Monday, February 6, 2012

Specs, Smiles and Video tapes

Jake spent the weekend continuing to film the video for the band The Shoes' new single "Time to Dance" and pulled out the some wire frame specs this time, while finding that amazing smile.
The Shoes gave a tease on their twitter asking "who could it be?" showing Jake looking like he could studying something at the table. But it wasn't also serious with Jake showing up looking smart in a beautiful brown leather bomber jacket at a party Friday night.

And it looks like it took going to London for Jake to get some snow, with filming continuing as the flakes flew. The last day of shooting found Jake again with something soft and white but not snow this time but swans. How is all fits together? It's a wait and see until the video comes out this spring.
And as for the running slip of the tongue out picture game, Jake has made the last move. Mr. Nichols - tag you're it.

But now it's time for the newest game show sensation that's sweeping the nation:

What’s Your Bag?

He's a movie star ....who does videos for fun.

He loves to giggle..... eat kale..... and imitate drunk women.

From.... Los Angeles California.. give it up for Jake.. Gggguuhhh.. Gyyyy..... Guys-n-Dolls.So what's your best guess for what Jake's holding?


  1. Thanks M&M for the video link to Maxwell. Did the little pig go wee wee wee all the way home? LOLLLLL

    I heard that the M&M's commercial was really funny too so I'll have to look that one up.

    Well, I am here at St. Luke's in the waiting room with my sister, mom & Vegas aunt. My Osceola Cheese aunt is in surgery right now having the mass removed from her lung and probably part of her rib because although the chemo/radiation had significantly shrunk the tumor, it had had a chance to attach itself to bone, so that wasn't good. But anyhow, they have Wi Fi here and that's good. Verrrrry nice waiting room. This is a new wing and man, mega bucks went into this, let me tell you.

    And it is extremely nice to have the IPad in situations like this instead of a laptop.

    The Stones were excellent too, Tom. I really liked them. I'm not saying anyone was better than the other. I just really liked Madonna and she was better than some of the other cheese acts that they've had. You cannot beat the classics: The Stones, the Who, James Taylor, etc.

  2. Boy. Nothing like sitting in a waiting room while Mom is buried in a magazine, copying a recipe. My aunt is sleeping. My sister has her IPod on with headphones in, saying "HUH?" when I comment on something.

    Nobody's any fun around here!!!

  3. PG, glad that you have something to keep you busy and while you wait for your Aunt to get out of surgery.

    It's been ages since I have been to St. Luke's. But is a great hospital and she is in good hands.

    Sending good thoughts and prayers to her and your family.

  4. Thinking good thoughts for your Aunt's surgery PG.

  5. This place is incredible. Everyone knows that St. Luke's is one of the best hospitals in the country and I'm totally impressed. This place is a luxury palace.

    But more importantly, the staff is incredible. Everyone has always been so friendly in every department we encounter. You know, someone comes out and gives you updates as surgery is actually going on. That is so cool.

    They got all of the tumor, including portions of 3 ribs. See, that's how nasty the Big C is. It is like a piranha, isn't it?

    Anyway, enough about that. Love the Wi Fi. Thank heavens for Wi Fi.

  6. PG, thinking of you at this time as you spend it with family and keep the vigil till you Aunt gets out of surgery.

    I really liked Madona's half time gig, and compared to the Black Eyed Peas it was very impressive. The Woman is still in good shape, I liked the selection of tunes and love Ce-Lo green. Can't belive the fuss they are making over the lewd finger gesture thing that I never spotted anyhow.

    The ending of the show was good but seemed a bit out of place as was stated by Destiny or M&M.

    Loved the Matthew Broderick bit for Honda CRV ala Ferris Bueller stylings. Good bit of nostalgia as far as I'm concerned.

    Special, I'm sorry for your loss... have a cousin here who is a died in the wool Patriots Fan and is he ever down! Poor bugger.

    PG... watchout... Maxwell spoiler so look away!

    If someone doesn't roast that little ba*tard then I Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel ! Nuff said, with apple sauce on the side. Annoying little fuc*er!

    Now, back to your regular Monday programming.

    On a more positive note.... I'm really enjoying the Jake in the wire rims, loved the daddy pic of Matt Boner and his youngster, and the others from yesterday.

    Have a good week everyone.

  7. Thanks Dest!! Doing good so far, just have to wait for final pathology reports.

    You know...I'm just going to say this once.

    Jake is killing in those glasses. He is just killin'.

    Oops, think that's two times. LOLLLLL

  8. LOLLLLLL!!!! Seaweed!!!! lol, aw poor little Maxwell. :(
    But he's so cute. LOLLLLLLL. That killed me.

    You know, I missed the Bueller commercial, too. Missed the M&M's. Nor did I see that Dorito's commercial either. Did anyone see that one?

    Special, there's always next year, I guess, huh? It has to be crushing but hey at least the Pats made it to the big one.

    This er...waiting room attendant is a senior, beautiful lady. But bless her heart, she cannot hear a thing. We keep having to repeat ourselves several times and raising our voice to talk to her. lol Between her and my mom who also can't hear a darn thing, I'll be hoarse by the time I leave here.

  9. There's No Kale at WalgreensFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:49 PM

    What is in the blue bag? Something herbal and natural.

    Judging by the suspicious looks he's giving as he lurks out of the door, my guess is he'd gone inside to get a kale fix.


  10. Maybe Jake bought some
    Brazilian nuts for his Brazilian supermodel who was born in Las Vegas and lives in Cailifornia :-)

  11. Jake looks pretty solo in London. No supermodel with long hair.

  12. LOL Tom.

    How about his Rescue Remedy drops? All this flying he must have running out. Wonder if they come in Kale flavor?

  13. I need some SK working around Giants fans all day. I CANT TAKE IT. By the way Giselle was correct when the QB throws you the ball you must catch it.

  14. Jake looks different in the photos, especially the first one. Is his hair a bit curlier?

  15. I was wondering what The Shoes sounded like, hadn't gotten around to searching for any music of theirs. Kind of catchy.

  16. Wonder if that's the way Jake's hair was styled for the video, or his hair has bit of a wave to it and it got wet from the snow and dried a bit fuller.

  17. PG, wishing only the best for your Aunt.

    Stayed home from work today to give my cold another day to recover, plus I lost my entire weekend to it. Still stuffed up but clearly on the downhill side now. Sleeping in until almost noon helped a lot too.

    Special thanks for playing that song. I was curious about their music but too lazy to search it myself. Are they French? I thought I heard a french accent in those lyrics.

    Sad loss yesterday but it made for a good game. Suspense right up to the end. I watched the commercials for about 3/4 of the game because they were supposed to be special, but then got bored with them. I did like Matthew Broderick's ode to Ferris Bueler. And I thought Madonna did great. I even played it back and watched it twice.

    Both Jake and Austin have a lot of natural curl to their hair that comes out when they let it get a little longer. They both have such great hair.

  18. The Shoes are indeed a duo from France.

  19. Jake's hair looks like it has been cut in a lot of layers. It looks fantastic; someone did an outstanding styling job on it.

  20. Country singer Randy Travis was arrested early Monday morning on a charge of public intoxication after police in Sanger, Texas, reportedly found him smelling of alcohol, slurring his words and clutching an open bottle of wine in front of a church.

    The "Honky Tonk Moon" singer, 52, who was in a parked car, told police he'd just gotten into a fight with his girlfriend – he split from his wife of 19 years in 2010, according to news reports.

    "Mr. Travis was unaware of his location and kept asking me to take him home," the officer stated, according to NBC 5 DFW.

    Travis lives about 25 miles from the Dallas-Fort Worth-area town.

    In a statement released Monday, the singer said, "I apologize for what resulted following an evening of celebrating the Super Bowl. I'm committed to being responsible and accountable, and apologize for my actions."

    The singer, known for hits like "Hard Rock Bottom of Your Heart," "Too Gone Too Long" and "It's Just a Matter of Time," posed for his mug shot with a furrowed brow and a half-grin. He was given a citation for the misdemeanor charge and released after a few hours.

  21. Thanks m - hope you are feeling a lot better after a stay at home. That should help a lot.

    I'll have two funny waiting room stories to tell later tonight. We all about busted a gut at DQ laughing about them awhile ago.

    I cannot believe that about Randy Travis. He's the last person I could imagine being in that type of circumstance.

  22. shewithcapitalV
    Vanessa V
    *Klaxon alert* Friend sat one seat away from Jake Gyllenhaal at a London theatre this evening.Very,very handsome apparently. #jakegyllenhaal10 minutes ago

  23. bigboybeckett Andrew Beckett London
    Just sat by Jake gyllenhall watching a play, he is hotter in real life.
    1 hour ago

  24. James Franco has been posting personal photos from the last 4 yrs on his Twitter account.

    Here is a picture of him with Ryan Reynolds, Anne and Jake from the Vanity Fair photo shoot from last year.

    James, Jake, Ryan and Anne.

  25. James, Jake and Ryan. Don't even go there :-)

  26. Oh....... good Lord Tom, I totally agree with you!

    Too much! LOL

    Totally besotted as the British would say.

  27. ***FANS THE GUYS!!!***

    Who turned up the thermostat in this room?!!

  28. ZmicierK
    Źmicier Kachański
    Seeing a good show is not surprising in London. Peeing next to Jake Gyllenhaal in the theatre's loo afterwards is more of an event.
    2 hours ago

  29. Okay, so guys, check it out. lol

    M&M and I have found where Jake was coming out of with the blue bag. Little bit of collaborative mischief.

    The Chinese Herbal Medical Centre in Dalston London.

    Check out the picture. See that poster of the foot pressure points in Chinese? That poster is in Jake's pictures on IHJ. That's the door where he is standing in.

    Chinese Herbal Centre in Dalston London

    Look familiar???

    Okay, that was fun.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Waiting Room Funny #1 - Picture this. We're in the post op waiting room which is really, really nice with big ol' honkin' recliner chairs and my mom is sitting in one of them. Unbeknownst to her, the chair she was sitting had just been preoccupied. The girl came back to get her purse which was by the chair and Mom tried to lean back from her reclining position and pick it up. The girl said, "Oh no, don't try to pick that up" and sure enough my mom was trying to pick it up so she could hand it to her and the purse was so heavy, that she became like a teeter totter. The purse weighed her down from behind and both her legs went way up in the air as she tried to lift it.

    LOLLLLLLLL!!! The girl had to lean over my mom and take it out of her hand.

    LOL!!! Mom's pretty petite and was no match for what must have been a real deadweight of a purse.

  32. Leave it to Jake to opt for Alternative & Complementary health remedies what's in the bag...?

    Well, we definitely know Jake wasn’t buying some Chinese herbs for balding. Not with that beautiful head of hair. But, maybe a STOMACH CURING PILL because of all that kale intake. No comment about the morning sickness application.

    Nausea and/or headache due to, stomach "flu", over eating, hangover, unfamiliar diet, motion sickness, morning sickness, simple indigestion, etc.

    Or maybe:

    Herbs for Erectile Enhancement
    Golden Book Pill
    Energy medicine to build both the yin and the yang of the body (charge your batteries).

    Regardless, of what is in that blue bag we now know one of the reasons Jake was seen at The Alibi the other day since The Chinese Herbal Centre is only .02m down the street.

  33. Waiting Room Funny #2 - Again. My mom. lol

    So now my mom is still in that huge recliner and the attendant comes over to tell us we can go see my aunt now who is in Recovery. The handle on the side of the recliner does not work to lower the footrest. So Mom is trying to use her legs to push it down and cannot. She pushes and pushes until she's practically arched like a bridge, but it's useless. Meanwhile, the recliner which is on wheels because it's on an imitation wood-like linoleum, is scooting backwards every time she's trying to push down on that footrest until it's plum against the wall.

    And I kept saying, "Mom, just let me put it down. Just get out of the chair and let me fix it." And we're all just laughing already anyway. And she finally crawls out of the chair and then tries to push down on the footrest with both hands and STILL can't get that thing to go down. (She tried to say it was because the chair was so "new" and was "stiff". Uh huh, yeah right. lol)

    And so there sits the chair with the footrest all way up in the air and I had to crawl into it like that and voila! No problem, use both my legs to push that darn footrest down.

    LOLLLLLLLLL!!! It might be one of those "you had to be there" kind of deals but let me tell you, it was just stinkin' hilarious. And we 4 ladies were at DQ later re-living the whole story over our ice cream cones and we were laughing so hard, some senior citizen guy came over and he got such a kick out of us laughing so hard together.

    It was just a killer. I was worn out from laughing.

  34. lol, started laughing just typing the stories again.

    Regardless, of what is in that blue bag we now know one of the reasons Jake was seen at The Alibi the other day since The Chinese Herbal Centre is only .02m down the street.

    Ohhhhh, good work, M&M. what is in that blue bag??????? Sounds potentially very interesting, hmm???

    Would be funny if it was just a small box of ibuprofen or something. LOL

    One of my questions is why is the bag already tied close at the top before he's even out the door? I usually don't do that to one of my bags unless it's going to go in the trunk of the car and I don't want the contents to spill.

    Aw, poor guy. Can't even come out of a store or go to the bathroom without it being Live Investigated/Live Reported with Local Team Coverage. It is indeed Tough To Be Jake.

  35. Regardless, of what is in that blue bag we now know one of the reasons Jake was seen at The Alibi the other day since The Chinese Herbal Centre is only .02m down the street.

    Part of The Shoes video was shot at Alibi and lots of other shops along Kingsland High Street and Stoke Newington Rd.

  36. Part of The Shoes video was shot at Alibi and lots of other shops along Kingsland High Street and Stoke Newington Rd.

    Exactly. But, it's fun to see how everything connects nonetheless.

    Maybe News Team OMG would ease up if Jake would stop looking so mysterious and secretive everywhere he goes. The way he's sneaking out of that Herbal Centre, you would think he just bought some All Natural Herbal Sexual Lubricant for later that evening. Come to think of it, that's a firm possibility too! ;-)

  37. Jake, James and Ryan....mmmmmmm now things are firming up M&M!

    my dreams will be sweet.


  38. You are so bad, Seaweed. I just love that about you! :-)

  39. Great work guys. Thanks for sharing.

    Not sure if it is for the video or not E8, unless they have him changing looks. No glasses and looks like he is wearing his own gear.

    But why the hood's up? ; ) Didn't think Rescue Remedy was something you had to be so on the downlow for.
    : D

  40. Your Mom story is Great!
    Standing up and sending prayers up for your Aunt to be healed and made whole. I'm happy to know she is in one of the best hospitals in USA.

    Have to say, I look at Jake and he is too gorgeous for words. He's getting better looking every year.

    TY for the huge article about Barbara Jordan...she is one of my heroes (sp). I heard her Watergate speech, but have forgotten it. That happened so long ago, but it should be on You Tube...I'll look later. Her booming voice, her diction, her expressive phrasing using just the right amount of pauses and and emphasis, was something to hear and behold.
    My mother informed me of her sexual life just as she told me I could Never ever marry Jackie Wilson Or Johnny Mathis. :lol She broke my heart!
    Pragmatist that she was, she never ever let me be have foolish dreams. She drummed into me that truth is always better and that I should never fool myself ever...I know I said that wrong but I use what she taught me all the time.
    Back to read more later.

  41. @Igatron Iggy B
    Saw Ben Whishaw the other day and now Jake Gyllenhall is in Dalston. I have a feeling my rent is about to go up again.
    4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone

  42. I got it all clearly, Sass. You seem to remember Barbara Jordan very well and make me curious as to some of her speeches. She must have been quite an impacting speaker.
    Thanks to you and everyone else for your positive thoughts & well wishes for my aunt. Much appreciated!!

    The Big D is already threatening to set in. Although I kinda miss my Big Buddy already, I am not ready to go back!!

  43. Not a bad lil' tune. It's kinda catchy. Can't wait to see the video.

    Wow, talk about coming out. Check out Zachary Quinto and Jonathan Groff on Just Jared this morning. Great to see!

    Nice Shoulders, Mr. Quinto!!

  44. Check out the new 'do on Quinto. Pretty sassy.

    How do people relax in those kinds of chairs though? They look so hard.

    And look, where were they eating? In Las Feliz Navidad.

  45. Just Jared Comment on Quinto/Groff PostFebruary 7, 2012 at 9:28 AM

    sami @ 02/07/2012 at 9:09 am

    Another one bites the dust…..

  46. Hmmm, Quinto and Groff at the Mustard Seed.

  47. Big day in California. At 1:00 pm EST a California Court will rule on the legality of Prop 8. Important but just another step leading to a decision that will propably be decided by the US Supreme Court.

  48. I know, Tom. It's really exciting. A long time coming, but each step leading us a little closer to where we need to be... nationally.

  49. Looks like Jake is headed to Berlin.

    MicheleBurger1 Michele Burger
    Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal @London Heathrow airport! #eeeeeek! #thedimples
    2 minutes ago

  50. I wonder what Austin is doing now that it is Jakes turn to work.

  51. Aren't there 5 BTz to look after?

  52. ScotJock N'Drew
    see that 4square thing? Well I wanna become Mayor of Jake Gyllenhall's butthole - sorry whoever Mayor there right now- Ur days are numbered!
    7 minutes ago

  53. Prop 8 Declared Unconstitutional! Yippppppeeeeeeeee!

  54. "Although the Constituion permits communities to enact most laws they believe to be desirable, it requires that there be a legitmate reason for the passage of a law that treats different classes of people differently."

    Also, the panel ruled that there was no-bias evidenced on the part of former Chief U.S. Judge Vaughn Walker before he issued his decision. In other words, there was no reason that Judge Walker should have disclosed that he was gay and in a long term relationship with a man. No conflict of interest.

  55. Takes awhile to read the ruling, but here is the kicker:

    "Proposition 8 served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California."

  56. Great news! !

    And thanks for the hilarious stories PG, especially love the one about the bag, lollll.

    Hmmm haven't checked JJ yet, thought those two broke up.
