Sunday, February 19, 2012

Out Spotlight

Today's Out Spotlight has spent her career in ministry. She is a suffragan bishop (Assistant Bishop) in the Diocese of Los Angeles in the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. She is the first open lesbian to be consecrated a bishop in the Anglican Church. Today's Out Spotlight is Mary Douglas Glasspool.

Mary Douglas Glasspool was born February 23, 1954 in Staten Island, New York, to Douglas Murray Glasspool and Anne Dickinson, while her father was the Rector of St. Simon's Episcopal Church and Vicar of All Saints' Church in New York City. That same year the family moved to Goshen, New York, where her father an ordained Episcopal priest served as Rector of St. James’ Church until his death in 1989.

The future priest was the child of a priest. Her father was the Rector of St. Simon's Episcopal Church and Vicar of All Saints' Church in New York City when she was born on February 23, 1954. Two months later he was appointed Rector at St. James' Church in Goshen, New York and continued to serve there until his death in 1989.

She enrolled at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1972 where she excelled academically and graduated magna cum laude with honors in music in 1976. She also received the college's prestigious Hofstader Prize, awarded annually to recognize the outstanding woman in the graduating class.

While at Dickinson, she grapple with two important personal questions that would shape her future, her sexual orientation and the work she would devote her life.

At the time, the Episcopal church was not as welcoming to gays and lesbians, and the ordination of women, gay or straight, was still very controversial in the church.

Glasspool recognized she was a lesbian and acknowledge her desire to enter the family business of the priesthood.

She informed her father of her determination to become a priest.
The Reverend Douglas Glasspool was conservative, opposing to the ordination of women and wouldn't even let girls serve as acolytes at his church, but he gave his daughter his blessing to pursue her calling.

"I was an exception to his rules, not an example of the rule itself. That's how he was able to live with it. In his own gracious way, he sort of separated out public and private," stated Glasspool to Lisa Miller of Newsweek, adding, "I think he honestly was proud of me on a personal level and wanted to support me but couldn't break out of the kind of characteristics he himself promoted as someone who upheld the Tradition."

She entered the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1976 to study for the ministry and was ordained a deacon in June 1981 and a priest in March 1982.

While still in the seminary, she attended the General Convention of the Episcopal Church and signed up to be one of the people giving short presentations before the subcommittee on resolutions regarding sexuality, including whether there should be barriers to the ordination of homosexuals.

She made the point that when talking about human sexuality, one was not talking about "issues" but about people. She concluded her remarks by saying, "I trust that God's love at this Convention will transcend the issues and address the people--all of us--in our wholeness. I trust and pray that that same love will prevent any of us from condemning others--particularly, in this case, homosexuals--in our human, and full, and loving wholeness."

As she sat down after her testimony, she was approached by her Bishop, the legendary Paul Moore, who was later revealed to have been bisexual and who became the first Episcopal Bishop to ordain an openly lesbian priest. He gave her a big hug and told her, "Now that you've come out to 1,500 people, don't you think it's about time to tell your parents?"

In 1981, she became the assistant to the rector at St. Paul’s Church in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, where she served until 1984. She went on to be the rector of St. Luke's and St. Margaret's Church in Boston from 1984 to 1992, then the rector of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Annapolis, MD from 1992 to 2001.

During her years in Boston, Glasspool became acquainted with another woman priest, Barbara Harris, whom she nominated for Bishop Suffragan of Massachusetts in 1988. Harris was the first woman elected bishop, a decision that caused considerable controversy.

Glasspool was on the committee in charge of arranging security for Harris's consecration. Precautions included outfitting Harris with a bullet-proof vest to wear under ecclesiastical robes at the ceremony, the same measure that would be taken at the installation of V. Gene Robison, the first openly gay man to become a bishop, in 2003.

While working in Boston, Glasspool also met her life-partner, Becki Sander, who was studying for advanced degrees in both theology and social work. The couple has been in a committed relationship since 1988.

Glasspool left Boston to become the Rector of St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Annapolis, Maryland in 1992. The suburban parish was considerably larger and better funded than the one she served in Massachusetts.

In the 1990s the was tension within the Episcopal church on their stance on homosexuality. Glasspool did not duck specific questions about her own sexual orientation, but the members of her fairly conservative congregation generally refrained from asking any, and so her partner Sander "was invisible as far as the parish was concerned," she said.

In 2001 Glasspool was chosen to be Canon to the Bishops of the Diocese of Maryland, and with the new post she took on a wider range of responsibilities. "In my heart, I believe there is a significant part of me that is and always will be a parish priest," she stated, but she rose to the challenge of serving the entire diocese through preaching and teaching, attending to the needs and concerns of clergy, organizing retreats, and working on planning and development, among other duties.

Because of the breadth and diversity of her experiences in that position, Glasspool was a strong candidate when the Diocese of Los Angeles sought to elect two Bishops Suffragan in 2009.

Glasspool was elected a bishop suffragan on December 4, 2009, on the seventh ballot at the 115th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles in Riverside, California. On March 17, 2010, the Presiding Bishop’s Office certified that her election had received the necessary consents and she was consecrated on May 15, 2010, in Long Beach, California. The ceremony was briefly halted when a man and a young boy began shouting homophobic remarks, but the congregation rallied in support of Glasspool and, by extension, of other GLBT members of the church.

She is the 17th woman and the first openly gay woman elected to bishop in the Episcopal Church.

Her election gained worldwide attention as part of the ongoing debate about gay bishops in the Anglican Church.


  1. Just to add to the discussion on the old post about Austin and Claire:

    Didn't the official timeline also say that they met when Austin was in his last year and she had left high school already? I'm not sure how they could be "high school sweethearts" as Austin called them, since at least one of them wasn't even in high school anymore...

    But what sealed the deal for me about something being off about the Claire/Austin relationship always was the two different break-up stories.
    First she supposedly threw him out along with all his clothes and he was forced to sleep first in his car then on a "friends couch".
    Then, when that caused speculation about him and Jake, Austin completely rewrote the story and said that he and Claire calmly sat down and had a discussion about their relationship and mutually agreed to break up. Those two stories are so opposite, there is no way both can be true.

    Funnily enough in the same interview he first referenced having been on dates with Sophia, so I'm going to go with him taking some liberties with the truth in that interview.

  2. Also, someone who is 100 percent comfortable with being gay and proud of who they are is not going to beard in the first place.

    Guess we'll just have to disagree on that one. Let's put it this way, if Jake or Austin weren't in the profession they find themselves in, I would say they would have very little problem being out and proud. It's the pressure to stay in the closet that has kept them there. Otherwise, I think they are both comfortable with who they are.

    Claire lying for Austin is all part of the deal. Whether that's to teen rags or a hometown newspaper. Oswalt showing up at the Vanity Fair party with Jake and Austin in February 2005, with a big, genuine smile on her face told me all I needed to know because there was no horrible break up. Sounded like a PR story anyway. Melodramatic and full of unnecessary details. PR probably thought after they were supposed to have been dating for 7 years, there had to be some major fight to separate them. They never counted on that photo at the Vanity Fair party being taken and someone recognizing her with Jake and Austin. And, didn't the story change later on when people started speculating that Austin was staying with Jake? Which also tells me the whole thing was made up.

  3. more conspiracy theoriesFebruary 19, 2012 at 6:18 PM

    This German photo agency has an interesting set of pics taken today in what looks like the Berlin airport that says: “Berlinale staff tried to prevent pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal” and there are 5 people including a security guard trying to block the view. There is another set of Jake walking at the airport. So why would 5 security people try to block the view, if they let the paps get a clear pic of Jake walking through the airport. What were they hiding?. It also has a pic of Jake at the hair salon that is not in the Wenn or IHJ set. The site needs registration so the pics are very small and can’t be open to see the whole set.


    source: colourpress

  4. Looks like Jake did have a haircut!

  5. This article is in German but seems interesting. It’s about a Berlinale dinner after the closing gala. I read it with google translation but Jake talks about the jury experience, BBM and says he doesn’t smoke.

    There is a pic in the article. Is the guy behind Jake (we only see his back, head and ear) Austin? picture

  6. Again with the #5. The Hostess of the Opening Ceremonies made a joke about Jake being obsessed with the number 5.

    It sounds like there were other people traveling who are connected to Jake that are not to be supposed to be photographed. They might have been on the same flight or were on another flight but were leaving today.

    It is seem like that picture of Jake getting his haircut could have been from today- but why go now? But if they were taken yesterday you have to wonder if Jake just put a cape on made it look like they were cutting his hair, because his hair didn't look any different at last night's awards.

  7. more conspiracy theoriesFebruary 19, 2012 at 6:53 PM

    " have to wonder if Jake just put a cape on made it look like they were cutting his hair"

    I agree. I thought exactly the same thing when I saw the pic.

  8. Hello! I also doubt Claire was a beard.

    I have many gay peeps in my family (brother, cousins, 2 aunts) and all of them had heterosexual relationships in early adulthood. Sure, my aunts were from a different era - one of them even married and had a child before coming out. My point is that this confusion is common and doesn't indicate weakness of character (not that anyone was implying that.)

    Also two of my college boyfriends are gay and out now. I was not a beard, just in theatre!

  9. Gyllenhall & Oates

    Gyllenhall & Oates - Jake Gyllenhaal covering Hall & Oates songs featuring such hits as “Private Eyes of Persia” and “You’ve Lost That Love and Other Drugs Feelin”

  10. That pic was dated 2/18, the one at the salon, the others 2/19

  11. I was not a beard, just in theatre!

    LOL Owlgirl.

  12. Well then I think he did throw on a cape to make it look like he was getting a haircut. Because he didn't look like he had the tiniest trim.

    Another thing that picture was taken from a total different angle than all the other pictures.

  13. The person behind Jake does not look like Austin to me.

  14. Prior to 2002 you don't hear anything about this so-called long term romance of Austin's. Bios are incredibly sparse. Stating things like he was born in Ann Arbor, MI, his birthday, where he went to school. That's it. Only after Austin hooked up with Jake in May/June 2002 is when the details start to be filled in. Just like how Jake suddenly gets a beard in September 2002. What is way suspicious is that these two were supposed to be engaged to be marry. When exactly did that happen? How did Austin pop the question? When was the date for the wedding? All basic questions yet we heard nothing about any of this in any of his interviews.

    At the original WFT, discussions took place which talked about how Jake fell hard for Austin when they met during the TDAT auditions. We now know by June that Austin is with Jake. Later Emmerich greatly expands the role of the JD character so Austin can spend the entire shoot with Jake in Canada. Someone's trailer explodes so two of the cast move in together. Geeeee, I wonder who those two could have been? Right after TDAT, Austin has another job so Jake can spend more time with Austin with the cover of Kirsten, (his fake GF). By early January 2004 Jake is announced to be in Brokeback Mountain. I think it's pretty clear that both men knew they couldn't stay away from each other and were not overly conflicted about making sure that they were. I've heart stories about Jake from way back that he used to date older men when he was in his teens. The guy knew who he was at an early age, and it wasn't straight.

  15. Wasn't there some sort of family party that Jake went to and upset ppl? I'm trying to remember but the poster said Jake did something that showed his family who he wanted to be with, and that was Austin?

    Anyone remember this happening? Lol

  16. Owl Girl said:

    Also two of my college boyfriends are gay and out now. I was not a beard, just in theatre!

    Sounds like Austin and Claire. good one Owl Girl.

  17. Remember is it this what you were referring to?

    This is from the old WFT.

    I was not there myself (at a NY Party) but a friend was, they told me about it.

    Of course I can't give to many details I don't want to get this person in trouble.
    The party/gathering was of family and friends. My friend said it had something to do
    with something Jake's dad had coming up. (The book reading I guess).

    My friend said that Jake and Austin sat next to each other, and that dear old
    mom tried to have them sit apart. Also that she said a few sarcastic remakers
    to and about Austin, making it clear that she didn't like having Austin there.

    My friend also said that the only time it looked like they were a
    couple was when they left together and Jake took Austin's hand.

  18. hoping the best for J/AFebruary 19, 2012 at 9:22 PM

    Destiny, Damn girl, I agree with everything you've said on your last 2 post on the previous thread about Austin and Claire.

    I don't beleive she was a beard either.

    Some people here who have not been attracted to both sexes or confused about their sexuality have NO Idea how complicated these times can be for a person.

    What you have posting on this site is totally straight women and a few totally gay men who don't have a clue about this. Not A Clue!

    If Jake and Austin are together NOW, that's a great thing and their fans should give them time to get their lives, situation, emotions, fears together. This incluldes you Jersey Tom.
    Jake nor Austin lives to make you happy.

    No amount of following these guys around looking to see their every move is gonna help them, even though some here are "confused" and beleive it will.
    Sorry it won't.
    It may take some time and I for one wish them well and the best on their journey.

    Following Jake and Austin for years, picking apart their lives and hopping they come out may be a hobby for most here, but it don't and won't help them.

    ps Jake is pissed because he wants privacy during the times he's not working. It's really unbeleivable that some people don't understand this. Then get upset with him when he's piss with the paps.
    He's human and deserves this and it's his right as a part of the human race. Not to be put on display 24/7 for fans to pick his life apart because they "just have to".

  19. Yes, I remember that at WFT. People posted that Jake grabbed Austin's hand and smiled at him, walking out of the party with him and leaving his mother and the other people in the party just staring at Jake's statement. Doesn't sound too conflicted to me. I believe Jake's mom was treating Austin badly.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Claire was a beard. I thought you people have been studying this story from the beginning. Someone posted about that Vanity Fair pic and everyone has ignored it. That came not much more than 5 months after their supposed horrific break up. The relationship was manufactured to provide Austin cover while he and Jake dated one another. Nothing complicated about that.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Appreciate your efforts, Berlinale. Your photographic work is excellent and we're really grateful.

    Thank you so much, Chiming In. I have been told the story that you're talking about (the party) by someone who was there during the original WFT. It's too bad that that blog no longer is available to see because I hear there were some great stories told on there.

    Appreciate your efforts to keep the conversation focused.

  24. Who cares whether Austin was truly dating Claire or not? Which I think it's pretty obvious he wasn't. Austin was with Jake from the beginning. That's pretty clear too.

    Is it because you can't believe your precious Jake and Austin are liars. Which they are. They are in the closet and have been lying to the public their entire careers. I truly hope that changes, but I'm not holding my breath.

  25. He's human and deserves this and it's his right as a part of the human race. Not to be put on display 24/7 for fans to pick his life apart because they "just have to".

    This is so ironic coming from someone who talks about the OMG loons 24/7 as if to be roadkill.

    Party City could use all the hot air used in this comment at 9:22pm to blow up a day's worth of birthday balloons.

  26. You love picking apart Jake and Austin life, don't you 9:55? LOL

    Makes your day huh?

  27. Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

    I'm looking now at the pictures that Berlinale was kind enough to bring here for us to see. Thank you for the links.

    First of all, I cannot believe Jake did this. LOL. We actually have a picture to "prove" he was getting his hair cut. Thanks, buddy! Appreciate it.

    Will someone help look at these? I'm seeing an 18:39 2/18/12 time stamp on that picture. That's 6:39 pm. I thought someone said that he was supposed to be at the closing cremonies at 7 pm. We were told he was getting his hair cut at 12:00pm.

    The airport pictures are dated 2/19/12.

    And wow, check out the liquor bottles on the top shelf and the drink glasses on the middle. Ol' Jana has a real high end establishment. I'm afraid I don't get that at Fantastic Sam's and Great Clips, lol.

  28. Here's another find from the Old WFT that was mentioned today.

    It was during casting of TDAT, Austin walked in and the rest was history. They couldn't take their eyes off each other.

    I should also mention that Jake has been really in love with Austin for a long time, I mean quite deeply. Austin is the one who runs the relationship. Trust.
    (February 9 2007)

  29. Not only that PG, but you can tell that the picture of Jake in the chair is taken by someone who is inside the salon, not the pap from outside.

  30. Jake falling hard does not surprise me, Special. I remember that interview with Jake from June, 2002 and he was already talking as if he was rethinking what he wanted to do with his life. He already knew they were going to have a rough time trying to have a loving relationship within the Hollywood closeted culture.

  31. Austin is the love of Jake's life and vice versa.

  32. The detective work here is truly phenominal. And yes, we will follow every move and breath taken by jake and Austin and discuss every nuance. Isnt that the whole point of this blog. Amazing that someone comes to a blog devoted to them and then is surprised about that. I have not looked at the haircut picture yet but I guess we have to scope it out for signs of photoshooping.

    On another topic, I did not watch SNL last night but caught a clip of the Beyonce/Blue Ivy skit on youtube. Its on a number of sites. There is a hilarious impression of Taylor Swift in the skit.

  33. If you don't mind I am listening to Run to you...I will miss her so much...
    My Senior buds already know who runs this as you put it...I have pics that are hilarious...who knows what was said, not done what ever see A's facial expressions, the pics says it all

    Austin not smiling we love this pic

    Poor Baby!

    Pissed but why? love this pic sorry Jake love you

    Embiggen the pics and laugh your butts off too, as we have...these boys have given us lots to remember in our relationships and laugh about....
    <3 <3

  34. Love and Happiness

    And here is the reason!

    I haven't seen this in years. a v.v.v. happy Jake!!

  35. About our discussions here putting pressure on Jake and Austin and pushing them to hide and beard again, I wondered myself this many times. In my opinion we are here in our own corner, sharing a genuine love for them, not trolling other sites and we are not big or mainstream to influence the general public or ticket buyers (like say a huge fandom like the twihards or potterheads). We discuss only things that are in the public domain already: pap pics, articles, tweets, etc. How is that different from what other fan sites do? It’s not our fault or responsibility that paparazzi are following Jake!

    If we were talking about Jake or Austin with women, everything would be fair. I get that for actors the gay angle put pressure on their straight persona but I believe the boys are already covered for life if they want considering the general opinions around that don’t think of them as anything but straight (either because they believe the official tale or because they just don’t care) and the ones who are aware think we are loons or it's because of BBM and Ted's 'creative imagination'. There are much more people believing Reeke, Sophin and Jake/Taylor were genuine than the ones who don’t. There are thousands of OTH girls tweeting non-stop about their sadness that Sophin is over, the Swifties are tweeting non stop about how bad Jake broke their princess heart and there are still tweets about the ‘cuteness’ of Reeke. Therefore, we are absolutely not the ones influencing their decision to beard or hide.

    At the moment, I just want to say how wonderful the events this week were. I’ve never in a million years would have imagined a week like this, full of Jaustin, can exist: being together in Berlin in the open and by their own admission, attending official events together and ending the beardings. I don’t know what will come next but I so hope things stay like this forever. I’ve never had much faith in Jake and Austin being strong enough to be themselves, but perhaps they will surprise as much as they did this week. For this week, I am proud of them and wish them all the best in the world in this new path.

  36. Austin spotted by a fan at the Berlin airport.

    Christina Ahrens @chris20041978

    @AUS10NICHOLS Nice greetings from Berlin :)

    2:27 AM- 20 Feb 12 via Twitter for Windows Phone

  37. Thanks Sass for another peek at some fav pics.

    And PR POV - I agree that bearding also has something to do with The CW as well, since there is this pattern of so many other relationships that have guys are on their show who's sexuality is less than straight and coupling them up with a co-star.

    And yeah we just do our own little thing here, not trying to convert the masses. If they find OMG and like it that's awesome.

    And totally agree if we were talking Jake and Austin being with women, there would not be a problem to those other people who come by to comment that we are ruining their lives.

    Yes last week was wonderful and how happy they were, here's hoping we get to see more of them.

  38. And there you go, that's how they do it. Austin leaving 12 hrs or so later than Jake. They don't travel together.

    I cannot imagine splitting up all the time like that. It's sad.

  39. I agree and am convinced that the CW had their stranglehold on Sophin. Clearly evident.

    Thanks for sharing your pics, Sass!

  40. Based on other tweeted photos, we can conclude that Christina Ahrens doesn't tweet photos right after she takes them, so no, it is not likely that photo with Austin is from today + it is impossible to be sure about date and time when photo was taken.

    Robert Pattinson was in Berlin on February 17, Friday and she tweeted photo with him 23h ago

    Berlinale 2012
