Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Paris, Je T'aime

With a tweet of a possible sighting in Paris it could be the J & A's European Vacation is not over quite yet.

Top Ten Possible Reasons They've Gone to Paris.

10. Too many cartoons and Jake's love of accents made them.

9. They wanted to be Gras on Mardi and while it's not New Orleans but they can "Laissez Le Bon Temps Roulet"

8. Jake needed to stock up on tea again at Mariage Freres.
7. An American in Paris -S'Wonderful!

Jake does have the khaki's but can he dance?

6. Austin needed to get the image of the last french maid he saw out of his head.

5. Wanted their own woody "Midnight in Paris" magic.

4. As Joni said "Free Man in Paris."

3. "The Last Time I saw Paris" is Paradise Revisited. (for all you movie/lit buffs)

2. With Austin- any time could be...
"I see London, I see France, I see someone's underpants"

and the number #1 reason

I love Paris every moment,
every moment of the year.
I love Paris, why, oh why do I love Paris?
Because my love is near.

And what a more beautiful place to Two Wheel Tuesday.

Happy Mardi Gras!


  1. Cedric Coldefy@cdrccldfbnvnst

    OMG jake gyllenhall a 3 meters de moi #pipiculotte (@ Nanashi) http://4sq.com/xfmBj8

    5:13 AM - 21 Feb 12via foursquare

  2. PKTennis@pk_tennis

    Dej chez Nanashi avec Jake Gyllenhaal http://pic.twitter.com/SxTIphRB

    5:59 AM - 21 Feb 12via web

  3. no Asutin with Jake in Paris?
    No children with Jake in Paris?

    Did Austin take all 5 children back home with him?

  4. Well if BT(s) is with Jake all the "damn" time then I suspect they are wherever Jake is.

  5. ^^ No parent drags 5 children around the world when they should be in school. Jake lives like a bachelor. At most times, he's alone.

  6. We don't know that Austin went home.

  7. ^^ especially to some awards or ceremony. Children need certainty and need their parents assurance of "HOME" and certainty. Not hiding in the shadows and covered up like they are lepers.

    I'm sure Michael Jackson kids are sad their daddy is no longer alive and miss him, but I can guarante they are so releaved the masks have come off their faces. They are now human being children, and NOrMaL. Can talk and be SEEN!
    I'm thinking if he was still alive, they would still be wearing masks.

    Don't think Jake or Austin would do that to their children.
    But what is Hiding them ? ?

  8. No parent drags 5 children around the world when they should be in school.

    BT1 would be the oldest and barely in preschool.

  9. Don't think Jake or Austin would do that to their children.

    ^^ if they ever have children

    but what is Hiding them ? ?

    ^^ Hiding them would be a selfish, scared parent or NON parent who should not have had children in the first place who. The parent would have an "It's all about ME" attitude instead of raising children the best way possible.

    Don't think J/A would do this, so I don't think they have children.

  10. There are going to be some very, very shocked and/or disillusioned people one of these days.

    Jus' sayin'.

  11. BT1 would be the oldest and barely in preschool.

    That's even worst. Two grown past 30 men decide to have 5 children all under the years of 6?

    Five children? Then hide them?
    And, by the reasoning of some, drag them around the world and coast to coast secretly hidden.
    Then tell the world in interviews that they would some day like to get married (to women mind you), and have children?

    Some Day ? ? ?

  12. Seriously, responding to yourself to say that you agree?
    That's even more pathetic than your "I'm so rational" spiel before.

  13. I think they're are aready some Delusional people already. And some are deffinately Shocked.

  14. Cool. I'm delusional. I love it. And I'm also right.

    I can't wait until the day these two guys come out with all their kids.

    I cannot wait. If I'm still alive, anyway. I may have to watch from St. Peter's gate.

  15. I was referring to 11:13, 11:21 AND 11:27 by the way.
    Three different names in 15 minutes makes you supar-dupar rational, y'all!

  16. Ted has no reason to continue to insist that Jake is a father, if he wasn't. He does not view that aspect of Jake's life as a vice at all. He only writes about it because people ask him. He knows it's controversial, but he continues to post those letters. And, now Ted says that not only is Jake a great dad, but that he the kid is with him all the damn time. No wiggle room in that language.

  17. I can't wait until the day these two guys come out with all their kids.

    I cannot wait. If I'm still alive, anyway. I may have to watch from St. Peter's gate.

    ^^^ Well, I can say this, at least you stand by your convictions. More power to you. We'll See the truth some day, maybe not.

  18. Two grown past 30 men decide to have 5 children all under the years of 6?


    And they weren't 30 yet when they started planning their family.

  19. Sorry, Ted knows nothing. You can't hang onto his TT, GG, BT rhetoric when he's saying what you want to hear, then say he's stepping it back or changing things,then get upset with him when he says thing you don't want to hear about TT, GG, BT.
    Can't have it both ways.

  20. You think it's all based on Ted?

    It's based on a lot more than just Ted. If you read this blog every day, you would see this but I'm not spending time going over it again. You'll need to look on your own time.

  21. 11:40, are you aware that some don't beleive Ted knows anything?

    And some don't take Ted's word as the Gospel Truth as YOU may? Are you remotely Aware of this?

  22. And people have a right to say if they believe in BT, Jack without fear of being verbally insulted or attacked.

    This is not WFT2 and you will not bully people over here.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. No one takes Ted's word as gospel. That is one of those red herring arguments that is always being thrown up by trolls. As PG says, Ted is not the only source/evidence for the baby tile story. But, I agree with the poster above that Ted has no reason to continue to write about BT, if Jake's fatherhood was in question.

    If you truly are interested in approaching the topic with an open mind there are hundreds of clues that point to a family, all of which have been discussed on this blog as well as on Waiting for Toothy. Don't blame us if you haven't done your homework.

  25. And people have a right to say if they believe in BT, Jack without fear of being verbally insulted or attacked.

    ^^ I'm not this Jack person you speak on but, I've always respected a difference of opinion.

    If I can recall, you have not been to respectful of others views who differ from yours about BT, or J/A being married. Well, maybe you have softened your attitude about things.

  26. New beard or new love?February 21, 2012 at 12:13 PM

    Curious to get everyone's views on what is going on with Jake and Lea Seydoux? First, an article (in Hungarian) during the Berlinale talks about Jake dansing the night away with Lea, the two very cosy, leaving a party venue together in the wee hours of the morning. And now, according to tweets and facebook messages posted on WFT2, Jake and Lea have been spotted together for two days in a row in Paris...

  27. Sorry

    I won't beleive Jake and Austin have children until I see children or they say they have children.

    I won't beleive they are married unless they say they are married.

    That's where I stand and I'm sticking with it.

    Those statements and Issuses are too important in a persons life.

  28. 12:13, I have heard of what you speak.

    I'm waiting to see further developments before leaping off the dock, as I tend to do when it comes to stuff like this.

    There are also new uploads on IHJ on HaircutGate which also lends to a totally new perspective or puzzlement as to what is going on.

    Have you seen those? Very interesting.

  29. Reality can be manipulatedFebruary 21, 2012 at 12:23 PM

    Jake and Austin have children. Don't need pictures for that. Jake has said that he was married by the way. And, Jake slipped on Regis and Kelly one day and said that Maggie had a niece. Of course, you'll say those two instances don't mean anything. Remember that person from last month who also tweeted that she had worked at a day care center where Jake's daughter had been. Then there's the baby in the carriage in Paris the summer of 2008. Time will tell. No one believed that Jake and Austin were still tight either, and then out of nowhere a pic/video of him and Jake appeared that was obviously arranged by Jake. Everyone is being manipulated by Jake and Austin. I prefer to look underneath the PR spin.

  30. 10:53 & 11:13, 11:21, 11:27, 11:40, 11:54, 12:09, 12:13.

    That is seven different names in less than 2 hours, just stop.
    No one believes (or "beleives" if you prefer) that there is anyone agreeing with you.

  31. The Hungarian article from Berlinale: origo.hu (very difficult to translate but try google translate)

    Sighting in Paris:
    Cienzo Lino
    7 hours ago
    à déjeuné avec jake Gyllenhaal...tranquille^^
    at lunch with jake Gyllenhaal... quiet ^ ^. (Translated by Bing)

    Cienzo Lino mais grave et même qu'il y avait Léa Seydoux...ohoh !
    but serious and even that there were Léa Seydoux... ohoh! (Translated by Bing)
    7 hours ago


    Film Lovers. Check out this great speech by Graham Taylor about the future of movies.--------> http://www.deadline.com/2011/06/laff-wme-global-head-graham-taylor-gives-keynote/
    2m ago

  33. I'm 11:40 and I'm a long time Baby Tile believer. I now believe there are several children. Does no one think that Jake is acting all kinds of strange, particularly over these past few years? He's hiding something. Something BIG. I believe he will come out eventually because of those children.

    And, if Jake wants to roll out a new beard, we will see them soon enough. Jake was a judge at the Berlinale. I hardly think he would be canoodling with one of the actresses who had a movie in competition. Give Jake some credit, please.

  34. What you're not doing 12:23 is adding the quotes where Jake has said he is not married, don't have children, is not gay/bi but don't mind it. Where Astin said he is not married, don't have children, but wants them, the "junk and shit" quote. Why NOT?
    There are lots of other quotes form Jake and Austin you and others have gotten mad and upset about because they said it.
    Why not add those quotes / references?
    Why only state what you beleive is true/false/ manipulated?
    What you're doing is picking and choosing. And only what you want to pick and choose from.

  35. I have to laugh. Five years of clues that lead to the possibility of a Baby Tile and some bizarre Hungarian article and some tweet that Jake was seen somewhere at lunch with Léa Seydoux and she's his new beard. Some people have a very low threshold for persuasion. Or are your standards so low only when it comes to heterosexual Jake?

  36. From this tweet posted on the first comment: “Cedric Coldefy @cdrccldfbnvnst OMG jake gyllenhall a 3 meters de moi #pipiculotte (@ Nanashi)”, he added a picture: Jake G. http://pic.twitter.com/i4lvOkBv

  37. Reality can be manipulatedFebruary 21, 2012 at 12:49 PM

    I'm not picking and choosing. You indicated that you would only believe if Jake or Austin admitted it. Well, Jake has been quoted as saying that he is a married man, and Jake has said that Maggie has a niece. Just giving two explicit examples that you ignore. Otherwise, of course there isn't a whole lot of direct evidence. Bearding requires that you lie about being gay and having children. Hints have been dropped along the way. Again, you choose to ignore them.

  38. And another name at 12:43.
    I'm going to keep doing this until you stop trying to pretend that you're several people.

  39. Seriously doubt Jake had anything but a casual friendly lunch with a woman. We know exactly who owns his heart.

    Poor trolls. Nothing to do but rant with the truth staring them in the face.

  40. Well that twitter pic sure looks like Jake is having a relationship with his phone. That's all I see. You can't even see if someone else is with him.

  41. Phone or girls?
    Hmmm which has Jake touched more?


  42. And how can you travel with 5 kids? Ask Brad and Angie? You only see their kids when they want you to see them. They do travel and no one knows.

    My sister in law's family is from Springfield MO where Brad's family is and they say he and the kids are there more than you would think visiting his family, yet no one knows. Those trips are private.

  43. And for heaven's sake, why does Jake need five bodyguards/chaperones going through an airport?


    Why does he keep driving a huge Q7 around LA? I don't ever see Atticus coming out of it and I don't see him hauling furniture and bags of mulch.

    And the 3 boxes of children's candy coming from the medical building.

    Why has Jake, who has always looked very presentable, taken to wearing the same clothes all the time?

    Why is he not working? He's on holiday again after the Berlinale after having been on holiday since last summer.

    So many questions but no one ever has a good explanation for any of them.

  44. After that last Facebook fiasco with the fake model posting, I'll have to take this lunch sighting about Lea with a truckload of bagged Morton Salt.

  45. I hope they don't start a new bearding again now that they are both beardless.

  46. I agree, 1:44 PM. I hope the guys have the courage to continue along the path they appear to be on.

  47. Totally agree PG about the whole model thing. And I'm sure not going to take the word of some Hungarian source I've never heard of. And Berlin had to be full of entertainment and gossip writers, and yet no one else has what is surely a juicy story about a juror cozying up to a nominee.

  48. And for heaven's sake, why does Jake need five bodyguards/chaperones going through an airport?

    ^^^ I think he may be scared of stalkers. To many people act like they need to know his every move. Don't you think he knows this.

  49. Yet another name at 2:12, really?

  50. Jake did not arrive with 5 bodyguards. He walked around London and Berlin freely. There were several accounts of how open he was. He was obviously hiding something/someone(s) because there are even pictures of him walking through the airport the day he left and he is not surrounded by bodyguards.


    The episode I directed will be on tomorrow night. I would be honored if you tuned in. I'm very proud of it.
    11:34 AM - 21 Feb

  52. Jake did not arrive with 5 bodyguards. He walked around London and Berlin freely. There were several accounts of how open he was. He was obviously hiding something/someone(s) because there are even pictures of him walking through the airport the day he left and he is not surrounded by bodyguards.

    Exactly, BT Believer.

    Oh now, stop trying to distract, Mr. Austy. ;) He's suddenly very chatty today, isn't he? lol

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Wow.... the non-believer's (and I'm being VERY generous here) were pretty much tongue-tied and dumbfounded last week with all the Jake and Austin action going on in plain sight.

    Kind of goes to figure that they're re-grouped and coming out, all 1 or two of them, in full force as PG says, talking back and forth to themselves! For a Monday on this blog, they've cluttered up Special's great follow-up post with sprays of cold water and righteous indignation.

    I'm sure we believers will all survive and continue to follow the long list of evidence, hints and revelations that point quite conclusively to Jake and Austin and the kids... however many, are mostly together and doing just fine hiding away till the time is right. Right for THEM!

    In patience and unflagging belief I now put down my stilo. Bonjour Jake et Austin, beaucoup d'amour pour vous et votre famille.

  55. Hello. I think there is a long list of evidence in support of J & A being a couple in the closet, but personally I see no evidence of any BT. Is it OK to simply state this without getting any of the believers all worked up and immediately jumping to the attack? I hope so!

  56. No one is getting jumped on for not believing that there are is no BT.
    People are however getting rightfully called out when they come here to attack US for thinking that there IS a BT.

    I'm sure you can see the difference.

  57. Thank you, strawman.Very well said.

    And could I myself add, there's also a difference between simply saying you don't believe such as Lori did up there and then those who come here and say they don't believe, but adding capping and various insults in their comment.

    Big difference.

  58. Well. I have reviewed the "evidence" of five Baby Tiles as it has been presented here over the past few years and I don't believe there are multiple Baby Tiles. There are plenty of hints (non-concrete evidence) plus Ted's blinds that indicate that Jake has a kid. But I think there's just one kid, and the kid was adopted / fathered by Jake. Jake and Austin had a tumultuous relationship in 2006 and 2007, the period of time when the baby was baked and born. I think they still have a tumultuous relationship, and Ted has come out and said this, many times, in blinds. He has also strongly hinted at Toothy's unstable mental state from all of the stress of living a half life. No way am I buying that he's brought more than one kid into that. No way.

    Also, I don't think Jake has the money to pull a Brad and Angelina and cart a half soccer team all over the world with full time staff.

  59. maybe you take a German magazin over some Hungarian source


  60. Rolling on the floorFebruary 21, 2012 at 6:18 PM

    That's the same lame story as the Hungarian one. The exact same lame story. They disappear into the night. LOL!

    If someone wrote something like that about Jake and Austin trolls would come out of the woodwork and say we are just a bunch of delusional, romantic haus fraus. This blurb really is incredibly desperate.

  61. While the reason for Jake doing PoP is always a hotly debated topic here at OMG. I don't think it was about him trying to make himself a bigger star. He did want to be an action hero and PoP did fit the bill. Look how many superhero roles that Jake tried out for over the past years.

    Now one thing it did make him a lot of cash, despite the box office and I think he was motivated to do something like PoP by wanting to have a family (just the process of surrogacy is expensive) and having the means to raise the family they wanted. While the movie might not have done as well as expected in the US, it had pretty good numbers worldwide, that, it had really good DVD sales, no doubt he got a piece of the TV rights money, and then his likeness was on every piece of merchandise available (even if it wasn't Dastan) he was on the package. That's how he can afford to have his family and keep them with him wherever he chooses to go.

  62. Just thought I would point out that Nanashi, the restaurant where he ate at, is in the gayest (and one of the most chic and beautiful) neighbourhoods in Paris.

  63. Dear Ted:
    My little Mo-Dog and I want to know: Has the general public ever seen Toothy Tile and Grey Goose's child? Have we been led to believe that he/she is someone else's child? Also, does the child live with T.T. or G.G.? Thanks and big love to your little critters!

    Dear Baby Blues:
    No and no. And with Toothy, of course.

  64. no, I admittedly cannot quite see the difference, if I did I would not have asked such question. But thank you for trying to clarify.

  65. You gotta love when Austin does a non sequitur tweet, because it makes you wonder "what's it all about Austy".

    Is he talking about moving toward indies? To act or make? Or is it a nod to Jake getting back to his indie roots even more.

    The speech is a go get 'em for those who love making movies.

    Interesting that speech is from the LA Film Fest from last June.

  66. Thanks Tuesday for the info about the restaurant.

  67. Well if it's the exact same language, someone clearly is just copying the other. Don't know which came first. Also I've never heard of the site and have no idea what it's reputation is, as opposed to say some of the big German magazines or newspapers, so no, still not enough for me.

    Like Macadoon I only see enough evidence to prove there is one BT, and for me it's not a matter of money, but the logistics, and the fact that it is simply not that easy to have 5 kids in four years, even if two of them are twins, and especially if you're using a surrogate.

    I don't believe that someone like Jake would have kids one year apart like that--most people like to space kids out by two years.

    I also don't think you can look to Ted for any hints. Personally I think whatever inside source he had on Jake disappeared after the blind items about them planning to have a kid came out, and Jake going deeply into the closet. Unless he hears something concrete from another source, he has nothing to go on, and his vague, back and forth answers reflect that.

    I think you can hide a kid or two, but a whole brood, not so sure about that.


    The episode I directed will be on tomorrow night. I would be honored if you tuned in. I'm very proud of it.
    11:34 AM - 21 Feb

    Shout out to Austin. You know, he is so cool. I love it when people are proud of something and they SAY IT. Usually these things are couched in some lame humblebrag kind of way, but Austin owns it. He's genuinely proud of his hard work and he would be honored if we watched. And if I had a TV, well, I would.

  69. Can't wait to see what Austin does with this episode. The first one he directed he had to work with so many flashbacks written into the script, but he did a great job and really captured the emotion of Haley and Nathan's joy with the birth of Lydia while at the same time showing the heartbreak of Julian and Brooke's losing the baby they were promised.

  70. Austin is pretty cool, Macadoon. I agree with you on that one.

  71. Letter Writer: Does the child live with T.T. or G.G.?

    Ted: With Toothy, of course.

    I'm not surprised that Ted would use these semantics to answer that question. On Sepetember 24, 2010, he indicated that Goose had been "super busy with work" and then on May 19, 2011 he said that Goose has been playing the bearding game and that this "loopy love story is far from over." As recently as February 14, 2012 he indicated G.G. was all caught up in the beard biz this year. So, of course the domestic stability would be with Toothy. He is the one with the bucks, the nannies and the elaborate extended family structure to provide a home.

  72. I can see where people would find it implausible for Jake to have more than one child. However, Ted had no reason to bring up multiples and two-timing with regard to Jake in the summer of 2008, or point out that he was suddenly interviewing another "personal assistant" aka nanny. Then in January 2009, he writes about a manger and coming out and two pigs in a blanket. That screams twins to me.

    Then, of course, we have the odd arrival of two Audi Q7s in late May 2010. And, just two months later when Jake was supposed to be spending the summer in MV he sneaks back into LA and gets papped running out of a store. In August, we see the odd procession of Birdie's Birthday Party, Austin showing that 0-3 months T-shirt. Then the two guys inexplicably risk showing up in Leadville. And, Austin starts tweeting about being loved up, huggies and having a lot sex. Austin's parents show up in NC and then a few weeks later we get the infamous "Cabin Fever" pics where Jake looks like he slept in his clothes and was glaring at the paps. Like someone who was paranoid about them finding something in his car, he looks as if he is walking out to make sure there is nothing incriminating that they might capture on film. Then he mysteriously disappears for nearly a month. Trolls came over and tried to tell us that he was on MV, but there was a hurricane that Labor Day weekend, which made that kind of trip, practically suicidal and the summer season was over anyway. People do not summer in MV in September. Last November, there were similar signs again that Jake was hiding something. Including that ridiculous Yom Kippur photo shop mess. Then on November 11, the only time it ever happens, tweets place Jake non stop somewhere in NY all day long beginning at 7 a.m. and ending at 12:00 midnight. Several of the tweets placed him in different places at the same.

    One has to asked themselves the question of why such ongoing oddities/clues continue to occur if there was only one child.

  73. Like Macadoon I only see enough evidence to prove there is one BT, and for me it's not a matter of money, but the logistics, and the fact that it is simply not that easy to have 5 kids in four years, even if two of them are twins, and especially if you're using a surrogate.

    Sure it is. It's a different surrogate every time. Didn't Ted said that this was all planned out years ago. In business they call it a five year plan.

  74. Why would Jake only have one child?

    And is Austin not going to father an heir? He's going to let Jake be the only one to father a child? The only way I could see that as being plausible is if Austin is shooting blanks.

    And sure they can shoot out 4-5 kids like they have. They can't be stringing along a beard for 10-15 years like a regular couple who's having a family. Jake would have married Reese or some other woman and done the Hugh Jackman thing.

    So if they're not marrying the beard, then they have got to spit out these kids quickly. And if they're not using the same surrogate, then it doesn't matter if they come bang, bang, bang.

    There's a reason why Jake has often looked so exhausted and haggard. In fact, there's 5 of them.

  75. If Jake & Austin only had one child, we would not be seeing alllllll of these shenanigans we've been watching for the past 3 years. One kid is a piece of cake.

    And why did Jake hire a chef in L.A.?

    Why did Jake have 3 boxes of little kids' candy at the medical building?

    Why did Jake have four containers of frozen yogurt when Deacon, Ava & Reese already had theirs in their hand?

    Why did Jake have four juices in his hand?

    And why did that Berlinale emcee say Jake had been obsessed with the number 5 during his time there? Why indeed?

    And again I will ask, why is Jake not working???????

    Why is Jake not working??? Hasn't been working since last summer?

  76. Still don't see evidence for more kids. In my opinion a lot of the oddities are just par for the course for someone who is in the closet, for example, playing games with where he is, it may simply be so that he can spend time with Austin.

    And some of these things simply aren't that odd--like Austin's parents visiting him in NC. Why shouldn't they visit him and see where he works?

    Personally I think most things pointed to by anyone in arguments I've seen over time are things have no specific connection to children, unlike the baby in Paris, the photo that looks like Jake has an ultrasound, etc.

    But that's just my two cents worth, no way of knowing at this time what the real story is.

  77. And remember Ted said that they swirled so that they didn't not know who was going to be the father of BT1 until after they were born.

    Whoever is the biological dad of BT1, their is no way the other would not want a little of their own.

    I also can't believe that Jake wouldn't want a little piece of Austin in this world, and Austin the same when thinks about Jake.

  78. Now that I look at this chef thing, I want to know why on earth Jake even hired him to begin with? That poor guy. He's not getting to cook any meals, is he?

    Jake buddy, are you paying him for lost meals?

  79. According, to the birthing sequence I believe they have followed since 2007, this would be the timeframe between having their children. Definitely doable:

    BT 2 & 3 (They waited 15 months)
    BT 4 (They waited 19 months)
    BT 5 (They waited 15 months)

  80. It is a vegetarian Japanese restaurant, and it is the type of place frequented by models, oh waits Lea S is a model!

    NANASHI for Asian fusion
    An edgy East-meets-West canteen helmed by a Japanese chef is the last place you’d expect to find great vegetarian food. But the aptly-named Nanashi, or ‘no-name’, defies all labels. “Delicious bento boxes for the boho set”, raved the French press when TV show host and cookbook author Kaori Endo opened the first branch in Rue de Paradis a year ago. Such a hit were Kaori’s light, colourful, Japanese-inflected salads and soups that she has since opened a second outpost on the Rue Charlot. To my mind, hers is the best vegetarian bento box this side of Tokyo, with soft, ginger-enlivened tofu in one compartment and chickpea salad made exuberant with crisp roquette in another. The tiny pizza brioche, the crunchy spring roll and even the onigiri are all lodged in my taste buds’ memory.
    Nanashi, 31 Rue de Paradis, 10 Arrondissement (+33 1 4022 0555; www.31ruedeparadis.com) Average price per person: Rs 1,290

    It is a vegetarian Japanese restaurant, it is one of the more cool RESTAURANTS in Paris gay and no, and it is the type of place frequented by models, oh it waits for Lea S it is a model.

  81. Plenty of people only have one child. Plenty wait awhile to have another. Circumstances change--I don't think the child was planned at a time when he was also planning to run so deep into the closet.

    I guess I view having additional children when you're that deep in as deeply disturbing.

  82. 3 boxes of candy don't have anything to do with children?

    Did Jake ask for them for himself?

  83. Destiny, I would agree with you about Austin's parents if that was the only odd thing that pointed to another child being born in August 2010. But, you ignored the other nine examples I gave in August that support the birth of another child. I forgot to add too that Jake's family showed up in LA in August too, which would make 11 clues of a possible birth.

  84. guess I view having additional children when you're that deep in as deeply disturbing.

    Dest, this is the second time I'm seeing this as one reason for not believing or wanting there to be 5/6 children.

    Can I ask why is it deeply disturbing? What's the difference between 1 and 5/6? Because for one thing, if the father is in deep in the closet, wouldn't it be better for the child to at least have playmates rather than be brought up like Suri Cruise? Look how screwed up Suri is.

  85. Well shouldn't it be 5 boxes of candy then?

    How about one for Jake, BT and the nanny or Austin?

  86. The thing that is disturbing to me is that I believe BT was planned at a time when they were still thinking of at least living in a glass closet. But then I think he got offered POP and went deep into the closet. It's having children when you know for a fact you're not be going to give them a normal life that bothers me.

  87. Not all the kids are chewing. The one who was born in November certainly isn't eating candy. The one born in August (Leadville time) at that time was too early for candy as well.

  88. Look ma, I'm a model!February 21, 2012 at 8:37 PM

    It is a vegetarian Japanese restaurant, and it is the type of place frequented by models

    Lots of people eat at vegetarian restaurants. Not just models. Guess, I'm a model and didn't even know it.

  89. Unless I'm doing the math wrong, that timeline would mean No. 5 was just born last month.

  90. BT 4 was born in August 2010
    BT 5 was born in November 2011

    That would be 15 months.

  91. Personally I think most things pointed to by anyone in arguments I've seen over time are things have no specific connection to children, unlike the baby in Paris, the photo that looks like Jake has an ultrasound, etc.

    What about the Jake with the stroller tweet in January? The Jake's daughter at the Day Care center? The little girl Jake was playing with the day he returned from Montreal in April 2010? The Live on Regis and Kelly where Jake said that Maggie had a niece. Jake telling Ben Lyons that he gave Maggie a little brother in November 2010. Ted's comments about Pigs in a Blanket. The Audi Q7 that seats 7, et al.

  92. Lots of people eat at vegetarian restaurants. Not just models. Guess, I'm a model and didn't even know it.

    Sure you are darling, sure you are.

    signed:Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

  93. Too many numbers and dates. :-D :-D

    A valiant effort by all involved in this argument, but it's still just not enough for me. I think I'd pretty much need to see five kids in a photo with Jake, or 5 car seats in that Audi--or some reduced number if there are fewer than 5 but more than one.

  94. I eat in vegetarian restaurants all the time too.

  95. I think I'd pretty much need to see five kids in a photo with Jake

    Okay. And that day will come.

  96. I have to throw my two cents in on the BT theory. I dont care if they have any kids. I would love to see Jake come out. I love Jake and Austin together. It is enough for me.

    I do have to agree that these two closeted men having five kids is so unpresponible. Kids come first and they need a normal life. No way they could have one in this situation. Tonight I feel maybe one. Ted has been pretty singular in his answers lately. I sure don't want PG, M and M, or Sk think I am putting them down. I love their passion and maybe they are right but I still think it would be a bit crazy and so hard to hide. I sure do wonder why Jake hasnt been working though. Source Code was a pretty big hit.

    Jake is not involved with some actress/model. No way this girl would want this to be secret she would want big time publicity to further her career. If a bearding plan is underway we will see them together soon. But I am thinking not. I think Jake is done with that. I hope so.

  97. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  98. Ditto what Tom said about not wanting people to think I'm putting anyone down.

  99. Why would someone have to see a picture of BTs to believe they exist, but you don't need a picture of Jake and Austin kissing or even holding hands to believe they're gay? The standard of proof should be the same.

  100. Oh, I don't think anyone is putting anyone down, Destiny. We will just have to agree to disagree. Time will tell. I always have an open mind to be convinced otherwise, but for me the evidence is overwhelming.

  101. No knickers in a twist, just a respectful discussion without the flinging of any names or mud.

    I guess that's a pretty alien concept for people passing by on their way next door.

  102. So no one has commented on the new pictures added to the HaircutGate "thread" on IHJ. Did anyone see the new ones added? There's a few of Jake running across the street and the ones of Jake sitting in the chair. Plus there's one of what must be a photographer standing at the door with Jake blocking the door.

  103. Exactly, Destiny. No one was name calling or getting anything on their person twisted.

  104. More pictures at Iheartjake from the Jana hair salon? Now, I'm convinced more than ever that one of the kids was in that shop. Jake and Austin were seen at government functions and Austin openly tweeted that he was at the Festival so they wouldn't be trying to hide the fact that he was there.

  105. And when is BT 6 do?

    Goodness, I'm with Destiny on this one.
    How in the H*ll can Jake keep up with 5 small children. It's crazy!
    If he has a child, and that's a Big if, he has one.
    No way, absolutely no way is Jake or Austin going to be able to keep up with 5 or six small children without the help around 24/7. None in school yet? WoW
    Jake and Austin are not around each other enough for that.

    We've just begun to see them openly together, and that's a good thing.

    The 3 yogurts months ago, the 3 boxes of candy. What makes you think they are not for Jake himself? What logic is there that it just has to be for others?
    Then, how can you, or should you deduct from that equation that it is for a Babytile(S)?
    Just asking.

  106. Because we already had lots of photos of Jake and Austin looking like a couple for me to think they've been together.

    Plus if you're going to spend any time with someone, you're eventually going to get a stray photo here or there.

    I'm also one who has at times doubted whether they've spend much time together the past few years because there's been no evidence. Plus we have new pictures of them together.

    Now we may have had one picture of BT in that Paris video, which is why I am willing to consider there might be one, plus Ted is so insistent. But he only ever mentions one.

    But I'm sorry, buying an SUV that can be useful to ferry around not only one kid but your sister, brother-in-law and niece makes sense to me, it doesn't scream five babies

    None of the other examples cited above, independent of a belief there is more than one kid, is evidence that there are children.

    Unlike the baby in Paris, the ultrasound, the footprint on the sweats.

    We have seen nothing like that since then.

  107. Too busy typing during the commercials on Glee to look at photos, I need to come up for air first. Plus it's almost time for White Collar.

  108. Then we have the four bottles of juice in January. Notice how the number moved from three to four. And, I doubt that Jake eats three boxes of candy or three yogurts.

  109. But I'm sorry, buying an SUV that can be useful to ferry around not only one kid but your sister, brother-in-law and niece makes sense to me

    Then why haven't we ever seen Jake chauffering Maggie, Peter and Ramona around in his two SUVs. And, most importantly, Ramona was born in 2006. Why wouldn't Jake have bought those vehicles earlier? Why wait four years to get two much larger vehicles.

  110. That's a good point M&M. It's the timing of the vehicles lease/purchase that is suspicious. They literally came out of nowhere.

  111. And, I doubt that Jake eats three boxes of candy or three yogurts.

    ^^^ Well, I DO!

    And like Jake, I workout all the time. 5 or six days a week.
    And I like plenty of sweets.
    I know, I know, candys, cookies, and cakes are my downfall. The occasional potato chips too. Then I cap it off with a no-fat frozen yogurt or two. I'm thru with diet cokes.
    Now let's do some Cardio Jake.

  112. But, to use your logic, you would need to see some visual evidence when I think you know that as long as Jake wants to hide his family from the world is never going to exist. Only circumstantial proof can be compiled. If I were on a jury and saw the compilation of evidence, including timing and Jake's sudden pull back from making movies, I would probably vote, yes he has several children. One child wouldn't require such a sacrifice of his time and energies.

  113. Mr. Healthy would not be eating 3 boxes of candy and 3 yogurts. Don't be ridiculous. He would just buy a much larger container of yogurt or an super-sized snickers bar.

  114. Personally I think Jake is having trouble getting work. I think that's one of the reasons why he changed agents.

  115. For me, once Reeke was over was when I noticed how odd Jake started behaving. Without RW he found it difficult to hide his growing family.

  116. And, notice how Jake filmed in Los Angeles last summer (where his home is) for End of Watch. He hasn't filmed in California since Zodiac.

  117. I don't think Jake is having trouble getting work, he had great success with Source Code and there is a good buzz about End of Watch too.

    I think the reason Jake changed management isn't about not getting work, but that he wants to make changes in his personal life, which we've already kicked into gear as soon as he dumped Evelyn and got rid of CAA.

  118. Personally I think Jake is having trouble getting work. I think that's one of the reasons why he changed agents.

    I agree. He should have at least 2 movies coming out this year and working on another. I was one who always defended Jake not working and thought there was nothing wrong with taking months off, but now I'm concerned for him. I too hope changing agencies works out for him.

  119. Mr. Healthy would not be eating 3 boxes of candy and 3 yogurts. Don't be ridiculous. He would just buy a much larger container of yogurt or an super-sized snickers bar.

    ^^^ You don't know what Jake would do.

    When I buy these 3 things for myself, I don't eat them in one setting. That would be stupid.
    You know, my body and all. Jake can relate.

    But what I buy would still be mine unless I share it. Ok
    But, I don't have too.

  120. Jake had an enormous success with Source Code. I have no doubt he could have easily used that success to get another gig. If a mediocre actor like Channing Tatum can get project after project, Jake can easily obtain another job, if he wanted to. Look at Reese Witherspoon. How many more movies does she have to suck in before producers stop hiring her?

  121. I too hope changing agencies works out for him.

    This makes me ask, though, why then is Jake sitting in restaurants in Paris and not back in the States hitting the pavement? I would think William Morris would be wanting him back so they can start looking for a role for him.

    Instead, Jake is still on holiday. He does not look to me like a man who is going door to door anxiously looking for work.

  122. ^^^ You don't know what Jake would do.

    Yes, I do know what Jake would do.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. I think it's only logical to question the latest additions to the IHJ haircut Jana picture set.

    Why do they add to the set at a later date? I think it's because they're trying to cover up who was in there with Jake. If it was Austin, there would not be such a big hullabaloo.

    There was someone else in there and they are trying too hard to make it look like Jake was the one getting the haircut.

    And sorry, Jakester, it was not you getting the cut. Cute cape, though - and in the obligatory grey too, it looks like. lol

  125. Instead, Jake is still on holiday. He does not look to me like a man who is going door to door anxiously looking for work.

    there's alot of hot sex in gay ole Paris. where you been?
    Jake's gonna get his groove on for a couple of days, then and only then will he be ready to Work.
    He can then pound that pavement while doing a Jig.

  126. Why do they add to the set at a later date?

    Exactly. It doesn't even look like the same salon. What, are those wine bottles on that shelf in the background. I think Jake went back there later on and had someone take those extra pics to make it look like he did have a snip, after PR saw the reaction to the original set of pics.

  127. I think he hasn't been working due to the lack of being offered quality roles-at the salary he expects. He's waiting things out, which actors often do, rather than risk another role that won't turn out well.

    He can't exactly open a movie, and his recent movies haven't fared that well.

    There are also other new male stars like Ryan Gosling who have exploded on the scene and who are taking roles that he might have been considered for a few years ago. Ryan oozes a confident/relaxed sexuality that Jake can't seem close to mustering.

  128. Don't forget than nice splash of color to the left of Jake, PG. That vase of flowers really provides a lovely balance within the frame of the photo.

    Very nice, composition guys!

  129. Except for PoP, Jake has never really be motivated by salary alone so I don't think that's why he's not working. His last film, EoW couldn't have paid him much at all given the very modest production cost of 5 million.

  130. My money is on at least 2 kids. One from Jake and one from Austin. Beyond that, I would not lay odds on any number until Jake and Austin reveal the actual number themselves. But there are at least 2 for sure. And both Jake and Austin have the means to keep them hidden, given their families and nannies. I lean toward jake though, not just because of Ted but because of other past clues. Like a house with a private garage in London during POP. Also, notice how no one knows where either Jake or Austin lives. Both have adjusted their work schedule to make time for the family. One works, the other is off.

    In some ways, the very fact that Austin accompanied Jake to Berlin was itself a form of coming out. I am waiting for more pictures to follow.

  131. Channing's last film took in $40 it's first weekend, and continued to do well last week. HW could care less if he can't act as well as Jake, because money and awards are the only things that speak in HW.

    Channing, unlike Jake, has also managed to get people on his side who want to work with him over and over, like Soderbergh, who based the movie Magic Mike, coming out this summer, on his stories about his experience as a stripper. That would be his third project with the director, I believe.

    Yes, Source Code did very well for an indie film, but it did it slowly, and people didn't really notice. For whatever reason, Jake unfortunately doesn't seem to have a mentor, for lack of a better word, helping him in HW, and he can't break the $20 million mark for opening weekend, which is what HW looks for.

  132. [quote]@ 1053
    He can't exactly open a movie, and his recent movies haven't fared that well.[/quote]

    You are so totally wrong!

    Jake's last movie, Source Code, was a huge success, it stayed in our stateside theaters and it played in my NYC,NY theaters for 15 weeks. Unbelievable...for such a small movie. It's been called a Sleeper Hit; which it was.
    Jake always has had a huge foreign audience. SC was critically acclaimed @ 92% by critics.
    Jake changed agencies this year, for professional and mostly personal reasons. He will be just fine.

    Source Code is a fantastic movie still.
    Jake is known world wide for several movies, Donnie Darko still, BrokeBack Mountain, and he will continue to make more great movies

    He's young and and has many years ahead of making quality movies, God willing, he will work and make his mark more and more. Do NOT Discount an actor with his talent...he's not done yet.

    Source Code

    Domestic Total Gross: $54,712,227
    Distributor: Summit Entertainment Release Date: April 1, 2011
    Genre: Sci-Fi Thriller Runtime: 1 hrs. 34 min.
    MPAA Rating: PG-13 Production Budget: $32 million

    Total Lifetime GrossesDomestic: $54,712,227 37.1%
    + Foreign: $92,620,470 62.9%


    = Worldwide: $147,332,697

    Domestic SummaryOpening Weekend: $14,812,094
    (#2 rank, 2,961 theaters, $5,002 average)
    % of Total Gross: 27.1%
    > View All 15 Weekends
    Widest Release: 2,971 theaters
    Close Date: July 14, 2011
    In Release: 105 days / 15 weeks

    Source Code was no 1 selling DVD for one weekend that I can remember with a critics rating of 92%: Jake's doing good!
    Not many actors are honored with a judges chair at the Berlinale...and Jake has been a member of the AMPAS since he was 25 years old. Yeah the boy is all right with me...And he is very good friend to Ryan...has helped him open Blue Valentine along with his very very dear friend Michele Williams.

  133. Not even worth pointing out the 15 million different name our favorite troll has been using since I last checked, but suffice to say you're still as obvious as ever. You also for some inexplicable reason still seem to think you're being clever about it.

    When I buy these 3 things for myself, I don't eat them in one setting. That would be stupid.
    You know, my body and all. Jake can relate.

    But what I buy would still be mine unless I share it. Ok
    But, I don't have too.

    Is this another one of those logical deductions where it makes total sense to buy 3 FROZEN yogurts, so that you can eat them all by yourself? Isn't that the great thing about FROZEN things? That you buy so much that they're all just a runny mess once you get to eating them...

  134. So many comments! Great :) here is my two cents about all the topics discussed today (sorry it’s so long):

    First I want to say that I believe Austin is with Jake in Paris, like he was with him in London and Berlin. I believe they are married and have 2 kids max (biologically one each). No a dig to anybody who believe otherwise either. I love that we can have different opinions and be civilized. It enriches the discussion. OMG is better and more interesting than ever lately. We should ignore the trolls and bullies, and not engage them and keep focused in bringing new material and revisiting old one and discussing/analysing it together. If we continue our own thing, the trolls and bullies will be irrelevant.

    Gala is a weekly German magazine, equivalent to USWeekly/People magazine in the US. It also has a French edition.

    I think nobody here is saying Lea is Jake's new love but a possible new beard. This is how Swifty started too, with tweets/sightings and some report on a not so big magazine too (I think it was InTouch the one that reported it first). We'll see if Jake has a new beard soon if there are pics and a US magazine reporting it. Hopefully not. Maybe this plant is the trade to having Austin in London and Berlin with him in the open, and it’s a way of continue portraying Jake like PR did during 2011: the womaniser and his harem of super models/actresses (LOL!).

    Maybe it was Lea’s people that is pushing the story. She introduced herself to the US market with Midnight in Paris and Mission Impossible 4, so she might be looking for a way to be better known in Hollywood so a fauxmance with a closeted American actor is the way. Melanie Laurent (from Inglorious Bastards and Beginners) did the same with Bradley Cooper (brief fauxmance for promotion). Or maybe it was just an innocent friendly interaction with her that is written as something more by a blogger/magazine.

    Hopefully this is a new phase in their lives where they are going to keep being themselves without beards. I hope this is not another repetition of 2006 (for the ones who were around), when we all thought they were about to be open and come out and later Jake went in the closet so hard that he got lost in Narnia. I don't think they'll come out in the short term, but there are some signs of a radical change that points to a glass closet and that would be absolutely fantastic.

    Pics of hairgate were added later because they were from a different agency. More than 1 pap took pics of Jake at the hair salon, each sold the pics to different agencies: Wenn and Colourpress. The links to both agencies were posted here and the pics dated the same day. It's the same salon just another angle, probably the photographer got too close to the window and that is what pissed Jake off. I don't think anything sinister happened that day. Probably Austin was with him and he didn't want a pic out there of him being groomed, maybe there was a kid in there. No idea.

  135. About the 5 clue, it could be because they are 5 members in Jake's family: Jake, Austin, two kids and Atti (or 3 kids maybe), no necessary is 5 kids. Their parents can visit for other reasons related to the two kids too: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, just to spend time with grandchildren. Not necessary a birth. Austin tweeting that t-shirt could have been that he was in a kid store buying things for their kids and saw the cute t-shirt. The multiple candy/icecreams/juices could be for the 2 kids, Austin and nanny. The big cars can be for two kids plus all the things you carry with kids: strollers, bags, toys, nanny, Atti, etc. I want to add also as a huge evidence of having kids is how many times Jake visited the doctors and that it matches surrogacy and later controls/vaccinations of kids.

    I agree that Jake is not working much because he is focusing on family now and that they alternate working schedules with Austin, one works while the other not. They also alternate beardings, one beards the other not. I see a co-parenting dynamic between them. I believe Austin is as much an active dad as it's Jake and they live together as a family. The only thing that makes the illusion he is not, is that he spent time travelling back and for NC for OTH but that was work and part of their needed coverage with the Sophin bearding once Jake was beardless.

    I agree also that Jake changed agencies and dumped Evelyn mostly to make personal changes. I also think he doesn't want to be in the same agency than Reese and his husband fearing some sort of retaliation if he decides to be more open or come out (remember Minka story, they are capable of anything). Reese's husband was promoted recently to head of movie agents at CAA. I do believe Jim Toth was one of the agents involved in manufacturing the Reeke bearding and that he was dating Reese during the time she was bearding with Jake but she waited to see if the relationship worked until making it official. I also think Sophia either has a real boyfriend hidden somewhere and she’ll pull a Reese, or perhaps she'll search for a higher profile bearding gig with some other actor more famous than Austin to rise her profile. She has now credit as a reliable beard and can earn some good money and exposure with a bigger fish.

    I think Ted knows a lot. I don't take his word as gospel and he has mood changes often because he is passionate about Toothy and Goose and loves them as much as we do so he gets angry or hopeful with them and that influences the way he writes. Sometimes as of late it seems he is not as up to date with toothy and goose or he might have a strategy to give them space to follow their plan as we discussed before.

  136. Jake's always said he's wanted a big family.

  137. ChristinaBanana @solanacee
    Spotted Jake Gyllenhaal et Léa Seydoux dans le Xème #potin

  138. I really enjoy your comments, PR POV, keep them coming. I didn't agree with everything but some of this stuff is so hard to tell what their intent is, that it's just a wait and see situation.

    I would say that having closely observed Austin's tweeting habits ever since he opened his twitter account, he doesn't just tweet most things for the heck of it. I know trolls laugh at the idea, but the guy talks behind a lot of his tweets.

  139. Paris said...
    ChristinaBanana @solanacee
    Spotted Jake Gyllenhaal et Léa Seydoux dans le Xème #potin

    You should maybe also mention that just before this tweet, she retweeted the first sighting with a picture of a solo Jake...

  140. Oh, and also that "potin" means "gossip" which should tell you the motivation behind posting the tweet whether it's true or not.

  141. Methodical Muser said...
    Great information about possible PR manipulation regarding these sudden pairings of Jake with a tall, brunette, model, often exotic (i.e. from Brazil or Argentina or Sweden). And it's not just Izabel Goulart either. Whether it's at a 5 Star Restaurant or a hipster Bowling Alley, Jake has been associated with models since early last year. The key is that they must be brunette, tall and breathing (LOL).

    Here's a brief list of who has been linked to Jake in the blogs, twitter and the rags since last year alone:

    Sophie Buhai (Fashion Industry)
    Izabel Goulart
    Swedish model Mini Anden,
    Salina Rose
    Augustina Ibañez
    Minka Kelly (who started out as a model and still does photoshoots)
    Around April 2011 Modeklinea
    @Modelineafab started posting pics of Jake with Taylor Swift and Reese Witherspoon and indicated that this was evidence that Jake was dating models

    Frankly, I think it's a combination of PR, the JiS fandom who have been very nervous since Tay was kicked to the curb, and other trolls trying to stir stuff up between various blogs.

    I thought I would repost this because I do think that's what is suddenly happening now with Jake. Even though the tweets from yesterday showed no visual evidence of this Léa Seydoux character, now we get another tweet, second day in a row. Something is definitely up. No straight guy is associated with so many models in one year's time. Never mind the impropriety of Jake being a Berlinale judge and now supposedly being seen with one of the competitors under review. Could be JiS fangirls. They have been trying to ship him with some model since last March/April.

  142. Experience is the best teacherFebruary 22, 2012 at 7:28 AM

    If Jake has more than one child, I can believe he went in all the way and had that large family he's always wanted. Having 4 or 5 kids would not surprise me at all. He is far too reclusive for just one or two kids, and his life seems to be getting more and more complicated. Not less. His hiding out in NY from mid-September through November was also very strange. He's never done that before. If the paps did catch him in that Cabin Fever photomontage as someone suggests, I can see him changing his strategy the following year to avoid that kind of "ambush". Jake learns from experience like everyone else.

  143. Lea, Gretchen, Chris. It's always someone else but Austin. I've been around since 2006 and like clockwork, whenever there is new news/pictures of Austin with Jake there is spin that Jake is dating someone else.

    I'm still enjoying the fact that the boys spent a week together (and there is evidence) and am wondering why Austin made a point of verifying repeatedly that he was in Berlin with Jake.

    And I think he was a bit bored the days he tweeted about the radio station & polar bears. Maybe a jury member was taking part in the great debate that lasted for 12 hours.

    Oh and I checked that Austin wasn't accredited as a professional during the festival like many other actors.

  144. hoping for no more beardsFebruary 22, 2012 at 8:24 AM

    I think that if Jake is rolling a new bearding (I hope not!), pay attention for different patterns this time. Although he has the same publicist, it'll be the first bearding under William Morris inc. They may have different strategies. Jake also has experience now with the past beardings and he'll have to correct many mistakes to make it believable. It's interesting they are in Paris, the only place where Lea is recognised by name so that the sightings mention her. If the purpose of this trip is to stage pics, wait for them to appear in a French magazine (probably Public, Voici or Closer, the three main French tabloids), I don’t think they will use US weekly as the first source this time. What makes me think this could be a new bearding arrangement is that it comes exactly days after Sophin ends. It follows the past pattern, when one beards the other doesn't. I hope I am totally wrong and Jake and Austin are indeed following a new path of being themselves and from now on every week will be like the Berlinale week full of Jaustin :)
