Friday, February 24, 2012

Dynamic Duo

OTH has had all kinds of pairing of the course of the show and now there is Dulian.

Dan Scott - Julian Baker

He's an ex-con with a heart transplant and bad luck with dogs.And he's a director with a heart of gold who likes dress up in dog suits.

Together they make Dynamic Dulian, the newest thing to hit The Hill.

They ride togetherCookout togetherCheck out the computer together
I think that's the dog that
ate your heart Dan on YouTube. Damn dog.
And investigate mysteries in their spare time.

Oh yeah Mr. Nichols you were went there the long shot of you slowly walking away from the camera.
You know exactly how to maximize your assets.

Happy Austin Friday!


  1. Austin knew what he was doing in that shot with him walking away as Dan said they're going to love him prison. Wicked Mr. Nichols. :D

    And didn't anyone else laugh when he had Chase and Chris Keller wake up in bed together?

  2. [Hollywood Dame] This actor has been immersing himself in work and flying under the radar lately. That will soon change. His reps have been beard shopping for him to start publicity just in time for a couple of films to hit theaters.

    Although this was posted on BG, it is not a BG blind, so the photo is BG's guess at it, not a hint.

    And as to who this is from - Hollywood Dame? Looked it up, they look like two amateur gossips. Like Lainey five years ago. The lead "writer" says her fave celebrity is Jake Gyllenhaal. I think it is speculation / made up.

    I know I have said this before, but I will say it again. Many of these gossip sites (Blind Gossip included) are basically anonymous, they are independent, and they are amateur. Some of them rise to high traffic and actually start to get access, like Lainey who now covers award shows and contracts with E!. Very few of them are established Hollywood gossips with editors behind them, legal teams behind them and actual on-the-ground access. Ted is one of the few. He knows everyone. I also pay attention to blinds from Page Six and Lainey (though I only trust blinds from Lainey not her actual content, and Lainey only writes blinds about people whose publicists are not paying her, and Lainey seems horribly naive about gay people in Hollywood). I am undecided about the authenticity of CDAN.

  3. OH Ted's story on Sophia today is very interesting.

    "Now, you're talking about a different best friend of mine who can't get married even though I could get married seven times in my life and he can't do that because he is a different sexual orientation than me?! That's absolutely a civil rights issue."

  4. "He doesn't have a blonde ‘do"- I take that as Teds way of saying there is nothing to the relationship. As usual with Jake, it will turn out to be nothing.

    As for possibly bearding, I don't think that blind hints at Jake or that he has demonstrated any bearding yet. For one he only has one film coming out and no other work lined up. Nailed may eventually get released but I doubt he will do much promo for that. The film was never completed so how good can it be. Too soon to make any rulings. Austin did not go all the way to Berlin and hang around like a husband to fool us. It was to make a statement.

  5. It is too soon for myself to be making such adamant proclamations, I'll agree on that. I have just seen a few things on Twitter that have been eye catching. Unfortunately, while Twitter has its diamonds in the rough and I still love it as a tool, anymore it is becoming a tool for deceivers and of Hollywood as well.

    For example, this fake _Jake_Gyllenhaal "fansite" Twitter. There is something going on with this account that is beginning to make me very suspicious. For one thing, it's allowed to continue with this "guy" tweeting in the 1st person as if he is Jake himself. Apparently, Jake has no problem whatsoever with someone impersonating him.

    Soapy's a lot of things but at least she tweets whenever there is an impersonator and she lets her fans know. No, Jake doesn't have a Twitter but his people could tell this site to stop impersonating him. But they don't. So that right there is highly suspicious.

    The other thing I've begun to notice is that this "guy" is tweeting questions to his fans, like "What is your favorite city?" The "guy" has over 9000 followers so he's getting all of these people tweeting back at him, people who apparently have not a single brain cell and think this is really Jake. So these tweets are flooding a Search, making it extremely tedious to weed through.

    What a way to try and confuse and flood Twitter so that people may miss a valid tweet.

    I can totally see his people using this account to create this kind of cyber chaos.

  6. But PG if his people are using twitter to get tweets out there that they want people to see, then they would not want that kind of chaos.

    The impersonator is actually kind of funny. But, he gets way too political for Jake's people to be behind it. Jake more or less stays out of politics in public, right?

    It is really baffling though that this guy has so many followers! It's so obvious that he's a fraud. People are just dumb.

  7. Hey Owl Girl, I see what you're saying. I don't know if it's that they want him tweeting things they want people "to see". I think it's a lot of nonsense, myself. I think it's merely a tool to flood Tweet Searches on his name, that's all.

    Another thing that has caused some thinking is the realization that with EOW now having a backer and the extremely positive feedback on it.

    And what did someone say, that the film is still being tweaked and "more blood" is going to be added?

    Could it be that finally Jake has a movie that is going to appeal to the macho fanbase, an audience that Jake has not been able to garner but I think longs for? This movie doesn't sound like a ladies' flick to me.

    So I'm wondering if with the positive reviews that it sounds like some pre-screenings are getting and the amount of money that is going to be spent on promoting it, that now Jake could have been told "Change of plans. There's too much hope and positive buzz for this movie. We're going to need for you to beard in order to push this movie."

    If it's going to be a bloody cop flick and it's now not going to be released until the end of the year, do I really think they're going to let Jake continue to go beardless for another 9 months? Let him be tweeted with a stroller or let tweets out there about his daughter at a daycare go without some kind of push back?

    Just some thoughts.

  8. This song Bootylicious starts out like Stevie Nicks' White Wing Dove. I keep thinking that's what I'm going to hear. It's just enough to be sampling.

    I wonder if Stevie Nicks gets any kind of $ compensation for that or any other artist who has their song sampled? Surely they do.

  9. That's the point OwlGirl. Jake tries to "fit in" and his people don't like him associated with controversial topics/themes/images. Yet, somehow they continue to let this tweeter impersonate Jake while he says all kinds of controversial things. Remember that whole cease and desist letter from May of last year when that photoshopped head of Jake on a younger body appeared? The old "Tighty-Whitey" episode? That photo was obviously manipulated and came nowhere near some of the other more risque ones of him nude and in provocative postitions. Yet his people pounced on that right away. Now, we have someone actually impersonating Jake Gyllenhaal. Many fans obviously believing it's him, if you read the comments. The Tighty Whitey C&D letter stated:

    "Your publication of this fake photo violates many legal rights of our client by, among other things, defaming him, portraying him in a false light, violating his right of publicity and consituting a false designation of origin...."

    I wouldn't be surprised if there is something up with this site because it does flood people's boxes with hundreds of irrelevant tweets often on a daily basis.

  10. This actor has been immersing himself in work and flying under the radar lately.

    It could be Jake, but I found this one sentence more than peculiar. "Immersing himself in work?" Jake? Yeah, if you call taking practically 5 months off, then hanging out in London vacationing and doing a brief shoot for a music video, then spending time in Germany having fun watching movies and hanging out with his fella work, all I can say is, "How do I get that kind of gig?"

  11. I don't know anything about twitter's terms of service, but I don't know that there is any legal recourse for stopping impersonators. They are all over the place on twitter. This guy does not come out and say he is Jake, he tries to imply it's a fan site, but in between the lines pretends to be Jake himself. What can his people do? What most celebs do is set up their own verified account.

  12. We shall just have to disagree on this one, OwlGirl. Because what Jake's people could do is pretty simple. They could issue a visible denial and publicly disassociate themselves with this so-called fansite. As I've mentioned before they did that with the Tighty Whitey photo when everyone could see that was a photoshopped head. They knew they couldn't make people take down that photo, yet they sent out the letter anyway, and made a big issue of it. They could do the same thing with this sight. Yet, they remain eerily silent.

  13. This is kinda interesting

    "The answer, says Scottsdale, Ariz. Internet lawyer Aaron M. Kelly, is that impersonating someone on Twitter
    is not illegal. However, he says, “If someone sets up a Twitter account under an assumed name and then uses
    the account for financial gain… then yes, there are definitely legal grounds to sue. Also, if this same person uses
    their faux Twitter account to, say, defame someone and it causes a legal fracas, the person Tweeting under the
    assumed name could definitely find themselves in some legal hot water.”

    If I were Jake's people I would be all over this guy (especially given some of his recent tweets) but again the easiest way to do that is to have a verified account set up.

  14. I wonder if Stevie Nicks gets any kind of $ compensation for that or any other artist who has their song sampled? Surely they do.

    There is something called, "sample clearances", PG. There's one for the publishing side and then there is a "master use" compensation. And, most importantly, you must obtain a license prior to use of a previous work. Remember that famous case of Vanilla Ice from 1990, where he used a recorded bass line from Queen/David Bowie's track "Under Pressure," in his "Ice Ice Baby". I may be wrong, but I recall he lost all the royalties for that song and it went to those original artists. At times, Fair Use can be applied, but most often if the tune is recognizable the infringement would fall under a "Substantially Similar" infringement if the artists/companies are not appropraitely compensated and acknowledged.

  15. I agree, OwlGirl. It's just odd that Jake's people have remained completely silent about this account and have not even publicly disassociated themselves from it. Even if they had no legal grounds, you would think they would go on the record regarding the matter.

  16. I have never been to that twitter, but isn't he the same guy who was also running another twitter AS Jake until he took it down because his followers were tipped off by some fans?

    Even if Jakes management does manage to get him to shut down, he'll just start another one. Especially with proxies and such it's really easy to hide who is behind these things, so if he's determined to fool people (as he seems to be) then he'll just keep on changing names.

    Jakes management would just have to constantly issue statements or cease and desist letters for this guy. IMO that would give the guy way more attention than he deserves.

  17. It's false representation. That's not him. I mean today, he tweeted "People annoy me." That's it. I thumb through his twitter and he just mouths off about anything and everything.

    "Are Golden Caskets the thing for celebrities now then? I better preorder mine." Feb 18.

    I cannot believe there are that many followers who actually believe this could be him. Check this one out.

    J Gyllenhaal FanSite ‏ @Jake_Gyllenhaal

    Disgusted That Someone Would Say Such Things. Im Not Jewish, Im Christian, But My mother Is, And Shes More Incredible Than You Will Ever Be.

    J Gyllenhaal FanSite ‏ @Jake_Gyllenhaal

    I used to think I had ADD, but it turned out everyone around me was just really f***ing boring.

  18. impersonating a celebrityFebruary 24, 2012 at 2:00 PM

    I would have to agree with PG and M&M on this one. Given Jake's track record you would think they would at least go on the record, to separate themselves from what is being tweeted. Minimum effort. Due diligence it's called. They wouldn't need a Cease and Desist letter, which is what I think M&M is suggesting. This particular tweeter is the only one I know of who is impersontating Jake is this way. All day long. The fact they have remained silent is kinda jaw dropping. If this person says something, and some kind of legal action follows, the first thing that will be asked is why did you do nothing to stop them?

    Austin and Sophia already established the exploitaion of twitter to pimp their fake "romance". I wouldn't be surprised if Jake's people are using this technique to flood the internet with irrelevant tweets and make it more difficult to find something truly interesting. Like that tweet yesterday about Maggie with her kids.

  19. Interesting, neverending story. I wasn't aware of that story but your thinking makes sense. You do hate to give added attention to someone but wow, this guy is out of control.

    He's not any small raisin. He's got 9240 followers. That's alot.

    I don't know, it just blows my mind that he's allowed to just run rampant like this.

    Of course, I've had people comment on other sites and even open up a thread on the OTH Forum using my blogger name and it's not me. What can a person do? Nothing but at least I did make the statement on OMG that it wasn't me. I figure that's at least something coming from the horse's mouth.

    so to speak. LOLLLL!

  20. Like that tweet yesterday about Maggie with her kids.

    That's what I was thinking about too.

  21. Me three. How interesting was that one, anyway? What other kids were with Maggie & Ramona???? Maybe Maggie has taken up daycare.

    OwlGirl, I wanted to ask you where was your nice John Taylor avatar?

  22. OwlGirl, I wanted to ask you where was your nice John Taylor avatar?

    Well, I want to know where your sausage went!

  23. I was just impersonated again.

  24. I am not logged in because I am logged in to my work email / Gmail. But you know, I miss me some John Taylor :) Now HE is adorable on twitter.

  25. I don't know whether that blind item is Jake or not. Good points OwlGirl about the particular source of this one.

    So, Sophia was being interviewed at a Global Green event. If Austin is in LA, you'd think he'd have attended it.

    Interesting tweet about Maggie.

  26. PG, They did sample Stevie Nicks for the song, if I remember correctly she made a cameo in their video.

  27. The Railroad Revival Tour documentary with Mumford & Sons is titled, "Big Easy Express" and is set to close the SXSW Film Festival.

  28. lol. Jack has sausage envy. Brown n Serve, meet Johnsonville.

    OwlGirl, sorry to disturb you at work, I know how that can be! Quick!! Hit Minimize!!! lol. But thanks for John! He was a standout - so tall and lean, wasn't he?

    Oooooh, really Special, I didn't know that. Love me some Stevie!!! **sigh**, I love Stevie Nicks. No one can twirl like Stevie.

  29. So, Sophia was being interviewed at a Global Green event. If Austin is in LA, you'd think he'd have attended it.

    Good point, Destiny. I bet we don't see hide nor hair of Austin for who knows how long.

    Okay, just got the call - we're off!! Move 'em out!!!

    Jimmy's Egg has his running shoes on now. See you all on the other side of I-35.

  30. Commenter:

    I think Jake Gyllenhaal and his lover Austin should continue to focus on their new daughter, as they have been doing. He is extremely talented, and a year or two hiatus will not diminish him whatsoever. He is a respected actor for a reason (because he is exceptional, should anyone need reminding). I look forward to his acting choices in future. I would not dare giving him advice, especially in areas where I am not qualified.

    January 12, 2012 | John

  31. UH......say what???? Their new whosie????????

    Okay, I know I said move 'em on out. lol. I've been dinkin' around allllll day and now that it's really time to go, I run around and try to throw the rest of my stuff together, camera, chargers.... lol.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Mother Toothy, Father Goose?February 24, 2012 at 4:51 PM

    A new daughter? Whoa, that just took the wind out of my sails. I've always leaned towards 2 children, but if they just recently had another one, that's, at least, three! Just like some have indicated here it does explain why Jake doesn't work so much any more. The commenters kept asking why didn't Jake do Crazy, Stupid, Love, (or a film like it) but that started filming in April 2010. Jake couldn't have gone out for that part because he had just finished filming Source Code and was about to promote Prince of Persia.

    It's becoming clearer to me that one reason he hasn't been working so much is because he has a very complicated personal life to coordinate with when it comes to projects. I don't know why these guys just don't come out already. This coming right after that sighting of Maggie in NY with children and the babies reference has sealed it for me. I bow to those who have been watching obviously much more carefully than I.

  34. I think Jake Gyllenhaal and his lover Austin should continue to focus on their new daughter

    Notice the poster said "their" new daughter. They are a Family Tile. I agree, they need to start working on a plan to come out. I sure hope that BI is not about Jake. As some have said, he doesn't need to fake date. He just doesn't. With a cop film on the horizon, I can see him not wanting to come out this year, but that doesn't mean he needs to beard, either. The young male demographic that would be drawn to that kind of film won't even notice if he's dating anyone. They certainly don't see films based on whether or not the lead has a chick on his arm. They dont' care as my 17 year old son has reminded me time and time again.

  35. LOL it's an anon comment on some obscure site. Would you believe it so readily if it was posted on WFT2?

  36. I have several wordsFebruary 24, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    I see no words, is getting nervous. Sorry, but I have to say there are just too many clues leading to a big family for Toothy. Someone said the other day that if there was only a few isolated indications of a GyllenNichols clan then that would be one thing. But, you can see as the family grows and more people know about it, it's harder to hide. I've been on board for awhile, but I am surprised that they did have another one. Looks like they did though. Can't imagine anyone making something up like this.

  37. Yes the trolls are so nervous that 5 BTs are staring them in the face.

  38. because it is already gone over at the website.

    No, it's still there.

  39. Wow what a comment. Thanks for posting it.

    I went back an the comment showed up, maybe it was just slow loading or something.

    Love that they have a new baby girl to add to the family.

  40. Wow! I had to read that comment twice. Well, we know now OFFICIALLY, that the trolls are all kinds of nervous. I clicked on the link and look what someone posted under that gentleman's comment:

    Actually has five children, and one on the way. You can read all about it at this website:
    February 24, 2012 | prairiegirl

    LOL! Didn't someone do this to PrarieGirl before. What was it the OTH site, I think? Everytime someone outside this blog posts on another Internet site, the Troll(s) run over to the site and post something to make it seem like it's OMG people doing it. That comment was posted way back on January 12th, you piece of trash. I'm documenting right now in case anyone comes over here that YOU, Mr. Troll was the one who posted that prairie girl post. What a loon.

  41. Oh that's HILAR! Even going so far as to link to PG's blog. Leave no stone unturned.

  42. Bon Appétit’s March issue has identified Jake Gyllenhaal as one of their tastemakers. Twenty-six people have been named.

  43. I'm going to take a comment by someone I don't know with a huge bucket of salt.

    Nice to see Jake getting recognition for his foodie interests.

  44. A little story of another Jake and Bear adventure in a NY Times article on Bear.

    Then there was the time he and Jake Gyllenhaal, a friend since the actor appeared on “Man vs. Wild” last season, decided to go for a leisurely boat ride in the Santa Monica Bay. “We pull out of Marina del Rey and, I’m not joking, it’s like standing waves, 30 feet high. Absolute monsters,” Mr. Grylls said. “We just got smashed to bits.”

    “Hanging with Bear is not for the faint of heart,” Mr. Gyllenhaal wrote in an e-mail. “He is always pushing the limit, and it is infectious to be around.”

    NY Times

  45. Just opened my Bon Appetit - page 75. Jake says "When kids get their hands dirty in the garden or experiment in the kitchen, they have fun. But more important, they learn how to care for themselves and for each other."

    In the photo with Alice Waters, he has this cute early-80s sweatshirt on with a sailboat on it.

  46. Now, I have to admit that comment from The Film Experience article on Jake was not something I expected to read today. Sounds like someone who knows him personally.

    Interesting that this person indicated that not only is the daughter "theirs" (Jake and Austin's), but he tweets this info just around the time Jake is being tweeted about with Austin (Yogurt, dinner) and then having that "bro" Sushi date. It's obvious the comment is from someone who admires Jake a great deal and he doesn't even think what he is saying is odd, in the least. That is also intriguing. I wonder if like with the "Speaking as a married man" statement of Jake from December 2009, if Jake likes hints being scattered into the winds, knowing naysayers will just shoot down the notion, while he is able to make public what you know he must be extraordinarily proud of as a man and a father.

  47. Want to beleive, But..February 24, 2012 at 10:14 PM

    But, you can see as the family grows and more people know about it, it's harder to hide. I've been on board for awhile, but I am surprised that they did have another one.

    Who knows? Family grows? Who's taking care of the family and family matters?
    Only gay Jake fans on the internet beleive this.
    Others ignore these rumors totally. Jake and Austin may be gay or bi, but they cannot hide 5 children in HW in this day and time. The press and TMZ would be all over this story! J/A would not stand a chance. They are small beans in big ole HW and they would be hung out to dry on this one.

    Have another child(?)while Jake constantly hangs out alone, eats at many diners / rest. alone and with friends, then buys condoms? Come now.

    If you beleive the baby girl comment from an anon, you deffinately have to beleive the condoms tweet by two different people i NYC.

    Question, who's Jake having sex with in NYC? Austin's not in NY.

  48. You're back again. And you still have no real facts. What a surprise

  49. And you still have no real facts.

    ^^ I have no real facts? LMAO

    Show me the children.
    Show me ONE!

    Since everyone believes J/A are married, surely someone can do the research and find the marriage license.

    How about you showing the children pic or coming up with the marriage license WoW at 10:22pm

  50. ^^ but since you have not seen Any of this, what are you left with WoW?

  51. I think something odd is going on with Jake.

    He's a very private person and controls his public persona very carefully Yet in the past few days, a few people have tweeted about meeting him in NYC. Not seeing him at Spin class - meeting him. one girl even tweeted that she had a date with him. Another girl tweeted that "Jake Gyllenhaal just told me I was beautiful" or something. And then those two condom tweets.

    For someone who is very controlling about his image, he seems to have suddenly let go of control, almost like he's pushing this persona out there. It's weird.

  52. You are still the one who alone claims to have all the facts, so it's on you to prove them

  53. I agree with "wow". I find, after five years, the arugument that "You have no facts", tiresome. No matter how many clues are posted, it's always, "LOL." Or "I need a picture". Well, there was that baby in a carriage in Paris. But, you continue to ignore that too. So it's obvious you don't want to believe that Jake is a Daddy. Well, I think it's pretty obvious Jake is a father many times over because I can't keep making excuses for all this evidence that keeps piling up.

  54. Austin's not in NY.
    And, how do you know that?

  55. How many names is that today? The children are staring you in the face.

  56. We know that Austin is not in LA.

  57. Since everyone believes J/A are married, surely someone can do the research and find the marriage license.

    You who like to project that you know so much, surely realizes that California has something called Confidential Marriages, don't you?

  58. The press and TMZ would be all over this story!

    They may know about it but no, they do not have to report it.

  59. That's right prairie girl and Methodical Muser.

  60. Well, there was that baby in a carriage in Paris.

    Wasn't that Ava's doll stroller they were getting out of the car trunk at that hotel?

  61. Boy, you can sure tell that John comment unsettled some people.

  62. Baby in Paris?
    Don't believe the baby was his, Sorry, that baby could have been anyone's. How about the person pushing the stroller. How about that Idea.

    The evidence you speak of is pure speculation by everyone and the reasons could be (speculated also), or, (Explained) by someone else with another point of view, but that's not excepted nor expected.

    No, I don't believe J/A fathered a brood of children to neglect them. NO, I don't. And, if they did, I would not and will not act as if it's wonderful, beautiful and lovely. Not me!
    If that makes me a loon or Troll, so be it.

  63. I'm talking about Jake with Reese and the woman who looks just like one of Jake's nanny's. They are walking out in that Plaza with a baby who would definitely be about the age of BT1 and then Ava runs up and touches him, without thinking. When she realizes that she might have done something wrong she pulls her hand back immediately. The woman doesn't even look at her, which is all kinds of weird. A mother would react to a stranger touching their baby. A nanny who knows Ava wouldn't.

    And, no I don't think that expensive stroller was for Ava's doll. You must be kidding me. Now, that's hilarious.

  64. I'm going to take a comment by someone I don't know with a huge bucket of salt.

    Frankly, that's what we should do then with all comments we read on all blogs, Facebooks and Tweets. We don't know anyone who posts on Just Jared, Gawker, CNN,, Facebook, any Jake site, any Twilight blog, etc. We should doubt absolutely everything we read by just about anyone.

    Or does it have to do more with subject matter first rather than whether or not it's an anonymous poster.

    In essence, I'm an anonymous poster to anyone who hasn't met me personally.

  65. The children are staring you in the face.

    ^^ Where? am I blind?

    I tell you what, I can name the Branjelina children. Oh no I can't, but, I know how many they have and, I've seen them.

  66. I meant to say, one of Jake's Personal Assistants. That's her. I recognized her instantly. Why would one of Jake's PA's be pushing a baby in a stroller with Jake and Reese nearby?


  67. No, I don't believe J/A fathered a brood of children to neglect them. NO, I don't. And, if they did, I would not and will not act as if it's wonderful, beautiful and lovely. Not me!
    If that makes me a loon or Troll, so be it.

    Then don't. That's fine. You're perfectly entitled to that opinion and will be left alone.

    But do not come here and chastise those who do. This is a safe haven for those who believe in one, two, three, four, groups, armies, platforms, and broods of children.

  68. I don't need pictures. I have an open mind and the intellectual capacity to think abstractly. Physics wouldn't even exist if we always demanded photographic evidence.

  69. Boy, some people are really nervous, aren't they?

  70. Good to know that everything and everyone you haven't personally seen doesn't exist.
    Logic as explained by someone who can't remember his name for longer than 2 minutes...

  71. So wait... Jake's personal assistant is also the child's nanny? Does she collect two paychecks for the dual role she performs?

  72. where is this picture or video of the baby carriage in Paris??

    Every time I see it brought up I wonder, but it never gets re posted.

  73. That was definitely Jake's assistant. There are pics of her picking him up at the airport.

  74. To Baby in Paris:

    First: Who said and how do you know for a fact, that Jake hires a Nanny? Did you contact the Nanny agency in LA and find this out?

    Looks like one of Jake's Nanny's??

    (The woman doesn't even look at her),

    ^^ So What? that does not explain anything? Are you aware that pictures taken sometimes can give a look that is not quite correct? Distorted. Example: Watching a NfL football game, it looks like the playing field is small from the cameras point, but it's very large in real life.

    Everything you said about a mother, the stroller are pure speculation and your point of view and don't make any of it actually real. It could be, and it may not be. That's real.

  75. Don't know and I don't care how Jake compensates her, but I'm sure he does whatever is to her tax advantage. That's a little humor, by the way.

    But, yes, the person who was with the stroller in Paris, at that time, was his personal assistant.

  76. Of course, Jake has nannies. That's the Hollywood way. Most celebrities have nannies. That is no big deal.

  77. The personal assistant Jake had in 2008 was the same woman with Jake and Reese in that Parisian courtyard. No doubt about it.

  78. The nannies take the five children on planes etc when they travel, and sit a few seats away. It's common knowledge.

  79. Question, who's Jake having sex with in NYC? Austin's not in NY.
    and he bought condoms!

    ^^ Nobody has answered the above question. Why not.
    Since everyone knows everthing Jake, how many children he has, how many nannys he has, etc etc.

  80. Oh woman of many names at 11:02 again.
    If you don't even know that it was a freaking video, not a picture that shows this, then maybe you should just bow out of the conversation, you know.
    But you kinda seem to like (explaining) things from your point of view without actually looking at the things you're (explaining).

  81. Oh, the irony of mocking us for saying that we think Jake has children in the same post where you are stating that you know where Austin is and what things Jake buys.
    Still obvious by the way, what is that? Name number 5 in the last half hour?

  82. If you want to see the video and photos from Paris, go to WFT2. The extensive discussion took place in January 2010.

    By the way, note that the blog conversation happened on WFT2, not OMG. So don't think it's only OMG who believes Jake is a daddy. Lately, WFT2 has become a pathetic mess but it used to be a wonderful platform to discuss all things about Jake, including Toothy and Goose and Ted info, and the idea that they had children.

  83. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  84. Does anyone really think Jake would go out in public and buy condoms. Get real.

  85. oh yeah, you're right Mr WoW, It was a video. I've seen it. It was so long ago and it meant nothing to me. I saw all of it and I also saw Jake looking at the blonde guy. Now that was very obvious and interesting. The baby carriage thing we both saw differently. OK

  86. Does anyone really think Jake would go out in public and buy condoms. Get real.

    ^^ YES! He's a man Tom

    And why wouldn't he? Please explain.

  87. Jake is Mr. Private. He ain't going to a pharmacy to buy condoms. Give me a break!

  88. LAX your "Another pic of Jake's assistant" - sorry I had to delete it. I got a virus notice on it.

  89. That's it exactly. Jake would not be buying condoms in public, it goes against his whole MO, unless it was intentional and he was making a big show of it, big enough for it to get tweeted TWICE.

    Plus all of the other bizarre tweets...

    From just a few hours ago, there are more:

    Ali Wilson ‏ @aliwilson5
    #thatawkwardmoment when Jake Gyllenhal tells your friend she's fucking creepy then proceeds to hug her
    3h Ali Wilson ‏ @aliwilson5
    Are we really walking down the street with Jake Gyllenhal right now...

  90. ... or maybe it is all PR. Damage control, maybe. Who knows.

  91. thatawkwardmoment when Jake Gyllenhal tells your friend she's fucking creepy then proceeds to hug her

    What does that even mean? "Jake" hugs her because he thinks she's "fucking creepy." Another nonsensical tweet.

  92. By the way, note that the blog conversation happened on WFT2, not OMG. So don't think it's only OMG who believes Jake is a daddy. Lately, WFT2 has become a pathetic mess but it used to be a wonderful platform to discuss all things about Jake, including Toothy and Goose and Ted info, and the idea that they had children.

    That was a special night, I was over there for a little while. It was so much fun. There were some great detectives over there.

  93. You're welcome anytime PG ;)

  94. Shhhhh don't tell anyone but Jake is having the sexFebruary 25, 2012 at 12:31 AM

    Does anyone really think Jake would go out in public and buy condoms. Get real.

    Why? Is there a secret condom store somewhere? How do you think he gets his condoms? Pays a kid outside the store to go in and buy them for him?

  95. When is the last time, after all these years, where we have read tweets about Jake buying condoms? Or did he buy a huge supply that lasted him for a decade and then he just ran out last night?

  96. Why? Is there a secret condom store somewhere?

    Yes. there is one in Diagon alley just next to the place where Harry Potter buys the books of Magic.

  97. When is the last time, after all these years, where we have read tweets about Jake buying condoms? Or did he buy a huge supply that lasted him for a decade and then he just ran out last night?

    Let's see...since twitter only came into being in 2006 and didn't really take off for a couple of years, I'd say it's likely we weren't getting tweets of him buying condoms 10 years ago. On the other hand, I think most folks would have better sense not to tweet about his purchases. But hey young girls will be young girls.

  98. God speaks through tweeter and George W. and now Rick Santorum.

  99. Oh you did hate that John comment, didn't you 0646? Sitting in the stomach like a bad meal, is it?

  100. I find this interesting.

    What are the odds that the Duane Reade floss/condom, the awkward moment Jake "creey" sidewalk hug and now the Jake no flush the toilet in the stall tweets all share the same exact misspellings of his name?

    What are the odds of that?

  101. The odds of someone misspelling Jake's surname? High. Very high. Of course you know this since you've twitsearched those very same misspellings to find sightings of Jake in the past.

  102. 09:28, yes I am that stupid.

    lol. Of course, you ignored my point. I cannot be bothered with you.

    My brother & his wife are so good to us. Omelets are cooking as I speak.

  103. Not Jimmys Egg omelets, of course. Here is hoping that Jimmy's is on the agenda for tomorrow morning!!!!

  104. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  105. So wait, back when Jake had no problem taking off his shirt in front of the paparazzi, Jake never bought condoms? And if he did not a single person, no fan and no reporter from some gossip mag, would ever post this despite Jake being totally okay with being followed and photographed half-naked.

    But now, where he seems to consider getting a haircut such a private thing that he can not be looked at while getting one, he just hops out and buys condoms in clear view of other people in the store? And the two people who suddenly had a change of heart about this whole privacy thing where the ones that saw him?

    That seems very likely.

  106. In the past, people, even teens who say a person / actor purchasing something personl such as condoms or maxipads were only discussed between the person witnessing it friends or family, not the World. Now people,especially teens feel the stupid need to post everything about everything. Now if someones gonna read and except the baby(s) and Jake's daughter tweets, info (not seen), then why in the hell can't you except the tweet about the condoms? It works both ways doesn't it. Not just what you want to use and what you want to discard. Sorry!

    Yes Jake can buy condoms. He's a man. Women, including actess purchase birth control don't they.
    But they may have some challenge in ole VA. What's the big damn deal with Jake buying condoms?
    If someone here believes he's only giving Austin "Nooggie", they are very naieve.

  107. from WFT2

    Jake buying condoms has really got OMG nervous and anxious. What a bunch of prudes to think anyone with a healthy sex life would be embarrassed to buy condoms. Obviously none of OMG have any semblance of a sex life. Talk about projecting their own puritanical views on to Jake. One has to ask - why would Jake need condoms if he is in a happy monogamous "marriage" with Austin. That's what has OMG clutching their pearls - they know deep down that Jake is having sex with someone other than Austin. LMAO

  108. And the two people who suddenly had a change of heart about this whole privacy thing where the ones that saw him?

    ...and happen to be active on twitter. not good odds.

    It's weird - the whole condom thing is weird.

    Everything Jake does for public consumption is coordinated. He has to be very careful. And usually, he is.

    His public persona regarding his dating and sex life is the Jake that was with Reese and Taylor. A serial monogamist looking for "the right woman", and a lonely, bearded hermit in between in times of drought.

    His PR is possibly cooking up something with a French actress. And meanwhile, he's seen buying condoms just after he leaves her bedside on the other side of the pond? Well, that's odd! Doesn't add up for me.

    If someone had tweeted that he was buying diapers, for example, we'd be like yay! he's buying diapers! But then we'd realize that no WAY would Jake be buying diapers in public unless he wanted it out there for the world to know. This is why we never see Jake buying diapers.

    And this is why we never see Jake buying condoms. That's what and personal assistants are for.

    And if he HAS to buy his own condoms, there are ways to do it on the down low without letting all the other tweeting patrons in on your sex life. Jake knows how to be discreet.

  109. but, if someone tweeted he was buying diapers, YOU would except it whole heartedly, jump for joy, and not question it.

    Your response would be "they're taking baby steps to coming out and revealing their family".
    Wouldn't you?

    There would be absolutely NO wierdness then.
    But you can't except a grown man can and will buy condoms and you find it weird?

  110. ^^ teens who Saw a person

  111. You don't even read the posts you respond to, do you, "Don"? (Is that what you're calling yourself for this half hour?)

    But go on, explain why getting a haircut is too private, but letting the world know about needing condoms isn't. Should be funny.

  112. "Don", you ignore my point.

    But then we'd realize that no WAY would Jake be buying diapers in public unless he wanted it out there for the world to know. This is why we never see Jake buying diapers.

    So either this didn't happen, or Jake very deliberately wanted it out there that he was buying condoms for some new ladies man type of angle (very unlikely - casual hookups are not the PR MO of A-list actors, Gerard Butler excepted).

  113. Jake talked openly about sex during LaOD promotion. Why would it phase him to buy condoms? This isn't the 1950's. According to your Ted, Toothy loves having sex in public places, and cruising in alleys next to gay clubs. Why does it threaten some so much that he bought a few rubbers?

  114. Maybe we're being played. As PG points out, all of these weird tweets use the same incorrect spelling and are from young women in NYC who are, let's be honest, marginally attractive and don't have access to people like Jake. It could just be a group of JIS fangirls who cooked up a plan to get us talking about their stupid tweets. Or people who are pissed that Jake just spent a week with Austin in Berlin. I wouldn't put this past the trolls on here.

    At this point I think it is safe to say that the bulk of these weird "I met Jake" type tweets from the past few days are coordinated BS. That, or Jake is going through some serious nervous breakdown and losing it, in which case I am worried about his health.

    I don't see what his PR would gain from planting tweets from fangirl types who get to hang out with Jake. NOT a good image at ALL. This is a guy who dated OSCAR WINNER REESE.

    It's just BS trolls!

  115. The haircut thing seemed as if Jake was surprised that cameras were there and it surprised him in such a private place / setting. Sorry, but that's understandable by rational people. And even if someone was with him, Austin, BT or the brood, some handsome stud, or The model girl also, no, we can't leave her out can we? It seemed a surprise to him and he was pissed. "Most" would be.

    Please stop acting as if Jake is supposed to act the way you think or feel he should act. And as if you know how he's gonna act because you got his life, his wants, needs, and aspirations all figured out, because you don't.

    The "he didn't do this in the past, so why is he doing this now" statements are really like teenage type thoughts. Really they are.

  116. Darn, I noticed that I misspelled "creepy" in my comment up there.

    Everyone mis-spells his name. His name gets all kinds of different combinations.

    But this particular mis-spelling is shared by all three of those odd tweets which were all tweeted yesterday. It stands out to me.

    Sure, the condom tweets can be right. The no-flush tweet could be right. I really, really doubt the creepy hug on the sidewalk tweet to be true at all.

    But the fact that all of those weird tweets were all written with the same exact mis-spelling sends out a spotlight to me.

    Sorry! There are more to tweets than just taking them all at face value. Even the daycare tweet and the stroller tweet, we all investigated the account. This involves looking back through the person's tweet history and reading their Mentions as well. You have to investigate thoroughly to see how well you can get a grasp on the person, see how reliable or trustworthy the tweeter seems.

  117. during all of this discussion about condoms I was thinking about Gerard Butler. LOL

  118. And btw, that guy who did the no-flush tweet? He's a real winner. Not.

  119. Jake never talked "openly" about sex while promoting LaOD. You weren't paying attention again. He did his usual juvenile spiel and talked how he wanted people to realize that sex and love can happen together. That being yourself is enough. Most of his stuff, like always, was incredibly superficial. And, he never exposes his personal life when it comes to the topic. He is far too secretive about his personal life. That's the point.

  120. The "he didn't do this in the past, so why is he doing this now" statements are really like teenage type thoughts. Really they are.

    ^^ more like pre-teen thoughts

  121. A public hair salon right next to a huge hotel during a week-long film festival is NOT a private setting, for gods sake.
    Is an airport also a private setting? As someone famous are you really "surprised" if paps end up there the day after said week-long festival ends ? Give me a fucking break.

    These (supposed) actions by Jake don't happen in a vacuum, so it's ridiculous to say that it makes sense for Jake to both be too private to be seen walking through an airport, but totally okay being seen buying condoms, which while not shameful, IS more private.

    No one here is saying a 30 year-old guy can't be buying condoms or should be ashamed of it. We're not even saying that Jake can't be buying condoms or should be ashamed about it.
    We're saying that going by Jakes behavior for the last few years that has gotten even more out there in the last few weeks, it's highly unlikely that he would do this.

    Also, I guess you aren't going to stick to "Don"...

  122. Jake guards his privacy. These tweeter seem very out of character. And I agree it is interesting that the spelling is the same for all of these tweets. That has to alert at least a yellow flag if not a red flag.

  123. That's nice 11:42. But you totally ignored what Ted has said about Jake loving to take risks, and the examples given. Don't you believe Terd anymore?

  124. Hanging in alleys cruising for sex is "guarding his privacy". Wow, who would have known!

  125. A public hair salon right next to a huge hotel during a week-long film festival is NOT a private setting, for gods sake.

    Yes it is! It's private to him! He was NOT Working. And getting ones hair done "IS" private regardles if 20 other patrons are there. There is no or should be no cameras around. Anyone deserves this. Get it?
    Just because someone is a known star they don't have to be on display all the time? What planet are you from?

    We're saying that going by Jakes behavior for the last few years that has gotten even more out there in the last few weeks, it's highly unlikely that he would do this.

    There you go again. Acting as if Jake life is in a box and you can pick it apart because of past exp. YOU cannot! He's human and he changes. He has a right to. People change all the time. Maybe you're too involved in his life and only want him to change if it's gonna suite your idea or agenda you have for Jake. Once you realize this is not gonna happen the better off you will be then you can stop questioning "his" actions because they don't coincide with what you want.

  126. Did any else check out the article in the NYTimes when it mentioned about Bear and Jake out sailing?

    Why do I think Austin was a part of that three hour tour too?

  127. Do I understand why Jake is annoyed at people taking pics of him in the hair salon? Of course.
    Can you go to a public place and then demand that no one look at you? No, and no amount of defining it "private for me" is going to change that.

    And are you seriously implying people change their whole outlook about privacy in the course of two weeks making them go from zero ("Avert your eyes while I walk through the airport, it displeases me!") to 100 ("Hey random strangers, do you wanna know what I'm doing tonight? Sex, that's what I'm doing!") instantly?

  128. Most of his stuff, like always, was incredibly superficial. And, he never exposes his personal life when it comes to the topic. He is far too secretive about his personal life. That's the point.

    Riiiight. So does that also apply when he said "as a married man"? You can't have it both ways.

  129. When is a a haircut more intimate than sex. Maybe you are confused, a blow dry is part of a haircut. A blow job is sex.

  130. Bingo.
    What ARE the odds. The condom observer, @beatricebeatric... she's in "fashion school." Isn't that adorable?

    BEA RICH ‏ @beatricebeatric
    I'm pretty sure that when I graduate from fashion school I'm gonna only be qualified to be an elevator operator in the garment district.

    Gosh you know what's weird? So is @aliwilson5, tweeter of the creepy hug.

    Ali Wilson ‏ @aliwilson5
    If you're a fashion student or aspiring to be a fashion student, this will thoroughly piss you off.…


    Ali Wilson ‏ @aliwilson5
    Spent my morning organizing outfits and dressing models <3

  131. Sadie Jones @merSADIEs_JONES

    Saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Soul Cycle today! We didnt make eye contact soo I'm not yet sure whether or not he will fall in love with me.
    1:31 PM - 25 Feb 12

    Nicole Quenqua @nquenqua

    Sat next to a lovely homeless couple tweaking on the way to Soul Cycle. Saw Jake Gyllenhaal once I got there. Oh New York City.
    1:16 PM - 25 Feb 12

  132. Too busy to visit yesterday and surprised by all the comments. Also cant be bothered to read the ones from anonymous people. They count as anonymous if they make up a new name every time they say something, so if I missed anything important, let me know.

    Saw this on mynewplaidpants.
    "Deadline has word on Jake Gyllenhaal's Last Movie - that's what I'm calling it until he gets his shit together and actually picks another movie to make - the Bald Cop Drama called End of Watch. Basically a company's bought the film for distribution before the end of the year. Hey maybe by then we'll know if he wants to still be an actor, or if he and Austin Nichols are just gonna buy a little antique shop in Vermont and retire."

  133. I'm going to take a comment by someone I don't know with a huge bucket of salt.

    Frankly, that's what we should do then with all comments we read on all blogs, Facebooks and Tweets. We don't know anyone who posts on Just Jared, Gawker, CNN,, Facebook, any Jake site, any Twilight blog, etc. We should doubt absolutely everything we read by just about anyone.

    Or does it have to do more with subject matter first rather than whether or not it's an anonymous poster.

    In essence, I'm an anonymous poster to anyone who hasn't met me personally.

    PG, it has nothing to do with the subject matter. It has to do with someone claiming to know something a celebrity that is not publicly known. Stating as a fact that Jake and Austin have a new daughter on a thread like that, there is no way to know if the person knows it, or is making it up. Quite different than saying, for example, I saw Jake with a child, or I saw Maggie with her children.

  134. Celebrities don't usually buy personal items in public places, that's what personal assistants are for. I remember years back reading an interview with Jack Nicholson, and he talked about his personal assistant buying his sex toys for him.

    I seem to remember reading another article somewhere that talked generally about personal assistants doing that kind of thing.

    I think the condom buying story is probably made up.

  135. I would think you would need a personal assistant more when you are busy on set or taking meetings. What's Jake been doing since he got back to NYC? Riding the subway, drinking coffee, not flushing and buying condoms. Don't need a PA for that.
