Monday, February 27, 2012

Missed by that...Much

Anyone else notice the Oscars didn't seem the same last night.

It was the same theater. With a familiar host. The same reporters asking the same questions.

So what was it?

This guy.
And it wasn't just the smile.
Or the way he works a tux.
Hope to see you next year big guy.
And your Berlinale plus one.


  1. I'll add Zac to about any list of mine, lol!!

    Yes indeed, Mr. Zac-y. Who gave new meaning to a stock car driving suit. He looked incredible in that thing.

    The Oscars were so boring last night. Hugely boring. Even Billy Crystal's opening numbers weren't funny at all, I didn't think. Same ol, same ol. And I'm not sure whatever on earth Angelina Jolie thought she was burning up by poking her Rold Gold pretzel stick leg out of her dress but that was pretty embarrassing.

  2. I cannot get enough of Jake in that swirling coat. I love that picture.

    Someday I hope for a picture of the guys like Zachary Q. and his date. I think Austin would burn up the red carpet in flames unlike how they had him in that OTH wedding suit. I'm so glad he didn't look good in that wedding scene. I think had Jake been the other party in that scene, Austin would have looked out of this world.

    But oh well. lol. I'll just get out my yarn and needles...

  3. Awww, Adam and Sauli were at Elton's party. Adam looks great although I wish he wouldn't chi chi chi chi chia pet his hair so tall. He has gorgeous black hair (I know, it's dyed but who cares) and it seems distracting when it's so high in the air like a lawn that needs mowing.

  4. Lady CC ‏ @OTH2003

    @SophiaBush y don't u follow @AUS10NICHOLS anymore?...
    11:11 PM - 26 Feb 12 via web

  5. Yeah, the Oscars were kind of boring this year. Agree about Billy Crystal too PG. I think he's getting a little long in the tooth for doing that kind of slapstick routine, and he looked bad; puffy face, hair dyed too black. They really should let someone younger host.

    I thought the dresses were pretty meh too, expect for Penelope Cruz's, I thought her dress as stunning.

    Missed Sacha, will have too look for it on line, and for the party pictures of people like Adam.

  6. Billy has decorum and "togetherness". But I agree, he just wasn't cutting it for me last night.

    Now I was reading online this morning that Seth Rogen was a hit as host of the Independent Spirit Awards. Or do I say that just because he called out the Grammys on giving Chris Brown so much face time? lol

    Seth Rogen's line about The Artist winning Best Feature I thought was pretty funny.

  7. The Oscars were SO boring. Sure, I'd not seen any of the nominated movies, but even in those years I usually love to watch! I missed Jake, and various other eye candy. The dresses were dull. Would LOVE to see Austin in a tux, he would literally burn up the carpet. That man is... hot isn't even the right word for Austin. He smolders.

  8. ... not unlike my main man, John Taylor ;)

  9. I watched the Independent Spirit Awards and I thought Seth did a great job. Loved the digs at Chris Brown.

    Austin in a tux would be awesome.

  10. March issue of Bon Appétit: (Just click on Jake and Alice Waters' photo.)

    It’s about the children

  11. Lady CC ‏ @OTH2003

    @SophiaBush y don't u follow @AUS10NICHOLS anymore?...
    11:11 PM - 26 Feb 12 via web

    Ah, 'tis true, Twitter followers. Ms. Bush doesn't follow Austin any longer.

    He still follows her but then it's also hard to tell just how much attention Austin pays to his Twitter account anymore. He hasn't posted a Twitterpic in forever, still staring at that awful picture of sad Sophia as his last posted Twitterpic.

    Jana Kramer doesn't follow him any longer either; I thought they were good friends?

    So unless Austin has plans to let his account gradually die, which he's doing a pretty good impression of right now, I'm not sure why someone like Jana would stop following him.

    It's also interesting that Sophia stops following him. That kind of goes against the exhibition that it was an "amicable split", doesn't it?

  12. I find it interesting that Awful Truth Ted now follows Austin. He didn't used to in the very beginning although he has followed Sophia for a long time. Not sure when Ted started following Austin.

    I can very much understand Austin's time constraints, no denying that. With what I believe to be a houseful of munchkins getting into this and that at the drop of a hat, he has a ton of other things on his mind.

    But I do think it is a mistake to let the Twitter account go as dormant as it has been. He has a tremendous fan base built upon his tweets and they are extremely loyal to him, despite the blow-up of Sophin. That says a lot for him.

    I'll never forget watching Twitter on a day that it was becoming apparent there was something very wrong in Sophinland, Sophia lost several tens of thousands of followers in a matter of 24 hrs. She's slowly regaining a lot of those back but I think that says a lot for Austin.

    As much as Austin has said he dislikes Twitter and went into it kicking & screaming, I think it would be a big mistake to disband it.

    Twitter is relevant and widely used by celebrities and big business alike. Whether you like it or not, I think it is here to stay.

  13. Prairiegirl you are wrong, Sophia still follow Austin.

  14. Sorry to be so vociferous this morning, this'll be my last for awhile. I've got to get out and do some stuff.

    Austin's tweets were quirky, informative, funny (save for his early ones which we all know could be quite crude and some were definitely not in good taste, but hey. He learned.)

    He's an extremely likeable guy. His fans miss him. And if he can gear up and use his Twitter account for his personal advantage in the days leading up to his directing episode, then he can stick it out afterwards. He used Twitter to publicize his directing episode then asked his followers to tweet at two networks to use him as director for other shows, etc.

    That's great - he's using Twitter there as a very constructive albeit shameless tool. (lol)

    But now he goes silent again. That's kind of using your followers not very nicely.

    If he indeed wants to go further in his career whether in acting or directing, I would think he would be wise to hang onto the large twitter fanbase that he has built and don't abandon them now.

  15. It's also interesting that Sophia stops following him. That kind of goes against the exhibition that it was an "amicable split", doesn't it?

    No! It may mean they were really involved, you know, as in really girlfriend/boyfriend. Then when it ends, no more talking or interaction.

    Normal relationship splits.
    know what I'm talking about?

    But if they were friends involved in a bearding contract, there would be no need to cut off all talking / tweeting because they would still be friends and socializing because they were friends before said showmance, why stop now.

  16. you are wrong said...

    Prairiegirl you are wrong, Sophia still follow Austin.

    I don't believe she was this morning, I checked when I saw that tweet asking her why she was no longer following him but hey, I could have messed up.

    And why did that other tweeter ask her why she was no longer following Austin? If you have a Twitter account, there are quick ways to tell who you share followings with.

    But I will stand corrected if I said a wrong.

    lol - you took great delight in that, didn't you? YOU ARE WRONG!


  17. Thanks M&M for the link to Bon Appetite with Jake and Alice. We will have to play guess when that picture is taken by the length of his beard and his hair, since he's wearing his"I love my tan khakis so much I can't stop wearing them" pants.

    It could be another reason he was up in San Francisco one of those weekends.

  18. I am breaking my own rule, posting but not logged in (at work!)

    Sophia is still following Austin. If you look at her followers, he's the first person she followed and he is still there. Twitter does NOT work if you rely on its helpful tool that supposedly tells you who you are following that also follows another person you are following (confusing!) anyway, I have found that tool does not work.

  19. The Oscars kind of snoozy. I loved that Octavia, Christopher and Meryl won and though the Cirque de Soleil thing was great. Billy's intro was good but then it just kind was well...

    I must admit I thought the thing that happened to Seacrest couldn't have happened to a better guy. : D
    I just wish we could have seen the hissy he threw.

  20. No! It may mean they were really involved, you know, as in really girlfriend/boyfriend. Then when it ends, no more talking or interaction.

    Normal relationship splits.
    know what I'm talking about?

    Simmer down. I'm sorry to tell you, Sophin was not real.

    And I'm not the one who tweeted Sophia asking her why she wasn't following her anymore, it was a big OTH fan, OTH2003, who did.

  21. Sophia is still following Austin. If you look at her followers, he's the first person she followed and he is still there. Twitter does NOT work if you rely on its helpful tool that supposedly tells you who you are following that also follows another person you are following (confusing!) anyway, I have found that tool does not work.

    Yeah, I'm beginning to see that now, OwlGirl. ;D

    It's not a huge deal but at the time, what I thought I was seeing, I found it interesting. No longer interesting! lol

    Subject closed! On to the next, like Ryan Seacrest getting dumped on.

    He did look furious but he also kept it very under control. You have to hand it to him, he has the ultimate composure of a professional and that's why he gets paid so much.

    But boy, I bet he threw a hissy fit later and I bet that Cohen guy feels repercussions later from this. Seacrest has a lot of clout, I think.

  22. yeah of course you are an authority in telling whether Sophia was real or not. LOL!

  23. Seacrest has a lot of clout, I think.

    If Seacrest had a lot of clout that bit would never have gotten approved. None of the other networks carrying the red carpet had SBC on. It was def prearranged with SBC and Seacrest.

  24. Really? Well, I was unaware of no one else having SBC on. Perhaps you are right, eye roll.

    But then maybe no one else had him on because he was on E! first. And by then, he had spilled all his ashes out of the urn so unless he had a back-up urn to spill on Robin Roberts or someone else, I don't know.

    Ryan looked realistically peeved to me. I hope it wasn't a stunt - that would be really irritating.

    I don't know. I'm not convinced of your thought. But maybe more will be revealed about it. I'm open to your opinion.

    And yeah, I think Seacrest does have some clout. It sounds to me like he had Ted Casablana put "off the air" for awhile a couple of years ago after one of his BV's began to sound like Ryan.

  25. fake? said...

    yeah of course you are an authority in telling whether Sophia was real or not. LOL!

    What is this, Justice For Her hour on OMG?

    Please. I cannot be bothered.

    #Spotted!!!!! Kale at my local Price Chopper grocery store!! lol. It was buried amongst some other odd looking greenery and looked rather old. Something tells me Johnson Countians just aren't near as keen on kale as the Jakester. We're a little uncouth here.

  26. Hey, did I do something or did Blogger change their Comment screen? Mine looks so weird.

    I think I must have clicked on something wrong.

  27. No, I had the same thing happen, I guess Blogger has changed the look. I don't like it as well as the old one.

  28. Me neither!!

    Change!! I hate change!!

    **kicks at the ground**

  29. Just noticed it as well. Glad to know it wasn't just thought it was me.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Well I may not like the way it looks when I open up the comments on a computer, but they've finally adapted Blogger so that it is much easier to use on a Smart phone.

  32. That's cool, Destiny! I can't wait to see if it's made a difference on my phone. Oh, I'll get used to it on the computer. It's just you know how change hard. lol

    Destiny, this alternative station I listen to now on America Online plays quite a few selections from Neil Young and I really have grown to like his voice and his music. I LOVE Harvest Moon.

  33. Yeah right, this would so be Jake:

    J Gyllenhaal FanSite ‏ @Jake_Gyllenhaal

    Wtf is peoples problem? Really not in the mood today
    12:10 PM - 26 Feb 12 via Twitter for iPhone

    J Gyllenhaal FanSite ‏ @Jake_Gyllenhaal

    3:13 PM - 27 Feb 12

    J Gyllenhaal FanSite ‏ @Jake_Gyllenhaal

    Why Do I Live In A World Full Of F** Up C**?
    3:14 PM - 27 Feb 1

    ^^ And those are why his people really need to address this Twitter account. He's making Jake sound like he's strung out on too many anti-depressants or something.

  34. IHJ has another pic from the Bon Appetit story.

    Farmer Jake and Alice

  35. Oscar Winner Christopher Plummer on Straight Actors Playing Gay: "We All Do a Great Job"

    "The sexual differences cancel each other out," Christopher Plummer, 82, explained to me backstage after nabbing the first Oscar of his life for playing a gay man.

    I'd just asked Plummer if he felt Hollywood and the Academy liked showing support for gay roles, less so actors who are gay in real life.

    Plummer was adamant:

    "We all do a great job, gay and straight," Plummer said about straights taking on the often award-winning gay roles.

    And the man who has now joined an illustrious list of heterosexuals winning Oscars for going gay (Sean Penn for Milk, Tom Hanks for Philadelphia, Philip Seymour Hoffman for Capote) summed it up:

    "All actors do our best," finished Plummer, who thinks no double standard exists.

    Interesting thought. How many gay Oscar winners are there?

    In the plum acting category, that is?

  36. For PG said...

    Angelina Jolie
    February 27, 2012 6:41 PM

    LOLLLLLL!!! That's hilarious!!!!

  37. Maggie Truitt ‏ @msmaggietruitt

    Should've said hi to fellow texan @AUS10NICHOLS while he was at my office. I didn't. Sigh.
    5:54 PM - 27 Feb 12 via Echofon

  38. Oh, and btw, location for msmaggietruitt?

    Studio City CA

  39. It's called wait and see for more tweets. There was this one earlier today:

    Lauren D ‏ @LTaylor03
    from Los Angeles, CA

    Pretty sure I just saw Jake Gyllenhal driving and he drives like an asshole.

    3:50 PM - 27 Feb 12 via TweetCaster for Android

  40. Twitter Profile on msmaggietruitt:

    Maggie Truitt ‏ @msmaggietruitt

    Texas Forever, LA for now...WBTV: I love my job...anything Disney makes me happy...Sports Fanatic :)

  41. I like the new look.

    Me need more pics.

  42. Well you know I love Neil Young PG. I prefer his hard-rocking numbers, but there are some beautiful songs on Harvest Moon.

    I hadn't thought about Plummer being yet another straight actor winning an Oscar for playing a gay man. Kind of disturbing when you think about the fact that a gay man playing those roles probably wouldn't have gotten the same recognition. In fact the film would probably get relegated to the gay ghetto.

  43. This was in Ted's Afternoon Mail. It's Ted's answer that got me thinking.

    Dear Ted:
    Can I be honest? I was about to fall asleep with Billy Crystal and all those old people on the Oscars. At least Angelina Jolie and J.Lo woke us up with their awesome bods. Why didn't younger stars like Jonah Hill and Michelle Williams get any recognition? Why is the Academy so obsessed with old people? Sorry.

    Dear Not Sorry:
    Ever thought it sometimes takes a few more years in the biz to earn an Oscar?! That said, I was privately rooting for Jonah Hill in Moneyball, and I actually thought the Academy might get with it and award him the Oscar (Hill was more deserving than Plummer, in my opinion, so over that play-gay-automatically-get-Oscar deal). And I say, next year: Hosts should be either Emma Stone and Tina Fey, Angelina and J.Lo or make it an Oscar-winning duo with Octavia Spencer and Mo'Nique!

    What it makes me think about is Jake.

    Still think the reason he didn't win was because he so close to coming out and that scared the hell out of HW.

  44. I yam harry styles. ‏ @ohemge1D

    I just found out that my physical therapist is jake Gyllenhall's uncle. Guise I have connections.

  45. The new blogger format is odd. I guess I'll get used to it after a few days. The comment spot is at the top rather than the bottom, which is disconcerting.

    I watched Billy's opening number and then shut it off. It was funny but he has done that bit to death and if you did not know the movie plots, it meant nothing. I think I saw exactly one oscar nominated movie this year, tops.

    Ted mentioned a few blind vicers earlier who would be at the Oscars. No Toothy and no Jake. Another clue in the string of many that point to Toothy as jake.

  46. Baby Flynn!! Aw, Baby Flynn is walking with assistance at the Australian airport. Hope that means he's finally coming back to the States - been far too few pics of Baby Flynn. Cute, cute, cute. Too cute for words.
