Thursday, February 9, 2012

Busy in Berlin

Jake has been the busy bee since arriving in Berlin with his official duties, greeting fans, as well as catching a party and concert by fellow juror Charlotte Gainsbourg for Interview Magazine on Tuesday night.Speaking at the press conference Jake said "there was no hesitation in accepting the invitation'' to serve on the jury. And despite the awkward moment from a comment from a US reporter his "humorous impression of [festival director] Kosslick's jolly German delivery took the press conference by storm". - Hollywood Reporter

"I am honored actually felt, because I've always been a big fan of all here in the jury and of the films that they made ​​was, above all by Leigh -. I love his movies simple, and when I learned that He is president of the jury, I was so excited. And with so many artists to sit in a room to talk with them about movies and listen to their opinions, I just see that as a huge privilege and honor. " - Promifale

On the red carpet the first night of the festival.
New pics from tonight's premiere of 'Farewell My Queen' at Berlinale.


  1. Video of question to Jake at Berlinale press conference about being the odd man out

    Starts at 9min 30sec

    Jake was pissed!

  2. I added more pictures of Jake on the red carpet from tonight's premiere on today's post.

    And yes... he looks Ammaaaazzzing.

  3. I am glad to see him so happy looking and having a good time. It's wonderful for the country of Germany and London to have him there and give him such a warm welcome.

    It's too bad that our country of the United States now always gets the stern, homeless looking, screw-you-for-bothering me look. 'Preciate it, Jake.

  4. A ha!! You didn't think I really did it, did you? There it is. ----->

    It has served me quite well already.

  5. I've got to get serious for a moment because I have to honestly tell you, I just finished having the most heartfelt, impromptu cry in several years.

    If you haven't read any of the details on the Josh Powell case, you guys, don't do it. Don't ever read any of it. Don't look at those little boys' faces because I am telling you, it will tear you up and it will give you nightmares.

    Why People magazine continues to spill the gruesome, heartwrenching details, I have no idea. I don't want to see that man's face ever again and if this case is on my new People that will come in the mailbox tomorrow, I very well may throw the thing away without even looking at it.

    May God comfort and heal the caseworker and all the remaining family members affected by this horrific crime. I have never had a crime hit me like this one and in fact had avoided all the stories since it intially broke out but I had to open this one on

    I wish I never had.

  6. I read that and I come back to OMG and I think, this Jake & Austin story is Skittles next to that. Every single one of us atones for what we do and eventually faces the consequences and results. Hopefully, when we do something bad, we at least don't drag other people down with us.

    Boy, that was a moment. It just makes you want to hug someone because reading that just makes you hurt; it's heart-pain.

    Maybe I can post my chapter tonight. That would be a good, happy thing.

  7. Thanks for whoever got a hold of that video from the Berlinale press conference today. I admit I was thinking the question was far more abusive and repugnant than it was once I viewed the replay of events. Granted the reporter from the Boston Herald was out of line. No way should Jake have been subjected to that kind of cheap "gotcha" shot.

    But, for someone so charming and verbal, I was surprised how speechless Jake became. And, quick to anger. You could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. To me, that was a situation easily handled with a witty response. Or a plain spoken, "Sorry you feel that way, but I don't. And, I guess the Selection Committee didn't either." Where was his trademark confidence and poise?

    All I can say is, "Whoa." Looks to me like Jake is very sensitive about this particular topic. Which then tells me that maybe he does feel inadequate and out of place, particularly given all his bearding buffoonery to stay relevant in Hollywood these past five years. Perhaps even a bit bitter that his career has stalled from what it was pre-Brokeback Mountain when he was the hottest thing around. And, I don't just mean physically but in terms of his art.I bet no one else on the panel was splashed across tabloid covers with syrupy headlines like: Jake & Taylor in Love!

    For me, it wasn't so much the question, but the lack of an answer that spoke volumes about Jake's emotional state.

  8. More pictures of Jake!

    This time at the opening ceremony for the Festival.

    Berlinale Opening Ceremony

    Jake looks great. Talk about tailoring! That suit is incredible. An love how has does the knit tie that is such little shout out Austin and his love of them.

    And earlier coming in the grey cashmere scarf is back with again an impeccably tailored grey cashmere coat.

    When Jake dresses up he dresses up gooood.

  9. Well, he looks very at ease at the opening ceremonies. He looks like he's having a great time. I have not watched the film clip.

    If someone gets caught off guard, hey we can't all be Sam Slick. Not all of us are born with quick retorts, quick bite-back-atcha's, and/or quick wit. I know I myself often think of the perfect retort after the person has been gone for five minutes. Opportunity gone.

    Not everyone is the epitome of composure all the time. Some of us are manufactured and wired a fuse short of perfect aplomb. Composure, calm and cool doesn't come easily to everyone.

    I say Jake needs to forget about it, go out and have a great time and that idiot is the one who looks like the fool, not Jake.

    It's certainly not worth making a big deal out of.

  10. One thing I find more and more interesting with Jake.

    He's putting both of his hands in pockets an awful lot lately. Whether it's a coat, jacket or pants, he's sticking both hands deep in the pockets. I am not sure what that says but it's just kind of interesting. Not a big deal at all if done just once in awhile. But he's doing it a lot lately.

    And I look at all the pictures of Jake in those Opening Ceremonies pictures and except for the ones where he's clapping, he's got both hands in his pants trousers. All the other men either have their arms folded across their chest or else their hands clasped in front of their bodies. Jake's the only one with hands in pants pockets.

    Just like that song title "Don't Stop The Dance", it puzzles me and I don't know what it means. lol

    What does that mean, Don't Stop the Dance?!!!!! That song drives me crazyyyy!!

  11. I can't believe that every judge that has served on this panel every year has yea-long lists of professional accomplishments. Surely Jake is not like a Pee Wee Leaguer up against a slew of NFL Players.

    And whoever said quantity always overpowered quality?

    Jake doesn't have an IMBD page of say, an Al Pacino or Clint Eastwood.

    But Jake played Jack Twist in one of the most moving, impacting films of our current time in Brokeback Mountain. What an incredibly powerful movie that changed lives.

    Changed lives.

    I don't know. How many actors today can say they played a role in a movie which affected people from all walks of life? If Jake were to make no other films the rest of his life, that role right there in Jack Twist was enough.

  12. Wow, lots to catch up on. Couldn't get on last night as my girlfriend was using the computer, and crazy day for me.

    Thanks M for the heads up about Matt Bomer, I had to look before I commented, lol. Don't know why they went with the Elvis thing, but the pictures are stunning, and he looks great in the clothes and hair of that era.

  13. Where I draw the distinction is when the guys actively lie about their personal lives. If Jake wants to be private, then he needs to shut up about his personal life. He contradicts himself when he beards and creates this fantasy existence. What is particularly hard to take is when Jake goes on and on about Ramona, or Austin tries to tell us how his nieces and nephew tremendously changed his life. In other words, demonstrating no problem acknowledging their sister's kids, but refusing to man up and acknowledge their own. As someone suggested in this thread, I believe, there is a homophobic aspect to it. Because when push comes to shove, it's not about Jake's privacy, it's about his desire not to let people know that he's gay and in a committed relationship. If he were heterosexual, I seriously doubt he would be lying about having a wife and children.

    ITA with this M and M.

  14. I've only read bits and pieces about the Powell case, so horrible. I will never ever understand how people can do such horrible things to their own kids.

  15. Jake is looking very good in Berlin. But I can't believe what that reporter did!!!! How awful. I haven't watched the video, but I agree Jake's Anger, he needs to learn how to handle things like that. I do think he has a lot of insecurities about his career, I think that's one reason he was so agreeable to doing the whole bearding, POP, etc. plan.

    And it's not a fair question; he's worked with a lot of great directors, and what about films like DD and Zodiac?

  16. That video doesn't seem to be the right one; no Jake at 9:30 or a minute or two beyond.

  17. #7 an American reporter asked Jake if he felt like the odd man out. you could see he was pissed, he (wisely) said he’d defer that question to the jury president.

    I like the choice of grey cardigan

    enjoy yourself Jake. have a fun time!

    He was wonderful, both in the conference, as pictured in official ceremony

    This reporter should be ignorant of one of the few who do not like Jake because it was a silly question, who knows a little work from Jake knows that he is not there just because of BBM.

  18. Hi Destiny, I had the same challenge, you have to click on the tab across the top labelled "Galas and Internation Jury" for the correct video.

    It was a slow load for me, but Jake's reaction was one of stunned anger. Can't say I blame him it was intended to be a slap in the face. The reporter is a pr*ck!

    Pardon my sharpness...

  19. What's interesting is that Schaefer (who asked the question) has written about Jake's movies on his blog for the Boston Herald. In fact including his two most recent ones. So it looks to me that it was a more personal swipe at Jake than professional. It could have come from an issue from a past interview they had done, or maybe since Schaefer is from MA, that they might have some other connection.

    But the reason I think it was a personal swipe, Schaefer does not mention it at all or the jury press conference in any of his updates from Berlinale on his blog for The Herald.

    Boston Herald : Hollywood & Mine

  20. What a coward! It is everything clear now

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Okay, finally got it to work. The question didn't sound as bad as I expected, he asked if he felt like the odd man out because he was from Hollywood. I didn't hear any mention of BBM. Maybe it wasn't the best question, but I don't think it was cause for Jake to get so mad, or to let someone else answer. It didn't strike me as personal to Jake

  23. Jake Gyllenhaal suits up for the opening ceremony of the Berlin International Film Festival held at the Berlinale Palast on Thursday (February 9) in Berlin, Germany.

    Later in the day, the 31-year-old actor and jury member for the festival attended the premiere of the film Les Adieux De La Reine with fellow jurors including director Anton Corbijn, Iranian writer/director Asghar Farhadi, French-Brit actress Charlotte Gainsbourg, French director Francois Ozon, and director Mike Leigh.

    Jake had a photo call with the jury earlier in the day!

  24. The question didn't sound as bad as I expected, he asked if he felt like the odd man out because he was from Hollywood.

    That's what I thought too, until he added "yeah, I know you did Brokeback Mountain, but..." with a bit of a dismissive shrug. Mike Leigh seemed offended by it, and it seem to put a damper on the proceedings a bit. I didn't think Jake seems mad, maybe just a little puzzled and offended, and his cool answer was understandable. It just didn't seem respectful of the formality of the proceedings.

  25. I'm tired (so tired I can't sleep, sigh), guess I missed the BBM reference. But seems more a criticism of HW movies than Jake, but yeah, it sure did put a damper on things. The guy seemed like a big jerk trying to prove he's cool and above it all.

  26. Here is the video for the Opening Ceremonies.

    Berlinale: Opening Gala

    The ceremonies were shown live on TV in Germany.

    The introduce the international jury starting at the 50:14 mark - Jake's introduction starts around the 58:09 mark.

    Check out the fun he and Dieter had with their greeting.

    Host Anke Engelke and Jake have great fun with around the 1:09:34 mark.


    Isn't he just dashing?! Jake Gyllenhaal flashes a wave and a sexy smile to fans at the Berlin International Film Festival premiere of Les Adieux De La Reine on Thursday.

  28. He looks very dashing and European. :)

  29. @DanaDelany Dana Delany
    Hey! Landed at Heathrow & ran into @AUS10NICHOLS. #shipspassing
    3 hours ago via Twitter for iPad

  30. ^at London airport heading to BerlinFebruary 10, 2012 at 12:30 PM

    ^I think Austin was in London with Jake. Stayed in London for a few more days until the press and paps interest in Jake decreased a bit after the beginning of the festival and now he is at London Heathrow airport heading to Berlin.

  31. Wow talk about a Body of Proof. (Sorry I had to since it was Dana Delaney who tweeted seeing Austin)

  32. Yep. I agree with "At London Airport. Austin was with Jake in London and like I suggested he went to that Constellations play with Jake. Austin then waited until the paps and the attention on Jake died down after the first few days before flying over to join him in Germany. NBD. This is how it's done.

    Given that joke on the last video about Jake's "obsession" with the #5, you know those kids are probably with them too.
