Saturday, January 14, 2012

Smooth as .... Ken doll... a baby's bottom?

With Jake looking so sharp, can't resist a flashback some of his beardless looks, so smooth is could be criminal.

Or "slightly close"
It'll be to be a wait and see what parties Jake shows off his clean close shave at tonight and tomorrow.


  1. Didn't know that Jake was considered to play Stephen Wraysford for a film adaptation of Sebastian Faulks’ book Birdsong.

    Radio Times

  2. ripleycal
    Patrick Lee
    And ... we're back. Breakfast with Jake Gyllenhaal, then shopping at the Grove, then design exhibit at LACMA, then drinks at Ray's bar.
    8 minutes ago

    Garth Franklin
    @ripleycal How exactly does one do breakfast with Jake Gyllenhaal?
    6 minutes ago

    Patrick Lee
    @darkhorizons Actually, he and Busy Phillips were at the table right next to us. :)
    4 minute ago

  3. Being that this nonstory story was planned to have a second life in this UK trash publication today, it seems pretty clear who was behind the “Minka turned down Jake” fiction. I may be petty, but I love that Ms. Lilac Pants got a parking ticket on Friday and that, looking at her thick thighs in these photos, she appears to be in need of some serious work. Ms. Model-I’m better than everybody else- should be jealous that Jake has amaaaaaaaazing legs and thighs.

    More Evidence of CAA/360 Shenanigans

  4. jodieisenberg Jodi Eisenberg
    yeah so jake gyllenhaal just walked past us. #heygoldenglobes ?
    12 minutes ago

  5. Ms. Model-I’m better than everybody else

    Such cattiness. When was Minka a model?

  6. alexxthelorax alexxandria
    Jake Gyllenhaal's ass is impeccable
    7 minutes ago

  7. JordyPres22 Jordan Presley Wyant
    @ShannonSlusher I'd go with Love & Other Drugs, I mean Jake Gyllenhaal's ass is glorious .......... oop I meant to say abs ;)
    3 minutes ago

  8. Hey golden globes. LOLLLLLL!!!!!

    That's excellent.


  9. How anyone can look at that Lakers pic and not think that Toothy and The Grey Goose are lovers baffles me.

  10. So true, Tom. The flirty look on Jakes face says it all. He radiates his love for Austin.

    Terrific 49er game. What an ending! Tom Brady was also at his very best today. It made for a boring game, but he was a joy to watch.

    Based on how Jake looks in those pictures, he should never be permitted to grow a beard again.

  11. @goldenglobes Golden Globe Awards
    PHOTO: And take a look at how suave Jake Gyllenhaal looked during his #GoldenGlobes #rehearsal!

  12. Sasha4Jake Sasha
    OMG. He's wearing his glasses again. How hot! Jake Gyllenhaal during his #GoldenGlobes #rehearsal!"
    15 minutes ago

  13. local famewhores 172January 15, 2012 at 5:08 AM

    Sophia went to the Art of Elysium party alone. Who did she get her picture taken with? Minka Kelly.JustJared

  14. Sounds like it was quite a finish, m. I saw the last few seconds.

    And LOVE Jake in his glasses! Attaboy, buddy!

  15. Talk about a direct jab at Austin. Soapy taking a pic with Minka Kelly.

    Watch it, Sophia, your bitter feelings and vindictiveness are showing.

    Don't tell me that was not on purpose. Hey you know what, Sophia, maybe if you would just fess up to your Little Voices, you wouldn't have to look like you've been jilted by your beardee.

    She is something else. That is just unstinkinbelievable.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. What a soap opera, huh? What a soap opera.

    Sophia took a swipe at Austin's jugular, which is Jake. She was also pictured at the Art of Elastic event with Joe Magnolia, Rachel Bilson and Brittany Snow. But who is she splitting time with for the Just Jared picture? Minka has her own post. Brittany Snow has her own post.

    But Sophia chose to split her picture with a solo and then one of her with Minka. It's obvious that Jared Eng is her pal. Don't tell me this is a mere coincidence.

    I rank this jab of Sophia's right up there with one of Ice Maiden's. Sophia has no beef. What did she think was her beef? That Austin didn't go to the Q&A and the TCA Banquet?

    Obviously her and Austin's contract is over and Austin is done so she needs to just get over it. Maybe think about just letting her Jenny girl start releasing the news via the grapevine so that she can move on with her life.

    Be gone, Sophia and leave the guys alone now. Get on with your life.

  18. Love Jake in the glasses. The question is will he wear them tonight?

    And the Sophia thing. Well as soon as I saw it, it became apparent that Austin was the one who said "that 's it I'm done and out of here" in that business deal. Because it looks like she made sure to get snapped with Minka which gets in a jab at Austin because of, like you said PG, Jake.

  19. Boston Opthamology AssociatesJanuary 15, 2012 at 9:16 AM

    What a blowout. Yes, Tommy Brady showed the Broncos who's boss in these parts, but Tim Tebow is a refreshing joy to watch too.

    Love Jake in his glasses.

  20. A Aaron Rodgers vs Tom Brady Superbowl would be very interesting. I wonder if any team can sneak in and make and spoil the show.

  21. tacopunching Kaitlin Mainland
    Watching a video of Jake Gyllenhaal accepting a bafta and he's so happy and adorable and nervous aw man
    1 minute ago

  22. Some posters on WFT posted pics via Spooky of Austin in L.A. in full Billy Idol hair mode dated 10/15/07 taken at night, the same week Ted claimed that someone in NY sent him a missive that claimed they folowed Jake from the Ed Sullivan theater (He was in NY doing promo for Rendition)and then saw him and Austin doing the diggitty dance. It was noted that nowhere in the description did the "witness" mention Austins hair which was odd since they obviously recognized him nor did they say he was wearing a cap to hide it. Since they were so obsessed with their jeans you would have thought that would be mentioned.

    Anyway it was concluded on WFT that the sighting was fake and that someone saw the pic of Jake standing in front of the Sullivan theater wearing long jeans and sent it to Ted and he embellished.

    Since the tidbit didn't get any traction it was forgotten but it was obviously a lie unless Austin flew to NY The next day to NY which I doubt since he was in L.A. filming The Informers.

  23. Some posters on WFT posted pics via Spooky of Austin in L.A. in full Billy Idol hair mode dated 10/15/07 taken at night, the same week Ted claimed that someone in NY sent him a missive that claimed they folowed Jake from the Ed Sullivan theater (He was in NY doing promo for Rendition)and then saw him and Austin doing the diggitty dance. It was noted that nowhere in the description did the "witness" mention Austins hair which was odd since they obviously recognized him nor did they say he was wearing a cap to hide it. Since they were so obsessed with their jeans you would have thought that would be mentioned.

    Anyway it was concluded on WFT that the sighting was fake and that someone saw the pic of Jake standing in front of the Sullivan theater wearing long jeans and sent it to Ted and he embellished.

    Since the tidbit didn't get any traction it was forgotten but it was obviously a lie unless Austin flew to NY The next day to NY which I doubt since he was in L.A. filming The Informers.

  24. Get a clue, the whole point of Ted's post, Bumps in the Day from October 18, 2007 was to announce the birth of Baby Tile and to associate the bundle of joy with Jake and Austin.

  25. hmmmmm said

    Anyway it was concluded on WFT that the sighting was fake and that someone saw the pic of Jake standing in front of the Sullivan theater wearing long jeans and sent it to Ted and he embellished.

    No conclusion of any kind was ever made.

  26. Actually the posters on WFT seem to be doing more than reaching the conclusion that the J & A 'digital dance' sighting is fake, they are accusing OMG posters of making up not only that sighting but lots of others over the years.

    I was around in 2007 when that sighting was posted and I am certain that nobody from OMG made it up. Nobody had any reason to. Unlike the JIS supporters we have never tried to 'prove' a fake relationship, at that time we just enjoyed seeing glimpses of J and A's life together.

    I think that the few remaining posters at WFT were probably not around in 2006/07 and don't realise that it was obvious to anyone who was prepared to open their eyes that J and A were a couple then. I'm not a baby tile believer and I agree that its open for debate whether they are still together now, but back then you couldn't have failed to see it.

  27. take it somewhere elseJanuary 15, 2012 at 12:47 PM

    Bringing this up after a week it was posted on WTF shows how scared you are about Jake and Austin still being together and the changes that both have made recently.

  28. LOL.


    You can tell people are scared out of their pants right now.

    The you-know-what is really hitting the fan right now. People are making up lies about regular posters here, particularly myself, and now there is subterfuge going on about Sophia and Austin to try and cover up that they are done. Finished. Kaput.

    It's The Day After Tomorrow for those people who refuse to see the handwriting on the wall.

  29. DellPoncetPBJ Dell Poncet
    Trying to watch the game like a normal person, and it's windbag Dan Dierdorf! Lord, why have you forsaken me?
    2 minutes ago

    Joe Ziemer
    JoeZLT Joe Ziemer
    I watched 7 minutes worth of the CBS pregame show and have listened to Dan Dierdorf for two plays. My brain already hurts.
    2 minutes ago

    Aw c'mon!!! LOL! I love Dan Dierdorf.

  30. That’s correct, BT1. Notice the phrase “digital dance” in the October 18, 2007 narrative, which brought the whole Toothy Tile saga full circle (like a circle of life) with the birth of BT. If you go back to the original post on One Adorable Blind Vice from March 10, 2005, Ted referred to the extended hands flat on the marble table (i.e. 5 digits), which was a clue about Austin Nichols. And then on March 17, 2005, Ted actually used the same phrase of “digital dance” in reference to one of the guesses about who Toothy Tile was:

    Dear Ted:
    Love the gab and the poop! More, more, more! Now, I've never tried to guess the Blind Vice before, so I'm hoping for beginner's luck: Is Toothy Tile in the Adorable Blind Vice Orlando Bloom? His eyes showed more passion for Hobbits than for poor Kate.
    Jessica A. Kaputa
    Alexandria, Virginia

    Dear Lords Looker:
    Ain't that the truth. Alas, it ain't Mr. B., whom so many other guessers thought it might be as well. No, the dude who was doing the digital dance with his amigo in a West Hollywood restaurant was none other than... Oops, almost gave it away. My lawyer would have had me on a rocket to Pluto!

  31. I never could have in a million years put those 2 together but it does make sense. Why else do you mention "extended hands"?

    When you extend your hands on a table surface, what does that mean? You are stretching your fingers out, that's what it means.

    Costco-Sized gold star for you, M&M.

  32. "hmmmmmm said...Some posters on WFT posted pics via Spooky of Austin in L.A. in full Billy Idol hair mode dated 10/15/07 taken at night"

    Not true. Get the facts right. The pics of Austin in LA were taken October 16. The digital dance sighting was the day before, October 15, when Jake filmed Letterman. More than enough time for Austin to travel from NY to LA. This was discussed ages ago.

  33. Frances_Chan Frances Chan
    Jake Gyllenhaal at the Hollywood farmers' market trying not to get noticed
    1 minute ago

  34. not the 1st time it happenedJanuary 15, 2012 at 2:35 PM

    Funny, when M&M started [posting here, some was under the impression that she found/stumbled across OMG, cough., sounds like she was here from day one.

    Were you around here around 10/2007 PG because I don't remember and know this was not discussed ages ago, just check SK's post about it back then plus the pics of Austin in L.A. on the 16th were posted on Spookys site in 2009, 2 years after the fact.

    Those pics weren't posted here when found, if i'm incorect, then please link to SK's post where she posted the pics or linked to spookys site when found.

    Posters on WTF found it hard to believe that the "witness" never mentioned his hair nor maybe he was wearing a cap to cover it up simnce they were so fixated on their jeans, his hair stood out like a sore thumb.

    There were no sightings of Austin in NY then.

    The sighting was made up, based on that pic of Jake sent to Ted and he embellished.

  35. Not the 1st time, why would you expect for there to have been sightings of Austin in NY then? This was 2007, pre OTH - Austin wasn't exactly well known then!

  36. LOL, I can't believe someone is still carrying on about that sighting, and bringing it over here from WFT2 for discussion as if we're all going to go "OOOOOH, you're right, we're wrong." Not.

    The dates on photos are not always the dates when events happen. Often they're the dates when the photos are first published. It happens all the time. We know people play games with dates all the time, look at the recent Perez post on Jake and Adam Levine, claiming it happened about a week later than it did. The photo could have been taken earlier, and Austin could have dyed his hair back already. Or he could have covered it up a cap or hoodie, Jake in particular was given to "hiding" in hoodies and caps, and I remember a sighting from a lot earlier that year of Jake with another guy trying to look inconspicuous in hoodies.

    And who knows if The Informers was still filming. Again that is something that often gets flung out there even when filming is over, as happened with Jake and EW earlier this year. Not to mention a lot of Austin's scenes were done in Uruguay.

    Ted would have never run a story like that, which is on the edge of outing Jake, without trusting the source or double checking. NEVER. The lawyers at E! wouldn't have allowed it, nor would Ted have done it if he wasn't sure. In fact at the time he implied what, that it was a friend of his, or maybe even someone from E?

  37. I'm sorry the game between the Pats and Broncos wasn't more exciting, or that the Broncos didn't win (sorry Pats fans).

    Caught the last quarter of the S.F. game, wow, what a wild finish, and was happy to see the 49ers win.

  38. You desperation is showing in your absurd speculation of who was around in 2007 to fit your story.

    What you are forgetting is Jake's interview on Regis and Kelly that week were his grinned and blushed when he was coy about who he spending time in New York but said he had a great time that visit.

    Looking at the date of the taping and Ted's mention, Austin could have been in NYC for the previous weekend.

    You forget that 1) Austin was not the lead in The Informers and shot the majority of his part in Uruguay. He did not have to be on set everyday for the ensemble movie.

    And you are also conveniently forgetting that Austin often wore a beanie to cover up his ears, one of his distinguishing features. He would also want to cover his hair not to draw attention. Seems like Jake did a similar thing when he was with the long locks for PoP.

  39. And what is this conspiracy theory about when M&M and I came to OMG and where did we really come from?

    WTH? I have to just laugh my absolute head off.

    For the record, here is my first ever comment on OMG and look at when Special and I first talked. I get all teary-eyed, Special!!!!! A little trip down memory lane:

    prairiegirl said...

    kacie, I hope you do not stop posting. I have enjoyed reading your comments/questions. You've asked a couple of ?'s I would've asked. I'm new to this site-been reading for awhile, totally fascinated. I myself am new to this kind of idea/opinion expression. Anyway, OMG has a fan out in western Kansas! Now let's see if I can get this to post....

    April 11, 2008 2:08 PM
    Blogger Special K said...

    How west is west Prairie Girl? Wichita west? or Garden City west? Growing up part of the time in Topeka, anything west of Manhattan was way west. : )

    April 11, 2008 2:19 PM

    Kacie was my first friend on OMG. Of course, she's long gone now but it she was very nice. My laptop was relatively new and I think I had just barely seen Brokeback Mountain for the first time, looooooong after it had been released and out on video. Everything was new - had just discovered Slash. Newly discovered Just Jared. And stumbled upon OMG when I was googling for more information on this lovey-dovey looking couple, Jake and Austin.

    So stop with the conspiracy theories and suspicious identities. What desperation and absolute lunacy to even try to conjecture up these kinds of theories. My laughter has now moved from my head all the way to my ass.

  40. By Sophia having Jared Eng post the picture of herself with Minka Kelly on her main post early this morning, she doesn't realize that all she did was just add another pushpin of clues on the Jake/Austin Scrapbook Page.

    How obvious was that? The Sophia/Minka picture is what indirectly has a few people really stirred up today.

    Jake and Austin are reasserting themselves and the ones who don't like it may as well be using their own feet to try and kick them deeper into the closet than they already have been.

    Jake has not bearded in over a year.

    Jake let his personal manager go.

    Jake left CAA.

    Jake is allowing himself to be seen in his glasses for the first time ever in pap pictures.

    The guys are allowing themselves to be known to be in the same state for the first time in 3 years.

    And Austin has fulfilled his bearding contract with Sophia and he apparently has extricated himself from the association.

    Some may scratch their heads at the glasses mention, but to me, it's something worth noting for some reason. I think anytime someone plunges off the edge of the dock, doing something out of their comfort zone, is a feat worth applauding.

    And I applaud Jake for what I see as him taking a step out of his comfort zone.

  41. Funny, when M&M started [posting here, some was under the impression that she found/stumbled across OMG, cough., sounds like she was here from day one.

    Another total falsehood. ENTIRELY.

    No, M&M just knows her stuff. You know not at all what you are talking about. And if I were you, I would stop right now with your ridiculous theories before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

  42. Funny, when M&M started [posting here, some was under the impression that she found/stumbled across OMG, cough., sounds like she was here from day one.

    You are really loosing it now, my friend. Are you just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks? Too funny. All the regulars here know I came on board in the early part of 2010. End of story. Didn't even know about the whole Toothy Tile/Jake Gyllenhaal story until December, 2009.

    Perhaps your next "theory" will be that Jake Gyllenhaal is really married to Reese Witherspoon and that the "break-up" back in December 2009 was all staged so the media would leave them alone? Jim Toth therefore must be just another CAA stooge helping the lovebirds out while advancing his own career? It's unbelievable the links some people will go to discredit others who have actually done their homework.

  43. There were no sightings of Austin in NY then.

    The sighting was made up, based on that pic of Jake sent to Ted and he embellished.

    No sightings of Austin in NY? Gee, that's a surprise. Since, over 4 years later, and after being on a television show for several years, hardly anyone recognizes him, even in LA where he has lived for over a decade. And, yes I can see Austin having a hat on to cover his hair. No biggie. Throughout the years, both men have been known to wear knit caps and hats.

  44. If you go back to the original post on One Adorable Blind Vice from March 10, 2005, Ted referred to the extended hands flat on the marble table (i.e. 5 digits), which was a clue about Austin Nichols.

    Hey, Methodical. I'm not one of the trolls so I hope that you wouldn't mind answering my question. You have an incredible memory and grasp of facts related to Toothy Tile and Grey Goose so I was just wondering what you meant by that statement (see above) ?

  45. ...and hoodies as Destiny has already pointed out.

  46. Boston Opthamology AssociatesJanuary 15, 2012 at 4:12 PM

    I was kinda hoping the Broncos would win too (I know, I sound like a traitor!). Brady is a much more experienced QB thant Tebow is in his first year as starter.

    That would be a great matchup, Tom!
