Saturday, February 4, 2012


Not only did Mary Shelley write Frankenstein, if she were alive today could have been the Ted's source to yesterday's Awful Truth. Only this time the Frankenstein is not in long form, but in short form, and not made from spare parts of the recently deceased but culling together spare tweets to create a tale stemmed from fear.
Bet you thought it would be Austin’s fivehead that would have started all of this, but no it's Jakey.

So hit the funky blue lights of CSI, fire up the computers and follow the trail: (hint: that means lots of reading, links to click and not a lot of pictures - sometimes it's work - Ha!)

Here we go:

And apparently she's friggin' stunning. Our New York diner scored a table near J.G. and his lady friend at ABC Kitchen, the Jean Georges eatery at the ABC Carpet & Home store, earlier this week.

There were only two days earlier this week that Jake could have been in New York. Sunday or Monday. Well it couldn't have been Sunday because Jake was out to brunch at The Fat Radish.

@eye4style Dina Fierro

Um, yeah, that's Jake Gyllenhaal leaving brunch at The Fat Radish, with someone who clearly resembles a model.

29 Jan via Echofon 12:59EST

And it couldn’t be Saturday because he was at Luna’s. But Saturday was the day with pony tail pic.

Now following the tweets for the rest of Sunday, Jake was at the Sol Moscot eyewear store and then was back on the train before 3:00pm.

And the source said lunch, not brunch so that means it would have to be Monday. Now Monday there was a tweet serving Jake and messing up his order.

@_ShesVINTAGE Tatsnlipstick

I was starstruck seeing jake gyllenhaal eating at my job and I was the one to take care of him!! 30 Jan via Twitter for iPhone 12:57pm EST

"I immediately saw this gorgeous girl because I get girl crushes easily but didn't think anything of it," our babe gushes about Jake's date (whom we're told is an Alessandra Ambrosio look-alike). "She had a fur coat on, a Balenciaga bag and a high pony. Then we sit down and order and my mother notices Jake G. seated with the babe girl."

But apparently not inconspicuous enough, as Jake was approached by a few fans with whom he happily took pictures. And—get ready to awww with us—he apparently went up and talked to another family's kid.

Too friggin' cute!

Talked to another family. Is this another dig at the Toothy lore of him having a family of his own?

"They were leaning close like they were dating," our source gossips to us about the lunchtime couple, who sipped coffee and picked at a piece of cake before getting their shoppin' on.

@_ShesVINTAGE Tatsnlipsticklmao omg I was a mess I got so nervous wen I saw him I messed up his order like 10 times ��“@StonerXGonzalez: @_ShesVINTAGE Lmao You Cool?” 30 Jan via Twitter for iPhone 1:00pm EST

ShesVINTAGE Tatsnlipstick@StonerXGonzalez he had this wtf look on his face lmaoooo 30 Jan via Twitter for iPhone 1:02pm EST

Now if he was there on Monday, how could he eat, take pictures, talk to another family and spend time leaning in sipping coffee, if this possible server who messed up his order 10 times in an hour? Can you really tweet about him at 12:58pm when lunch service doesn’t start at ABC until 12:00pm, that’s less than an hour into service at a very busy restaurant during the lunch rush? Additionally I don’t think you would get so thrown serving Jake if you work at a restaurant that has a steady stream of high profile diners as ABC Kitchen.

Interesting that this fuzzy picture of Jake that was discounted as recent popped up this past weekend too.


He is there with something that looks like cake on the table with someone next to him that is female. But they are not alone. There seems to be a third person. We also have concluded this is not a recent picture of Jake because of his beard (it’s not as thick now) and Jake’s size (he’s not as thick either, in fact he is quite slender now) And that doesn’t look like lunch time either.

The twosome spent some time meandering through the home goods section of ABC Carpet & Home before checking out the upstairs levels with bed and bath products:

"They were touchy before they got into the elevator," our vigilant spy spills. "They looked happy."

Did this person get up from their table at the same time and follow them from the restaurant all the way through the store? Because how else would they know what department.

Interesting how they want to make it appear that is domestic. One more swipe at Toothy tale.

Then Jake was on his way to England. So when did this happen?

What it really looks like that is this source gather all the random tweets of the past weekend, mashed them together with a sighting of Jake at ABC Kitchen more likely from November 7th for a booksigning and getting snapped at a distance with Ed Norton than from last week, and pulled in this running thread of Jake and models, together to build Tweetenstein.

Sure that one tweeter who obsessively would ask anyone who saw Jake anywhere if he who he was with and if they were tall, blonde, etc would be all over this moments after it happened.

BJPsez Barbara @Go2therapyDavid Spare the puerile humor and just tell us who he's with? LOL! 14 Nov

BJPsez Barbara @infamousbrian30 @sbellelauren How cool!!! Was he with his Victoria's Secret Model, or his mother? LOL! 14 Nov

BJPsez Barbara @belleslettres omg. He's adorable! who was he with????? Please don't say his mother! LOL! 13 Nov

BJPsez Barbara @JulieVAD OMG! How cool! Details? Plz don't tell me he was with his mother.LOL! 11 Nov

BJPsez Barbara @MarissRosenblum Is he with the Brazilian Victoria Secret supermodel? Brwn eyes, 5'9" very long hair? Or his mother? LOL! 11 Nov

But where are the tweets and the pictures from the restaurant. No one with anyone he posed with?

Interesting to note that Jake has been mentioned with three different Victoria’s Secret models over the past year. If it was true they would have counter the Jake can’t get a date/Minka Kelly story with those exploits and go on to show the game he’s got with all the VS ladies. And they didn’t. In fact Jake doesn’t seem interested in any attention from the ladies at all.

There was Jared talking about Jake not staying long enough to even look at the ladies at the Victoria’s Secret After Party.

@JaredEng Just Jared Jake Gyllenhaal is here at afterparty to support @adamlevine @AnneV. He just plugged his ears and mouthed "so effin loud" and left ha 9 Nov via Twitter for BlackBerry®

And in December at the Jay-Z Kayne West show in LA he didn’t seem interested either.

“At the Staples Center, a bearded Jake Gyllenhaal ignored women trying to get his attention as he danced to Jay-Z and West’s music.” NY Post

Question Time:

What was happening last weekend to get the villagers up in arms and this Tweetenstein showing up later?

A daycare tweet perhaps?

Or was it some (Photo)shopping?

And who would want to take a poke or two at the tale of Toothy and Ted?

Also why was it that this information was shared the day after Ted hinted about Toothy coming out one day, when they knew about this from earlier in the week?

Much thanks to OMG reference services department for all the help.


  1. SimpyInspired
    Ismail Pirbhai
    Just saw Jake gyllenhaal filming outside Super Kebabs in Stokenewington. #Snowing in London.
    20 minutes ago

  2. We all know that Ted uses tweets, F dightings and fake inside info as his source SK, it nice that you finally figured it out!

  3. Impressive detective workFebruary 4, 2012 at 5:58 PM

    For someone to do this kind of mashup takes a considerable amount of time and effort. Ted ain't going to bother. But, others who can't stand a beardless Jake or a Jake's daughter at a daycare center sure might.

  4. Another big part of this woven tale of all this alleged brunette model sample tasting is this.

    First part of a thread posted on WFT2 back on December 7 where you learn where the Salina Rose model rumor is generating from (I think it may have originated on IHJ thread on Dec 5):

    Anonymous said...
    there are reports he's in San Francisco with a Victoria secret model named Salina Rose. She is brunette, a change for Jake who seemed to like blondes.
    December 07, 2011 9:48 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Link please! (don't believe Jake ever met her)
    December 07, 2011 10:00 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I have found it on a site of fan of BBMt it calls Trekfan ranch, it is a comment of the administrator of the page that I think it doesn't have any motive to lie,
    December 07, 2011 10:03 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Except trying to make Jake look straight! LOL
    December 07, 2011 10:09 AM

    Anonymous IHJ said...
    Topic: Jake is dating a Model named Salina Rose

    I Read on the internet that Jake is dating a model Named Salina Rose,after a koppel of tweets that i read I came out on her facebook page and Yep there are some pictures of Her and jake hanging out in NYC and I guess one whas taking at Maggie her home cause it whas whit thanksgivng and in the back you can see toys for kids.

    she stands whit jake kissing on that picture while maggie is standing next to them.
    she is pretty I must say.
    So what I read on her facebook page, she live...and yeah in San Fransico.....mmm he is bringing her a visit i guess??
    I look on the internet for a picture of her...I trai to copie the picture of them kissing. but I cant get it of. maybe I need a account for that ore something ?
    well we see when jake ans she gets out to the public.
    December 07, 2011 10:11 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't think so, she is a fan of BBMt and she would prefer that Jake was gay I think, but if you look at er page you realize you that she is a serious person,
    December 07, 2011 10:14 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Please post link.
    December 07, 2011 10:18 AM


  5. Cont.
    trekfan: there are reports he's in San Francisco with a Victoria secret model named Salina Rose. She is brunette, a change for Jake who seemed to like blondes.

    Life is full of changes, sometimes for the better sometimes not. I wish Jake the best and hope he finds happiness
    December 07, 2011 10:54 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    there are reports he's in San Francisco with a Victoria secret model named Salina Rose

    I think reports = bullshit posted on IHJ ( )
    December 07, 2011 10:57 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why bullshit?
    December 07, 2011 11:00 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Read posts from the person who started that IHJ thread - no photos, zero logic, zero proof.
    December 07, 2011 11:02 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    but there is not any reference to the change of color of the hair of Selina in IHJ
    December 07, 2011 11:07 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hair?!? What anyone's hair has to do with anything?
    December 07, 2011 11:16 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5th-Dec-2011 09:02 pm (UTC)
    trekfan: there are reports he's in San Francisco with a Victoria secret model named Salina Rose. She is brunette, a change for Jake who seemed to like blondes.

    Trekfan is stupid enough to believe that Jake really dated his beards.
    December 07, 2011 11:18 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nothing! I had understood wrong, that Selina had changed color of hair for Jake, that stupid that I am sorry
    December 07, 2011 11:22 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    OK, no problem!
    December 07, 2011 11:25 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Trekfan is stupid enough to believe that Jake really dated his beards.

    Try to stop calling stupid the people that don't personally know, and that they dare to think her/it of different way from you! ill-mannered
    December 07, 2011 11:26 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Sorry 11:26 AM, I will call stupid any Jake fan who is buying his bearding as real relationship.
    December 07, 2011 11:33 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You can do what you want, but to offend the people without motive if not that they go against your thought, it is unpleasant and you result an ill-mannered
    December 07, 2011 11:42 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Selina is as soon as 19 years old
    December 07, 2011 11:44 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "it is unpleasant"

    Yes, I know that the truth can be unpleasant, but the truth is more important than the fakeness. But you are free to pretend and fake.
    December 07, 2011 11:59 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Stephanie at IHJ dcloesed that thread down. Some nut named Robine and a friend started it by creating fake FB and twitter accounts. English obviously isn't her first language. She posts on all the Jake sites including this one.

    Hi Robine @ 11:44. I thought Salina was 29?? You said so on IHJ.
    December 07, 2011 12:02 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Oh great, more stupid Jake fans! LOL
    December 07, 2011 12:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Robine and a friend

    Can't they wait for Jake to find another fake girlfriend? I guess they can't.
    December 07, 2011 12:07 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's bearding movie season. Of course he's going to beard up.
    December 07, 2011 12:07 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    saw Jake Gyllenhaal walking hand in hand whit a brunette while leaving a Coffee store in San Francisco. he looked very happy!
    December 07, 2011 12:08 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    is it everything forgery therefore, but how much really insane people of mind does it exist?
    December 07, 2011 12:14 PM

  6. cont:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    saw Jake Gyllenhaal walking hand in hand whit a brunette while leaving a Coffee store in San Francisco. he looked very happy!

    Twitter Search - ther is no such Twitter user and no such tweet.
    December 07, 2011 12:23 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    sorry guys and girls I have not understood, is this whole history false right?
    December 07, 2011 12:25 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yes, "Jake is dating a Model named Salina Rose" story is fake.
    December 07, 2011 12:32 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ok thanks:)
    December 07, 2011 12:35 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wouldn't be surprised if it isn't UV or someone else from GB desperate to prove Jake is straight. They must be getting impatient waiting for that big wedding, lol.
    December 07, 2011 12:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    but how you can invent a stupidity like this? I don't know whether to laugh at them or to cry for their relatives
    December 07, 2011 12:53 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Remember how Jake and his PR team invented stupidity like "dating Reese Witherspoon" or "dating Taylor Swift"?
    December 07, 2011 12:55 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    but at least Reese Tylor they exist really contrarily of Selina
    December 07, 2011 1:04 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wrong, it wasn't UV or GB. It started on IHJ by Robine who I think is German.

    On the closed thread on IHJ, someone looked at the fake accounts and noticed that Robine's friend follows IHJ and WDW, so if Robine posts on IHJ we can all assume that the friends posts on WDW. I checked WDW and she didn't bother to post this fake rumor there, hmmmmmm...
    December 07, 2011 1:04 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    BTW, Robine is @ 12:53, check out her posts on IHJ.
    December 07, 2011 1:06 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    how 12:53?
    December 07, 2011 1:09 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cry for their relatives, if english is your native language, you wouldn't use phrases like that.

    She has been posting here for months,and she is too lazy to change her style so she was easily busted.

    She is too dumber than a box of dirt and is she starts another thread on IHJ, her acct will probably be deleted.
    December 07, 2011 1:13 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    no, I am not , have I posted that message and I have never made a thing of the kind, and I am Italian. Why I should make such a stupid and improbable thing?
    December 07, 2011 1:17 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you aren't her @1:17, then i'm sorry, your posts are similar.

    But she does post here and she started the thread on IHj Trekfan saw it on IHJ and just reposted the fake news on her LJ. Trekfan also posts on other jake sites using diferent names so she may have done the same on them.

    It's so easy to find out about fake FB, Robone is truly stupid.
    December 07, 2011 1:23 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    you have accused me and offended without not even worrying to ask or to verify,do you think that it is a good thing to laugh at someone who doesn't speak well your language?
    December 07, 2011 1:32 PM

  7. Okay, now here is the Facebook Wall Entries for this Salina Rose Laurens that is supposed to be this model Salina Rose whom Jake is supposedly dating:

    Model at Elite Model Management New York

    Salina Rose Laurens
    In the Hotel waiting for jake, He is working on a new project in London!Just Crazy that he whas already busy in London while I whas in NYC together whit him and I hade too fly to Berlin and he whas going already to london for a early meeting.Now we are together again. I cant wait 2 show you guy's my new photo's I hade to take in berlin for the cover of voque and Elite. Tomorrow catching up whit my two close friends Chantal Lindsey, and Dahlia Devens.
    Share · Wednesday at 3:43pm
    Salina Rose Laurens
    ITS so freaking COLD in NYC !!!!
    Share · January 30 at 11:49am

    Salina Rose Laurens
    Jake is just done whit shooting!now we heading over for lunch at a fine littel Bistro place, Can you believe over a vieuw days we will be in Berlin. and both for for fun ;p and Bussines !!!
    Share · January 30 at 10:45am near San Francisco, CA ·

    Salina Rose Laurens added a new photo.
    Untitled Album
    Share · January 29 at 6:34am ·

    Chantal Lindsey likes this.
    Salina Rose Laurens added 2 new photos to the album Untitled Album.
    Share · January 29 at 6:22am ·

    Chantal Lindsey likes this.
    Salina Rose Laurens
    Happy to be whit my BF Jake in NYC for a vieuw days...I missed him so mutch, we both are very busy whit our work.Love staying at his mom's place...she is so nice!
    Share · January 29 at 6:05am ·

    Chantal Lindsey likes this.
    Chantal Lindsey
    Love the new 4 photo's of you and Jake together taken at the chinees new years eve thing. have fun together sweety now you both have a littel time off.
    January 30 at 11:34am

    Salina Rose changed her profile picture.
    Salina Rose changed her profile picture.
    Salina Rose changed her profile picture.
    Salina Rose changed her profile picture.
    Salina Rose Laurens
    Having a cappacino while waiting for Mister Jake Gyllenhaal. How are you doing?did you had a great day at the after party last night?
    Share · December 6, 2011 at 2:17pm ·

  8. It is unbelievable that someone would make up an entire Facebook page with these lying posts.

    You Google this Salina Rose and you cannot find anything on her except Google Search references leading you to Gyllenbabble and IHJ.

    If she's a Victoria Secret Model, would you not think she would have something else going on for her career than mentions on GB and IHJ???

    It's unbelievable to me that this FB page exists and allowed on the internet. Who would ever believe those posts are written by a person with English as their native language?

    Someone thinks we are gullible and stupid as hell.

  9. This is a lot to take in and absorb. It's a lot of information to read.

    Huge kudos and congratulations to Special for putting it all together in a wonderful post.

    Thanks to those who stayed up late last night. You guys have no idea how many hours it took to compile this information. The size of Special's post doesn't even reflect the number of combined man hours and phone minutes. (LOL - there's been some dying phone and bluetooth batteries in the past 24 hours)

    And yes, THIS is why you post and archive "pointless" tweets, FB mentions and outside blog posts. Some of it is indeed garbo, some of it turns out to be a diamond in the rough and some of it eventually becomes a boomerang that comes back to bite someone in their butt.

  10. LaurenRachel156 Lauren Whitehead
    Jake Gyllenhaal filming outside my house right now. New series of Dalston Superstars?...
    9 minutes ago

  11. LonelyHart Aileen
    Jake Gyllenhaal was just standing right in front of my car all by himself. He`s cute. Looked rite in the car then bolted when lite changed.
    5 minutes ago

    Karen Nowosad
    Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal as he blocked our car from going forward
    5 minutes ago

  12. You are late to the party PG, IHJ and GB both busted this chick with her fake twitter account and FB page as you have just shown. All you and SK did was lurk on those sitesasnd cut and pasted the activity and pasted in your "files".

    Not really detective work now is it.
    And Ted is full of hit with his fake soucs, again.

  13. For those who have access, this is most likely the real Salina Rose FB page. Don't know that for sure but...

    Perhaps the real Salina Rose?

    This would be the fake one:


  14. You are late to the party PG, IHJ and GB both busted this chick with her fake twitter account and FB page as you have just shown.

    Why else do you think I re-posted the WFT2 thread which revealed this?

    But no one posted the FB thread, did they? People need to see those FB entries for themselves.

    Read Special's post again and you will see why this Salina Rose story was included.

    BTW, not everyone here goes on IHJ and Gyllenbabble nor Trekfan's Ranch NOR even WFT2 anymore.

    This could be the first time an OMG reader may have heard about this.

    Sorry to burst your bubble. :D

  15. Ted is not going to practically out someone unless he has really nailed down the source, so you can't equate the digital dance/Austin and Jake sighting with the model story from this week. When posting the former he practically implied the source was a friend of his, whereas in the latter he just sources a supposed fellow patron at the restaurant.

    In fact, I'd bet good money whoever made up this latest story did it partly to discredit Ted.

  16. Everything from today's post came from primary sources, ie Real Tweets, Newspaper Links, and Ted. If you go back through OMG you will find all of these things posted. There is no need to go anywhere else it was already here, and it was just going through everything here and pulling it together.

  17. Sorry PrairieGirl, those twitter comments from 5:59 to 6:18 sound like the typical (Jake is gay and bearding) posters/people who post the same (Jake is gay and bearding) anywhere Jake's picture is posted on the net/FB/twitter. Including some posters, maybe reg. who post here.

    They won't believe anything unless it's Jake with Austin! Conspiracy theorys run amock and are always hanging in the AIR..

    Nothing new or Profound there...

  18. Sorry PrairieGirl, those twitter comments from 5:59 to 6:18 sound like the typical (Jake is gay and bearding) posters/people who post the same (Jake is gay and bearding) anywhere Jake's picture is posted on the net/FB/twitter. Including some posters, maybe reg. who post here.

    What on earth are you talking about?

    What twitter comments from 5:59 to 6:18?

  19. Until you stop using someone else's forum name, 18:58, I'm not even addressing you.

    If anyone is counting on getting a rise out of me, sorry! You will not detract from the information that has been compiled and released here in a detailed format which clearly reveals that someone has had an outside agenda to push.

  20. Sorry, The discussion between the people discussing Jake and the Model and the person calling the names because they don't or wont believe any of it. The FB comments.

  21. Not trying to get a rise out of you, just making a comment. Sorry, I missread some of it. I still don't think it's worth anything.

  22. When I read Ted's article yesterday the first thing I thought of was the timing.

    Why did he posted the day after hinting that Toothy could come out?

  23. Not trying to get a rise out of you, just making a comment. Sorry, I missread some of it. I still don't think it's worth anything.

    That's fine. It's just a re-posting of the WFT2 thread which discussed the rumor. What I found interesting was the way one particular commenter was believing the story and seemed insulted when no one else was buying it. My question would be how on earth could anyone buy that FB post and why was it brought to WFT2 as something worth considering to be true?

    That was my point in putting up the thread followed by the FB post.

    And yeah, I think that FB post is worth something. It reveals how far someone is willing to go to try and prove Jake is straight.

  24. Great work Special, PG, and whoever else may have contributed to this investigation. It certainly puts a new light on things.

  25. PaulPhung Paul Phung
    Jake Gyllenhaal at the Alibi, really wonder why all these celebrities go there..would rather see Maggie though
    12 minutes ago

  26. UltraViolet said...
    Lots of Jake sightings today. He was apparently at ABC Kitchen, so he's definitely back in NY CZ mode :) I think he's been to Lupa before, as well, hasn't he?

    From FB:

    A series of unfortunate fucked up train lines led me to getting on the train with Jake Gyllenhall ...I'll take it.

    6 hours ago near New York, NY ·

    6 hours ago

    6 hours ago

    6 hours ago

    Omg you're so lucky!!
    6 hours ago

    Victoria Stern He was was with a really pretty brunette
    6 hours ago

    Yeah but for the life of me I couldn't figure out who it was for like three or four stops but I was like I KNOW YOU lol
    6 hours ago

    I recently rode the train with Jake too. He was with his parents.
    5 hours ago

    ‎*Swoon* he's so hot. ...

    January 29, 2012 12:06 AM

  27. Posting happily and with elevated temp...ty again for welcome here...some folks don't know how far back we all go...Cancer has turned my immune system off...didn't know it until temp and bugs cultured out this week etc.

    I have fun with Jake and with all my friends of Jake and Austin whom I think is a fantastic actor.

    Sorry this happened here...Perhaps it was as much a shock to them as it was to me to see those questions here...happily I was too ill to pay much attention.

    Cancer the gift that keeps on giving...a favorite saying of my BC buds.

    Glad to listen to the beautiful voice of the singer who got the Les Miserables role over TS who has very little vocal power for such a role.
    Hoping Jake comes back with loads of future work...they love him so much over there and in Europe.
    Prayer and more Prayers + Prayers for Jake to get loads of work and referrals.
    And for me *grin*


  28. UltraViolet said...
    Lots of Jake sightings today. He was apparently at ABC Kitchen, so he's definitely back in NY CZ mode :) I think he's been to Lupa before, as well, hasn't he?

    From FB:

    A series of unfortunate fucked up train lines led me to getting on the train with Jake Gyllenhall ...I'll take it.

    6 hours ago near New York, NY ·

    6 hours ago

    6 hours ago

    6 hours ago

    Omg you're so lucky!!
    6 hours ago

    Victoria Stern He was was with a really pretty brunette
    6 hours ago

    Yeah but for the life of me I couldn't figure out who it was for like three or four stops but I was like I KNOW YOU lol
    6 hours ago

    I recently rode the train with Jake too. He was with his parents.
    5 hours ago

    ‎*Swoon* he's so hot. ...

    January 29, 2012 12:06 AM

  29. It takes a village.

    OMG was started as a community and things like today's post are what a community stretched across the time zones can do when they all work together.

    A big thank you to all of you who helped!! Couldn't have done it without you.

    And thanks PG for adding all the additional information to today's post in comments.

  30. Good work girls. The JIS vs JIG war seems to be stronger than ever.

    I did a Google search of this Victoria Secret model and found a list of past and current models. There is no Salina Rose. If this woman was doing a cover for Vogue or Elite you can bet your ass you could Google her or she would be on that list. Poor work by whoever is inventing this lame romance. Complete amateurs. Definitely not Jakes PR.

  31. Another little tidbit. The real Salina Rose on Facebook was born in Las Vegas and lives in California. I doubt she would speak broken English:-)

  32. Good work again girls. Your awesome.

    Wanted to say yesterdays post was really cute SK. One of my favorites.

  33. Well my head is spinning , and not just because I have a head cold. So much to sort through! Of this I am sure. Jake is gay. If he is hanging around with any women, it will only be a matter of time until we find out she is staff, a business associate or a family friend. No girlfriends for jake.

  34. Carina MacKenzie
    @cadlymack west hollywood
    sometimes i pretend i'm a journalist. i have touched glitter in the last 24 hours
    Had nice chats with Austin Nichols & Zach Roerig today. Good dudes.
    4 Feb

  35. There has been a lot of talk about Cadly's interview with Austin about OTH a couple of days.

    And who says that a chat can't by phone.

  36. Here is one more pic to add. This picture was posted on Monday. It’s Jake having lunch in NYC the same day the pic was posted. The post itself has no date but you can see the date. in this google search with time.

  37. Jake Gyllenhaal Wears Glasses for Cameo!

    Jake Gyllenhaal puts on a pair of glasses while filming a cameo role on Saturday (February 4) at Ridley Road Market in Dalston, England.

    The 31-year-old actor filmed a part in the promo for French band The Shoes‘ new single, “Time to Dance”.

  38. This is long but interesting if anyone cares to read. It's an email sent by an agent to his clients during pilot season. It shoes the lenght they will go in search for money and fame. And this agent is a small fish with clients who are nobodies, imagine the big fishes at CAA, WME, UTA, etc etc. and how far they will go about bearding their clients.

    Deadline Hollywood

  39. I think Ted's source was Jake's PR. He is hinting it in here ("unfulfilled" meaning without PR plants, until a "trusty source" who "filled in" on the "latest" "secret" date):
    "And we were just saying that Jake Gyllenhaal's love life seemed rather...unfulfilled lately!
    That is, until we heard word from a trusty NYC source who filled us in on the latest deets of Jakey-poo's secret lunch date."

    and the reason Ted went with it and published it was exactly what Methodical Muser posted yesterday here:
    "Fri., Dec. 10, 2010
    Dear Ted:
    You mentioned that Toothy's sexual preference is very well-known in the business and that he is also very well-known for having famous beards. If the mags and gossip columns (including yours) know these facts, why do they continue to print stories about his current and/or past romances knowing that they are totally fake? Do you and others get paid to publish these or is it a way of keeping his legal team off your back while you continue to out him albeit through his B.V.?
    —Totally in to TT, Gay or Straight
    Dear Too Technical:
    Because, speaking for Team Truth, we love T2 so much we're willing to throw him a bone or two when it comes to whichever gal is by his side that week. It's goss, after all, and that's what the Awful Truth is. We've got no plans to out the dude. That's his own biz."

    Ted added all the Toothy clues to be cheeky (Mainly BEARD) and the post is loaded with kids references: family, kid, domestic, babe girl, babe, chick, mother, bath and bed, pony, home goods, Alessandra Ambrosio (who is pregnant now and has a baby daughter). Can Ted be saying something specific with this particular words? any ideas?

    If it was indeed Jake's PR, then let's see if US Weekly or another tabloid has something this week to see where this goes.

  40. That was an interesting read on the agent's email to his clients. He was so melodramatic, lol. But what was just as interesting were the comments.

    Kind of sad, really. Those people have such a cutthroat view of their profession.

    I love the one comment about the agent's "people skills". LOL! That was funny.

  41. Thanks for the find of that picture "I hate bearding". Has anyone else seen that one before?

    Now we know why Jake at Sol Moscot on Sunday. He was getting wire framed glasses for the video cameo.

  42. That memo, wow. The part that crack me up was that Nikki Finke contacted him about it and ask him if he was having a bad day, and he said,“Actually, I was having a great day.”

    That's scary.

  43. That memo, wow. The part that crack me up was that Nikki Finke contacted him about it and ask him if he was having a bad day, and he said,“Actually, I was having a great day.”

    LOL - I missed that part, Special. That guy was something else - talking to his actor clients like they were little kids. Kind of sounds like some supervisors I've heard in the past when they're talking amongst themselves. LOLLLLL!!

  44. Sorry again for all the bruhaha a while back...Agent's letter is amazing...tough business...lost my last post...TY again for being there for me.

  45. lost my last post

    Aw sorry to hear that, Sass. Been there & had that happen, we've all shared in that agony. LOL. Blogger can be brutal, can't it?

    Hope you get to feeling better soon, Sass. Have a great Super Bowl Sunday.

  46. Follow the Twitter TrailFebruary 5, 2012 at 8:50 AM

    SophiaBush Sophia Bush
    Being sick is the worst. Fever chills. No voice. And the worst headache ever. Thank god for tivo'd episodes of @ZooeyDeschanel #TheNewGirl
    3 Feb 11:31ET

    SophiaBush Sophia Bush
    @itsanjali I sure did! I'm laid up but ready for adventures soon!!
    11 hours ago 8:51PM Feb 4

    RedSable38 Tiffany
    @SophiaBush Awwwww :( I hope U feel better! Try lots of OJ, Chicken Soup,& a Hot Shower Hun. Hope it helps :)
    4 hours ago

    MC8908 Misty Clay
    @SophiaBush was like 3 ft from me at @TylerHilton's show tonight. And I didn't notice...or get to meet her. Better luck next time? #NotCool
    4 hours ago 00:59 Feb 5

    rhapsody99 rhapsody99
    @Nettey128 @igotlost I was standing right by a bunch of OTH cast members. Sophia Bush, Stephen Colletti, and the chick playing Tyler's gf.
    5 hours ago

    FanBJoyGaleotti Joy's fans♥ Emeline
    @SophiaBush Did you see that 'Feel Better Sophia' was trending world wide just for YOU Sophia ?! :) XO
    1 hour ago

    IshtaarGate N A
    @SophiaBush Hope you're better soon. Don't overdo it until you're fully recovered - just relax and put your feet up for a change :)
    4 hours ago

    SophiaBush Sophia Bush
    I would not have left the house with this plague for anyone but @TylerHilton. Hot damn, that show was worth it bro. …
    5 hours ago

    ennesm Ennes
    @SophiaBush bet you made everyone sick
    4 hours ago

  47. Wow that romance ended quick. I wonder if there is bad blood between Austin and Sophia.

  48. Wow that romance ended quick.

    Why do you think the showmance is over?

  49. Jake looks terrific in those rims and that Just Jared promotional post is focused on what should be the most important aspect about Jake...his career and upcoming projects. That's how you know, there is already a new business plan in place.

    The "letter" sent into Ted is more than likely not from PR. If they wanted to place Jake with women they would be planting/leaking stories in the tabloids or arranging for photo ops or having "sources" go on the record anonymously to talk about how happy Jake is, etc. The faction that wants to promote JiS by placing him with an exotic brunette, tall model, is who put that mess together based on tweets and pics from last week. CAA started the ball rolling by pushing the Victorian Secret idea last year, but WME has not shown any such "DiCaprio" strategy.

  50. @yarrowort Daren Brady
    Hmm why is Jake Gyllenhaal at the end of my street feeding swans. That's put a perplexing slant on my morning constitutional.
    5 hours ago via web

    nkuderer Nicole Kuderer
    Apparently Jake Gyllenhaal is filming at Clapton Pond right now...
    3 hours ago

  51. The Salina Rose person (the fake one) is obviously a deranged "fan" - no way this came from PR. It's so sick! But I think this stuff probably happens to celebs a lot - look at all the imposter twitter accounts out there.

    I used to think that the fake tweets placing Jake away from Austin or with women were just planted from PR, but now it is clear that there are also these independent, rogue foot soldiers out there, like JIS vigilantes! SO CRAZY. Anyway, very nice detective work.

    I agree with "Sources and Clues" above that Jake's PR was possibly the source of this Awful Truth story, and that Ted covered it just as he has Jake's bearding stories in the past, with plenty of tongue and cheek. Makes me think two things. One, there is another Toothy blind coming soon. And two, that this is what 'bearding lite' looks like. No contracts, no relationships, just casual associations that benefit both parties. After all, what does it take to make a little-known VS model from Brazil into a supermodel? That cute boyfriend stashed away back home ain't gonna help you. Dates with an A-list actor sure can.

    "Bearding lite" - VS models are way safer for Jake's reputation than an actress or singer. Everyone likes a pretty model - there is no personality on display so nothing NOT to like. Both Reese and Taylor (especially Taylor) cost Jake points with people, and the believability factor was an issue (Reese isn't considered sexy, Taylor is childlike, etc.) With a model, there's none of that. It just makes sense to the average person because hey - all guys like models! And most models are very used to being around gay men. So models make great beards. Just ask Leo!

    Again, great detective work!

  52. Are comments being moderated? If not, I just lost a loooong one :(

  53. Interesting to read that agent's letter. I didn't think it sounded that bad though, especially when you consider all the things that go on in HW.

  54. OwlGirl, looks like your comment made it?!

    I think Sophin supporters probably ought to be a little more worried about their couple of choice rather than stewing and poking ridicule at a gay relationship which transparently they are very worried about.

    From the sounds of it thus far, Mr. Austin wasn't there with ol' Soapy at the Tyler Hilton concert last night.

    Let's see. Girlfriend is sick. It's Saturday night, prime choice for dates. Former co-star is playing a gig where other cast mates are in attendance, including said Girlfriend.

    Sounds like a most likely opportunity for Boyfriend to be in attendance, doesn't it?

    Or does Austin have a low immunity issue? Puffs Kleenex allergy? Nasal allergy to cough drops?

    There's your prime couple rocky road red flag right there, girls. I think I'd be focusing on the support of said thread couple and lay off the homophobic taunting.

  55. I really don’t think Ted would post something from a random JIS fan or anonymous tweets. He has years in this industry and knows when he is being led on. I think Ted has real sources or info comes straight from publicists (Ted adding his own cheeky comments and references to blinds hidden in the post of course)

    Ted recently replied a question about sources:

    Jan 27 2012
    Dear Ted:
    Where do you get your Blind Vice info? You know anyone can go to your site and post this so called ''info'' and you actually believe them? Are you really that guidable? WTF is wrong with you?
    Dear Gullible:
    Darling, I don't think you mean guidable, as you say. More likely, the adjective you're looking for is one that best describes you, instead—if you really think anonymous tips are where I get my Blind Vices. In all honesty, in all the years I've been writing B.V.s, I think maybe two are from people I don't know.

  56. Maxwelllllll !!!!!!!!
    we we weeeeeeeeeeee!!!

  57. Just what I was hoping for! A new Maxwell commercial !!

  58. I think maybe two are from people I don't know.

    Maybe the anonymous number is three now. I think Ted has been itching to write something about Jake and took the opportunity to do so when the info was presented with a backstory and alleged sightings tied up neatly with a big red bow. He knows all about the Victoria Secret Model rumors out there so it's not like he's just taking one letter as the origin for what's been circulating for some time in Page Six, US Weekly, tweets, FB, etc.

    I personally don't believe The Jake Can't Be Gay promoters haven't been sending Ted stuff for months now. Ted just finally decided to print something. He loves to dare Toothy. He has done it many times before just to see how Jake's camp responds.

  59. If Jakes PR team sent Ted that foolish crap he should fire her or whoever else did it. What a loser she is. I disagree I think Ted on this one got this nonsense just like we did and was mocking the crap out of it.
