Friday, March 23, 2012

Kid stuff

The old adage is, never work with kids or animals....

Austin on working with babies

Now how could an actor be so upset with a director who looks at you like this?

And does someone else in the family have dimples?
Happy Austin Friday.


  1. Yeah... he's tormented all right. All these months, it's been all about Reese.

    I think I just pulled something laughing so hard.

    Jake Gyllenhaal is tormented by photos of his long lost love, Reese Witherspoon.
    via Celebitchy

    Jake torment by Reeses' pictures

    She broke his heart and dumped him two years ago, but Reese Witherspoon still makes the cut with Jake Gyllenhaal – before he reads any magazine or newspaper, an assistant rips or snips out every last photo of Reese because he’s still torching… and simply can’t bear to see her face!

    Said a family friend: “You’d think he’s be over it by now, especially since he’s dated many beauties like Taylor Swift, and Reese is now married. But Jake can’t bring himself to look at her photo – and absolutely refuses to see her movies. So before any publications are given to him, Reese stories or pictures are RIPPED! Even if it’s just a photo with a small caption, his assistant clips it out with scissors!”

    [From The Enquirer, print edition]

  2. Ted admits it finallyMarch 23, 2012 at 8:26 AM

    Sorry but I see that you are going to ignore Ted C's final truth about Jake not being Toothy. According to Ted C, Jake does not have any kids and that Ted wants Jake to find a girlfriend and start making babies. If this does not prove that Jake is not Toothy finally by ted's own admission by elimination than you are as sick as the National Enquirer.

  3. Don't think so quick about Ted.

    He's been in the biz a long time, from knowing how to imply something without saying it directly.

  4. Ted has never ever said Jake isn't Toothy, and he still hasn't.

  5. Current Ted Talk from Awful TruthMarch 23, 2012 at 9:45 AM

    Is this what everyone was waiting for:

    Dear Ted:
    Glad to hear Jake Gyllenhaal is happy for Reese Witherspoon's pregnancy. Which leads me to wonder, do you think he is the sort of guy to have parental urgings that need to be satisfied?

    Dear Baby Daddy:
    Not sure if Jakey's hoping for a tot of his own, but he would make a phenomenal father. Did you see him around Reese's kiddos? Dude's totally got that parental instinct. Now, let's find Jake a new GF and let the baby-making begin!

  6. and let the baby-making begin!


    So Jake does NOT have babies yet?

    There is no nixing words here. He implies he wants Jake to make babies with a woman because he don't have any yet and thinks he should get started, and soon.

  7. No, that's just another "Dear Ted" letter. Ted said he would have another BV post about Toothy on Friday that would be delicious.

    I don't know why people write in about Jake Gyllenhaal when they want to find out if he has kids. Ted will never "out" Jake as being gay, nor will he state that he has kid(s) when his public persona is that he is a hot bachelor, who has never been married or with child. That's why he has Blind Vice monikers. So he can discuss the scandals behind the scenes, without naming names.

    Still, Ted always makes sure to give some clues in his answers about actual celebrities. For instance, notice how Ted doesn't know if Jake wants a "tot" of his own, yet he just knows he would make a phenomenal father. His reason for such a positive generalization: Jake's interaction with Reese kids? Now that's funny. I remember he and Deacon looked all kinds of awkward together in the few photos that were taken. Which actually over a two year period were very few. I find it funny too that Ted thinks others need to go out and find Jake a "new GF" for the baby-making to begin. He's making fun of how everyone has to introduce Jake to his "girlfriends." And, he's making fun of the idea that some people still think that it is the only way our Jakey-poo can have a child. This is gay humor people. Dripping with sarcasm and innuendo.

  8. Boy 10:01 aren't you in denial. Ted C just basically "notted" Jake as toothy. You all are losing credibility, since Ted C was your only source that Jake is Toothty. I read no sarcasm in Ted's comments about Jake being a terrific father.

    Lea S is Jake's current GF it appears after that model in NYC or the one that lives in San Fransico.

    You can not have it both ways when it comes to Ted C as your source. I think Ted C will eventually "not" Jake as Toothy and then where will you be? Don't be surprise if its today, will you then let go of this ridiculous homophobic obsession? Somehow I think not.

  9. That's really a stretch 10:01.

    I read the whole letter. There are NO secret anything in that letter. Please deal with it.

    It's still doesn't mean that Jake and Austin (did) have a relationship together.

    "not sure if Jakey's hoping for a tot of his own"
    means Jake does not have a child or children since, everyone knows that TT is supposed to be Jake.

    Guess what, Ted knows everyone blieves Jake is Toothy. It's just a way for Ted to end the story for which most of it he made up and embelished. "MOST of it"!

  10. Don't feed the troll... don't feed the troll...

  11. Darlin', I know who's in denial and it sure as heck, isn't me. One more time to make it as clear as can be. And then I'll let the troll wither away into obscurity:

    Of course, Ted is the only source that Jake is Toothy because it's his BV (shakes head). As a result, Ted will never "not" Jake as Toothy because of the obvious.

    Please don't try to push your paranoia JiS agenda onto longtime fans who have followed this story for seven years. Have no idea what you're talking about as having it both ways. Jake Gyllenhaal is the manufactured straight image for public consumption and Toothy Tile is the real man. Seems simple to me. Whenever Jake Gyllenhaal has a "GF", or the rumor of a GF that is for the fangirls. It's made up. Jake has been talking about wanting to have children and settling down for nearly a decade. Maybe you should start asking the question of yourself why a 31 year guy like Jake who values family and home still has not found "The One." And, start thinking about how unlikely that would be for a man of Jake's status, fame and sexiness.

  12. Hold on a second. Aren't you the one who's always given Jake a pass in the past when Ted has talked about TT's straying ways, saying something like boys will be boys? What's changed now, PrairieGirl?

  13. I've never said that. I've never gave him a pass.

    I've taken down my comments as I'm having second considerations.

  14. Disappointed in TedMarch 23, 2012 at 1:17 PM

    I believe Ted is now acting as an accomplice to keep Toothy and Goose in the closet for however long. Just my read on this BV. Ted has now written about Toothy since November 2010 with a similar kind of slutty allegation and now we are to believe that Toothy just recently did it again. Come on now. Once a cheater, always a cheater. So we are to believe that Jake is fooling around with a former co-worker in a posh Inn for all to see after 16 months of being a good boy. Don't buy it.

  15. Delicious! TT and GG are over!March 23, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    Blind Vice: Toothy Gets Slutty With Room Service!

    Do we have any Blind Vice couples with happy endings? Stealth Stud-Poof and his BF? Eh. Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream? Definitely not.

    So it was with naïve, battered hope we were all holding out for a Toothy Tile and Grey Goose's happy ending, right?

    Don't think we're getting it:

    Because even though put-upon Grey has looked the other way during Toothy's past indiscretions this latest one's a little harder to stomach.

    T2 had the nerve to not exactly discreetly hole up in a fancy hotel room recently with a coworker. From one of his movies, no less.

    It did not go unnoticed by the posh inn's even more posh clientele.

    This is a far cry from one of Toothy's back-alley pretty-boy quickies, and it's a situation Grey's finding it much harder to not let bug him.

    We say why try? Isn't enough enough?

    Come on, true love's one thing (especially when you have family together), but unending masochistic devotion's entirely another.

    Grey, stop pretending you're Saint Suck-Up and completely move on, already.

    AND IT AIN'T: Brandon Routh, Lenny Kravitz, Jon Hamm

  16. Ted is telling Goose to move on but he hasn'tMarch 23, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    Ted did not say that Toothy and Goose and over. Read the BV. It's just like the strippers and the alley BV. More of the same. I agree with Disappointed in Ted...because I am.

  17. The BV is ridiculous and uninformed. Ted clearly means when Jake was with Lea in Paris after the Berlin Film Festival but...Lea is not a recent/past co-worker's of Jake's (unless she also appears in EOW). Unless he put in that coworker bit (a false clue) to throw off people from thinking it's Jake.

  18. @1:45 it's not Lea. Whoever it is, it's not Lea.

  19. Ted is pulling yall strings.
    Please REALIZE this, will ya.

    First a post about wanting Jake to get a girlfriend and settle down and have children with her, then some lame BV about TT getting slutty and and GG being cheated on. Then suggesting GG to move on? What total bullshit and as soon as some stop letting Ted pull them by the ring in their noses the sooner you'll see it was a waste of years listening to Ted's bullshit. He's trying to let the loyal TT fans down easily.

    He has more invested in the Twilight Tweens which gets thousands of hits/post daily instead of dealing with middle age TT fans who are far and few.
    It's the demographics people, nothing personal. And besides, Ted embelished the TT story to the hills. The few here are the only ones who became totally engrossed in it and the small fanbase has dwindled.
    So he's letting them down easy.
    That's the Awful Truth!

  20. Ted is pulling yall strings.
    Please REALIZE this, will ya.

    First a post about wanting Jake to get a girlfriend and settle down and have children with her, then some lame BV about TT getting slutty and and GG being cheated on. Then suggesting GG to move on? What total bullshit and as soon as some stop letting Ted pull them by the ring in their noses the sooner you'll see it was a waste of years listening to Ted's bullshit. He's trying to let the loyal TT fans down easily.

    He has more invested in the Twilight Tweens which gets thousands of hits/post daily instead of dealing with middle age TT fans who are far and few.
    It's the demographics people, nothing personal. And besides, Ted embelished the TT story to the hills. The few here are the only ones who became totally engrossed in it and the small fanbase has dwindled.
    So he's letting them down easy.
    That's the Awful Truth!

  21. Sorry for the double post

  22. Lea Seydoux? LOL! Right. Always the JiS shipper, or is it PR telling us what we should be thinking about this BV. I have to say Ted looks like he's in bed with the guys now too. His last 3 Toothy BVs have all been about Toothy being promiscuous and unfaithful to Goose. Ain't buying it. Particularly, after that Sushi lunch photo op and Austin going to England and all the official events in Berlin.

  23. It did not go unnoticed by the posh inn's even more posh clientele.

    And, you would be an idiot. There are so many clues about Jake being with Austin it could fill a museum. You would love to shut down this blog, wouldn't you. First, WFT2, next OMG. Then Jake and Austin have free sailing with their lies. Not going to happen.

  24. So Jake has been a good boy for a year and a half and now suddenly goes to a public place for all to recognize him to hook up with a coworker from one of his movies. I wasn't born yesterday either. Jake is all about privacy. More so than would be normal for a regular celebrity. It's apparent that he's hiding something big. He would never risk such a thing, especially now that he just signed with WME and is supposedly up for another role. Try again Ted.

  25. I'm not buying this one from Ted today.

    So Jake hasn't been filming since last summer and we're supposed to believe that Ted just now is writing a BV about a co-worker (why doesn't he say co-star, btw?)??? Did Ted just now find out about the make-up guy?

    Ted is now trying to destroy the whole Toothy Tile/Grey Goose story and break them up. That way these 2 guys can continue to have their cake and eat it too, which is to have their careers and at the same time have their family.

    They used to have 2 blogs to worry about: WFT2 and OMG. WFT2 has been destroyed and who's left to expose these guys as to their shenanigans? Who's left who calls them out on their crap?


    Destroy OMG, it lets them have free range in a leash-free park.

  26. Confused about some postersMarch 23, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    Always the JiS shipper, or is it PR telling us what we should be thinking about this BV.

    ^ I believe Jake could be gay, but I think he's bi. Noones telling you what to think. But Ted has spoken. So now you don't believe him when he says something other than what you want him to say?

    You would love to shut down this blog, wouldn't you.

    ^ No. I like this blog. But who are you gonna believe now that Ted says Jake has no kids and he wants him to have kids with some gal, and he's suggesting the GG move on.
    Jake/TT, same difference, right?

    So now you continue to believe what you want because what you have heard does not set right?

    PG you can believe whatever you want. And I know you will because you have invested so much time in J/A family and children even though alot of things point to the direct opposite. Nobody's asking you to give up this idea you and some have, but it reminds me of the LOTR gay leading stars rumors that never panned out, and the Ben/Matt thing that never panned out. They all have loads of children and some are still waiting for them to say they are an item. There are a whole host of other male stars with the same type of fanbase and rumors. It does not mean that these men have not messed/fooled around with each other because it happens more than most want to believe. But most who are not totally gay and could be bi always seem to settle into hetro relationships. Females also.
    But if you want to wait on TT / GG ala Jake and Austin to come out with a family, I think you'll be waiting a long time and still be disappointed. Ted has kind of confirmed this. So now you don't believe the TT creator huh?
    What happpened?

  27. Well, sorry Jake and Austin. You will continue to have to worry about OMG.

    I mean, think about it. Who's left that regularly catches them on their nonsense? Who reveals those things they have tried to get away with?


    Who's the last obstacle blocking their way into their being able to continue their careers yet still stay in the closet and have their family?

    It's called having your cake and eating it, too.

    And how do you remove that obstacle?

    You put them on the outs.

    Funny though. Ted seems to have forgotten how he's done nothing but push Toothy & GG as still being so in love and in the family way.

  28. PG you can believe whatever you want.

    Your post is polite and it's fair.

    But I still don't know you and PG is my nickname from only those I'm familiar with or know who I'm talking to. Please take no offense, none is intended.

  29. I need to get off because I am at work. I don't have time for these guys' nonsense right now.

    But they need to know that this has done nothing but light a fire under me now.

  30. six surrogat children

    Troll can't count. I believe 4 or 5 kids have been discussed, never six. What's a surrogat? LOL.

  31. ♪♫♪Why you gotta be so mean?

    But all you are is mean

    And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean

    And all you're ever gonna be is mean

    Why you gotta be so mean? ♫♪

  32. I think the Jake and TT posts are both smokescreens. Ted wants the BV to go away.

  33. I agree they're smokescreens for the guys. I think he's doing this at the request of someone.

    I think the guys are the ones who want to continue to hide. And I tend to lean towards putting most of the blame on Grey Goose - Austin.

    I think it's Austin who wants to continue to be in the closet, not Jake. Reported by Ted in the earlier days, it was Grey Goose who convinced Jake that they could have what they wanted - have careers and have their family.

    I've said it once and I'll say it again. Austin is really the one who wears the pants in that family. Austin calls the shots. And what Austin wants and likes, Jake does for him. Where Austin wants to eat when he's home, it's to places that Austin is going to like. And when they vacation (for instance Tortuga Bay), it always involves water. Why? Because that is what Austin loves. Water.

    It is a charming and romantic trait the way Jake desires to please him even after 10 years of being together. It's Austin's apparent unwillingness to take a backseat that is really beginning to catch my attention.

    He seems like a very nice guy but I have a different idea when it comes to the closet.

  34. Needed to edit my comment. Migraines suck.

    Special K said...

    Hey monk.

    Yeah I think this is a smokescreen too. Along with alot of other people here on OMG who how aren't buying it either.

    And Ted know they AREN'T going to split. Not just because they are still together. If they split it would break the confidentiality of their marriage and essentially out what they have elaborately worked so hard to keep private.

  35. Hey, did anyone know that it was National Puppy Day?

    I cannot think of a better day for a #.

  36. Everyone has pretty much expressed many of my opinions on Ted's poorly named BV today. Smokescreen is right. Ted has always made it very clear that Toothy is a very private and smart guy. An absolute expert at being super secret and keeping his "relayshes" on the DL. Using terms like Überprivate and sleuthlike in his closeted ways. No way would Toothy go to a posh hotel and have guests witness his vicey behavior. Even if you believe the November 2010 BV of Toothy in a WeHo alley looking for a BJ (which I don't), that was within the gay community with its own code of silence.

    Now, we are to believe after a year of Ted stating that Toothy was on the super downlow and very domestic when it came to his love life, suddenly he risks everything by openly rendezvousing with someone in a hotel and doing it with a former cinematic coworker for all to see. I also find it ridiculous that Ted is recommending that Goose leave Toothy. What? When did Ted become an active participate in his favorite BV? And, why, after nearly 16 months of great behavior on Toothy's part, would Ted suddenly advise Goose to up and leave Toothy knowing that he would be breaking up a family so heartlessly. Moreover, he has called Goose, Toothy's "hubby" so he knows what the level of commitment is between these two.

    Neither Toothy nor Goose have beards right now so other means have to be used to try to insert some kind of story that might separate them. Who knows, maybe the distributors of EoW have been causing problems. Or, Jake has been having a hard time getting roles because neither he or Austin have a fake GF by their side.

  37. Also, as recently as February 16th, Ted indicated that nothing Vicey had been going on with Toothy and Goose. So whatever he's talking aboutnow would only have a very small window of opportunity to occur. Given that Jake and Austin were happily together in London and Berlin, the latter accompanying Jake to several of the high profile official events, the possibility that Jake is suddenly wanting to openly act out and run the risk of being caught is ludicrous. Particularly, when he is looking for work.

  38. I agree. All last year Ted hinted and discussed how domestic Toothy's love life and career had become. Basically, a homebody, who is a "great" dad. So even if he did slip up, it makes no sense that Ted would apply the scorched earth policy and tell Goose to break up their family and not try to work it out because they have offspring to consider. I know he loves Toothy, but this kind of "collaboration" is seedy and unbecoming of a columnist who wants to advance equal rights to the gay community.

  39. Confused about some posters said:. But most who are not totally gay and could be bi always seem to settle into hetro relationships. Females also.
    But if you want to wait on TT / GG ala Jake and Austin to come out with a family, I think you'll be waiting a long time and still be disappointed. Ted has kind of confirmed this. So now you don't believe the TT creator huh?
    What happpened?

    March 23, 2012 2:48 PM

    I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Jake or Austin to settle into a Hetero relatonship if I was you. Wouldn't be a good thing at all.

  40. It will be interesting to see where Ted goes with all this. We will know soon enough if he has been asked to kill of his Toothy and Goose BV or if he's up to something else. I thought it was odd as well that he was recommending that Goose break up the family because Toothy is out of control and will never change. I mean when has Ted cared about Vicey behavior. In fact, that's his bread and butter, isn't it? I know Ted has no kids, but even that didn't sit well with me. Something's up.

  41. I also would advice people not to hold their breath waiting for Ted to eliminate Jake as Toothy.

    Someone just memtioned to me that the only thing that could be possible if Ted is telling the truth is that all the BTs are Austins.

  42. Maybe all the family are Cowboy fans. Boooooooooooooooo

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Taurus and SagittariusMarch 23, 2012 at 10:40 PM

    Well, I feel badly for Austin. I really do. Their relationship seems to be a classic Taurus and Sagittarius mix. It's hard to tame a Sag, especially one who has had almost lifelong fame and people worshiping you. Austin seems very grounded, and he's stayed the course. I have not seen any real signs that Austin wears the pants in that relationship. The apron, maybe. The burp cloth. But not the pants. I think that is Jake.

    PS so sorry you get migraines, Special K. I FEEL YOUR PAIN. They suck.

  46. Ted did not say that Toothy and Goose were over, just that Goose is having a hard time dealing with the latest infidelity. As for privacy, I agree that Jake is usually private. But lust makes people do really stupid things. I just wonder who the other guy was. A co worker? Could be a non actor like a camera man, grip etc. Is his co star in end of days straight? Count me as one who believed the rumors about the guy that plays Superman. Tired and cant remember his name at the moment.

    Actually I find the the fact that he planted a Jake wishes Reese well and hopes to have his own kids story the same day just more proof that jake is toothy. Ted planted a cover story the same day he dropped the juicy story. And anyone saying he dated Taylor Swift is ludicrous. So obviously contrived and over in weeks. It does not even count as a relationship.

  47. While professionally Jake is the lead and Austin defers because Jake has the greater opportunities, at home it is very different. Austin wears the pants in their personal relationship, and doing so gives them a real balance as couple.

  48. M&M said, Also, as recently as February 16th, Ted indicated that nothing Vicey had been going on with Toothy and Goose.

    So in 17 days something happened that has prompted Ted to write and tell Goose to dump Toothy, and his marriage and his family and hit the road?

    Doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    Especially after each were flying out of Berlin on the February 19th.

  49. Looks like Jake signed up for Enemy according to Young Hollywood and various tweets.

  50. Hey, on vacation and can't get on blogger.

    Who knows if this is true, but Jake likes to take risks and has a vice history, so wouldn't surprise me. And things can change quickly, who knows could be someone from the Shoes video or someone he ran into back in NY. If true I feel bad for Austin, and if there is a kid, for them for having a father that would take risks like this but not the risk of being seen with them. _

  51. Ugh.
    With the news out yesterday that Jake has actually signed on to The Enemy, the timing of this brand new blind vice makes me suspect that THIS is the movie Ted is talking about, and that this infidelity may have been very, very recent. Perhaps a casting couch situation of sorts with a producer or casting agent. We know Jake has done this before, in 2006. Hell, MANY at the top have done it to get there, maybe everyone! CDAN has a blind yesterday that says Reese (top, obvious guess) serviced THREE people to get the Walk the Line role. When a role could be an Oscar contending role, and I think The Enemy is, it is really competitive. Reese was already "established" at that point with huge success from Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama. I don't think the casting couch, the favors, necessarily stop even after you reach a certain level of success. Hollywood is SO WEIRD.

    A sidethought. When Ted talks about infidelity in blinds, he is often breaking the news, like the put-upon spouse/partner doesn't even know about the infidelity yet. But in this one, Ted makes it clear that Grey knows about it, and is having trouble with it. Interesting. How, exactly, did Grey find out? Did Toothy tell him? Is their circle really that small? Not questions I am looking for answers for... just thoughts.

  52. not buying it eitherMarch 24, 2012 at 11:14 AM

    The letter to Ted this week that mentioned Toothy,Ted make it sounds like they are together and happy. Think Ted is confusing things on purpose.

  53. It’s hard to foretell where Ted is headed, but there is something “off” about this BV. I might not be suspicious if Ted had simply written about the salacious room service behavior of Toothy from an entertainment standpoint. That would have allowed him to tie the reveal in with the excesses (acting out) that occur from living in the closet too long. Or, of him having a casting couch encounter to get a part. Then Ted could have encouraged Toothy to see the light and stop listening to his publicist or the ten-percent crowd. Now, that sounds more like something Ted would do. But, for him, to use this isolated story as a reason to recommend that Goose leave Toothy for good and by doing so kill off his most popular couple on the Awful Truth is way, way fishy.

    Some might remember that last summer, Ted did a poll (“Which Vice Couple Needs to Let Their Rainbow Flag Fly?”) and Tooth and Goose scored an astounding 59.4%, with the anemic runner up hobbling in at a mere 18.7%. So why would he want the two of them to break up when his readers adore this pairing. Never mind the heartbreak of leaving Toothy alone without his main man-amigo who has been by his side for nearly ten years. He always said that Toothy loved Goose. So now we are to believe that he wants Toothy to be unhappy? Also, Goose just broke up with his beard so why would Toothy now want to fill his lust with a one night stand and Goose now all his?

    I believe Goose wants to disappear so the guys don’t have to work so hard to distract and deceive. Toothy can’t hide, he’s much too famous, but Goose can do so very easily. Ted always said that Goose has been grimacing all the way so being able to fly underneath the radar would be a welcomed change for a guy who never seemed that comfortable in the spotlight. The whole West- East Coast separation has to get to be a burdensome thing to pull off. The guys have a large family together and they probably want to spend as much time as possible away from prying eyes. If Ted can set the stage for a breakup, then they will be freer to maneuver and even be in the same city every once in a while.

    Frankly, I thought something like this might be in the works when Ted recently stated that BT lives with Tooth. He has never said that before. In fact, he always described them as Family Tile. And, written about Goose being Tooth’s husband. Now, he acts like GG has nothing to do with the “offspring” and should therefore just get on with his life. There may be other reasons for this BV, but as someone said we will just have to see how it plays out. Ted is helping them for some reason. Hope that’s a good sign.

  54. Very well written take, Jason. I've been waiting to hear your thoughts on it. When something comes out of nowhere or is just a real head scratcher, I have to force myself to think "why does this seem 'off' to me?"

    Jason, I know you only come on when you really have something to say, but if you are ever interested, I would love to hear more of your "history" with the Toothy story. If you want to, you could email Special at that "Email OMG" link and I would love to chat via email, if you think you could. If not, that's okay.

    I know people have privacy concerns. I'm a pretty safe person, I think. And everyone here can vouch for me!! lol. I love meeting new people and I just think you have some really insightful thoughts.

    Well, nothing like throwing stuff out there for the whole OMG world to see, lol. But...nothing ventured, nothing gained, is how I see it. After all, I never would've tasted M&M's potato salad or gotten to hug Tom or met Destiny's cats or sipped champagne with m & her hubby or talked to Seaweed, met Tink or laid out on Special's beautiful porch if I just kept to myself. That's just no fun. :)

  55. Wow, Bob Seger has expanded the availability of his catalog to ITunes. wow oh wow. Now, that man is a rocker.

    "If I Were a Carpenter". Never heard his version before but love it already.

    And one of my absolute all-time favorite songs EVER is "Ah Leah!" by Donnie Iris. It just lays me out. And that guy has a Christmas album out, I was just noticing. This kinda kills me.

    It's called "Ah! Leeluiah! (The Christmas Album). How clever. That alone just draws me in. But what a version of the Hallelujah Chorus. You just never know how someone's take on Christmas music is going to hit you. There is so much out there, it is endless. I love all the different kinds of holiday music. It was just really neat to find this. And the cover art is beautiful. I would buy the cd just to have that cover.
