Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tongues Wagging

Back in LA and back to his old haunts, Jake was spotted back at the Dr.'s office again.Ever notice how he is the one celeb who always gets papped in the alley behind the building?The paps are so on to it, camping out for the Dr.'s office visits they're now even getting into the act. Check out photobombIs that a start of a grin?

Jake threw a cozy cashmere sweater over his go-to outfit of gray tee and army pants. Maybe he wanted to up the style since he was just named one of In Style's Most Stylist Men of 2011.

Looking back over the year he has had some great style moments to his grab and go fashion ruts .How can the smile not be one of his best accessories?

This one alone sealed the style deal for 2011.
And when Jake doesn't have tongues wagging about he is wearing, he's doing it himself.
What is up with that?Last night Jake was spotted out with group of friends at Casa Vega for Mexican food.

Think the fella who flags down taco trucks was there right by his side? ; )


  1. Think the fella who flags down taco trucks was there right by his side? ; )


  2. Well since Mexican is Austin's favorite, I would say a big old yes for him being there. That and out with a group of people makes it easier for them to go out together.

  3. You've convinced me Special! I forgot about how good Austin is with disguises.

    But the cactus outfit which Austin dons on all these group outings, sure gets a work out, with no-one noticing Austin - ever - in any tweet! Amazing! Unbelievable!

  4. Well Casa Vega is also got something in common with places that Austin likes besides Mexican food. It's dark and no windows, kind of like the bars he likes to hang out and play pool in - like The Joker over in Santa Monica.

  5. But Casa Vega is also celeb-spotting heavy. And tables are close together. So if another actor was with him chances are that would have been mentioned.

  6. Oh it was a Four Square sighting??? LOL, Special the (@ Casa Vega w/6 others) merely means that's how many other people posted to Four Square that they were there and has nothing to do with who Jake was with or how many were in his party.

  7. Actually there were two other sightings of Jake at Casa Vega last night they were posted on FB.

    Go scamper Jack and see if you can find them.

  8. Sorry toots, not every poster is "Jack".

  9. Go scamper Jack and see if you can find them.

    LOL it's obvious that YOU were the one trawling through FB for a bone. No one else is desperate to prove Austin was there.

  10. Gah!!! 5 feet away from Jake Gyllenhaal right now at Casa Vega!!! You are wearing glasses and have a beard, but I seeeee youuuuuu! Friday, December 15 7:51pm

  11. Well, I am doing a one nighter at the home of Molly, Lucy and rotten little Jingles. And what a welcome. I walk into the living room where Jingles (I know it was him, I just know.) had shredded up some kind of cardstock thing and then was probably about to start on a toilet paper cardboard as they were all over the living room floor. Then I no sooner had walked further in and I had a two o'clock view of several nuggitos on the guest bedroom carpet.

    **heavy sigh**

    And now I come home after an evening of Christmas shopping and I no sooner sit here at the laptop and he comes in here crying & howling because I'm in here and not in bed.

    **heavy sigh**

  12. RLJ (rotten little Jingles) suffered some kind of mishap awhile back; he broke one of his back legs. I'm not sure how but he looks kind of funny because it's all shaved & hairless while the rest of him has hair. And he has on his little Christmas sweater with the toggle buttons and then a green jester collar thingy with little bells on it. lol.

    I had an irritating lady bother me in line at KMart tonight, offering me her opinion when I didn't even ask for it. She was commenting on the 3 bottles of Aveeno moisturing lotion I had bought that were on sale for $4 each. Aveeno is good stuff and it's kind of pricey so I took advantage. And she's standing back there commenting on how many I bought and did I know that Big Lots carried Aveeno? I told her I didn't know that. She told me where the Big Lots was and was starting to get annoying. I finally told her that I doubted even Big Lots would've had these large sized bottles of Aveeno for $4. She proceeded to tell me they probably would, more on & on.

    How irritating is that? I didn't ask for your opinion on what I was buying nor where else I could get it. I was at KMart and I was pleased with my purchase and certainly did not need her telling me different.


  13. Jingles is so getting coal for all that business.

    Watching SNL. Jimmy Fallon is hosting and it looks like half the cast when he was on SNL came back for tonight. Michael Buble is the musical guest.

  14. Man alive, Jake in that shawl collar, oatmeal colored sweater just about blew me out of my chair. How absolutely gorgeous is that? How would that sweater look with the GI Jake army cargo pants, I wonder? C'mon Jake!!!! C'mon buddy, make it work, why don'tcha? Walk on the wild side again. G'head, g'head. Dip that big toe into the pool and then go for it.

    LOL. Remember that Sony commercial where that guy is sitting in a chair and these stereo speakers start blowing him backwards? Well, that was me just now. LOLLLL!!!

    The wardrobe must now be green army GI Jake cargo pants approved. **STAMP!! GI Jake green cargo Approved** It's gotta work with the cargo pants.

    Oh, and I don't reckon he's got those no-show little socks going on in those big GI Jake army boots. That wouldn't feel real good, would it? Gives me a blister on the back of my Achilles heel just thinking about it. Ouch. No, I reckon there must be, I dunno, what do you think? Gold Toe crew socks in there? Nike? Livestrong crews? Black? White? A coordinating GI Jake army green?

    Something to seriously ponder.

  15. That long grey coat so reminds me of Austin who has one similar to that, I believe. Except I think Austin is really, really young in the picture where he's wearing his.

    And love the Sears Craftsman little brown jean jacket.

    Where IS that smile? Dangit.

    Well, better hit the ol' hay. I'm sure we will have our customary 1 or 2 a.m. have-to-go-outside-and-wander-around-for-awhile-as-if-it-were-5pm middle of the night wake up call. Uh oh, I hear Jingles' bells going off.

    G'night y'all!!

  16. JackPrinya Jack Ruenprapan
    Jake Gyllenhaal, you've made it big! A poorly rendered pic of you as Prince of Persia is painted on the back of a Thai tour bus... #congrats
    11 hours ago

  17. LOL it's obvious that YOU were the one trawling through FB for a bone. No one else is desperate to prove Austin was there.

    I have to laugh. A desperate troll who probably used to hide behind the nonsense that Jake and Austin were never in the same city together is soooo getting nervous that Jake suddenly flew back to Los Angeles and got in the same day as Austin.

    Like clockwork any discussion here about Jake and Austin being together this past week and here comes the pathetic troll to shut down any talk about them. Doesn't take too much grey matter to figure out who is really desperate and running scared.

  18. edmark2
    Ed Salley

    @AUS10NICHOLS Austin, will you please give a Happy Birthday to Jake Gyllenhaal Monday the 19th? He is such a great guy. I love him, ed
    3 hours ago
