Saturday, December 10, 2011

Brokeback in time

A bit of Brokeback was back this week. And it wasn't just from presidential candidates.

It was six years ago this week that the movie debut and a few more pictures from BBM made their way to IHJ this weekend, include a full cast photo.And added a few more behind the scenes photos to the set.
Now that Jake is has sported his Chia Pet chin cover for a while, looking back at the 70's porn 'stache in BBM, is it "Real or Memorex"?

Real?Or movie make up magic?What do you think?

It is ironic Rick Perry broke out his Brokeback jacket for his anti-gay ad, but it is even more ironic the ad came out almost to the day of the anniversary that BBM came out six years ago. The official Perry video has over 565,000 dislikes on YouTube even more than Rebecca Black's Friday.


  1. Thanks, we need a little Brokeback I think. :)

  2. I'm glad Destiny gave us that link to the Perry ad the other day because I had not seen that. What a bunch of crock but it is absolutely hilarious that his jacket was just like Ennis Del Mar's. LOLLLLL

    I would take Jake with a make-up enhanced Jack Twist mustache over his Chi-chi-chi-chia Pet, Ready for a Leash beard any day, any hour, any minute.

    Dammit, he looks good in that picture at the dance hall with Lureen in the black shirt and black hat.

  3. What I find intriguing is that Jake hides himself behind all of the dense shrubbery. I'm not sure why.

    Have him & Austin reached that old-married period already in their relationship where there no longer is the need to strut, court and prance for the potential mate because that mate has already been landed? They've reached the sweat pants & T shirt, farting & burping in bed, sex once a week stage that couples reach after 10 yrs of marriage?

    Girls tweet about Jake constantly but you know what? They link OLD pictures. Everyone admires and holds up the old Jake pictures. They're not referencing the new except for pictures from what movie? Love and Other Drugs. The girls who are tweeting about him right now and putting him at that #7 slot have fallen in lust with the Love & Other Drugs-look Jake, a few with the PoP-look Jake, but mostly you see them swooning & drooling over LAOD.

    It's just interesting. With Austin, it's the opposite. Austin began a late bloom just in the last couple of years. The girls who tweet about him now discovered him through OTH, not from Wimbledon. I see a lot of tweets where girls say "I didn't know Austin was in TDAT!" or "I didn't know Austin was in Wimbledon!" It's very interesting the contrast between the two guys.

  4. And if the shrubbery is to help go incognito, it's not making one bit of difference. Look at all the people who recognize him in NYC, San Fran and L.A. It's not making one bit of difference so I don't think "blending in" can be used as a reason any longer.

    And it's his face, I know. His business. Not for anyone else to say any different.


    It's just a real shame, that's all.

  5. XxPrincessTifxX Tiffany Fraenkel ✔
    @AUS10NICHOLS Meeting you tonight was amazing! You are one of the nicest celebs!! Thank you so much for being youuuu!! Come to Israel again!
    18 minutes ago

  6. Have him & Austin reached that old-married period already in their relationship where there no longer is the need to strut, court and prance for the potential mate because that mate has already been landed? They've reached the sweat pants & T shirt, farting & burping in bed, sex once a week stage that couples reach after 10 yrs of marriage?

    Men hate to shave. Full stop.

  7. And you know because you hate to shave yours?

  8. Austin probably likes the beard sensation when he gets rimmed.

  9. I think in some of those BBM scenes it's Jake's real mustache.

  10. love_nicolette7 Nicolette Neurauter
    Not a big deal... But I just ran into Jake Gyllenhaal. #daymade #happiestgirlinalltheland
    1 hour ago

    love_nicolette7 Nicolette Neurauter
    @JACKIEE018 just on the street in new york! It was awesome!
    33 minutes ago

    love_nicolette7 Nicolette Neurauter
    @shaannnnon in the union square area! Sooo awesome!
    3 minutes ago

  11. Can't believe it's been six years! Jake was so beautiful in BBM.

    Not a fan of the big beard, that's for sure. But hey, maybe Jake likes being a bear.

  12. I hear it all the time, Men HATE TO SHAVE! Especially the one's whose facial hair grows fast. It's a daily thing and gets to be a drag. Leave Jake alone, nothings wrong with a different look every now and then.

    Women do it ALL the time with the make-up and make-overs. Changing loooks all the time. Men can do their thing also. It's OK, especially since nobody here is dating him. LOL So he don't have to please us with the way we want him to look. Right? LOL

  13. Not a young man anymoreDecember 10, 2011 at 10:05 PM

    Jake can look anyway he wants and he can also be criticized for it. But, if he cares about his career, which is based in large part on his ability to sell himself, he might want to pay attention to one of the comments over at

    I think that everyone should stop wingeing about things they do not know the specifics, but to be quite honest the man is short of a personal assistant, not a manager. If he wants to sell himself to the best of his ability he obviously needs to be reminded that he his no longer a teenager, and has become rather razor shy lately, and is in need of a new wardrobe, if I was looking to employ persons of some calibre, they would need to be well groomed and attired.
    Comment by anonymous — Saturday December 10, 2011 @ 11:22am PST

  14. Jake has been looking unkempt and bedraggled since Prince of Persia flopped. Hardly a new look for him since it's been going on for well over 1 1/2. I would not be surprised that many producers in Hollywood see that he does't seem to care about his appearance which then affects his ability to be competitive for a variety of parts.

    He has a right to not shave. And, it's his prerogative to buy 5 pairs of khaki pants and never be seen wearing any kind of colorful apparel. But, the look is a dime a dozen in hipster NY and/or LA. He shouldn't be surpirsed if he's treated that way.

  15. When did today's post turn into commentary on Jake's appearance? Talk about trying to get people off the subject. Damn people are really nervous about what Jake's doing now that he's let Evelyn go.

  16. Kreeah
    Jake Gyllenhaal gallantly opening the door of NYC's the Fat Radish for a patron on crutches.
    23 minutes ago

  17. When did today's post turn into commentary on Jake's appearance? Talk about trying to get people off the subject. Damn people are really nervous about what Jake's doing now that he's let Evelyn go.

    Are you for real? Prairiegirl started the discussion about Jake not shaving. Nothing wrong with that.

    What's wrong is your paranoia claiming the discussion of facial hair is some thinly disguised plot "to get people off the subject."

    Thanks for the laugh Inspector Gadget.

  18. The mention of Brokeback brings back so many memories, but add a few of those images and it brings on a veritable flood of emotions... even after all these years!

  19. I hear it all the time, Men HATE TO SHAVE! Especially the one's whose facial hair grows fast. It's a daily thing and gets to be a drag. Leave Jake alone, nothings wrong with a different look every now and then.

    Tell me about the daily thing. You're talking to someone who shaves their legs every day, even in the winter. I'm talking thigh to bottom of the calf; a bit more acreage than one chin and upper lip. Oh, and also washes their hair every day. OH, and also showers every day; in the summer sometimes twice a day. And then there's that pain in the butt task of putting on deodorant. Every day. And oh man, brushing of the teeth, what - twice a day minimum? And then there's taking time to go to the bathroom and washing of the hands. I really hate taking time to do that; it is such
    a pain, especially when it's busy at work.

    I dunno, maybe I should think about trying to trim some of these time consuming grooming habits from my daily schedule....

  20. When did today's post turn into commentary about Jake's

    When the wind blew it that way. Threads go in the direction people want them to go.

  21. miles_4_styles Chava
    @aus10nichols it was amazing meeting u last night! Ur 1 of the nicest ppl I ever met! Thank u for taking time to Talk to us :) love you! Xx
    1 hour ago

    Smiles_4_styles Chava
    Meeting @aus10nichols was literally one of the most amazing experiences ever. :)
    48 minutes ago

  22. You're way over the top Prairiegirl and that's too much information. OK

    We're talking about a man wearing a beard. Last I took a look, many men can and will do this. Whatever kind of look they're trying to give. Like someone posted, it's his perogative. There is nothing wrong with men wearing beards, goetes, mustaches. Some men do it just as some women wear make-up and some don't.

    There is nothing wrong with Jake's attire either. He looks like most men his age who are not wearing and don't have to wear business attire. Most hollywood male stars dress down and are seen most of the time casual. The younger ones look like they just woke up and rolled out of bed, but they can get away with it when they are young. The girl fans think it's hip and trendy. Jake's older now though.
    Hey, check out Keanu Reeves daily wear. Jake and Keanu both clean up well.

  23. and, if a man wants to keep his beard or after five shadow look, than shaving won't be a part of his daily grooming schedule Prairiegirl. You now bathing, washing etc. Maybe trimming and clipping. That's how it works.

    Ps. I feel for you shaving those legs on a daily basis. LOL

  24. Having seen Jake in person last year, with that full beard, must say he looks terrible with it. His star meter rating would be even lower if there were no early pictures of hot handsome Jake. Another reason why he was right to dump his manager. His face and body are his business tools. If he wants to get roles as a leading man, he can't go around like a slob and expect to be thought of in that way. And as for grooming, I've said this before, what you can get away with at 20 and at 30 differ greatly. At 20 the look was cool, rebellious. At 30, its unkempt. A good manager would be honest with him and give him decent advice. But then again, I get the feeling he's lost interest in his acting career. He may have dumped her because he's moving on.

    Wow, I can't believe its been that long since Brokeback. It seems like yesterday. I carried my ticket stub in my purse for years, till it finally looked so worn I tossed it. I may have to dig out my DVD and watch it again.

  25. Having seen Jake in person last year, with that full beard, must say he looks terrible with it. His star meter rating would be even lower if there were no early pictures of hot handsome Jake. Another reason why he was right to dump his manager. His face and body are his business tools. If he wants to get roles as a leading man, he can't go around like a slob and expect to be thought of in that way. And as for grooming, I've said this before, what you can get away with at 20 and at 30 differ greatly. At 20 the look was cool, rebellious. At 30, its unkempt. A good manager would be honest with him and give him decent advice. But then again, I get the feeling he's lost interest in his acting career. He may have dumped her because he's moving on.

    That was worthy of a repeat. Totally agree, m.

    Hey, beards, ponytails, etc. are personal choices. Not saying they're not. My point is like what some people are saying, that for the business that he is in, it is odd to cover up so.

    A few of you are taking this discussion way too personally, as if you are his mother. I would say girlfriend, but in this case, that would not work.

    You're way over the top Prairiegirl and that's too much information. OK

    Ask me if I care? Did you need to read it all?

    Of course it was a total extension of personal information, intended to make a point.

  26. This is what is so funny and is also what tells me comments like 02:37 are from a troll.

    Not because they're merely disagreeing with me. After all, this is a blog and everyone is free to say what they want, up to a certain point. I don't care if someone disagrees with me or says, Hey cool it a bit or TMI.

    No, the reason they're a troll is because not only of their inability to do it without snark, but the fact that where have they been when I've said so many other positive things about Jake? What about when I have defended him so many other times in the past and will continue to do so?

    Where were you then, 02:37? Why weren't you on here joining me? Agreeing with me, saying Oh hey, PrairieGirl, you are so right. Isn't he great? I love him, too.

    No, the only time you are here is when you want to disagree but do so in a personally direct manner.

    See? That's what makes a troll.

    I don't think any of us go through life knowing someone, loving someone, merely following someone's career for several years totally agreeing with everything they say or do, loving every single thing they do or say, and bowing down as if to a temple. Just because there is an aspect that is displeasing or disagreeable does not mean you turn your back and say, "Bah! I'm done!"

    That simply isn't life.

  27. Hey, Austin is at the Dead Sea today.

  28. samsoloway
    Sam Soloway
    So, just eating breakfast in my hotel in Israel and I'm pretty sure I just saw @AUS10NICHOLS. #starstruck
    6 hours ago

  29. I think what has someone arguing is that they too recognize this big change in Jake's personal appearance.

    But rather than question as to why, they would rather float along down the river, so to speak.

    One change is not a big deal. Two significant changes (personal grooming and clothing habits) signal something far more intriguing.

    And that is probably what is stirring the pot here.

  30. What are the parameters?December 11, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    So if Jake has stubble that's acceptable and indicative of good personal grooming? But stubble that has grown into a beard is not? How is personal grooming defined if he regularly gets said beard trimmed? Is he letting himself go when he tends to his facial hair by professionals?

  31. I was noticing that someone tweeted at Austin not to get any of the water from the Dead Sea into his eyes. So I was googling the Dead Sea and I saw where the salt content in the Dead Sea is 6x the amount in a regular ocean. Wow; and I've gotten ocean water in my mouth and it is pretty salty so I can't imagine what the Dead Sea must taste like. Plus, the water doesn't allow for any animals or anything so that's why it is called the Dead Sea.

    It does look really beautiful; I bet Austin comes back with just a lot of stories; it's too bad that we won't be able to hear anything about what he experienced or stories about people he has met there. It would be really exciting to hear what he thinks of his experience.

    I can't think of a more incredible place to be at this time of year than where he's at. So is he near Bethlehem at all, I wonder? I'll have to google that.

  32. And so on Wiki, there is a picture of a guy reading the newspaper as he floats on top of the Dead Sea, both of his arms out of the water as he holds up the paper. LOLLL! That would be incredible.
