Thursday, February 16, 2012

Faux No More

The writing has been on the wall for since back when Austin tweeted:

"May the bridges I burn light the way." - AUS10 (May 29, 2011)

It was only once in June that we saw Austin and his co-star out together publicly. And even then it was strained.
While it took some time to wind down and slowed to barely registering during filming the last season once filming was officially done it became in more apparent that it was circling the drain if anyone one was paying attention they weren't even trying to make it look like they had a relationship as they persued their own lives, when finally the rumbles of break up grew louder and louder from fans of the show. And the final announcement of moving on down the road came via US Weekly.
Timing is everything as it is for this break up announcement.

But it doesn't seem like Austin is going to doing a Bridgette Jones of eating the contents of one's fridge, and choosing vodka and Chaka Kahn.

Think he will be just fine with beer and bear or two.
And yes, that bridge lit the way, to way way much more.
Enjoy Germany guys!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Of course, trying to keep a level head...

    Knowing that Sophia is also represented by William Morris, the guys knew how things were going to pan out and can now say that Austin is over in Berlin with Jake as a friend. Recovering from "heartbreak", lol.

  3. Kristina Castaner@kristina_cast

    brokeback mountain made me cry more than any heterosexual love story
    5:45 PM - 15 Feb 12via Twitter for iPhone · Details

    Kelly Baker@SmellyBaker

    @kristina_cast It was even better than the Notebook..and totally made me wish I was a gay guy so I could love Jake Gyllenhaal lol damn
    7:38 PM - 15 Feb 12via Twitter for iPhone · Embed this Tweet

  4. But where Sophia could mess up is if she is going to try and take the road of painting Austin in a bad light because unlike Chad, Austin did not treat her badly. The OTH fans liked and loved Austin and I don't think would take kindly to seeing him made out to be a bad guy.

    I'm not sure why it can't be just one of those "amicable" splits.

  5. This all seems planned to me - I will always believe Austin and Sophia are good friends. It's quite odd to read about their six-year relationship but this timeline must come from the beach photos, and we know all about them. Don't have a problem myself with SB.

    I hope J&A are still having a great time in Berlin :)

    I also wanted to say a quick hello to hopeful tb who posts even more occasionally than me but always at good times :)

  6. Good morning, London! Well, guess it's afternoon there.

    I hope the guys are having a great time. Their eyes may be getting a little blurry by now looking at all the films. I wonder when all the film watching is done and how they do a vote?

  7. Ever since that official NY Daily news report (April, 2006) from Jake’s rep, which stated that he and Austin were “just friends”, major life/career/public image shifts are most definitely planned when it comes to these two guys. Soapy got her Valentine’s Day coverage for her new pilot then the next day the grand announcement of the break up followed. Both guys conveniently over in Berlin together, which then sets the stage for the cover story of Jake just comforting a good friend who is brokenhearted. As PG mentioned, WME signed Soapy last October. So now, Jake, Maggie, Soapy and Tay Tay are all represented by William Morris Endeavor.

    It was also interesting that suddenly Swift was on the evening entertainment shows last night with a background story about her “break ups” and how her next CD will not just have one song, but be completely focused on her last crash and burn “romance”. She, of course, was "discreet" and made sure to say that she never "names names." What a gal.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. From ent lawyer re the "split" - "There are stories out there that Austin Nichols and Sophia Bush are splitting after six years together. Umm, six years together as friends? Because they are sure not a couple. I think they both know One Tree Hill is mercifully ending after 23 years on the air and that keeping up the charade is much harder if you are not together 24/7 for many months of the year so they probably announced a "split." Maybe Austin and Hayden Christensen can swap partners. Austin can be with Rachel Bilson for a few years and Hayden can be with Sophia."

    Not sure what is up with Ted, except yeah, he cant make it obvious who Toothy and Goose are. And yes, we know that Austin will be at Jake's side when he finds the one, since he is in fact the one.

  10. WELL, again hate is a strong word but I have no affection for Old Tay. She's 100% conniving and manipulation, from start to finish. What little talent exists is obscured by her manufactured story and fake "real life experience" lyrics. You could get by with maybe one song from a 3-week apple-picking romance, but two is pushing it, and a whole album is beyond LOL.

  11. Remember how we all went "Ewwwww" when it was discovered the bulk of the songs on Jagged Little Pill were about Dave Coulier? LOL

  12. Austin put in another good performance last night on OTH. I think it could the energy, you can see the difference between scenes between him and Sophia and him with others.

    Hey London, and Yo Hopeful. I Love seeing these familiar faces at OMG.

  13. And wow the Entertainment lawyer just says it.

    What else can you say - it's the truth.

  14. Boy could the Entertainment Lawyer make it any clearer that Austin is gay and that he was in a showmance with Sophia Bush?

  15. Swift the sham artistFebruary 16, 2012 at 2:06 PM

    I hope someone up there is not trying to make a credible comparison with Swift's long history of "revenge songs" about gay or bi guys that she has fake dated for publicity, as well as to up her record sales, and the press generated rumors associated with Morissette's "You Oughta Know"? Which by the way has been associated with other guys like Matt LeBlanc and musician Leslie Howe. Swift has made an entire career of exploiting gay guys in her music and now she's trying to presell her next album by alluding to her last "crash and burn" romance and how she's going to avoid men who are obsessed with privacy. Gosh, I wonder who that album is going to be about.

    Personal expression in music is often based on personal experience, but it most certainly should not be based on conniving and deliberative exploitation of a contract you signed knowingly to advance your career, and knew from the very beginning was make-believe.

  16. I think I've seen that Blind Item before. There are lots of closeted celebrities in Hollywood, male and female. Meaning that it's not just the men who need cover when it comes to the PR game.

  17. and that keeping up the charade is much harder if you are not together 24/7 for many months of the year

    Comme now! Then what's your excuse for J/A NOT being together 24/7 for at least 4 years
    (2008/2011). Come on, let's not be one-sided. Those guys were seen together at least 3 times during that time frame. Not saying I totally beleive A/S were an item, but, they were constantly together during that time frame. Are you aware of this????

  18. ^^^ but, you say J/A are married and with child, children????

  19. Haven't seen that blind item before, but wouldn't be surprised if it really is Sophia.

    Free Bird!!!!!! I feel like I should jump up and dig out a lighter and start swaying my arms, lol. Another favorite of mine.

  20. Are you aware that you are stupid? Surely, you don't think that Austin had a beard to give him cover for being hetero do you? Of course he publicly had Sophia because Jake was beardless and probably Evelyn insisted upon it when Jake refused to pair up again.

    If Jake and Austin weren't together all these years there would have been no reason for this elaborate hoax. Both men were hiding their relationship AND their growing family. I use to think there were maybe 2 kids. Now, I think there are maybe a lot more. Jake has acted like a cave dweller/recluse since Reese dumped him at the end of 2009. He's not doing that because he's gay. I suspect he's doing that because he has a growing family.

  21. Haven't seen that blind item before, but wouldn't be surprised if it really is Sophia.

    I wouldn't either. Sophia had an assistant in Wilmy who appeared with her on a lot of her personal trips, including Bonnaroo last year. She also was in L.A. with her for the Q&A's which kind of took me by surprise. There are just several other things that have made me pause to wonder.

    Free Bird!!!!!! I feel like I should jump up and dig out a lighter and start swaying my arms, lol. Another favorite of mine.

    LOLLL. Ol' Lynyrd Skynyrd. A classic. I think of that newer version by, was it T'Pau or something like that?

  22. I meant to say the other day that Jake's presentation speech for Meryl Streep was very, very good and it was also entertaining at times. He did a fine job.

  23. They have not stayed away from each for years. They were together throughout 2007. And, there is plenty of evidence that Austin was over in Europe with Jake in the summer of 2008 when he was filmimg Prince of Persia. After the Espy Awards, Austin literally disappeared until October when Jake just happened to returned to LA. During the POP shoot, Jake lived in an eight room secluded building while filming in Morocco. To this day, Jake continues to consistently have two vehicles. Then there's a picture of Austin in the background at the Farmers Market from late 2008 (December, I think). In March 2009, it's believed that Austin was at Maggie and Peter's wedding (pic with a very tall guy wearing a hat like Austin sports). Go back to previous OMG, posts there's lots more evidence.

    Oh, yeah, and many people here said that Jake and Austin would never get engaged or married to their beards. Even though most thought that's where both men were headed. I think there is a reason for that kind of confidence. Those guys are already married to each other.

  24. I have to admit that I was one of those who thought the writing was on the wall that Jake and Reese were going to go all the way and tie the knot. Mostly, because Jake is such a pushover. Don't know why I forgot about that court ruling in California back in May, 2008. Then someone pointed to that interview Jake gave right out of the gate after Reese dumped him where he says he speaks as a married man. We all know Jake lies, but only about things that keep him in the closet. He certainly wouldn't lie about something that ran counter to the carefully constructed image Evelyn had been creating. That is unless he was so mad, (which I can believe he was at the time) and made sure to slip the subversive statement into one of his first interviews. Sounds like Jake to me. Everyone thought he just misspoke. I can see Jake laughing his head off at that one.

  25. Sorry I haven't been involved in the dicussion lately. I have been sending off thousands and thousands of letters to Ted:-)

    Still awesome this week to have seen Jake with "The One" this week in Berlin. Hopefully much more to come.

  26. Sorry I haven't been involved in the dicussion lately. I have been sending off thousands and thousands of letters to Ted:-)

    LOL! Where do you ever find the time, Tom?

    Some very good points, onboard and just saying. Well researched and remembered. Because that's what it takes when following a story like this. You have to look beneath the PR lies and photo ops. Particularly, when there is suddenly a huge push to get the public to look over here, when they really should be looking over there. It's called bait and switch, connivance, complicity, trickery, snow job...etc. No doubt one of the reasons those movie tickets cost so much there days. It's not cheap covering up the truth.

  27. Just saying you act like some Jake/Austin stalker, really you do.
    There is no evidence to anything you have stating in your comments. Yes the guys are friends and maybe more. But this idea that Austin was always with Jake even when you, me, we, and nobody else seen him (with Jake) does not make it true just because you say it IS True. Sorry, you don't get to change reality with your Creative Visualization.

  28. This all seems planned to me - I will always believe Austin and Sophia are good friends. It's quite odd to read about their six-year relationship but this timeline must come from the beach photos, and we know all about them

    Often when the phrase on again/off again is used in Hollywood rags, there is a fauxmance going on between the couple in question. I came across several articles yesterday and today that used that very wording. Look back at Jake and Kirsten's "coupledom". The same description is applied with them as well.

  29. Creative Visualization.?????

    Now, that's funny. That's a new one on me. Is that what PR calls lying to the public? No one is stalking anybody. This info is all availble publicly. Just because you refuse to stay focused on what is happening and mush everything together so events become meaningless, doesn't mean other people do.

  30. Jake's and Austin's relationship is true.

  31. Hollywood couples are seperated for long periods of time due to work. Many of these relationships have failed because of this. J and A s seemed to have survived.

  32. They are in Berlin together aren't they? After so many people said Jake and Austin were never even in the same city for years on end.

  33. Tom. LOLLLLL. Good thing you aren't having to use stamps, buddy.

    I think it's great to have these new (or maybe not so new?) welcomed additions to OMG. I'm excited.

    Snap! It's too bad we can't all meet around a table at.......oh.....Applebee's or have pancakes at Bob Evans and just have a big ol' hootenanny. We could get a big dry erase board and M&M and Special could give a big PowerPoint presentation. The Big Sekrit Word Doc come to life!!!!!!


    I think we could rent a classroom here at a local college and we could have a full day of Jake & Austin 101, complete with guest speakers and of course, a free lunch flown in from one of Austin's favorites like that Ammo place. Sorry, none of Jake's faves allowed.

    1. Bearding Basics and 101 steps to Avoid. 4 hour class.

    2. How to Avoid Injuries During Nookie and First Aid Tips for those Unavoidable Accidents

    3. Fashion by Jake. Free pair of Army Green Cargo Pants with enrollment. Class only 60 seconds long!!

    4. #TwoWheelTuesday Riding Basics and 5k Ride Students who can complete the race will advance to Surfing.

    5. Secrets of Clever Tweeting with Tips for Successful Shout-outs to Mom

    6. Advanced CoffeeHouse Basics. Why is sitting against a brick wall the best pole position? Please bring IPad or comparable E-reader and earplugs. Newspaper optional.

  34. LOLLLLLLLLLL!!!! Okay, that was fun.

  35. Why oh Tom Tom Tom? We have a ton of reasons for this belief. It doesn't matter that people who haven't followed all the clues don't want to believe us. There are plenty of places to go if you don't, including WFT 2 which today deleted a factual comment of mine about the tweets and photos. Your denial is your issue, not ours.

    I hadn't been there in years and won't bother again.

  36. They are in Berlin together aren't they? After so many people said Jake and Austin were never even in the same city for years on end.

    They weren't! On many ocassions, and for Years. This is a fact. Jake alone many places while Austin was alone or with What's her Name for Year(S). Where have you been. You can say A/J were together during these time all you want, but it don't make it real.

    Yes they are together in Europe and I hope they have a damn good time. I wish I was there with them. LOL

  37. Fashion by Jake could just be a postcard/flier class. Pick up at the registration table. Why bother with a class? lol

    Actually, I should make a slight curriculum adjustment. Okay, so the Fashion by Jake class is the American Version ONLY!!!!! American version only (because we get crap)

    London and Germany versions are a full 60 minutes complete with slide presentation and video. Binoculars, Mimosas and La-Z-Boys provided. Be prepared for frequent "pauses", "zooms" and "rewinds".

  38. This is a fact.

    NO, it is not. You don't know so stop acting like you do. You have no idea.

  39. Know a Troll When You See OneFebruary 16, 2012 at 9:09 PM

    Troll wants to disrupt things. They are jealous of our enjoyment and want attention to be drawn to them instead.

  40. 8:58pm what the heck are you talking about.

  41. Hey Monk good to see you flexing your powers of deduction. They are always welcome here.

  42. We love this casting!

    "Ugly Betty" star Michael Urie has joined CBS comedy pilot "Partners," from "Will and Grace" dream team David Kohan and Max Mutchnick.

    Urie plays Louis, a gay architect whose straight business partner, Charlie, has been his best friend since childhood. The story is based on Kohan and Mutchnick's real life partnership and BFF-ship.

    "One Tree Hill's" Sophia Bush has nabbed the lead role of Ali, Charlie's girlfriend, who complicates Louis' and Charlie's epic bromance when Charlie decides to propose. Charlie has yet to be cast, but if we could, we'd already be setting up a season pass on our DVRs.

    Currently, Urie can be seen on Broadway in "How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying" alongside Nick Jonas.

  43. Well that's one co-star Sophia won't be hooking up with, Michael Urie is out.

  44. I should have also added not bearding with too.

  45. Well that's one co-star Sophia won't be hooking up with, Michael Urie is out.

    Oh irony. Urie's character on Ugly Betty had the hots for Jake!

  46. Really! That's hilarious Special.

    Man, how heartbreaking is it to have gay marriage pass the New Jersey Legislature when that idiot Christy is going to veto it. Don't you just love politicians who think civil rights should be put up for a vote.

    Tom, your governor has got to go!!!!!

  47. Glad to see some new voices. As the true facts fall into place, doubters are finally coming around.

    I missed OTH again. Hopefully it will be available on demand later so I can catch up.

  48. You aren't kidding Destiny. I can't stand the guy. The Repuklicans love him. They want him to be your President. OMG.

  49. Sorry monk. Read that wrong last night.

  50. Looking over Ted's letter again.

    Dear Ted:
    How nice to see Jake Gyllenhaal and his BFF Austin Nichols at the Berlin Film Festival. It is rare to see such good friends in H.W. these days. I bet these two will be the best man in each other's wedding someday, whenever that may be?

    Dear From Germany With Love:
    Well, duh. Gylley and Austin have been besties since forever and A.N. has been there for Jake during his more burdensome breakups (like, say, from Reese Witherspoon), so he'll definitely be at J.G.'s side when he finds "The One." But open your eyes, Jers, there are tons of bromances in T-town. Hell-o, George and Brad?!

    He not only says that Austin will be by his side when he finds "The One" but he also differentiates that this not just a bromance but more with his last sentence.

    Also interesting that Ted chooses Gylley as Jake's name for his one.

  51. Michael K about Austin and Sophia 'break up':

    Afternoon Crumbs
    Jakey Gyllenhaal's (s)holemate is all his again - ICYDK

  52. Dear Ted:
    I email quite a bit about B.V.'s that I'm sure people would love to hear about instead of the overpublicized certain "couple." Vice articles used to be so juicy. Could you throw us old-schoolers some sort of bone here and fill in some blanks on Toothy Tile/Grey Goose, Dashed Dingle-Dream and Judas Jack-Off, Crotch Uh-Lastic and King Schlong. I'm starting to think you don't actually answer emails, rather make your own up...prove me wrong, love!

    Dear Where Have You Been:
    Uh, never made up an email in my life. Certainly no need, nor would I. And, babe, I chat about T2 and G2, DDO and JJO, CU-L and the King a ton. And trust me, if there was anything especially Vicey going on with any of my fave Vicers (yes, I love this crowd as much as you do, ya old-schooler), I'd give you the deets ASAP. Duh.

  53. Anyone? Anyone?? Bueller?February 17, 2012 at 7:43 AM

    Someone explain to me again how Austin was advancing his career by attending the presidents speech instead of screenings now that the president has resigned over all the allegations less than a week later?

    Seems to me, Austin is really bad at this whole using Jake for connections thing.
