks. Talk amongst yourselves. I've got decorating and gee, maybe some writing to do.


  33. Jake admitted that he was a husband after the epic fail that was Reeke. Oh, that's right. He just misspoke when he said, "speaking as a married man."

  34. He also said "I don't have any children", but you selectively ignore that.

  35. I admire Twilight's writing style. There's a nice cadence and flow to it.

    Just observing. Carry on.

  36. Or Jake being seen all over New York whilst he has five kids waiting for him to return.

    whilst? Hmm.

  37. Hey Destiny, did you see this on Just Jared? On the post of Matt Bomer with its Jan 17 return, the first sentence reads:

    Matt Bomer carries one of his sons while visiting The Grove on Monday (November 28) in Los Angeles.

  38. whilst? Hmm.

    Hmmm. British. LOL! OMG detective discovered trolly lives across the pond.

  39. And now look what else I find on Just Jared.

    Maggie Gyllenhaal: After School Walk With Ramona

    Maggie Gyllenhaal picks up her adorable daughter Ramona from school on Monday afternoon (November 28) in Brooklyn, New York.

    The 34-year-old pregnant actress walked while Ramona, 5, ran ahead of her mother on their way back to their home.

    I am sorry but you have got to be kidding me. Since when have we had a photo op of Ramona being picked up at school? And so we have two Just Jared posts on Maggie in two days when we rarely ever see any.

    What in the heck? What a press-seeking photo op. I think I can see the baby bump watches and updates coming already.

    Gee whiz.

  40. Hey PG, I did see those photos of Matt and one of his kids (one of the twins) on Socialite yesterday. Interesting that JJ waited a day to run them--maybe they were checking to be sure it was okay to run a picture of him with his children??

    LOL, I have to admit I didn't say anything here as I didn't want to start anything with all the trolling and BT questioning going on.

    There've also been some pictures of Matt with his hubby in the past month or so. Lots of pictures of them arriving together in a car for the In Time premiere, and a picture of them together at the GLSEN Respect Awards (Matt was a presenter). Their names are also listed together among the hosts for a fundraiser for a gay organization that helps gay families.

    He's definitely inching out further from his glass closet, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get some interviews in which he talks about his family either when White Collar starts up, or more likely when the movie Magic Mike opens next summer.

  41. Maggie has a movie coming out soon, so looks like it's promo time. And LOLLLL, I think the place where the photo was taken of Ramona is the exact same spot as the Maggie and Taylor pictures.

  42. Well, good for Matt Bomer. I'll root for him.

  43. And LOLLLL, I think the place where the photo was taken of Ramona is the exact same spot as the Maggie and Taylor pictures.

    Oh no! LOL! Is the same leaf there?

  44. It does seem that Matt Bomer is being way more open about his relationship and family. Maybe inspired by Quinto?

    "It's amazing to me the change in body language and facial muscles/expressions when you see Jake & Austin together." - so true PG. In fact its the body language and eye contact that is a dead give away. And Jake just glows around Austin.

    "Jake sharing a cabin with only one bed on a family holiday with a 'friend' as he said on Letterman." - another dead give away. If it had been a woman, he would have said girlfriend. Careful use of pronouns is clue #3.

    And to the doubter, we stopped counting clues when they hit the 100s.

  45. Movember Cam. LOLLLL!! Thank goodness those men on the Weather Channel are shaving today. Come to think of it, I think my big buddy already did shave and must not have been able to hold out until today. I think I'm going to have to give him a hard time about that.
    I think that Mike Bettis guy is kind of cute.

  46. And so now we have a real blog post on the really lame tweet that suddenly appeared yesterday out of nowhere via some kind of cosmic, unexplained "delayed" transmission on Twitter:

    whitneyfern Whitney Fern
    Omg Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols from #onetreehill!! Dying!!! Best ever!
    28 Nov

    Now the lame tweets have been substantiated with this post:

    Another unexpected night at the Grove!
    Seriously y'all...the Grove is the place to go to see some celebs! I was kind of discouraged at first because I hadn't seen any yet, but then we sat down to eat at Morels and got to people watch for about two hours!

    First celeb spotting: I saw a man trip, so I glanced over at him. Yep...it was Big from Sex and the City! He was with his wife and son. So crazy!

    We continued eating after getting our heart rates up when we saw Big, and then I saw Toby from Pretty Little Liars! Woot woot...I had a good eye last night.

    But the best and most exciting celeb spotting of all... I saw a tall guy wearing a hoodie, so I thought - he must be trying to hide or something. It ended up being Austin Nichols with Sophia Bush. I think they were heading to the movies. We were talking to our waitress at the time, and I literally interrupted the conversation saying their names over and over. It was my favorite celeb spotting yet! One Tree Hill is like my all time favorite show!!

    The last one of the night...we were in Nordstrom and I saw a familiar face. It was the new Irish guy from Glee!

    What a fun night! I'm never good at spotting celebs, but I was on point last night haha! So much fun!

    Who knows what will happen next?

    Always have faith!!
    Posted by Whitney at 6:24 PM


    Where's the picture, Whitney?

  47. Or should I have said Like, where's the picture, Whitney? lol

    Well, that ought to be a good enough sized minnow to feed the OTH gals for a little while.

    I think we will now see Twitter being fiercely used to keep the myth of Sophin alive to the point of outright lying and false reports. Twitter is about all Sophia has. She's not going to get on magazine covers and Entertainment Tonight sure isn't going to happen either.

  48. Austin in a hoodie? I am just trying to remember if I have ever seen him in a hoodie. Austin wears button down shirts and Big & Tall men Jim-Toth like Bermuda shorts.

  49. Late morning at home. It's a big accounting day at work and so I'm working delayed hours.

    Austin in a hoodie. Who's got a pic? Maybe during the big trip to the Gulf? Utah? **think, think, think**

  50. Prairegirl are you suggesting the tweet from the girl is a lie?

    Would you believe it if someone tweets that they saw Jake and Austin together?

  51. Who knows if the tweet is true or not. Clearly this girl was out to impress her friends by spotting celebs. Maybe she saw them all, or maybe she embellished, or saw people she thought looked like those celebs. What are the chances that a OTH fanatic just happened to see Sophia and Austin when she set out deliberately to see stars. It's not like she was in Wilmington during filming, when seeing them wouldn't be so random.

    And why would Austin want to hide in a hoodie, something he doesn't seem to normally wear. Why wouldn't he want someone to see him with Sophia??

    Look at the photos of Matt with his kid, pictures also taken at The Grove, he's got a hoddie pulled up around his face, probably trying to avoid being noticed (the kid, in contrast, doesn't have a jacket on, and the people in the background have short sleeves on, so it was a warm day).

  52. For all of Austin's quirkiness you're right PG, you don't see him out in hoodies.

    You never see Austin in sweats, gym shorts, athletic stuff unless he is working out (both times with Jake).

    He is rarely seen in a t-shirt and it is more dress shirts with a collar, polo shirts, or a henley. And jeans,"slacks" (that's what Austin calls them)or dress shorts.

    And something else, Austin has only worn sneakers/tennis shoes once in pictures other than when he was working out. That was back in Sept 2006 when he and Jake were spotted out for coffee. And now we know know why he was wearing the more supportive footwear. He had broken his ankle that summer. No doubt the sneaker with long pants covers up the support he was probably still wearing while it strengthened.

    Back to the hoodie. There is only one time Austin was seen with a hoodie off screen (on screen-House of Usher) that was in a pic from Michigan wearing his cousin's hood from Westminster College(PA) when he was with his extended family for their summer gathering.

  53. are the comments suggesting, just because you have never seen a person wear red, they don't or "Can't wear red because it don't seem like the person's pattern?

    It does not make sense since none of us are ever with these people.

    Austin could be prone to wear flip flops while directing or waiting on set to film on a daily basis, but the fans happen to see the only day he choose to wear regular shoes.

    Point is, Austin could have 2 or 10 hoodies, but this is the first time anyone here has seen or heard of him wearing them.

    As much as it may seem, you/we are not in his life.

  54. People have patterns check your closet, we gravitate to similar styles, colors, and looks, and after 10 years in the public he is just changing now?

    But the biggest question is the one is the great point Destiny made- Why would Austin want to cover up when he is out with Sophia? Wouldn't you want to be recognized with your girlfriend?

  55. People change patterns all the time. Especially with clothing/style and, especially younger people. It's nothing new.

  56. You are still ignoring the question. Why wouldn't he want to be seen with his girlfriend?

  57. In LA, when you wear your hoodie UP it means you want people to notice you, duh.

  58. Jake should just stock up on shower gifts.

    Congratulations to Jake's former Bubble Boy co-star Marley Shelton, who's expecting her second child.

    She and her husband Beau Flynn, who produced Bubble Boy, have a 2 year daughter named West.


  59. "Jake sharing a cabin with only one bed on a family holiday with a 'friend' as he said on Letterman." - another dead give away. If it had been a woman, he would have said girlfriend. Careful use of pronouns is clue #3.

    I'm a straight female and I have shared beds with female friends, especially on holidays .

  60. Not true about the hoodies and getting noticed. If it's pulled down low over your forehead and around the sides, most people wouldn't give you a second glance. Maybe paps would know the game, but the average gawker is not. So again the question is why would Austin want to hide like that?

    She made it up, or saw someone she thought was them, or maybe she saw Sophia and the guy she was with was trying to hide because it wasn't Austin and they figured people wouldn't look that closely and would just make an assumption that tall=Austin.

    And yes, people do wear the same things over and over again Look at Jake, who wears the same few things over and over again, almost always the same style, same color, etc.

  61. Oh please, straight guys do not go around sharing beds or cabins at Christmas time with another guy. It's obvious that this was a family holiday getaway. Maggie was with Peter and Jake brought his significant other with him as well. In December,2006 that person without a doubt was Austin.

    Like with most roles in American society, the social stigma of having physical (same bed) contact is far less for women than it is with men. Therefore, a woman sharing a bed with another woman is no big deal. A man going on holiday and sharing a bed with another man who is obviously his date is a whole other thing.

  62. Not true about the hoodies and getting noticed

    And you know this because you live in LA?
